Ecosystem Modeling in Cobscook Bay, Maine: A Boreal, Macrotidal Estuary
2004 Northeastern Naturalist 11 (Special Issue 2):1–12
Introduction to Ecosystem Modeling in
Cobscook Bay, Maine: A Boreal, Macrotidal Estuary
Abstract - Cobscook Bay, at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy, exhibits extraordinary
natural productivity and ecological richness that has been recognized for
millennia. The co-existence of so many remarkable ecological attributes is of
both practical and scientific interest and has intrigued researchers for over a
century. Nevertheless, the question of why this high productivity and species
richness should co-occur in this mid-latitude Bay has not been addressed on an
ecosystem level. A grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation through The
Nature Conservancy allowed an interdisciplinary, multi-institutional team of
marine scientists to investigate the physical, chemical, geological, and biological
dynamics of the Bay in an integrated ecosystem context. This special issue of
the Northeastern Naturalist presents the results of original field research on the
physical forcing functions at work in the Bay and the contributions of the
principal primary producers. This knowledge is combined with historical information
into an energy systems model and emergy analysis that describes the
flows of materials and energy through the system and allows comparisons with
other estuarine systems.
The extraordinary natural productivity and ecological richness of
Cobscook Bay, ME, have been widely acknowledged by academics
since the early days of North American marine science. In actuality,
the concentration of exploitable marine resources in the Cobscook
region was recognized several millennia earlier by Native Americans
who established summer fishing villages here as early as 10,000
years B.P. (Rolde 2004). The Passamaquoddy Tribe continues to live
on and fish these waters to the present day. Certainly, the rich fisheries
played a role in the unfortunate decision of the French entrepreneur,
Sieur de Mons, to initially locate his settlement on St. Croix
Island in the adjacent St. Croix River in 1604. Since that time there
have been several waves of exploitation of Cobscook Bay resources,
with related scientific research, involving fisheries, lumber, tidal
power potential, port development, and aquaculture. The confluence
of these resource potentials, together with many notable biological
*Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, PO Box 475, West Boothbay Harbor,
ME 04575;
2 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
features, are remarkable on a world-wide scale. The co-existence of
these many unusual characteristics must be the product of the functioning
of the Cobscook Bay ecosystem. Still, four hundred years
after the first European settlement, we can still ask the question
“Why does the mid-latitude Cobscook Bay exhibit such a high productivity
and species richness?” After all, one popular hypothesis
that we learned in school is that species diversity declines from the
tropics towards the poles (see for example Krebs 2001).
This special volume describes the state of our knowledge of the
structure and functioning of the Cobscook Bay marine/estuarine ecosystem.
Its provenance was a long-standing general interest in this
rich coastal embayment and the specific research interests of the
issue authors and The Nature Conservancy. A common denominator
was the desire to explain the co-occurrence of so many unique
ecological features. The senior authors are cumulatively responsible
for a large proportion of the research done in Cobscook Bay over the
last three decades. Their research activities have been related to tidal
power and oil refinery proposals, aquaculture, natural fin and shell
fisheries, climate change, oceanography and hydrography, nutrient
chemistry, biodiversity, and toxic contamination among other
allied subjects.
The opportunity to assemble this interdisciplinary, multi-institutional
team of marine scientists resulted from a successful grant
application to The Nature Conservancy’s Ecosystem Research Program
which was supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
The project, entitled “Developing an Ecological Model of a Boreal
Macrotidal Estuary: Cobscook Bay, Maine,” was instigated to investigate
the ecosystem dynamics of Cobscook Bay, Maine. Cobscook
Bay is a hydrographically and geologically complex estuary where
very high levels of biodiversity and productivity co-exist (Brooks
2004, Kelley and Kelley 2004, Larsen 2004). Past and present human
impacts are largely limited to activities related to living resource
harvesting. Cobscook Bay is, therefore, probably in as close to a
natural state as any large estuary on the east coast of the United
States. This condition, combined with the well-defined physical features
and forcing functions, makes Cobscook Bay the ideal focus for
system ecosystem research directed at understanding our vital and
valuable boreal estuaries and embayments. The overall goals of this
research effort were: to identify the forcing functions that initially
produced, and now maintain, this unusual co-occurrence of diversity
and productivity; to quantify the pathways and rates of movement of
energy and materials through the system; and to define the limits or
carrying capacity of the various system components. The overarching
2004 P.F. Larsen 3
goal was to provide a sound and accessible information base to insure
the continued integrity of the system. Emphasis in this two-year investigation
was on primary productivity and factors regulating it.
