Ecosystem Modeling in Cobscook Bay, Maine: A Boreal, Macrotidal Estuary
2004 Northeastern Naturalist 11(Special Issue 2):197–224
Annual Aboveground Biomass and Productivity
Estimates for Intertidal Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in
Cobscook Bay, Maine
Abstract - We estimated the aboveground productivity of eelgrass, Zostera
marina, in Cobscook Bay at three soft-bottom lower intertidal locations during
1995–1996. Approximately 30 plants were tagged bi-weekly or monthly at two
sites where we used a completely randomized block design to assess spatial
variability in leaf initiation and elongation rates. The data showed strong seasonal
patterns with highest rates from June–September and lowest rates from
November–April. At one site, Bell Farm, plants were tagged at two discrete
tidal levels (intertidal and sublittoral fringe). On each sampling date, mean leaf
biomass and new leaf production were 2.7 and 1.7 times greater, respectively,
for plants in the sublittoral fringe. At another site, Mahar Cove, all tagged plants
were restricted to one tidal level. Spatial variation in leaf biomass and new leaf
production were examined on the first four sampling dates and significant effects
were observed twice. Productivity estimates ranged from 0.095 g dry wt m-2
day-1 (November–January) to 1.215 g dry wt m-2 day-1 (August) at Bell Farm. At
Mahar Cove, rates ranged from 0.176 g dry wt m-2 day-1 (March–April) to 1.490
g dry wt m-2 day-1 (August). Average annual productivity at Bell Farm and Mahar
Cove was 0.481 ± 0.512 g dry wt m-2 day-1 and 0.784 ± 0.512 g dry wt m-2 day-1,
respectively. These estimates correlate directly with seawater temperature, but
not with salinity, nitrate, and total phosphorous. The time for plants to fully turn
over their leaves at the two sites ranged from 50.5–56.7 days (6.4–7.2 turnovers
per year), and are comparable to other locations in the northeast US and the
Canadian Maritimes. We estimate that total (interidal + subtidal) eelgrass production
in Cobscook Bay ranges from 3.3–5.3 x 108 g C year-1. This is the first
appraisal of growth and productivity of Z. marina in eastern Maine.
Seagrass meadows are abundant in protected intertidal and shallow
subtidal environments. Zostera marina Linnaeus is one of the more
widely distributed seagrasses and occurs throughout the northern hemisphere
ranging from warm temperate seas to cold arctic waters (Gaeckle
1Division of Environmental and Biological Sciences, University of Maine at
Machias, Machias, ME 04654. 2Department of Biological Sciences and School of
Marine Sciences, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469. 3Department of Biological
Sciences, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469. 4Current address - PO
Box 709, Bar Harbor, ME 04609. *Corresponding author -
198 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
and Short 2003, Phillips et al. 1983a). Its latitudinal distribution ranges
from the Bering Sea to the Sea of Cortez in the Pacific Ocean and from
Greenland to Georgia in the Atlantic Ocean. The growth morphology of
Z. marina is important ecologically because its productivity and perennial
nature provides predictable habitat, nursery, and refuge for infaunal
and epifaunal organisms (Heck et al. 1989; Thayer et al. 1975a,b). It also
forms the basis of important trophic links in many marine food webs
(Fenchel 1977). For example, decomposition of both above- and belowground
biomass releases inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus which can
be captured again for plant and/or macroalgal production (Hemminga
and Duarte 2000).
Seagrass meadows are among the most productive marine or terrestrial
systems, with values ranging from 8 g C m-2 day-1 for Zostera
marina in Alaska (McRoy 1966, 1970) to 16 g C m-2 day-1 for Thalassia
testudinum Banks ex Konig in Florida (Odum 1963). To begin to understand
the contribution of eelgrass meadows to higher trophic levels and
the broader community, it is necessary to evaluate the growth dynamics
and energetics of the plant, especially changes in biomass and productivity.
In the case of seagrass communities, the calculation of biomass
and primary productivity usually refers to the aboveground portion
(grass blades) of the plant.
Eelgrass grows leaves from a basal meristem and continuously
produces and sheds leaves, thereby allowing growth and production
dynamics to be determined. Individual leaves can be marked, and new
growth and leaf survival followed until the leaves die (Zieman 1974).
Unmarked small leaves appearing between sampling dates also represent
new growth. Conversely, because leaves also die and are lost
during an interval, turnover times can be determined and organic input
into the system estimated (Burdick 1988).
The overall objective of this study was to determine aboveground productivity
and turnover rates for eelgrass meadows in Cobscook Bay, ME.
Also, we determined growth (elongation) rates of leaves and the rate of
initiation of new leaves. This is important because productivity may be the
result of one or both of these processes. This is the first appraisal of growth
and productivity of Z. marina in eastern Maine, although not the first near
this particular latitude (Robertson and Mann 1984). Other studies in Maine
were conducted in mid-coast (Burdick 1988) and near the southwestern
border with New Hampshire (Gaeckle and Short 2003).
Materials and Methods
Field sampling and laboratory measurements
The energetics of Zostera marina leaves was studied within the
low intertidal from July 1995 to July 1996 at two major sites in Cob2004
B. Beal, R.L. Vadas, Sr., W.A. Wright, and S. Nickl 199
scook Bay (Bell Farm [44o49.37'N, 67o09.34'W] and Mahar Cove [44o
53.16'N, 67o 08.48'W]), and from June through August 1995 at a third
site (Weir Cove [44o48.81'N, 67o08.29'W]) (Fig. 1). The Weir Cove site
was abandoned after four sampling dates (June to August 1995) due
to logistical constraints. The sites reflect two slightly different flow
regimes (Brooks et al. 1999). Mahar Cove and Weir Cove represent
low-flow (< 0.2 m s-1), fine-grained muddy sediments. Because the
Bell Farm site lies at the edge of a constricted channel, water movement
was more heterogeneous across tidal cycles, and both low and
high-flow (> 0.5 m s-1) regimes were observed, resulting in both muddy
and gravelly substrates. The two major sites were within 8 km of each
other. Eelgrass beds were largely distributed in the low intertidal zone
and/or sublittoral fringe, and the time available for sampling at this
tidal level was limited.
