Ecosystem Modeling in Cobscook Bay, Maine: A Boreal, Macrotidal Estuary
2004 Northeastern Naturalist 11(Special Issue 2):325–354
Late 20th-Century Qualitative Intertidal Faunal Changes
in Cobscook Bay, Maine
Abstract - Late 20th-Century changes in the intertidal distributions of macroinvertebrates
within five sample sites in the Cobscook Bay, ME, region were
evaluated by comparisons with qualitative baselines, some as old as 35 years.
These baselines were generated by the Maine State Planning Office Critical
Areas Program (1970–1987), which recognized the unique distributions of macroinvertebrates
and high diversity of intertidal communities in Cobscook Bay
that had attracted many zoologists dating back to the early 1800s. The sample
sites were critical invertebrate areas registered by the Critical Areas Program
between 1968 and 1976. None of the sample sites had been re-examined for
at least 20 years, and all but one had been evaluated at least twice previous to
this study. Many species, including those whose presence was used to designate
habitats as critical, were common or abundant in original site descriptions, but
rare or absent in 2002. The dramatic change in community composition away
from species typical of hard bottoms to established mussel beds suggests a faunal
shift has occurred. The principal driving force that produced this change is
proposed to be disturbance from increased sedimentation that altered intertidal
habitats. Potential sources of this disturbance and possible cascades that followed
are discussed.
Cobscook Bay, ME, is exceptional because of the extreme tidal range
that characterizes this macrotidal estuary and creates an ecosystem with
biodiversity unsurpassed at lower latitudes (Trott and Larsen 2003).
Postglacial changes in climate and ocean circulation superimposed on
the large tidal amplitude contributed to the assemblage of unique communities
found there (Bousfield and Thomas 1975). However, compared
to estuaries similar in size and commercial importance, general awareness
of this ecosystem is poor in spite of its distinctiveness. Cobscook
Bay, a rock-framed macrotidal estuary, is both the furthest east and the
only boreal estuary on the eastern coast of the United States. Though
Cobscook Bay serves as the basin for two rivers, the amount of freshwater
entering the Bay is negligible (Campbell 2004) and differentiates
it from many macrotidal estuaries which often receive substantial river
input (Gleizon et al. 2003). All the water entering the innermost region
*R.S. Friedman Field Station, Edmunds, ME 04628; Biology Department, Suffolk
University, 41 Temple Street, Boston, MA 02114;
326 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
of the Bay, formed by confluence of Whiting and Dennys Bays, must
enter through a single narrow opening restricted by an island. All processes
occurring in the Inner Bay dependent on mixing with offshore
waters are reliant on this single input.
Cobscook Bay has a historical record matched by few other marine
locations in the United States since Eastport, ME, was where the United
States Fish Commision established its second research station after recognizing
the decline of fisheries on the eastern US coast in the mid-1800s.
Before this, the intertidal communities of Cobscook Bay had drawn
zoologists to this remote region for decades. The highly diverse macroinvertebrate
fauna of Cobscook Bay is documented by a rich historical chronology
that spans 162 years of collection records because of this attention
(Trott 2004). Information of this kind is rare and useful in establishing
species distributions and general knowledge of geographic ranges. It provides,
however, no hint of relative abundance of the benthic community
that inhabits intertidal rocky shores and mudflats. With the exception of
Larsen and Gilfillan (2004), no quantitative information from systematic
sampling in Cobscook Bay has been published, and even their study
sampled exclusively subtidal commuities.
One focus of historical ecology is the examination of long term
changes in communities. These studies are difficult since pre-existing
databases are required to make time-series comparisons. Surveys of
marine benthic communities are few, especially in North America.
Long-term changes have been best studied in northern Europe where
ecological investigations of marine communities have more commonly
surveyed community composition (e.g., Buchanan 1963, Ford 1923,
Kühne and Rachnor 1996). Subsequent studies have revealed interesting
changes in community composition and biogeography (Bamber
1993, Shillabeer and Tapp 1989, Tyler and Shackley 1980). The rarity
of benthic community surveys in North America makes them attractive
for investigating community change and studies for comparison with
the eastern Atlantic.
Five specific locations in the Cobscook Bay region were the focus
of qualitative ecological assessments of intertidal macrobenthic invertebrates
in the 1970s and 80s, as were other noteworthy invertebrate
communities along the coast of Maine (Maine State Archives). These
evaluations were conducted as part of the Critical Areas Program (CAP)
of the Maine State Planning Office that operated officially from 1970
to 1987 and aimed to identify rare and unique features throughout the
State. Many publications resulting from the CAP documented ecologically
significant intertidal areas within Maine and the fauna found
within these special locations (Doggett et al. 1978; Gilbert 1977a,b;
Speel 1978; Weiss 1980). Because of their qualitative nature, measuring
changes using the databases produced by these studies is difficult,
2004 T.J. Trott 327
though highly attractive, since such location-specific historical records
are rarely available. Detailed site sketch maps, land owner information
and tax maps, site descriptions, evaluations based on CAP criteria, species
lists, and observations are available for most critical invertebrate
areas. For some species, relative measures of their abundances based on
collection effort for particular localities also exist.