The Present Setting
Cobscook Bay is located in the Quoddy region which is generally
described as that region at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy between
Cutler, ME, and Point Lepreau, NB, and from Grand Manan Island to
the head of tide on the St. Croix River and other minor tributaries.
Included are Cobscook and Passamaquoddy Bays, Campobello Island,
the Deer Island archipelago, and many smaller islands. Some confusion
between Cobscook and Passamaquoddy Bays exists in public perception;
these are distinct although interconnected bays with similar climatic,
geologic, and tidal settings. There are contrasts that must be
recognized, however, so that generalities about one bay are not inappropriately
applied to the other. Some of the relative differences are presented
qualitatively in Table 1.
Cobscook Bay is characterized by a narrow opening to the sea and a
very convoluted shoreline (Fig. 1). High tide surface area is approximately
110 km2 with 325 linear kilometers of shoreline. The Bay has an
average depth of about 10 m and at the deepest point is 45 m. Turbidity
is low. Sunlight can reach the bottom everywhere in the Bay. Water
temperatures are in the boreal range of about 0–12 oC (Forgeron 1959).
Freshwater input from the modest, sparsely populated 1000 km2 watershed
is small. Salinities are generally marine (> 30 ppt) throughout the
Bay except at the heads of the very inner arms. Contaminant loads are
low (Chase et al. 2001). The climate shows both continental and marine
elements (Hertzman 1992).
One of the outstanding features of Cobscook Bay is the large tidal
range. The mean tide at Eastport is 5.7 meters. The geometry of the Bay
enhances the tidal wave toward the inner Bay and causes a phase delay
of over one hour. Extreme spring tides are 7.6 meters at Eastport. This
large tidal range is the result of the near resonance of the semidiurnal
Table 1. Qualitative comparisons of some relative differences between Cobscook and
Passamaquoddy Bays.
Cobscook Bay Passamaquoddy Bay
Size Smaller Larger
Average depth Shallow (10m) Deep (25m)
Shoreline/area ratio Large Small
Intertidal area/total area ratio Large Small
Tidal prism Large Small
4 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
tide of the North Atlantic Ocean with the Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy
basin (Greenberg 1979). The dominant astronomical constituent controlling
the tidal range in this region is the phase of the moon (Trites and
Garrett 1983). This means that the most extreme low tides occur in the
early morning and late afternoon.
The interaction of the large tidal range with the structural geology
of Cobscook Bay results in a very large intertidal zone. Indeed, approximately
one-third of the area of Bay is exposed to the atmosphere
at low tide and another significant portion remains covered by only
very shallow water. In many places, the intertidal zone is a kilometer
or more in width.
More information on the Cobscook Bay and Quoddy region is contained
in the recent bibliography of Larsen and Webb (1997).
Figure 1. Map of Cobscook Bay, ME, with principal place names indicated.
2004 P.F. Larsen 5
Brief History Of Scientific Research
Observations on the fauna and flora of the Quoddy region began very
early. If we discount the general observations made by Champlain and
his companions on St. Croix Island in 1604, the first scientific accounts
are probably those of Mighels (1843) and Stimpson (1851a,b). These
were quickly followed by the classic account of the invertebrates of the
Quoddy region (Stimpson 1853). Less than two decades later, intensive
and extensive government supported research began in response to a
marked decline in fisheries landings in several regions of the US coast.
The US Congress, in 1871, directed the President to appoint a Commissioner
of Fish and Fisheries to investigate the causes of the decline. The
Commissioner, S.F. Baird, who was to serve without salary, immediately
set up headquarters in Woods Hole and assembled a team of
leading US scientists. The importance of the fisheries in the Quoddy
region, and the seriousness with which the sudden decline was perceived,
is evidenced by the fact that in 1872, they chose Eastport as the
headquarters from which to prosecute their second year of inquiries.