Figure 1. Map of Cobscook Bay, ME, eelgrass study sites during 1995–96. BF
= Bell Farm, MC = Mahar Cove, and WC = Weir Cove.
200 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
We estimated spatial variability in leaf biomass and growth (new leaf
production) at Mahar Cove and Bell Farm at the beginning of our study
(first four sampling intervals). At each site, we divided the area sampled
into six discrete, randomly chosen line transects. Due to differences in
the physical structure of the two sites, it was not possible to use an identical
sampling design at both. For the first four sampling dates at Mahar
Cove, we established six 10-m transects with 2-m spacing between each
transect and measured five randomly selected plants per transect. At Bell
Farm, we partitioned the site into four discrete transects for the first two
sampling dates. Two transects were located near a constricted channel
where sediments were gravelly. One of these transects was intertidal,
and the other was at the sublittoral fringe where plants appeared more
robust. The other two transects were located in a shallower, muddy intertidal
area. Measurements were made on six randomly chosen plants
per transect.
Growth measurements were made biweekly during summer,
monthly during spring and fall, and bimonthly during winter. This
sampling schedule reflected seasonal growth of the plants (see below),
and longer sampling intervals were necessitated during winter
because of extensive ice cover over the eelgrass meadows. At all
sites, 20 to 30 plants were marked with a numbered tag (30 cm long
metal rod of 14 gauge wire) inserted into the sediments next to the
plant (shoot). To avoid tagging the same plant or rhizome system,
each tagged plant was separated by 1 to 1.5 m. A small hole was
punched with a dissecting needle through the middle of the sheath
(through all inner and outer leaves) near the sediment surface. This
is a slightly modified version of Zieman’s technique (Ibarro-Obando
and Boudouresque 1994). New plants were successively tagged and
harvested (taken to the laboratory) at biweekly, monthly, or bimonthly
intervals depending on growth during that period. Plants were
sampled at the end of the interval by cutting the rhizome below the
second node and placing them in numbered individual plastic bags.
Shoot densities were determined in August 1995 when densities of
perennial shoots were highest (see also Burdick 1988). This results in
a small overestimate of productivity for the winter months, but has no
effect on leaf initiation or elongation rates (the other factors contributing
to production) for that period.
In the laboratory, plants were washed to remove sediments and
cleaned of epiphytes. The length of the longest leaf per plant was measured
from the second node to the distal end of the leaf. Elongation of
each leaf was determined by measuring the distance from the hole in
the sheath to the hole in the blade. It is generally recognized that the
outermost leaf of seagrasses is the oldest and will not grow (elongate)
2004 B. Beal, R.L. Vadas, Sr., W.A. Wright, and S. Nickl 201
during a test interval (Ibarro-Obando and Boudouresque 1994). Therefore,
the hole on the outermost leaf is considered an accurate reference
point. Leaves were separated into two classes: (1) the outer, older
leaves that have a hole, and (2) the inner, young leaves that were produced
after the hole was punched and do not have a hole. Total growth
was the sum of the length of the new leaves plus the new growth of
the older leaves. Other measurements included the width of the widest
leaf (above the sheath) and the distance from the reference point to the
second node. Following these measurements, each shoot was dried at
60 ºC to a constant weight and weighed, with weight recorded as grams
dry weight.
We measured several water column, or environmental, variables at
Bell Farm and Mahar Cove during 1995–1996: temperature, salinity,
nitrate, and total phosphorus. Water samples for nutrient analysis were
taken in 1-liter brown plastic bottles 25 cm below the seawater surface.
Samples were immediately placed on ice, maintained in the dark,
and placed in a low-temperature (4 oC) box overnight. Samples were
prepared for analysis within 24 hours and were filtered through a 0.45
μ membrane filter. Nitrate was analyzed with a Lachat flow injection
analyzer by the cadmium reduction method. Phosphorus was analyzed
by inductively coupled plasma analysis with a T.J.A. Atomcomp Model
975 analyzer.
Aboveground biomass estimates
Biomass is usually defined in seagrasses as the weight of all living
material in a unit area at a given time, including the root structure (Zieman
and Wetzel 1980). In this study, only aboveground biomass was
measured. Aboveground biomass is synonymous with shoot biomass.
It is important to note that estimates based on aboveground shoots
can greatly underestimate total biomass, especially in seagrasses. The
aboveground biomass at each site per sampling period was estimated by
multiplying the mean weight per shoot from each site by the summer
density of shoots at that site. We calculated a weighted mean annual
aboveground biomass estimate for each site using Equation 1:
Σ (# days per interval x mean biomass for interval)
Σ (# days of all intervals)
Although more samples were taken at Mahar Cove, only samples from
10 August 1995 to 30 July 1996 were used to estimate average annual
biomass for comparison with Bell Farm samples. We made no attempt to
sample the belowground biomass (root and rhizome system) due to the difficulty of excavation and the destructive nature of sampling below ground.
However, the ratio of above- to belowground biomass in seagrasses is
nearly 1:1 (Duarte and Chiscano 1999).
202 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
Leaf elongation and initiation rates
Two other measurements used in this study are leaf elongation rates
(LER) and the initiation rate (IR) of new leaves. LER per shoot was
calculated by summing all new growth per shoot and dividing by the
number of days in the sampling period. The IR of new leaves during an
interval was calculated by summing the number of new leaves produced
per plant, dividing by the number of plants sampled, dividing that number
by the number of days in the sampling period (IR x 100% = percent
.shoot-1 .day-1). A weighted mean annual leaf elongation and initiation
rate was calculated using Equation 1 by substituting LER and IR for
mean biomass, respectively.
Aboveground productivity estimates
Productivity is defined as the weight of new organic material added
over a period of time (Zieman and Wetzel 1980). Our estimate of productivity
is equivalent to net productivity because it does not include
energy lost due to respiration, injury, grazing, or death. The following
steps were utilized in calculating productivity from our measurements.