During the past six years of field studies in Cobscook Bay, many
intertidal species once easily found, according to previous investigators
and local knowledge, were rarely or never seen by the author and his
colleagues who had sampled Cobscook Bay years before he began ecological
studies there. The purpose of this investigation was to measure
change, if any, in intertidal communities with assemblages of invertebrates
that originally attracted attention to each critical invertebrate
area. These were a group of species selected by their inclusion in previous
CAP records, which included, but was not limited to, the circumboreal
prosobranch gastropod, Margarites helicinus, the Arctic bivalve,
Mya truncata, and the northern Atlantic brachiopod, Terebratulina septentrionalis
(see Table 1). Ecological significance of critical invertebrate
areas differed depending on whether they were located inside or outside
the Cobscook Bay complex. Within Cobscook Bay, ecological signifi-
cance of the Critical Invertebrate Areas was based on the change in vertical
zonation of many cold water species from subtidal into the shallow
intertidal zone. This expansion of vertical range is possible because of
Table 1. Target species assigned ecological significance in historical reference information
for the five critical invertebrate area sample sites in the Cobscook Bay region. The current
distribution of each species is indicated by presence (+) or absence (–) for each sample
site. Critical invertebrate areas were registered based on the presence of the species that
abbreviations appear next to.
West Outer
Quoddy Gleason Birch Wilbur Crow
Species Head Point Island Neck Neck
Margarites helicinus (OBI, WN) + - + + +
Colus stimpsoni (CN) - - - - -
Neptunea lyrata decemcostata (CN) - - + 1 - -
Lacuna vincta (CN) + - - + +
Astarte complex (CN) - + - - +
Mya truncata (GP) - - + [+] - + [+]
Musculus discors (CN) + + + - +
Musculus niger (CN) + - - - -
Priapulus caudatus (CN) - - - - -
Terebratulina septentrionalis (CN) [+] - + 1 - + 1
Solaster endeca (CN) - - - - -
Crossaster papposus (CN) - - - - -
Abbreviations: Gleason Point (GP); Wilbur Neck (WN); Outer Birch Island (OBI); Crow
Neck (CN); shell [+].
1Observed during post quadrat sampling reconnaissance.
328 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
the physical oceanography and meteorological conditions of this boreal,
macrotidal estuary that create cooler intertidal environments. Outside
of Cobscook Bay, the high species diversity and the unusual southern
distribution of Arctic species made these critical invertebrate areas
ecologically significant. The qualitative baselines generated for each
Critical Invertebrate Area in Cobscook Bay and vicinity served as reference
points to measure changes in invertebrate distributions, community
structure, and diversity. This study marks another point in the timeline
for each critical invertebrate area in the Cobscook Bay region.
All five locations of this study were sampled in July to coincide
within one month of the original historical reference data marked by
dates that ranged from June through August on field evaluation forms
obtained from the Maine State Archives. The duration of the quadrat
sampling interval at each site ranged from 40 to 50 min. Each transect,
later described, was sampled synoptically within a single low tide period
by a team of three. Authorities for all species identified can be found in
elsewhere in this issue in Trott (2004). Additional data recorded included
tidal amplitude, air and sea water temperatures, weather conditions,
and general observations of the sample site for evidence of disturbance
and features identified in previous reports.
Faunal sampling methods
Location of study areas. The five study areas selected for evaluation
were all in the Cobscook Bay region (Fig. 1). Three areas were situated
within the Inner Bay complex: Crow Neck and Wilbur Neck, both
located in Dennys Bay, and Outer Birch Island located in Whiting Bay.
The two remaining areas, Gleason Point and West Quoddy Head, are
located north and south, respectively, of the entrances to Cobscook Bay.
Gleason Point borders Passamaquoddy Bay, and West Quoddy Head
projects into Grand Manan Channel.
Sample site selection. Reconnaissance surveys of each documented
location were conducted as part of a pre-selection process for positioning
sample transects. The primary goal was to locate one or more
target species with distributions particular to each sample site (Table
1). Target species were not indicator species. Target species is a term
created by this study. These species were considered ecologically significant
among the set of those referenced from each site in CAP field
evaluation forms for any of three reasons: (1) a historical record more
extensive than a listing in critical area field evaluations only, (2) a recognition
of uniqueness in geographic distribution by the CAP that was
used in the decision on registering an area, and (3) available estimates
of the relative density of these species made at the time of site evalu2004
T.J. Trott 329
ation. A secondary goal was to construct a qualitative species list of
all species encountered in the process of searching for target species.
Each mission began an hour before low water and its focus progressed
from coarse large-scale sweeps to fine small-scale probing while moving
towards the low water mark and following the falling tide. Maps
contained in the original reports (Maine State Archives) were used
for orientation to the specific designated regions within each specific
location. These included navigational charts and both topographic and
hand-drawn maps. In all instances, hand-drawn maps were used as the
final reference to locate target species. They indicated landmarks, and
other physiographic features, illustrated sufficiently to find the exact
locations reported. Other supporting materials contained within each
Figure 1. Map of Cobscook Bay, ME, showing locations of critical invertebrate
areas. Inset illustrates general location of Cobscook Bay in relation to
the Gulf of Maine.
330 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
file, i.e., descriptions, correspondence, and evaluation forms, also
aided in this process.
Upon completion of a reconnaissance survey, two outcomes were
possible based on presence/absence of target species: either (1) the
target species was found and its distribution marked for assigning the
boundaries of the sample transect, or (2) the target species was not
discovered. In outcome (1), a sample transect was located within the
boundaries of the critical invertebrate area indicated by its large-scale
delineation on topographic maps and navigational charts. In outcome
(2), the boundaries of the sample transect were selected according to
the distribution of nontarget species found during reconnaissance that
often corresponded to significant features of the physical environment.