This effort marks the first concerted US scientific investigation in the
Cobscook area. It firmly established the species richness of the region
and resulted in the description of many species new to science. Further
detail is presented in Larsen (2004).
Similar responses to the fishery crisis occurred in Passamaquoddy
Bay across the international border and led to a heightened interest in
the Quoddy region. This resulted in the establishment of the Biological
Station at St. Andrews, NB, at the turn of the 20th century, first as
a field station and then as a year-around laboratory. For over 100
years, St. Andrews, through the Biological Station and, since 1969,
the Huntsman Marine Science Centre, has been the mecca for research
on the Quoddy region. More information and references can
be found in Thomas (1983). With no corresponding focus in the
United States, research on the Quoddy region has been weighted
towards Passamaquoddy Bay. Indeed, of the 629 references in the
Quoddy bibliography by Larsen and Webb (1997), less than 100 relate
specifically to Cobscook Bay. Although we are fully aware that
ecosystem functions do not recognize national borders, we have emphasized
US contributions in these pages in order to supplement existing
material while reducing redundancy.
The 1872 investigations determined that the damming of rivers
and streams by the timber industry was the cause of the mid-19th
century fisheries collapse in the Quoddy region. The dams blocked
anadromous fish migration and spawning and removed the major
food source of the cod populations. Clearly, ecosystem level re6
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
sponses to human disturbance have a long history in Cobscook Bay.
Analysis of subsequent research in Cobscook Bay reveals that a significant
majority was stimulated by proposals for large scale engineering
projects and their perceived threats to the valuable marine
resources (Larsen and Webb 1997). Indeed, second only to documents
on fisheries and invertebrates, many of which are related to
impact analysis, applied documents related to proposed tidal power,
oil facilities, and aquaculture are most numerous.
Interest in harnessing the power of the large Fundy tides in the
Quoddy region began early in the 20th century. Interest in tidal power
has waxed and waned for nearly 100 years, as has related physical
and biological research. The first papers appeared in the mid-1930s
followed by a burst of research activity in the 1950s and early 1960s,
when interest in the international Passamaquoddy tidal power project
was renewed. It is interesting to note that construction on a single
pool tidal power scheme in Cobscook Bay was actually begun in
1935. Before construction ceased, three causeways were built. Two
of these produced a land bridge between the mainland and Moose
Island (Eastport) and had the effect of closing two passages between
Cobscook and Passamaquoddy Bays. From the late 1970s through the
mid-1980s, two tidal power proposals stimulated the highest level of
research ever to occur in the northern Gulf of Maine. The first was a
small demonstration project by the Passamaquoddy Tribe. This was
proposed for Bar Harbor in the northeast corner of Cobscook Bay
(Fig. 1). Several questions regarding fisheries, shorebirds, eagles,
marine mammals, and local impacts were raised and addressed. Ironically,
Bar Harbor only obtained a suitable configuration for tidal
power production because of the abortive construction of the
Cobscook Bay tidal power project in 1935. The second salient proposal
was for massive tidal barrages at the head of the Bay of Fundy.
Because this project would have altered the tides throughout the Gulf
of Maine, and thereby conceivably affected everything from climate
to biodiversity, scientific thought and analysis was very much elevated
to the systems level. Much of the research done at this time is
especially relevant to our present efforts.
A proposal for a deep-water oil port and refinery on Shackford Head
in Cobscook Bay in the 1970s was also a major stimulus for activity.
The controversy generated by the suggestion that the world’s largest oil
tankers could safely navigate the narrow rocky, current-swept channels
in the foggiest place on the East Coast led to a series of regulatory and
judicial proceedings. Environmental issues included tanker safety, oil
spill behavior, endangered species, fisheries, and the rich natural state
of Cobscook Bay. Ultimately, it was the latter that was most influential
2004 P.F. Larsen 7
in convincing the Carter administration to intervene on the behalf of the
environment (T.K. Bick, Tighe Patton Armstrong Teasdale, Washington,
DC, pers. comm.). At each stage, proposal proponents, government
regulators, and environmental groups presented new data, reanalyzed
existing data, and brought in additional experts, with the result that a
wealth of information was accumulated and became generally available.