We converted length and width measurements (see above in Field
Sampling and laboratory measurements subsection, paragraph 4) into
weight on each sampling date by developing a multiple regression
model of dry weight (dependent variable) versus leaf length and width
(independent variables). To estimate new growth during a sampling interval
(expressed as g dry wt shoot-1 day-1), new growth (elongation) for
each shoot was converted into dry weight using the regression model.
The average dry weight per shoot for each site was divided by the
number of days in the sampling interval. This rate was then multiplied
by the summer density of shoots at that site to provide an estimate of
productivity. Finally, the productivity estimate expressed in g dry wt m-2
day-1 was then transformed to g C m-2 day-1 using a conversion factor
of 0.38 (Thom 1990, Westlake 1963). Site-specific annual estimates of
primary productivity were calculated by multiplying the weighted mean
productivity rate (substituting productivity rate for biomass in Equation
(1) by 365 days.
Turnover estimates
Turnover rates were calculated for the individual sampling periods
by dividing the productivity for that period ([g dry wt m-2 day-1] x number
of days per period) by biomass for the same period (P/B). Turnover
time for leaves or shoots is the reciprocal of turnover rate day-1. To estimate
the average annual turnover rate, we calculated a weighted mean
turnover per day (substituting mean turnover for biomass in Equation 1)
and multiplied this by 365 days.
2004 B. Beal, R.L. Vadas, Sr., W.A. Wright, and S. Nickl 203
To provide visual inspection of differences in seasonal patterns,
graphical data for the individual sampling periods are presented as
untransformed means ± 95% confidence intervals. One- and two-way
analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to compare mean estimates of
biomass, productivity, leaf elongation rate, and leaf initiation rates between
Weir Cove, Bell Farm, and Mahar Cove sites (α = 0.05). Separation
of means was performed using the Student-Neumann-Keuls (SNK)
test. In addition, we tested for spatial effects (low intertidal vs. sublittoral
fringe transects) for leaf biomass and amount of new leaf production
for the first two sampling dates in 1995 at Bell Farm and for the first four
sampling dates in 1995 at Mahar Cove. ANOVA was performed on the
untransformed leaf biomass and new leaf production data by comparing
lower intertidal (n = 3) to sublittoral transects (n = 1) at Bell Farm. In
addition, we used regression analysis to determine whether any of the
individual environmental variables were correlated significantly with
productivity (g dry wt m-2 day-1).
Spatial variability in leaf biomass and new leaf production
The population of eelgrass at Bell Farm exhibited significant heterogeneity
in plant morphology along the tidal gradient. For example,
during the first sampling interval (31 July to 10 August 1995), mean
leaf biomass was 2.7 times greater for plants in the sublittoral fringe
than those in the low intertidal (1.15 ± 0.46, n = 6 vs. 0.43 ± 0.13
gm dry wt, n = 18; F = 13.07; df = 3, 20; P < 0.0001). An a priori
comparison of sublittoral to lower intertidal areas accounted for 79%
of the total variation due to spatial differences. New leaf production
from July 31 to August 10 followed a similar pattern. Production of
sublittoral plants was 1.7 times that of lower intertidal plants (102.6
± 22.52, n = 6 vs. 60.09 ± 9.82 cm, n = 18; F = 9.12; df = 3, 20; P <
0.0001). The a priori comparison explained 82% of the total variation
due to spatial effects. Similar results were obtained during the second
sampling interval (10 to 29 August 1995). Leaf biomass of plants in
the sublittoral fringe was 2.3 times greater than those in the lower
intertidal areas (0.60 ± 0.46, n = 5 vs. 0.26 ± 0.06 gm dry wt, n = 14;
F = 3.48; df = 3, 15; P = 0.043). New leaf production was 1.6 times
greater for plants in the sublittoral fringe compared with those in the
lower intertidal (133.35 ± 43.71, n = 4 vs. 83.11 ± 8.89 cm, n = 14;
F = 7.29; df = 3, 14; P = 0.004). For both tests, 91% and 99% of the
variation, respectively, was due to the comparison between the sublittoral
fringe and intertidal transects.
204 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
At Mahar Cove, we observed significant spatial effects during two
of the four sampling intervals (1 July to 12 July and 31 July to 10 August
1995). The effects were not consistent, however, and involved only one of
the two variables examined during those two intervals. In the first interval,
significant differences between transects were noted for leaf biomass (P =
0.006) which ranged from 0.49 ± 1.27 (n = 2) to 0.06 ± 0.07 gm dry wt (n
= 2), but not for new leaf production (mean = 38.04 ± 9.47 cm, n = 11; P =
0.679). From 12 to 31 July, no discernible spatial patterns for either variable
were observed (mean leaf biomass = 0.34 ± 0.09 gm dry wt, n = 23; P
= 0.524; mean new leaf production = 61.10 ± 10.26 cm, n = 23; P = 0.192).
Significant differences between transects were observed for new leaf production
from 31 July to 10 August (P = 0.049), but not for leaf biomass (P
= 0.093). During that interval, mean leaf biomass was 0.16 ± 0.06 gm dry
wt (n = 14) and mean new leaf production ranged from 73.23 ± 43.14 (n =
3) to 31.58 ± 21.30 cm (n = 5). Spatial effects for the two variables were
not observed at this site from 10 to 29 August 1995 (mean leaf biomass =
0.24 ± 0.05, n = 23, P = 0.071; mean new leaf production = 66.50 ± 12.55
cm, P = 0.075).
Shoot densities taken during the maximum period of growth were
approximately two times greater at Mahar Cove (168 plants m-2) than
at Bell Farm (88 plants m-2) or Weir Cove (75 plants m-2). Aboveground
Biomass (g dry wt m-2) ± 95%
2004 B. Beal, R.L. Vadas, Sr., W.A. Wright, and S. Nickl 205
estimates of biomass for Zostera marina showed large seasonal changes
at both of the major sites (Fig. 2), and ANOVA confirmed these temporal
differences (P < 0.0001). No temporal pattern in mean biomass
was observed at Weir Cove over the four sampling dates between early
July to early September 1995 (Fig. 2; `). A two-factor ANOVA on mean
biomass using data common to all three sites and sampling dates (10
and 29 August 1995) revealed a significant interaction (P = 0.0038). A
single-factor ANOVA for the 10 August sampling date demonstrated
significant differences between sites (P = 0.0063), and a SNK test indicated
that mean biomass at Bell Farm (53.4 ± 16.5 g dry wt m-2, n =
24) was nearly double the value at Mahar Cove and Weir Cove, which
were equal (28.0 ± 5.1 g dry wt m-2, n = 31). No significant differences
in mean biomass were observed between the three sites on 29 August
(mean = 34.2 ± 5.5 g dry wt m-2, n = 60; P = 0.2021).