The rationale for following this selection method was based
on the prediction that locations qualitatively characterized to have
high species diversity would generate the best ecological inventory to
compose a baseline update for an area. For example, at Gleason Point,
the gaper clam, Mya truncata, was not found within the boundaries of
the archived hand drawn map from the Gleason Cove critical area file
(Maine State Archives). A transect was therefore located within Gleason
Cove in an area adjacent to Gleason Point that formed a natural
boundary where the greatest number of different species were found
during the reconnaissance survey.
Faunal transects. Quadrat sample transects were oriented as a 50-m2
band (50 x 1 m) parallel to the low waterline with a width overlapping
the low intertidal-high subtidal fringe exposed at low water. This stratum
had the highest probability of coinciding with the greatest densities
of target species. Approximately 30 min before the time of low water,
the endpoints of the 50-m long transect were anchored with markers,
and the distance, divided into thirds, marked in turn. Approximately 20
min before the time of low water, a 1-m distance perpendicular to the
transect and extending in the direction of the falling tide was marked
at each endpoint and each intra-transect marker. At Crow Neck, Wilbur
Neck, and Gleason Point, sampling effort and tide permitted a second
sample transect (50 x 1 m), that extended the initial one to give a total
sample transect area of 100 m2. It was positioned slightly higher (< 1 m)
than the original stratum given the rise in tide.
Faunal transect quadrat samples. Thirty replicate 0.1-m2 quadrats,
10 per each third of the 50-m2 transect area, were sampled without replacement.
Quadrat selection was not truly random. A quadrat sampler
was blindly tossed forward from an end of a subdivision with no intent
towards distance or lateral direction provided it fell within the transect
boundaries. This action was repeated until the opposite end of the
subdivision was reached. Sampling continued if fewer than 10 quadrat
samples were taken before reaching the end of the subdivision by fac2004
T.J. Trott 331
ing towards the area just sampled and repeating this procedure. Overlap
between quadrats was avoided by marking the position of each sampled
quadrat with golf tees. A subsequent selected quadrat that overlapped
to any degree with a previously sampled quadrat was discarded and reselected.
When a second sample transect was added, 60 total replicate
quadrats were sampled.
The presence of all macrobenthic epifaunal invertebrates was recorded
before disturbing the quadrat by turning over rocks and cobble in
search of additional species. Macroalgae were intensively searched for
target species. Only target species were quantified by counting the number
of individuals within a quadrat using adaptive cluster sampling.
Faunal transect adaptive cluster samples. Many sample locations
had been evaluated as ecologically significant and registered on the
basis of the presence of species like the smooth top shell, Margarites
helicinus, and the brachiopod, Terebratulina septentrionalis, that
have patchy spatial distributions. An adaptive cluster sampling design
(Thompson 1990) was implemented to estimate mean densities for
these epifaunal species, since populations that are highly clumped are
best sampled by this method. Briefly, it dictates that when a randomly
selected quadrat contains a species of interest, additional quadrats
are nonrandomly added to the borders of the original quadrat. These
“neighborhood quadrats” initially have one side in common with the
original quadrat and are examined for the targeted species. Neighborhood
quadrats are added until “edge quadrats” (i.e., quadrats that are
empty) result. When only edge quadrats are obtained, the sampling for
that cluster stops. Adaptive cluster sampling is not effective for infaunal
species and is inappropriate for dispersed species.
Faunal transect benthic substrate samples. Ten substrate samples
were taken from the quadrats along the initial 50-m transect. These
quadrats were selected prior to sampling by randomly choosing quadrat
numbers (1–30) from a table of random values (Zar 1996). All substrate
was removed with a scoop within the selected 0.1-m2 quadrat until anoxic
sediments were reached (≈ 2–6 cm) or a volume of 2.3 x 103 cm3
was collected, whichever came first. Substrate samples were processed
in entirety on the same day of collection. They were sieved through 2.0
and 1.0 mm screens sequentially in the laboratory. Material retained on
the screens was sorted with the aide of 50x dissecting microscopes. All
organisms were identified to the lowest taxon practical, most often the
species level. Invertebrates were transferred into fingerbowls after separating
any predators (i.e., crabs), relaxed with a 7% filtered seawater solution
of MgCl
for 24 h in refrigeration, then fixed with 10% formalin.
Fixed samples were labeled with location, sample and quadrat number,
and date before archiving. Archived samples were transferred into 70%
ethanol for permanent storage after 6–8 weeks.
332 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
Faunal transect sample data analysis. Species richness was estimated
using the nonparametric jackknife estimate at each location for a
simple measure of diversity (Heltshe and Forrester 1983). This estimate
is based on the observed frequency of rare species in the community.
Data from quadrats and substrate samples were used to calculate separate
species richness estimates. As already described, mean densities for
target species with clumped distributions were estimated using adaptive
cluster sampling statistics (Thompson 1990). Whenever possible,
current baseline information was compared with qualitative historical
reference data collected during previous ecological assessments.
Habitat characterization
Habitat mapping transects. Sample sites were characterized to habitat
type using semiquantitative methods described by Brown (1993) for
a classification system of marine and estuarine habitats in Maine as applied
to benthic habitats. Since examples of each habitat type defined by
this classification system included some of the current sample sites, the
utility and accuracy of this system could be tested. It also created a new
baseline for future reference. Habitat mapping included more intertidal
area than what was sampled for fauna since the entire vertical slope of
the intertidal zone was surveyed along a line transect positioned perpendicular,
not parallel, to the shore. The width of the intertidal zones
exposed at low tide ranged from 35 to 80 m with tidal variation that
ranged from -0.46 to 2.4 m around mean low water.
