Ecosystem Modeling in Cobscook Bay, Maine: A Boreal, Macrotidal Estuary
2004 Northeastern Naturalist 11( Special Issue 2):13–22
Notes on the Environmental Setting and Biodiversity of
Cobscook Bay, Maine: A Boreal, Macrotidal Estuary
Abstract - Cobscook Bay, a boreal, macrotidal estuary in the northeastern Gulf
of Maine, is noted for its species richness. The Bay area is biogeographically
complex due to present temperature regimes as well as historical, climatological,
and physiographic changes since the last glaciation. Early investigators
recognized the resulting zoological richness, and a significant portion of the
collection and taxonomic description of North American marine fauna was
centered in the northern Gulf of Maine. A compilation of the results of 19th- and
20th-century research leads to the conclusion that the Cobscook region contains
the highest level of marine invertebrate biodiversity in eastern North America
north of the tropics. In addition, Cobscook Bay is characterized by noteworthy
biological attributes such as the intertidal occurrence of many normally subtidal
species and the manifestation of giantism in several populations. These phenomena
are summarized briefly as a prelude to a major ecosystem modeling effort.
The utilization of marine resources in the Cobscook Bay region has a
long history (Larsen 2004). The earliest scientific investigators quickly
recognized the biological richness of the area and qualitatively documented
its biodiversity, especially in terms of marine invertebrates. For
the past century and a half, the high biodiversity observed in Cobscook
Bay has been accepted as a given. Little effort has been expended on
quantitative documentation of the biodiversity. Indeed, to date no quantitative
studies of the benthic fauna of Cobscook Bay have been published.
Likewise, there has been no comprehensive effort to explain why
this level of biodiversity should exist in Cobscook Bay. Certainly,
qualitative confirmations of diversity levels have been produced, and
scattered, or anecdotal, partial explanations of the ecological forces at
work have been forwarded. These are intriguing and certainly contribute
to our understanding of Cobscook Bay ecology, but they are not integrated
with the larger forces at work.
The present interdisciplinary, multi-institutional effort to produce an
energy systems model of the Cobscook Bay ecosystem addresses the
question of why this mid-latitude bay should exhibit such high productivity
and species richness. In light of this effort, it seems appropriate to
*Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, PO Box 475, West Boothbay Harbor,
ME 04575;
14 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
review, briefly, the most salient past research, observations, and ideas
on Cobscook Bay and the eastern Gulf of Maine in order to provide
some historical, environmental, and ecological context for the papers
presented in this special issue of the Northeastern Naturalist.
Brief Environmental History
The Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy system is a semi-enclosed, continental,
macrotidal sea (Fig. 1) strongly influenced by a climate with
both continental and marine elements (Hertzman 1992). Its complex
topography and hydrography, in combination with a recent and rapid
geological evolution, have created a highly productive, ecologically
Figure 1. The Gulf of Maine, a semi-enclosed, eastward facing continental sea.
Box indicates the Quoddy region. (After Brooks et al. 1999).
2004 P.F. Larsen 15
diverse system. This situation is expressed most intensely in and around
Cobscook Bay at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy.
Over the last several thousand years, major changes have occurred in
both sea level and tidal range. The region was overlain by glaciers perhaps
as many as five times (Knott and Hoskins 1968). Much of the Gulf’s
surficial geological character results from the last glaciation and the
erosional processes and alterations of relative sea level that followed (see
Kelley 1987, Shipp et al. 1991). Relative sea level changes since the last
glaciation have been large and rapid (Belknap et al. 1987), which has had
significant influence on the marine and terrestrial climates (Campbell
1986). The present distribution of shallow water invertebrates, as reflected
by summer surface water temperatures, is described in Figure 2 (Bousfield
Figure 3. The Gulf of Maine at about 11,000 years B.P. illustrating the restricted
connection with the Atlantic Ocean (Courtesy of J. Shaw, Bedford Institute of
Figure 2. The present-day Canadian
Atlantic and northern
New England coastal regions
showing summer surface water
temperatures. Blue =
< 12 oC, Green = 12–15 oC,
Yellow = 15–18 oC, and Red
= > 18 oC. (After Bousfield
and Thomas 1975).