For Bell Farm and Mahar Cove, highest mean biomass estimates
occurred during the summer months, while the lowest occurred during
late fall, winter, and early spring, but the pattern at each site differed
significantly (P < 0.0001). At Bell Farm, highest mean biomass occurred
on 10 August (see above), whereas biomass estimates on all other
dates were statistically equivalent according to the a posteriori SNK
test (mean = 25.7 ± 2.8 g dry wt m-2, n = 130). Biomass estimates were
consistently higher at Mahar Cove (6 of 8 common sampling dates MC
> BF), the low flow site, and ranged from a high of 77.0 ± 9.7 g dry wt
m-2 (n = 24) on 31 July 1996 to a low of 18.3 ± 3.7 g dry wt m-2 (n = 23)
on 17 April 1996.
According to the SNK test, the Zostera population at Mahar Cove had
two peaks of biomass, October 1995 and July 1996, and a drastic decline in
mid-August 1995 (Fig. 2). The two distinct peaks were not evident in the
eelgrass population at Bell Farm. However, plants at Bell Farm did have a
complete die-back of aboveground biomass in April 1996.
Leaf initiation
The initiation rate of new leaves at Mahar Cove and Bell Farm showed
a strong seasonal trend with highest rates in the summer and fall and lowest
rates in winter and spring, although patterns through time differed
between sites (P = 0.0014; Fig. 3). New leaf production at Mahar Cove
peaked in August and November 1995, declined until April 1996, and then
rose again through July 1996. At Bell Farm, leaf initiation peaked during
both summers and was lowest from November 1995 through April 1996.
Mean values for new leaf initiation at Mahar Cove ranged from 3.3 ± 1.6
to 18.6 ± 6.0 percent shoot-1 day-1, whereas at Bell Farm, means ranged
from 6.0 ± 3.9 to 23.4 ± 7.5 percent shoot -1 day -1.
206 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
Leaf elongation and morphology
The patterns of leaf elongation exhibited a strong seasonal trend
(Fig. 4). Highest rates occurred during both summers, whereas low-
Figure 3. Rate of initiation of new leaves of Zostera marina at two sites in Cobscook
Bay during 1995–96.
Figure 4. Leaf elongation rate of Zostera marina at three sites in Cobscook Bay
during 1995–96.
2004 B. Beal, R.L. Vadas, Sr., W.A. Wright, and S. Nickl 207
est, but surprisingly positive, values were recorded during winter. On
the sampling dates common to all three sites (see above), the pattern
of leaf elongation differed significantly between sites (P = 0.0062).
At Mahar Cove and Bell Farm, rates declined significantly (P < 0.05)
between 10 and 29 August (e.g., 26–30% decline). No similar decline
in leaf elongation rate was observed between sampling dates at Weir
Cove (P = 0.1407), however the average rate (2.6 ± 0.4 cm shoot-1 day-
1) was 65–130% less than the rates observed at Mahar Cove and Bell
Farm, respectively. Highest leaf elongation rate peaked first at Weir
Cove in late July 1995 (9.0 ± 1.5 cm shoot-1 day-1; n = 18) followed by
the other two sites approximately one month later. Lowest rates at Bell
Farm and Mahar Cove occurred from January through April 1996 and
then peaked once again in early summer. Rates ranged from 0.6 ± 0.8
cm shoot-1 day-1 (n = 4) during winter to 7.1 ± 1.2 cm shoot-1 day-1 (n
= 24) in summer at Bell Farm and from 0.65 ± 0.1 cm shoot-1 day-1 (n
= 11) during winter to 4.9 ± 1.3 cm shoot-1 day-1 (n = 14) in summer at
Mahar Cove.
Leaf width varied seasonally at Mahar Cove, Wier Cove, and Bell
Farm (P < 0.001). At Mahar Cove and Bell Farm, leaf width was significantly narrower in plants sampled in the fall and winter compared to
those in the summer. At Weir Cove, leaf width increased significantly
from 13 to 20 July 1995 and then progressively decreased until the fi-
nal sampling date on 1 September 1995. In addition, plant morphology
differed greatly from the intertidal to sublittoral transects at Bell Farm.
Leaves from the sublittoral fringe transect were approximately 30%
wider (P = 0.001) than those in the intertidal. Similarly, the length of
the longest leaf per plant was nearly 70% greater for shoots in the fringe
transect (P = 0.005).
Productivity estimates
The linear relationship for converting length and width measurements
of leaves into dry weight is given by the following equation:
Dry weight = 0.037 + 0.002 (length) + 0.008 (width)
The regression was highly significant (F = 450.70, P < 0.0001, r2 =
0.94), however the addition of the variable “leaf width” to a model
already containing “leaf length” was not significant (P = 0.06). Productivity
patterns for eelgrass at the three sites on the two common
sampling dates (see above) were similar (P = 0.0877), with significant
differences occurring between each site (P < 0.0001), but not among
dates (P = 0.0511). Mean productivity estimates were highest at Mahar
Cove, lowest at Weir Cove, and intermediate at Bell Farm (1.302
± 0.22, n = 37; 0.369 ± 0.068, n = 36; and 1.057 ± 0.143 g dry wt m-2
day-1, n = 42; respectively).