All five locations were mapped using a procedure modified from
Bailey et al. (1993). A habitat mapping transect was established starting
at a georeferenced permanent marker at Spring High Water (SHW)
mark that extended to the low water mark bisecting perpendicularly the
horizontal faunal sample transect. The compass heading for the transect
was recorded from the georeferenced marker to be used for roughly reestablishing
the transect line in future mapping studies. The slope of the
intertidal zone along the transect line was determined by measuring the
change in elevation at 10-m intervals.
Habitat mapping transect quadrat samples. A 1-m2 quadrat was
sampled down slope at each 10-m interval by dividing the quadrat
and collecting data from 0.25-m2 subsamples. The percentage cover
of every macroalgal species that occupied at least 5% of a subquadrat
was estimated by visual assessment. The substrate was exposed and
a visual scan used to estimate the percentage area comprised of each
sediment type, i.e., mud, sand, gravel, cobble, boulder, and rock, as
defined by Brown (1993). Macroinvertebrates within the 1-m2 quadrat
were noted. At West Quoddy Head, Wilbur Neck, and Crow Neck,
each 0.25-m2 subquadrat was digitally photographed twice: (1) after
estimating percent macroalgal cover and (2) after estimating percent2004
T.J. Trott 333
age of each substrate type. The purpose of photo documentation was
to provide a quantitative reference for each mapped 1-m2 quadrat for
future comparisons.
Habitat characterization
Habitat classification agreed in part with descriptions given in the
intertidal subsystem of Brown (1993) that listed some of the Cobscook
Bay critical invertebrate areas as typical for defined habitats (Table 2).
West Quoddy Head substrate was classified as rock and differed from
the published predominant substrate type of boulder, but energy level,
i.e., partially exposed, was the same. This result indicates that the characterization
of substrate type is highly dependent on the positioning of
a habitat mapping line transect along the SHW horizon. Gleason Point
(mixed-coarse: semi-protected) and Wilbur Neck (mixed-coarse and
fine: protected) agreed with published descriptions for these locations.
Outer Birch Island and Crow Neck were not directly comparable to
published classifications since neither was listed as example sites for
any of the intertidal habitat classifications in Brown (1993). However,
the substrate types of both sample sites were within the possibilities for
their categorized level of exposure. This agreement confirms the utility
of the habitat classification system since only certain substrate types can
occur for each level of exposure (Brown 1993).
The level of accumulated fine mud sedimentation that occluded
normal interstices among boulders and large cobble at the Inner Bay
complex critical invertebrate area sample sites was substantial. Extensive
patches of macroalgae, specifically Laminaria beds, described in
correspondence and illustrated on maps in archived files were no longer
present at these locations. The surfaces of rock, shell, and algae, were
coated with a veneer of fine mud that strongly adhered and resisted
removal by washing. In some sample locations, this condition was extreme,
particularly Wilbur Neck, producing anoxic conditions just millimeters
below the surface.
Table 2. Habitat classification of the five critical invertebrate area sample sites in the
Cobscook Bay region based on the Brown (1993) habitat classification system of benthic
intertidal habitats in marine ecosystems. WQH = West Quoddy head, WN = Wilbur Neck,
CN = Crow Neck, OBI = Outer Birch Island, and GP = Gleason Point.
Sample Substrate (%)
site Rock Boulder Cobble Gravel Sand Mud Brown classification
WQH 61 16 11 3 10 0.4 Rock: partially-exposed
WN 0.25 28 20 35 2 15 Mixed-coarse + fine: protected
CN 1 4 4 51 0 40 Mixed-coarse + fine: semi-protected
OBI 43 17 21 15 0.31 4 Mixed-coarse: semi-protected
GP 0 35 23 24 18 0 Mixed-coarse: semi-protected
334 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
Extensive beds of mussels were found at both Crow Neck and Wilbur
Neck. One large mussel bed at Crow Neck extended along the sides
to the point of the North by Northeast rock spit bordering a tide pool.
This land form was once exposed, bare, current-swept rock and boulder
according to Weiss (1980). Mud was not included in the geological
description of the rock spit at Crow Neck. Layers of mussel shells
underlie extensive mussel beds at Wilbur Neck, representing previous
surface levels. At both locations, mussel beds were coated with a veneer
of fine mud.
Mussels were not reported to occur at Wilbur Neck by the original
critical area evaluation. They are listed only in the revised species list for
Crow Neck (Weiss 1980) and not the original lists from the field evaluation
forms completed in 1968, 1970, and 1975–1977 (Maine State Archives
2001). The appearance of mussel beds could be relatively recent
since the extensive detailed description of Crow Neck in the critical area
report includes a specific focus on the North by Northeast rock spit fauna
and never mentions mussel beds. Mussel beds were unlikely to be routinely
overlooked. This idea is supported by the inclusion of Mytilus edulis in
the description of the West Quoddy Head critical invertebrate area (Doggett
et al. 1978, Maine State Archives 2001).