16 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
and Thomas 1975). The most noteworthy feature for our purposes is the
summer, cold-water pocket at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy. The
historical, climatological, and physiographic changes that occurred since
the last glaciation and resulted in the present-day distribution of fauna are
described by Bousfield and Thomas (1975) and Campbell (1986). Very
briefly and simply, the biological system responded to the geological and
oceanographic evolution as follows. Relative sea-level was significantly
lower than at present as the ice began to retreat about 15,000 years B.P.
Seawater would have been stratified at that time because of glacial melt
and summer warming, resulting in a boreal, as opposed to subarctic, fauna
in our region. Through the next several millennia, the emergent Georges
and Browns Banks limited exchange of water, materials and energy
between the Gulf and the open Atlantic Ocean (Fig. 3). By 11,000 years
B.P., the Gulf is clearly a large lagoon (Fig. 3). Further warming and rising
sea levels through 9500 years B.P. allowed the spread of warm water fauna
into the region as suitable habitats opened up. As the climate continued to
warm, the Gulf became more estuarine in nature (Campbell 1986). By
7000 years B.P., the climate was warmer than at present and sea level was
rising rapidly, but the tidal range was still small allowing for surficial
warm summer conditions and the spread of warm-water fauna throughout
the area. Relative sea-level continued to rise as a consequence of crustal
rebound until the cross-sectional area between the Atlantic Ocean and the
Gulf of Maine was sufficient for the development of a tide within the Gulf
(Grant 1970) at about 4000 years B.P. (Scott and Greenberg 1983). The
tidal range continued to increase over time (Scott and Greenberg 1983),
and thermal stratification of the water column was broken down, especially
near the mouth of the Bay of Fundy (Yentsch and Garfield 1981).
The result of the extreme tidal mixing is relatively cold water temperatures
in summer and relatively mild water temperatures in winter that has
allowed the reintroduction of subarctic species. Presently, 15–20% of the
invertebrate species found at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy are considered
sub-arctic in affinity (Bousfield and Thomas 1975). At present in the
Cobscook region, cold water species find suitable water temperatures for
reproduction in the winter and early spring, while warmer water species
may reproduce in the summer. Continued rising sea level, with a concomitant
increase in tidal range and tidal mixing (Greenberg 2001), is increasingly
restricting the distribution and reproductive abilities of warm water
species (see below). The Cobscook region may be experiencing more rapid
coastal submergence and, hence, rising relative sea level than other parts of
the Gulf of Maine (Anderson and Borns 1989).
The eastern Gulf of Maine and Cobscook region is thus zoogeographically
complex due to present temperature regimes as well as
historical, climatological, and physiographic changes since the last glaciation.
Present-day tidal mixing stabilizes the environment of the
2004 P.F. Larsen 17
Cobscook Bay region by greatly narrowing the annual variations in
water temperature and salinity relative to other regions of the east coast
of North America. The system is dynamic, and continuing physiographic
evolution will have on-going influence on the nature of the
biological system.
Some Noteworthy Biological Attributes
Perhaps the most noteworthy biological feature of the Cobscook
region is the high level of biodiversity. This feature was noted and
documented, especially concerning the invertebrates, very early as a
result of the investigations of the US Fishery Commission. The noted
naturalist, A.E. Verrill, a Maine native and the first Professor of Zoology
at Yale University, wrote in 1871: “The number and variety of
marine animals that can be collected at low water within a few minutes
walk of Eastport is really surprising to persons accustomed to collecting
on other parts of the coast. Even under and among the lofty wharves a
very respectable collection may be made, including at least 200 species,
and representing nearly all the classes.”