208 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
Productivity patterns for eelgrass differed significantly at the two
major sites (P = 0.0124; Table 1 and Fig. 5). ANOVA and the SNK test
detected two peaks in productivity at Mahar Cove in 1995: late July
(1.490 ± 0.461 g dry wt m-2 day-1, n = 14) and October (1.081 ± 0.217 g
dry wt m-2 day-1, n = 22). Lowest values occurred in January and April
(meanpooled = 0.201 ± 0.056 g dry wt m-2 day-1, n = 34). ANOVA indicated
no significant differences between July 1995 and 1996 peaks (P
> 0.05). Although there appeared to be a single peak for productivity
in 1995 at Bell Farm (8 August; Fig. 5), SNK indicated no significant
difference in mean productivity between the first two (August 1995)
sampling dates. By early September, productivity at Bell Farm declined
by 60% and remained below 0.75 g dry wt m-2 day-1 until June
Table 1. Mean Productivity (g dry wt) of Zostera marina at two sites in Cobscook Bay
during 1995–96.
Productivity (g dry wt m-2 day-1)
Date Days # plants Mean Std. dev.
Bell Farm
08/10/1995 10 24 1.215 0.511
08/29/1995 19 18 0.846 0.275
09/08/1995 10 24 0.449 0.351
11/04/1995 28 6 0.172 0.097
01/16/1996 61 4 0.095 0.089
06/18/1996 13 21 0.744 0.382
07/01/1996 13 23 1.021 0.435
07/17/1996 16 22 0.626 0.248
07/31/1996 14 18 0.874 0.438
Mean 20.4 17.8 0.481* 0.383
Mahar Cove
07/12/1995 12 11 0.965 0.465
07/31/1995 19 23 1.031 0.456
08/10/1995 10 14 1.490 0.798
08/28/1995 18 23 1.188 0.563
09/08/1995 11 21 0.657 0.424
10/09/1995 29 22 1.081 0.490
11/03/1995 25 18 0.863 0.369
01/16/1996 61 11 0.185 0.076
04/17/1996 29 23 0.176 0.099
06/18/1996 14 20 0.929 0.484
07/01/1996 13 24 1.476 0.612
07/17/1996 16 24 1.450 0.539
07/30/1996 14 24 1.416 0.451
Mean 20.9 19.9 0.784* 0.512
*Weighted mean
For comparative purposes with Bell Farm, only samples from 8/10/95 to 7/30/96 were
included in the weighted mean for Mahar Cove.The long intervals between January and
April (Mahar) and January and June (Bell) was due, in part, to ice cover (Mahar and Bell)
and disturbance by geese (Bell).
2004 B. Beal, R.L. Vadas, Sr., W.A. Wright, and S. Nickl 209
1996 (Fig. 5). Peaks occurred at both sites in July 1996, but means for
that month were significantly higher at Mahar Cove than Bell Farm
(P < 0.0001; 1.448 ± 0.125, n = 72, vs. 0.841 ± 0.104 g dry wt m-2
day-1, n = 63). Specific estimates of productivity were highly seasonal
and ranged from 0.095 g dry wt m-2 day-1 from November to January
to 1.215 g dry wt m-2 day-1 in August at Bell Farm. Average annual
productivity was 0.784 ± 0.512 g dry wt m-2 day-1 at Mahar Cove and
0.481 ± 0.512 g dry wt m-2 day-1 at Bell Farm.
To allow for comparison with previous studies, productivity was also
converted to carbon and expressed as g C m-2 day-1 (Fig. 5). The converted
productivity estimates at Bell Farm ranged from 0.036 to 0.462 g
C m-2 day-1 with weighted average annual mean of 0.183 ± 0.146 g C m-2
day-1. The carbon based productivity estimates for Mahar Cove ranged
from 0.067 to 0.566 g C m-2 day-1 with weighted average annual mean of
0.298 ± 0.195 g C m-2 day-1).
The turnover rates of eelgrass also showed strong seasonal patterns,
being highest during the warmer months (Table 2). The weighted average
length of time for plants to fully turn over their leaves at the two
sites ranged from 50.5 to 56.7 days (7 to 8 weeks; Table 2). The estimated
number of turnovers of eelgrass plants at Bell Farm and Mahar
Cove averaged 7.2 and 6.4 turnovers per year, respectively.
Figure 5. Productivity of Zostera marina at three sites in Cobscook Bay during
210 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
Relationship between productivity and environmental variables
Several environmental factors were monitored during the tagging
studies to determine if productivity could be correlated with one or more
of these variables. These data are presented graphically for each variable
at the two sites (Figs. 6–9).
Salinity. At Mahar Cove, salinity was relatively constant and
ranged from 31 to 34 ppt, suggesting well-mixed conditions at that
site. There was no significant relationship between productivity and
salinity at this site (r2 = 0.012; P = 0.7806; df = 1, 7; Fig. 6). Salinity
values at Bell Farm were more variable and exhibited a dramatic reduction
during April 1996 due to snow melt and run-off from a pond
headwater stream. The die-off and reduced biomass of eelgrass at
Table 2. Mean turnover of Zostera marina at two sites in Cobscook Bay during 1995–96.
Turnover # of days
Date Days # plants per period for T/O
Bell Farm
08/10/1995 10 24 0.227 44.05
08/29/1995 19 18 0.543 34.99
09/08/1995 10 24 0.227 44.05
11/04/1995 28 6 0.556 50.36
01/16/1996 61 4 0.416 146.63
06/18/1996 13 21 0.468 27.78
07/01/1996 13 23 0.455 28.57
07/17/1996 16 22 0.404 39.60
07/31/1996 14 18 0.348 40.23
Mean 20.4 17.8 0.404* 50.50
Mahar Cove
07/12/1995 12 11 0.361 33.24
07/31/1995 19 23 0.354 53.67
08/10/1995 10 14 0.559 17.89
08/28/1995 18 23 0.529 34.03
09/08/1995 11 21 0.153 71.89
10/09/1995 29 22 0.504 57.54
11/03/1995 25 18 0.571 43.78
01/16/1996 61 11 0.399 152.88
04/17/1996 29 23 0.279 103.94
06/18/1996 14 20 0.275 50.91
07/01/1996 13 24 0.361 36.01
07/17/1996 16 24 0.345 46.38
07/30/1996 14 24 0.257 54.48
Mean 20.9 19.9 0.369* 56.71
*Weighted mean.