Species composition and community structure
Bryozoa, Porifera, and Ascidiacea, taxa that contain species that
are epifaunal suspension feeders, consistently formed a minor proportion
of representative phyla across all sample sites or were sometimes
absent (Fig. 2). Cnidaria, epifaunal sit-and-wait predators, were also a
minor segment of the community at all locations. Molluscs dominated in
number of species present (37 to 51%) at all sample sites, except Outer
Birch Island where samples contained nearly equal proportions of molluscs,
polychaetes, and echinoderms comprising 24, 28, and 24% of the
macroinvertebrate fauna, respectively (Fig. 2). Species area curves suggest
that further sampling would not raise considerably the number of
species at Crow Neck, Gleason Point, and Wilbur Neck, while at Outer
Birch Island and West Quoddy Head, 30 replicate quadrat samples were
insufficient to collect all species (Fig. 3).
Differences in jackknife estimates of species richness (Fig. 4a,b)
paralleled closely the number of species found in quadrat and substrate
samples at each site (Fig. 3), although species historically present were
under-represented in samples from all sites (Figs. 5–7). For example,
Crow Neck had the highest species richness, but notably only 33% (13
out of 31) of species previously identified as ecologically significant to
this sample site were found (Fig. 7). Gleason Point, West Quoddy Head,
Outer Birch Island, and Wilbur Neck formed a group with nearly equal
estimates of species richness.
2004 T.J. Trott 335
Mussels were clearly dominant at Crow and Wilbur Necks and occurred
in 60 and 95% of quadrats, respectively; they were present in
23–47% of quadrats sampled at the remaining sites. Mussels and the
gastropod Littorina littorea were the only species ubiquitous in occurrence
in all transects at all sample sites.
Distribution of target species
The sea stars Solaster endeca and Crossaster papposus were not
found at any sample site, though they were historically present intertid-
Figure 2. Community composition by percentage contribution of major phyla represented
at each critical invertebrate area sample site in the Cobscook Bay region.
336 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
ally at Crow Neck, as were all targeted species (Fig. 7). In total, just 6
of the 12 target species reported to occur at Crow Neck were observed.
Only a single Neptune whelk, Neptunea lyrata decemcostata, was discovered
during reconnaissance at Outer Birch Island, the only one of the
three target species reported for this site found in this study.
No gaper clams, Mya truncata, were found at Gleason Point, registered
as a critical invertebrate area based on the intertidal distribution of this species
(Table 3, Fig. 5a). Gleason Point reconnaissance found Mya arenaria
that had mis-shaped, deformed shells formed during growth in the coarse
cobble/gravel/sand substrate (Table 2). Their initial appearance was similar
enough to be confused with M. truncata and casts doubt on the report
that this species occurred at Gleason Point (see Discussion). A gaper clam
was found live under rocks at Outer Birch Island and in only one substrate
sample taken from Crow Neck (Table 1). When shells of this species were
counted in substrate samples, the same distribution among sample sites
was obtained. Only one sample from Outer Birch Island and three from
Crow Neck contained shells of M. truncata. This distribution was consistent
with historical records (Figs. 6a, 7).
Brachiopods, Terebratulina septentrionalis, were found live infrequently
at two of the five sample sites during post quadrat sampling
Figure 3. Species-area curves for the five critical invertebrate area sample sites
in the Cobscook Bay, ME, region.
2004 T.J. Trott 337
Figure 4. Species richness of (a) quadrat samples and (b) substrate samples from
the critical invertebrate area sample sites in the Cobscook Bay, ME, region.
Vertical bars indicate 95% confidence intervals.
338 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
Figure 5. Persistence measured in years of target (*) and nontarget species
identified in previous evaluations and the present study of critical invertebrate
areas located outside Cobscook Bay. (a) Gleason Point and (b) West Quoddy Head.
2004 T.J. Trott 339
Figure 6. Persistence measured in years of target (*) and nontarget species identified in previous evaluations and the present study of critical invertebrate areas
located within Cobscook Bay. (a) Outer Birch Island and (b) Wilbur Neck.
340 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
reconnaissance surveys only: Crow Neck and Outer Birch Island (Table
1). A shell of this species was found in one sediment sample taken
from West Quoddy Head. The distribution of T. septentrionalis at West
Quoddy Head and Outer Birch Island was not documented previously
(Figs. 5b and 6a, respectively). Quantitative population densities were
not estimated since this species did not occur within quadrats at any
sample location. They were discovered at Crow Neck and Outer Birch
Island only with intense, intentional directed searching when time permitted,
i.e., at the end of the field season when quadrat sampling at all
sites had been completed. Terebratulina septentrionalis was found on
the undersides of only two out of eight large boulders at Crow Neck;
one boulder had 11 lampshells attached to its underside and another 16.
Figure 7. Persistence measured in years of target (*) and nontarget species identified in previous evaluations and the present study of the Crow Neck critical
invertebrate area, located within Cobscook Bay, ME.
2004 T.J. Trott 341
This patchy distribution was similar to historical documentation on the
occurrence of this species in the Crow Neck Critical Invertebrate Area
(Table 3). On Outer Birch Island, only a single T. septentrionalis was
found attached to the underside of a boulder. It was photographed and
marked for future reference.
Five target species were found within sample transects at various locations,
but their abundance was not quantified using adaptive cluster sampling
(Table 2). Three were infaunal bivalves found in sediment samples,
i.e., the suspension feeding Musculus discors, M. niger, and Astarte complex,
and the fourth was the gastropod Lacuna vincta, a grazer that did not
have a clumped distribution. To summarize, eight of the 12 target species
selected for study were found among the five Critical Invertebrate Area
sample sites. However, only one of these, Margarites helicinus, was found
in quadrat samples with distributions appropriate for estimating population
density using adaptive cluster sampling.