Further early evidence comes from H.E. Webster and his colleagues
who, in the 1870s and 1880s, dedicated their efforts to describing the
annelid worms of the east coast of the United States. These worms
usually dominate benthic communities in terms of numbers of species
and individuals. The Eastport area proved to be the most diverse area
even though less time was spent collecting here than in the other regions.
In just six weeks, Webster and Benedict (1887) found more
annelid families, genera, species, and species new to science than were
found in Virginia, New Jersey, and the Woods Hole region (Table 1).
More recently, compilations of invertebrate species lists by Larsen
and Doggett (unpublished), Linkletter et al. (1977), MacKay (1978),
Trott (2004), and others indicate that roughly 1500 benthic species may
occur in Passamaquoddy and Cobscook Bays, an area of only about 350
km2. One note of special interest is the fact that more polychaete species
have been found in Cobscook Bay than have been recorded for the entire
coast of Maine (Trott and Larsen 2003). The biodiversity is not distributed
evenly across this region, but is concentrated in Cobscook Bay and
Table 1. The number of annelid families, genera, and species found along the US east
coast. Numbers of genera and species new to science are in parentheses. Derived from
Webster and Benedict (1887).
Locale Families Genera Species
Virginia 23 49 (4) 59 (22)
New Jersey 23 50 (2) 57 (14)
Cape Cod 25 70 (3) 90 (16)
Eastport 29 89 (7) 111 (26)
18 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
in the area of Head Harbor Passage between Deer and Campobello
Islands (Fig. 4) (G. Pohle and A. MacKay, pers. comm.). It is through
Head Harbor Passage that most of the tidal exchange between Cobscook
Bay and the Bay of Fundy occurs (Brooks et al. 1999), and the areas
share similar physical characteristics including strong tidal currents,
extreme vertical mixing, and a high incidence of fog. The number of
species found in this limited region is nearly twice the number of species
found in all of Chesapeake Bay (M. Wass, pers. comm.). Indeed, one
may be able to make the case that, in terms of benthic invertebrates,
Cobscook Bay and Head Harbor Passage are the most species rich areas
in the western North Atlantic north of the tropics.
Other evidence adds insight about the species richness of the region.
Bousfield (pers. comm., 9/28/79) believes that, within the Gulf of Maine
region, about 100 macroinvertebrate species are regionally unique to the
Head Harbour Passage
Figure 4. Map of Cobscook Bay with principal place names indicated.
2004 P.F. Larsen 19
mouth of the Bay of Fundy and Cobscook Bay. These populations are
disjunct from their main population centers to the north or south or are
even amphi-Atlantic species with their North American population centers
at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy, such as the amphipod Corophium
volutator Pallas. This is, indeed, a high figure, but considering the high
total number of species found, the fact that only 100 species are unique
supports the conclusion that the species richness is high because so
many widely distributed species populate the area, rather than because it
is a pocket of endemism.
Eastern Maine and the Cobscook region are also notable because
normally subtidal species can be found living intertidally. This phenomenon
was also noted very early (Fuller 1862a,b; Stimpson 1851).
Bousfield and Laubitz (1972) mention 15 such species and data of
Larsen and Doggett (unpublished) show that 98 species can be found in
the intertidal east of Mt. Desert Island, ME, most notably in Cobscook
Bay, that are only found subtidally elsewhere. The significance of some
of these occurrences has been formalized as part of Maine’s Critical
Areas Program (Reports available from the Maine State Planning Office,
Augusta). Two theories to explain this phenomenon have been put
forward. Both probably have validity. The first is that extreme spring
low tides in this region of the world occur in the early morning and late
afternoon. This is because the dominant astronomical tidal constituent is
the phase of the moon (Trites and Garrett 1983) and has the result that
the lowest intertidal levels are not exposed to the noonday sun. Secondly,
the extreme tidal mixing characteristic of Cobscook Bay insures
cool summer water temperatures. The contrasting summer air and water
temperatures produces heavy fog that insulates the intertidal organisms
from the desiccating effects of the summer sun. Eastport experiences
fog on 40% of July days which is three times the level of Portland, ME,
300 km to the southwest. Naturally, the larger the air and water temperature
differential, the greater the probability of fog developing and,
hence, we can expect fog on the warmest days that would be most
detrimental to the survival of intertidal organisms.