Average annual turnover = (weighted mean / average # days) x 365 days
Bell Farm: (0.404 / 20.4) x 365 = 7.23 turnovers per year
Mahar Cove: (0.369 / 20.9) x 365 = 6.44 turnovers per year
For comparative purposes with Bell Farm, only samples from 8/10/95 to 7/30/96 were
included in the weighted mean for Mahar Cove.
2004 B. Beal, R.L. Vadas, Sr., W.A. Wright, and S. Nickl 211
Figure 6. Relationship between eelgrass productivity and salinity at two sites in
Cobscook Bay during 1995–96.
that time may be related to the influx of freshwater (Fig. 6); however,
there was no significant correlation between productivity and salinity
(r2 = 0.481; P = 0.0839; df = 1, 5).
Water Temperature. Productivity was positively correlated with the
seasonal changes in temperature at Mahar Cove (r2 = 0.570; P = 0.0468;
df = 12, 5; Fig. 7). At Bell Farm, the r2 value between temperature and
productivity was 0.828; however, this was not significantly different
from zero because the number of data points was low (n = 4).
Nitrate. Nitrate exhibited a highly variable seasonal pattern and
did not appear to influence growth responses in eelgrass at either
Mahar Cove or Bell Farm (Mahar: r2 = 0.254; P = 0.1373; df = 1, 8;
Bell: r2 = 0.261; P = 0.3000; df = 1, 4). A small increase in nitrate
212 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
may have influenced the spike in production at the former site in late
summer–fall (Fig. 8). However, the general increase in nitrate lags
behind growth. Similarly, the decline in production in November precedes
the decline in nitrate levels.
Phosphate. The patterns of phosphate concentration were highly
variable at the two sites (Fig. 9). There was no significant correlation
between phosphate levels and seasonal changes in productivity at Mahar
Cove (r2 = 0.0001; P = 0.9801; df = 1, 8). During the spring of both
years, growth appeared to follow the increase in phosphate levels. After
this time, however, productivity was independent of phosphate levels.
Similar results occurred at Bell Farm (r2 = 0.248; P = 0.2089; df = 1, 6).
The low phosphate values at Bell Farm during spring suggest that snow
run-off may have diluted phosphate concentrations at the site (Fig. 9).
Figure 7. Relationship between eelgrass productivity and temperature at two
sites in Cobscook Bay during 1995–96.
2004 B. Beal, R.L. Vadas, Sr., W.A. Wright, and S. Nickl 213
The overall objective of this study was to estimate the aboveground
productivity and energetic contributions of eelgrass, Zostera
marina, to Cobscook Bay. The results of the tagging studies show
that growth, productivity, and turnover are variable both within and
between sites, and are closely related to season. Because the goal of
the study was to provide an overall estimate of seagrass productivity
at selected sites within Cobscook Bay, we did not incorporate
the within-site variability described here into our general analyses
of biomass, productivity, turnover, and leaf elongation rates. However,
these data show that even within intertidal sites that appear
homogeneous, there can be substantial variability in the parameters
used to assess productivity.
Figure 8. Relationship between eelgrass productivity and nitrate concentration
at two sites in Cobscook Bay during 1995–96.
214 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
As expected, there are distinct seasonal patterns of growth and
productivity, with higher values during warmer months and lower
values during the remaining months of the year (Dennison 1987,
Nelson and Waaland 1997, Olessen and Sand-Jensen 1994). Not
surprisingly, there was a significant positive correlation between rising
water temperature and productivity. The relationship, however,
may be spurious; the absence of experimental data and the fact that
temperature is a function of solar irradiance (Thom and Albright
1990) makes it impossible to separate the effects of irradiance and
temperature. Salinity, nitrate, and phosphate levels were not closely
correlated with productivity. The nutrient patterns were out of phase
with seagrass growth, and are more likely the result of phytoplankton
Figure 9. Relationship between eelgrass productivity and PO4 concentration at
two sites in Cobscook Bay during 1995–96.
2004 B. Beal, R.L. Vadas, Sr., W.A. Wright, and S. Nickl 215
blooms and nutrient regeneration by zooplankton and other invertebrates
(Garside and Garside 2004).
Maximum productivity estimates for eelgrass in Cobscook Bay occurred
in July and August, and were 1.22 (Bell Farm) to 1.49 (Mahar
Cove) g dry wt m-2 day-1 (Table 1). This variation in seasonal growth
is similar to that described for Z. marina and Z. japonica Aschers &
Graebn. in Padilla Bay, WA (Thom 1990).
There are several assumptions and/or limitations in this study.
First, density was estimated quantitatively only once during the
summer of 1995. Densities of eelgrass plants at all three sites were
noticeably lower from fall to late spring. The consequence of this is
that productivity is overestimated during that time. However, this potential
bias has no effect on leaf elongation and leaf initiation rates,
which were greater than zero during the colder months at both sites,
because these estimates do not include measures of eelgrass density.
Second, productivity was measured using both field growth measurements
and a date-specific regression model based on leaf length and
width to estimate dry weight. This estimate was then converted to
grams carbon using a conversion factor that was obtained from the
literature (Thom 1990), not a Cobscook Bay-specific factor. Third,
fewer plants were sampled in winter and early spring due to ice cover
and lower population densities, resulting in larger confidence intervals
around specific means. Fourth, we do not know if the biomass
and productivity estimates from our three sites are representative of
others in the larger Bay system. Nonetheless, these two estimates
show good concordance and provide a reasonable estimate of the
aboveground energetics of eelgrass populations in Cobscook Bay.
Fifth, the short overlap of sampling dates between years does not permit
an adequate assessment of interannual variability. Nevertheless,
we evaluated within-site variability for leaf biomass and new leaf
production at the two major sites during the first two months of this
study and found this component to be important in explaining differences
in those two variables, especially between intertidal and sublittoral
populations at Bell Farm.