Margarites helicinus
Abundance of Margarites helicinus differed markedly from documented
qualitative estimates by Gilbert (1977a) that scored smooth top shells as
“abundant” at Wilbur Neck (Table 3). Differences in densities among these
sites were most apparent when the total number of snails counted using
adaptive cluster sampling was compared. Within 50-m2 sample transects,
totals ranged from 2 at Wilbur Neck to 320 at West Quoddy Head. Mean
density among sites broke into two groups according to broad geographic
location: (1) greatest outside Cobscook Bay—West Quoddy Head; and
(2) lowest inner Cobscook Bay—Outer Birch Island, Wilbur Neck, and
Crow Neck (Table 4). The occurrence of this species within sample sites
Table 3. Locations and the relative abundance of macroinvertebrate species at the five
Critical Invertebrate Area sample sites in the Cobscook Bay region that registration of
each area was based on (Maine State Archives 2001). OBI = Outer Birch Island, WN =
Wilbur Neck, GP = Gleason Point, WQH = West Quoddy Head, CN = Crow Neck.
Sample Faunal
area Species Common name affinity Relative abundance
OBI1 Margarites helicinus Smooth top shell Epifauna Common (10–25 snails
found at low tide)
WN1 Margarites helicinus Smooth top shell Epifauna Abundant (> 25 snails
found at low tide)
GP2 Mya truncata ? Gaper clam Infauna Large, healthy population,
but questionable ID
WQH3 High species Species complex Epi- and No data
diversity area infauna
CN4 Terebratulina Lampshell Epifauna Rare to moderately
septentrionalis common, patchy*
1Gilbert 1977a, 2Gilbert 1977b, 3Doggett et al. 1978, 4Weiss 1980.
*One isolated patch with high density of 100/m2 (Weiss 1980).
342 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
followed patterns documented in historical reference data with the exception
of Gleason Point where it was absent, and W. Quoddy Head where it
was found (Figs. 5–7). Among sample sites, M. helicinus was present in all
transects except at Gleason Point (Table 1).
Smooth top shells were found associated most frequently with the
macroalgal fucoid, Fucus evanescens, a species common to quiet harbors
though occasionally found on more exposed points, near or below
low tide (Taylor 1976). At West Quoddy Head, M. helicinus was associated
with a more diverse assortment of algae that included the red,
Porphyra miniata.
Faunal diversity of the critical invertebrate areas in the Cobscook
Bay region, specifically those in the Inner Bay complex, was remarkably
poor compared to the rich, diverse communities expected from
historical baselines generated by the CAP. This was most apparent at
Crow Neck, which had the best historical record (1968–1980) of all
study locations for comparison with quadrat samples. Fewer than half
of the documented ecologically notable species were found in quadrat
and substrate samples from Crow Neck in the present study. Change
over this time scale is notable and has not been observed in neighboring
marine communities. No change was seen among three subtidal stations
sampled in 1974 and 2000 (Wildish and Pohle in press). These St. Croix
estuary stations, located in neighboring Passamaquoddy Bay, were isolated
from anthropogenic influences.
The absence of target species selected for study at sample locations
where these species were distributed historically is evident also from
qualitative comparisons of densities. Changes in abundance of at least
one target species is reflected by the diminished presence of the smooth
top shell, Margarites helicinus, now a minor part of the intertidal communities
of the Inner Bay complex critical invertebrate area sample
sites. The first reports describing the density of this species were based
Table 4. Mean densities (mean ± 95% confidence interval) per quadrat (0.1 m2) of smooth
top shells, Margarites helicinus, determined by adaptive cluster sampling in 50 m2
transects at the five critical invertebrate area sample sites in the Cobscook Bay region. N
= total number of snails counted within each transect.
Location N Mean density/0.1 m2
Outer Bay complex
West Quoddy Head 320 0.61 ± 2.77 x 10-1
Gleason Point 0 0.0
Inner Bay complex
Outer Birch Island 17 0.08 ± 7.99 x 10-4
Crow Neck 6 0.02 ± 2.34 x 10-2
Wilbur Neck 2 0.01 ± 2.03 x 10-3
2004 T.J. Trott 343
on a qualitative measurement relating effort to abundance, i.e., the
number of individuals found at low tide on a walk through the intertidal
zone (Gilbert 1977a). Based on this relative measure of abundance, Wilbur
Neck had an “abundant” population of snails (> 25 snails found at
low tide) that were also “common” (10–25 snails found at low tide) on
Outer Birch Island (Table 3). Twenty-five years later, the Wilbur Neck
populations have dwindled to rare and infrequent occurrences requiring
intensive sampling to find any snails, e.g., the two snails found during
the present study. Differences in abundance from the historical record
are underscored by the nearly equal effort in search times for both field
studies. In the present study, smooth top shells were most abundant at
West Quoddy Head, which suggests seasonality in reproduction cannot
explain the observed low population densities within Cobscook Bay.
Insufficient sampling is a doubtful cause for low estimates: although
species area curves indicate Outer Birch Island was undersampled, West
Quoddy Head was also undersampled.