Ultimately, the refinery was not built.
The latest large-scale development in the waters of Cobscook Bay is
salmon aquaculture. The water temperature moderation and flushing
provided by the large tides make Cobscook Bay an attractive site for
pen-growing cold-water fish. Questions related to the disposition of
excess feed and fish wastes have been addressed by research and monitoring
from the 1990s to the present.
Thus, to date, research in Cobscook Bay has been driven largely by
development or proposals for large-scale projects. In each case, the
underlying concern has been for the living marine resources. We have
used the existing data extensively and couldn’t have achieved our goals
without them. Specific references to past research are cited in our
individual contributions, as appropriate, and are compiled in Larsen and
Webb (1997).
Conceptual Model Development
An ecosystem is a semi-discrete unit of nature containing both abiotic
and biotic components. For example, an aquarium is a simple
ecosystem. It is confined by glass walls, contains abiotic components
(gravel, water, and dissolved gases) and biotic components (plants, fish,
and organic molecules). It is part of, and dependent upon, a larger
system. In this case, light, heat, and food are imported from the larger
system, are transformed by physical, chemical, and biological processes
within the aquarium, and wastes are exported back to the larger system
through cleaning. If imports and exports are balanced with internal
processes, a healthy ecosystem is maintained.
An ecosystem model attempts to describe and explain the functioning
of an ecosystem, usually through the movement and transformation
of energy or material in the system. An ecosystem can be presented as a
simple pictorial of ecosystem components with arrows indicating directions
of flows in a network fashion. More sophisticated models, as in the
energy systems model presented here, use energy circuit language to
link the structural and functional components, with lines representing
equations describing the rates of flows between the components, and use
symbols to represent the role of the components in controlling the flows
(see Odum 1994 for detailed discussion).
8 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
The construction of a meaningful ecosystem model begins with the
collection and assimilation of all the information available on the
system in question. The collection of data was initiated with funding
from The Nature Conservatory for the production of an annotated
bibliography of environmental research in the Quoddy region (Larsen
and Webb 1997). Next, a multi-disciplinary scientific team was assembled
that evaluated existing information in light of their own experience
and intuition on the Cobscook Bay ecosystem. This stage was
significantly enhanced through public workshops in the Cobscook region
as well as by individual discussions with local residents and
former Cobscook researchers.
Finally, a conceptual model was constructed (Fig. 2). This model
is an initial representation of the common components of the ecosystem
and the processes at work. It is used to prioritize and plan the
research program. The flow is from left to right. From the left enter
watershed contributions and solar radiation. Nutrients pass through a
storage component and flow to four identified classes of primary
producers represented by bullet-shaped symbols. Energy and materials
continue to flow through primary and secondary consumers represented
by hexagons, and a detrital storage component. Interactions
with the sea cross the right-hand boundary as two general processes:
a tidally driven exchange of nutrients and passive biological components,
and an active movement epitomized by migrations of fish and
Figure 2. The initial conceptual model of the Cobscook Bay Estuarine Ecosystem
expressed as an Energy Systems Language diagram (see Odum 1994).
2004 P.F. Larsen 9
birds. Each of these components and pathways is a generalization of
much more complex interactions. The model was continuously updated
as knowledge was upgraded and processes and interactions
were quantified.
Resource limitations prevented the team from evaluating each ecosystem
component thoroughly. Good information existed, or could be
reasonably inferred, on watershed contributions and solar radiation.
Within the Bay, the best information was available on finfisheries,
shellfisheries, and birds. It was, therefore, decided to emphasize the
lower ecosystem elements that were understood least well. These included
tidal exchange, principally of nutrients, and the primary producers
grouped as phytoplankton, benthic microphytes, macroalgae, and
eelgrass. These are the components that set the upper boundary of the
ultimate productivity of the Bay.