Leaf biomass and new leaf production exhibited different patterns at
Mahar Cove and Bell Farm. At Mahar Cove, there was no consistent pattern
for either variable, however, spatial effects were observed on two
of four dates. From 1 to 12 July 1995, leaf biomass varied by an order
of magnitude across the six transects (0.06 to 0.49 gm dry wt). From 31
July to 10 August 1995, new leaf production varied by 2.3 times between
transects (31.6 to 73.2 cm). At Bell Farm, we observed a consistent
spatial pattern with significantly higher leaf biomass and new leaf production
for plants located in the sublittoral fringe compared with those
216 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
in the intertidal. This single-degree-of-freedom comparison accounted
for > 79% of the overall variability due to between-transect differences
at this site. It is possible that these differences are due to disparities in
the physical environment at Bell Farm (e.g., water depth, flow regime,
disturbance from ice, light, etc.) that could cause differential stresses
(Middelboe et al. 2003).
Plant morphology (leaf width) differed greatly from the intertidal
to sublittoral transects at Bell Farm and seasonally at all three sites.
Abal et al. (1994) observed similar differences in plant morphology
due to depth (light) in Zostera capricorni Aschers. These morphological
differences may have played a role in the variation observed in
leaf biomass and new leaf production and suggest that annual production
among sublittoral plants is significantly (≈ 2 times) greater than
those within the intertidal (Dennison 1987, Kentula and McIntire
Comparison of the two major sites in Cobscook Bay reveals both
similarities and differences in population and energetic dynamics.
Direct comparison of the two sites reveals that biomass is greater at
Mahar Cove than Bell Farm (P = 0.002), but that productivity was
similar between the two sites (P = 0.074). At an individual level,
leaf elongation rates and new leaf initiation rates appeared higher at
Bell Farm than Mahar Cove, but were not statistically different (P =
0.336 and P = 0.186, respectively). Thus, the differences in biomass
between the sites may be attributed to the higher density of eelgrass
at Mahar Cove, where within-site differences in water depth occurred
(see Middleboe et al. 2003). The higher water flow at Bell Farm and
other within-site differences may have resulted in higher mean individual
growth rates. Higher individual growth rate usually results in
larger plants that shade each other, similar to what has been observed
subtidally (Phillips et al. 1983b).
Eelgrass at Mahar Point had an interesting double peak in both
biomass and productivity during August 1995. Harlin and Thorne-
Miller (1981) also observed double peaks in summer in a Rhode Island
lagoon. They suggested that a build-up of green algae suffocated and
shaded the eelgrass plants. Once the green algae died or eroded, the
eelgrass resumed growth and produced another peak. This may explain
partially the die-back at Mahar Cove. Although there was no widespread
bloom of green algae (cf., Vadas and Beal 1987) on the flats
at Mahar Cove, there was an accumulation of filamentous and other
green algae on the wire marker flags used to locate tagged plants (B.
Beal, pers. observ.). Another possibility for the observed difference
may be that sediments frequently are resuspended on mudflats, thereby
reducing light and photosynthesis. Light availability was considered
2004 B. Beal, R.L. Vadas, Sr., W.A. Wright, and S. Nickl 217
the principal factor governing growth in Zostera marina in Chesapeake
Bay (Moore and Wetzel 1999) and Waquoit Bay, MA (Hauxwell et al.
2003). Thus, it is possible that our experimental plants could have been
shaded and received lower irradiance levels during the period of reduced
growth. Seasonal patterns of temperature, salinity, nitrogen, and
phosphorus do not appear to explain the cause of the double peaks.
Eelgrass at Bell Farm exhibited unimodal growth throughout
the 1995 season. However, the complete absence of aboveground
bio-mass in April 1996 is anomalous. The apparent negative correlation
with salinity (Fig. 6) suggests that the spring ice melt may have
stressed the plants and caused the leaves to defoliate. Damage to
plants as a result of ice rafting may also have occurred. In addition,
a flock of migrating Canadian geese rested at the site and foraged on
the upright shoots (B. Beal, pers. observ.). Similarly, Brent Geese
Table 3. Comparison of productivity for eelgrass, Zostera marina.
Location TL1 H2 Est. DW3 Est. gC4 Reference
Izembeck Lagoon, AK I a 8.7–21.1 3.3–8.0 McRoy 1966 and 1970
Netarts Bay, OR I a 4.7–13.6 1.79–5.17 Kentula & McIntire 1986
Cobscook Bay, ME I a 0.11–1.5 0.04–0.57 This study
Tills Cove, ME I a 1.35 0.52 Burdick 1988
San Quintin Bay, MX5 I a 12.9 4.9 Ibarra-Obando and Huerta-
Tamayo 1987
Zandkreek, Netherlands I a 1.64 0.62 Vermaat et al. 19876
Roscoff, France I a 3.04 1.16 Jacobs 1979
Roscoff, France I b 1.37 0.52 Jacobs 1979
Puget Sound, WA S a 1.8–10.5 0.7–4.0 Phillips 1972
Padilla Bay, WA S a 0.55 0.21 Thom 1990
Friday Harbor, WA S a 4.1–5.2 1.56–1.98 Nelson 1997
Friday Harbor, WA S t 4.8 1.84 Nelson and Waaland 1997
Point Judith, RI S a 1.1–7.6 0.4–2.9 Conover 1968
Point Judith, RI S a 5.2 1.98 Hamburg and Homann 1986
Point Judith, RI S b 1.2–1.5 0.46–0.57 Hamburg and Homann 1986
Nauset Marsh, MA S a 2.7 1.03 Roman and Able 1988
Town Cove, MA S a 1.2 0.46 Roman and Able 1988
Chezzetcook Inlet, NS S a 1.46 0.56 Robertson and Mann 1984
Chezzetcook Inlet, NS S b 1.08 0.41 Robertson and Mann 1984
Oeresund, Denmark S a 8.54 3.24 Wium-Andersen and Borum
Vellerup Vig, Denmark S a 2.4–8.4 0.9–3.2 Sand-Jensen 1975
Limfjorden, Denmark S t 1.8–2.7 0.64–1.03 Olesen and Sand-Jensen 1994
1Tide level: I = intertidal, S = subtidal
2Habitat: a = above-ground, b = below-ground, t = total (above- and below-ground)
3DW = g dry weight m-2 day-1
4gC = g C m-2 day-1 (calculated by multiplying g dry weight m-2 day-1 by 0.38)
5Baja California, Mexico
6Zostera noltii
218 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
(Branta bernicla (L.)) and several duck species reduced approximately
one-half of the aboveground biomass of intertidal eelgrass, Zostera
noltii Hornem, during the fall and early winter in the Dutch Wadden
Sea (Jacobs et al. 1981). It is likely that the combination of these factors
contributed to the drastic decline in shoot biomass.