A similar interpretation of abundance of the brachiopod Terebratulina
septentrionalis, another target species, is problematic. Since they
were absent in quadrat samples, population densities were not estimated
with adaptive cluster sampling. Brachiopods were found during intensive
searches directed at finding this species at Crow Neck post-faunal
transect quadrat sampling. The patchy distribution of T. septentrionalis
matches descriptions written as long as 26 years previous (Speel 1978,
Weiss 1980) and resembled the clumped spatial pattern that characterize
brachiopod distributions in general (Noble et al. 1976). Any reasonable
population estimates of this species would require disruptive sampling
that could damage this habitat extensively, a concern already raised by
Weiss (1980). For this reason, adaptive cluster sampling was not executed
after discovering brachiopods.
The gaper clam, Mya truncata, was not found at Gleason Point, which
Gilbert (1977b) registered as a critical invertebrate area because of the occurrence
of this species. Our second survey completed one year after this
present study and directed at the exact area marked in her hand-drawn,
archived map did not find any M. truncata again. In a letter, Gilbert
(Maine State Archives, File 371) raised the possibility that she could have
mistaken M. arenaria for M. truncata during the field evaluation that the
registration of Gleason Point rested on (Table 3). Her doubts of the initial
identification of this species were expressed in this letter to Hank Tyler,
Senior Planner, after finding “lots of truncated Mya arenaria” at Gleason
Point in August 1977. Environmentally induced resemblance in shell
form between these two species can result in similarities that require examination
of the pallial sinus and hinge tooth as differentiating characters
(Foster 1946). The results of our two surveys combined with Gilbert’s
questionable idenification cast reasonable doubt on the presence of M.
truncata at Gleason Point.
344 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
Gaps in the historical record of faunal distributions within critical
areas are less likely the result of inadequate sampling effort than absence
of species from these sample sites. Sampling effort can be defined
by the amount of time invested in search of species at a location. Most
historical critical area evaluations were conducted during a single visit
during one low tide. This is equitable to the initial sample site reconnaisance
employed in this study. If the number of observers searching is
considered in addition to reconnaisance time, then sampling effort was
greater in the present investigation, i.e., three observers versus two at
most in critical area evaluations. The added blocks of time (40–50 min)
represented by quadrat sampling of transects during this re-evaluation
accents its greater sampling effort.
Species area curves convincingly illustrate adequate sampling at
most locations, making sampling error an unlikely explanation for species
absence (Fig. 3). Intentional searches outside of sample transects
did produce positive records for only two species, Neptunea lyrata
decemcostata and Terebratulina septentrionalis, pointing out that the
chance effects of sample transect overlap with natural distributions of
particular species can result in false scores of species absence. Reconnaissance
prior to sampling for positioning sample transects intended to
reduce this possibility. Species distributions can be influenced by natural
fluctuations in abundance, both seasonally and inter-annually, and were
given consideration a priori to sampling. Pronounced seasonal variation
is known to occur in subtidal habitats in Maine, with the highest number
of species found during the summer months (Ojeda and Dearborn
1989). The possibility that changes in distributions could result from
seasonal reproduction and recruitment of target species was minimized
by sampling protocols. To maintain congruency with reference to time,
locations were sampled in the same season and within 30 days from
the month when each critical area had been evaluated. The presence of
target species at some locations and absence at others sampled within
weeks of each other supports the idea that seasonal reproduction and
recruitment was not a contributing factor to the observed changes in
species distributions. To reduce the chance that species presence was the
result of a random set of larvae, recently settled animals were excluded
from quadrat observations by including only individuals easily seen,
i.e., distinguishable to the naked eye. This increased the chances that
only established populations were recorded and also reduced the chance
that density estimates would be inflated.
Inter-annual variations in occurrence could be argued as an explanation
for the absence of target and other species, since this study was conducted
over only one summer season. Some account for this can be made
indirectly by considering longevity of some of the target species since
only adult, established populations were surveyed. Gaps in the presence
2004 T.J. Trott 345
of species among previous critical area evaluations could address the
likelihood that inter-annual variability accounts for their absence in this
study. Among target species not found in quadrat samples, longevity is
unknown, but might be estimated from congeners and related species.
Musculus niger could have a life span similar to the 2–5 years for M.
discors (Tyler-Walters 2001) and, likewise, Mya truncata to Mya arenaria
with a life span of 10–20 years (Tyler-Walters 2003). Among the
Buccinidae (C. stimpsoni, N. lyrata decimcostata), Neptunea antiqua
is known to live up to 10 years and considerably older in colder waters
(Pearce and Thorson 1967). Longevity for species of sun stars or the brachiopod
T. septentrionalis could not be found, although Asterias rubens
can live 7–8 years (Budd 2001) and the brachiopod Neocrania anomala
has a lifespan of 5–10 years (Jackson 2000). Many of these target species
were recorded during all previous critical area evaluations made at
intervals of 2 to 10 years for up to 12 years. This persistence suggests
that interannual variability during these years was not a major factor
influencing the presence of target species.
Most species historically present were not found during the present investigation
22 years after their last recorded appearance. Did they actually
disappear or is this a result of inter-annual variability? To help answer this,
found target species need to be considered, and the two rediscovered in the
present study have longevities of 2–5 years for Musculus discors (Tyler-
Walters 2001) and < 1 year for Lacuna vincta (Jackson 2003). Both species
were recorded by evaluations 22 years earlier, and L. vincta twice by earlier
evaluations made 4 years apart. While inter-annual variability can influence
species occurrence, it does not seem to account for species absences
in this study. If it were a major factor determining presence or absence of
persistent fauna, then the rediscovery of these two species with such short
life spans would be less likely.