Issue Contents
This special issue of the Northeastern Naturalist is organized as a
series of papers roughly grouped along disciplinary lines. Each of
these papers is self-contained in that each contains relevant background
material and presents the results of specific scientific investigations.
Individually, and as a group, they make significant contributions
to the information needs of Cobscook Bay, the US side of the
Quoddy region and an area not well documented or considered adequately
by previous efforts (Thomas 1983). In total, however, the
papers are much bigger than the sum of their parts. This is because
each feeds into the energy systems model, and subsequent emergy
analysis, to quantitatively address, for the first time, the question:
“Why does the mid-latitude Cobscook Bay exhibit such a high productivity
and species richness?”
The majority of the papers in this volume involve research that
was designed and funded to fill specific compartments of the systems
model. These begin with Eastport native David Brooks’ hydrodynamic
modeling of the tidal circulation within Cobscook Bay and
water exchange with outside water bodies. Building on this effort,
Chris and Jean Garside modeled the distribution of nutrients, principally
nitrogen, within the Bay and calculated the relative importance
of various nutrient sources to the Bay’s ecosystem. David Phinney,
Charles Yentsch, and Douglas Phinney researched the productivity of
single celled plants consisting of the free-floating phytoplankton and
the microphytes that live attached to the bottom substrates. Part of
their investigation involved the determination of seasonal patterns of
production and the influence of light and nutrients on productivity.
10 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
Robert Vadas, Brian Beal, and their colleagues comprehensively investigated
the production of macrophytes, i.e. large plants, including
rockweed, kelp, red and green algae, and eelgrass. Their results are
presented as a series of four papers. The determination of habitat
areas, needed to extrapolate the results of the productivity studies to
the entire Bay, was accomplished by Peter Larsen and his colleagues
by the use of satellite imagery.
Several colleagues, supported by separate sources, contributed research
results to the issue. These contributions fill important data
gaps and help give a complete picture of the present knowledge of
Cobscook Bay. Peter Larsen offers a brief historical review of the
environmental setting and biodiversity of the Bay. Joseph and Alice
Kelley provide the geological context of the Bay, both in terms of the
underlying framework and the dynamics of the sediments that presently
floor the Bay. John Sowles and Laurice Churchill present information
on the important salmon aquaculture industry and consider its
implications to the Bay’s nutrient budget. Results from the only
known quantitative survey of the animals living in the bottom of the
Bay are presented by Peter Larsen and Edward Gilfillan. Two papers
by Thomas Trott also deal with the Bay’s fauna. The first is a comprehensive
taxonomic list of all the invertebrates recorded in
Cobscook Bay since the 19th century, and the second is a provocative
consideration of recent possible faunal changes.
The unifying feature of this issue is the construction of an improved
energy systems model and emergy analysis of Cobscook Bay by Daniel
Campbell. Dan assimilated all the information in the above papers, and
in multitudinous other documents, to calculate the rates and pathways of
energy and materials through the Cobscook Bay ecosystem. By converting
all the properties of the ecosystem to common units, Dan is able to
address the defining question of this issue.
A final paper is provided that summarizes the major points of each
contribution and their integration into the energy systems model and
emergy analysis. Many of the more poorly understood elements of the
ecosystem are identified, and some suggestions for future research priorities
are suggested.
This work was conducted as part of a research program. “Developing an
Ecological Model of a Boreal, Macrotidal Estuary: Cobscook Bay, Maine,”
funded by a grant from the A.W. Mellon Foundation to The Nature Conservancy,
with matching funds and services provided by Bigelow Laboratory for
Ocean Sciences, University of Maine at Orono and Machias, Texas A&M
University, US Fish and Wildlife Service Gulf of Maine Program, Suffolk
2004 P.F. Larsen 11
University (Friedman Field Station), Maine Department of Marine Resources,
and The Nature Conservancy.
Literature Cited
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P.G. Wells, C. Krahforst, K. Coombs, R. Crawford, J. Pederson, and D.
Taylor. 2001. Gulfwatch: Monitoring spatial and temporal patterns of trace
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12 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
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