Another noteworthy feature observed at the mouth of the Bay of
Fundy and in Cobscook Bay is the manifestation of giantism, often called
gigantism, in several invertebrate species, i.e. these species attain an
unusually large size. Among these species are starfish, brittlestars, tunicates,
and sea urchins (N. Meinkoth, Swarthmore College, pers. comm.).
The best known example is the common periwinkle, Littorina littorea L.,
that is heavily harvested in Cobscook Bay because its unusually large
size, 2–3 times normal, makes it more marketable. Hypotheses as to why
certain populations of a species grow to abnormally large size include
slower growth to maturity because of low temperatures, good feeding
conditions, poor feeding conditions, latitudinal genetic differentiation,
20 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
and parasitism. Whereas the latter can be discounted (C. Schaeffer,
University of Connecticut, pers. comm.), the cause of the giantism in so
many species in such a limited area has not been researched. It seems
likely that populations living at the subnormal temperatures of Cobscook
Bay require a longer than normal time to reach sexual maturity (Kinne
1970), while somatic growth continues in the food rich environment.
The coexistence of these several phenomena, i.e., extremely high
biodiversity, the southernmost availability of many boreal and subarctic
species, intertidal accessibility to normally subtidal species, and the
existence of especially large specimens has attracted many collectors to
the area who seek an efficient, inexpensive way to supply museum and
university collections. A full 44% of the Maine specimens in the Gray
Museum of the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, were
collected in Cobscook Bay (Larsen and Doggett, unpublished). These
same phenomena, together with the fisheries resources and concentration
of endangered marine mammals, were instrumental in the decision
of the Carter administration to contest the licensing of the proposed oil
terminal and refinery in Cobscook Bay in the late 1970s (T.K. Bick,
Tighe Patton Armstrong Teasdale, Washington, DC, pers. comm.).
Present conditions in the eastern Gulf of Maine and the Cobscook
region are a function of geological history and present-day hydrographic
conditions. The extreme tidal mixing stabilizes the environment of
Cobscook Bay by greatly narrowing the annual variations in water
temperature and salinity relative to other regions of the east coast of
North America. The timing of low tides and the high incidence of fog
further ameliorates the normally harsh conditions found in the intertidal
zone. The biological community has responded to the physical conditions
with a convergence of high biodiversity and other unusual ecological
conditions and phenomena that are not reproduced elsewhere.
The writing of even a short historical overview of this type makes one reflect
on the influences that shaped the moment. It allows me to acknowledge my
gratefulness to some of the people who over the years, knowingly and perhaps
unknowingly, provided the knowledge, inspiration, and encouragement to pursue
a comprehension of the zoogeography, ecological functioning, and historical
ecology of the Gulf of Maine. With the perspective of time, I wish to thank
John S. Rankin, Jr., Spencer Apollonio, Marvin Wass, Charlie Yentsch, Ed
Bousfield, Howard Sanders, Wim Wolff, Jack Pearce, Stewart Fefer, Erik
Rasmussen, Jørgen Hylleberg, Graham Daborn, Dave Greenberg, and several
other US, Canadian, and European colleagues. A collective thanks is due to the
enthusiastic participants in the New England Estuarine Research Society and the
2004 P.F. Larsen 21
Fundy Environmental Studies Committee. My co-authors in this special issue,
and many individuals cited in the bibliographies, have been active collaborators
for upwards of three decades. Finally, my colleagues and former colleagues at
the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences and the Maine Department of
Marine Resources have provided a fertile atmosphere and tangible support for
investigating all questions concerning the Gulf of Maine.
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