The seasonal estimates of aboveground eelgrass productivity in
Cobscook Bay (0.04 to 0.57 g C m-2 day-1; Fig. 5) are within the range
of other estimates from this geographic area. Earlier productivity estimates
in Maine from south of Cobscook Bay (i.e., Penobscot River)
during summer months (0.52 g C m-2 day-1; Burdick 1988) are similar
to estimates observed in Cobscook Bay (Table 3). In addition, our
estimates overlap within the range of productivity estimates (0.09 to
0.94 g C m-2 day-1 ; Table 3) for Nova Scotia (Robertson and Mann
1984). Duarte and Chiscano (1999) determined that the average ratio
of above- to below-ground production in seagrasses was 16.4:1. Using
this ratio, our range of estimates of eelgrass productivity in Cobscook
Bay increases slightly from 0.042 to 0.61 g C m-2 day-1.
When compared to studies outside this geographic area, our estimates
of eelgrass productivity are low (Table 3). These lower estimates
may reflect different life history strategies. The studies in Nova Scotia
by Robertson and Mann (1984) may shed light on why our estimates of
eelgrass productivity are relatively low. The eelgrass meadows there had
similar but slightly higher aboveground productivity levels; however,
their study was more extensive because it included below-ground productivity
estimates. They found that perennial eelgrass plants allocated
43% of the total production to below-ground biomass and suggested that
the distribution of biomass to the rhizome system was a mechanism to
protect the genet from ice scouring. Also, the allocation of energy to the
rhizome system may provide access to nutrients in the sediments (Abal
et al. 1994). Intertidal eelgrass in Cobscook Bay may be allocating a
large portion of energy to below-ground biomass, since estuaries in
this region are usually covered by ice for several months (Gordon and
Desplanque 1983). If we recalculate productivity by adding 43% to our
above-ground estimates, the range becomes 0.06 to 0.82 g C.m-2 day-1,
which is still lower than regions outside the northwest Atlantic (Table
Although eelgrass beds at the two sites in Cobscook Bay are not
as productive as populations in warmer waters, these plants (shoots)
are adding substantial amounts of carbon to the system as they die
and decay and are therefore contributing to the productivity and organic
input into the Bay. For example, we observed for Mahar Cove
and Bell Farm, respectively, mean turnover rates between 6.4 and 7.2
plants per year, minimum turnover time for leaves between 18 and 28
2004 B. Beal, R.L. Vadas, Sr., W.A. Wright, and S. Nickl 219
days, and annual primary production estimates of 67 to 109 g C m-2
.year-1. These turnover rates are comparable to eelgrass populations in
Cape Cod, MA (Roman and Able 1988), and Netarts Bay, OR (Kentula
and McIntire 1986). The estimated area of subtidal eelgrass in
Cobscook Bay was 466 hectares based on areal estimates of habitat
types by Larsen et al. (2004) and Campbell (2004). From our observations
of Cobscook Bay over the past two decades, we estimate the
extent of intertidal populations to be about 5% (23 hectares) of subtidal
values. Therefore, total (intertidal + subtidal) eelgrass production
in Cobscook Bay is estimated to range from 10.9 to 17.5 x 108 g
dry year-1, or 3.3 to 5.3 x 108 g C .year-1.
Dense beds of macrophytes, such as eelgrass, can have profound
effects on water movements and provide physical structure to an
otherwise structurally homogeneous environment, such as sand and
mudflat habitats (Fonseca et al. 1983). Macrophyte canopies reduce
water flow, increase sedimentation, and reduce light intensities (Eckman
et al. 1989). Zostera marina is clearly an important source of
trophic energy in Cobscook Bay that contributes directly to benthic
herbivores (Robertson and Mann 1982) that may feed on the leaves or
epiphytes (e.g., Littorina littorea L., Idotea balthica (Pallas)) and to
grazing wildfowl (e.g., Branta canadensis (L.)). In addition, eelgrass
contributes indirectly to detritus-based food webs (Vähätalo and Søndergaard
2002). Cebrian and Duarte (2001) showed that herbivores
consume < 15% of the production of seagrasses such as Posidonia
oceanica (L.).
Both intertidal and subtidal seagrass meadows increase habitat
complexity and are areas of increased species richness and abundance
(Lazzari and Tupper 2002). Seagrass meadows serve as seasonal
habitat, refuge, and nursery for many invertebrates such as mussels,
(Mytilus edulis L.; Newell et al. 1991, Short et al. 1991), sand shrimp
(Crangon septemspinosa Say; B. Beal and R.L.Vadas, pers. observ.),
green crabs Carcinus maenas (L.) (Beal 1994), and fish such as
sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.), mummichogs (Fundulus
heteroclitus (L.)), and Atlantic silversides (Menidia menidia (L.)) (B.
Beal and R.L. Vadas, pers. observ.; Lazzari et al. 2003; Mattila et al.
1999). In addition, beds provide refuge for burrowing infaunal bivalves
(Orth et al. 1984) and serve as spawning grounds and nursery
sites for a number of commercial and recreational marine fish species
(Matic-Skoko et al. 2004, Thayer et al. 1975a).
We thank the following people for helping in the field and the laboratory:
Dennis Anderson, Sherrie Emerson, Jill Fegley, Jeff Rodzen, and Ken Vencile.
220 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
We thank property owners at Bell Farm (Bob and Terry Bell) for allowing us
access to their shoreland. We acknowledge support from the Maine Agricultural
and Forestry Experiment Station and the Maine Sea Grant Program. The work
was conducted as part of a research program entitled “Developing an Ecological
Model of a Boreal, Macrotidal Estuary: Cobscook Bay, Maine,” funded by
a grant from the A.W. Mellon Foundation to the Maine Chapter of the Nature
Conservancy, with matching funds from the University of Maine at Orono and
the University of Maine at Machias. We appreciate the comments of two anonymous
reviewers on an earlier draft.
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