Other components of the sampling design also reduced possible confounding
influences on species density estimates from movement of individuals
within sample transects. Many of the species selected for study
are motile which could potentially result in inaccurate estimates of species
densities if data collected on different days were combined. This error was
reduced by sampling transects synoptically within one low tide interval,
which also matched the time frame used for relative abundance estimates
in historical evaluations (Gilbert 1977a). Without doubt, explanations for
species absence based in natural variation of seasonal abundance and interannual
variation cannot be eliminated totally in lieu of annual, long-term
seasonal monitoring lasting for years (Davidson 1934, Lacalli 1981). In
spite of this limitation, surveys similar to this investigation can be valuable
in assessing changes in species distributions (Cohen et al. 1998).
What has happened in the last 20 years that caused the decline in
diversity of species historically present intertidally and the faunal shift
346 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
observed in this study? The possible effects of disturbance resulting from
siltation of suspended sediments which could have produced the coatings
of fine mud found covering surfaces of algae and rock are worth exploring.
Changes in substrate characteristics resulting from siltation can have
a direct effect on community composition through recruitment. Invertebrate
larvae that actively select habitats for settlement may not prefer
surfaces modified by sediment deposition (Butman and Grassle 1992,
Crisp 1976, Pawlik 1992, Woodin et al. 1998) and will not recruit, while
larvae of other species that do prefer this habitat will settle and replace
the former. Once established, new colonizing species can enhance sedimentation
through bioresuspension and biodeposition (Graf and Rosenberg
1997, Rhoads and Young 1970) and further inhibit colonization of
previously established fauna. Increased suspended sediments can also
decrease the survivorship of sessile filter-feeding fauna including ascidians,
bryozoans, and sponges (Bakus 1968, Naranjo et al. 1996, Turk and
Risk 1981, Zühlke and Reise 1994). These phyla were minor components
of the intertidal communities surveyed by this study.
Patterns of sedimentation in Cobscook Bay must have been altered
over time if siltation is a reasonable explanation for the observed change
in faunal composition. Present day community composition is characterized
by the absence of species historically distributed intertidally and
the predominance of mussels. Mussel beds cause significant siltation
and modification of substrates in two ways. They increase sedimentation
of suspended solids through hydrodynamic effects that result from
turbulence created in the benthic boundary layer by the physically rough
form of these aggregates (Butman et al. 1994, Frénchette et al. 1989).
In addition, sediment composition can change from biodeposition of
feces and pseudofeces by mussels and modify diversity through benthic
macrofaunal succession (Dittmann 1990, Mattsson and Lindén 1983).
Mussels were not reported at Wilbur Neck and for Crow Neck earlier
than 1980, but were found by this survey to be ubiquitous and often
the dominant species among all sample sites in Cobscook Bay. Greater
abundance of mussels could have enhanced siltation, and recent work
on the species composition of mussel beds in Cobscook Bay might
help to explain population changes. Mussel beds in Cobscook Bay are
of mixed species composition of Mytilus edulis and M. trossulus and
their hybrids (Rawson et al. 2001, 2003). Frequencies of M. trossulus
in mussel beds can vary from approximately 97% at Gove Point to 46%
at West Quoddy Head (Rawson et al. 2001). In Newfoundland, Toro
et al. (2002) found this species becomes mature at smaller sizes, has a
higher reproductive output, and spawns over a much longer period of
time (late spring to early autumn) than M. edulis (2–3 weeks in July). If
reproductive capacity of M. trossulus is also high in Cobscook Bay, the
combined effects of increased recruitment events facilitated by removal
2004 T.J. Trott 347
of grazers known to decrease mussel recruitment, e.g., Littorina littorea
(Bertness et al. 1999, Petraitis 1987), might explain the current patterns
of greater distribution and abundance of mussel beds. Massive recruitment
of Mytilus edulis has occurred across a 125-km-long coastline in
the southwest Gulf of Maine in 1995 (Witman et al. 2003). Recruitment
on this scale has not been documented in the northern Gulf of Maine, but
since the 1995 event, increased mussel recruitment has been reported at
two offshore sites in the Gulf of Maine (Harris et al. 1998) and during
the summer of 2000 in Long Island Sound, Narragansett Bay, and Isles
of Shoals, Gulf of Maine (see Witman et al. 2003).
Mussels beds might be considered unexpectedly persistent in spite
of possible heavy predation by the invasive European green crab, Carcinus
maenas. Green crabs were found by the present study to be very
abundant in Cobscook Bay, and mussels are commonly eaten by this
species (Bertness et al. 1999). Mussel clumps can also increase habitat
availability for recruiting green crabs, with known impacts on community
trophic structure and faunal diversity (Thiel and Dernedde 1994).
A positive feedback between recruitment of mussels and green crabs
would eventually limit mussel populations through increased predation,
quite opposite of what was observed by the present investigation.
However, the lower energy yield of M. trossulus that contain less meat
(Freeman et al. 1994) could make them less preferable prey for green
crabs that maximize energy in their diet by selective predation (Elner
and Hughes 1978). If green crabs can discriminate between the two species
of mussels based on sensory cues, the current species composition
of mussel beds (Rawson et al. 2001) could also be the result of selective
predation on more energetically profitable M. edulis and not solely a
result of higher recruitment of M. trossulus. In addition, since predation
by green crabs on periwinkles is well known (Lubchenco and Menge
1978, Trussell 1996), an increase in this predator’s abundance would
indirectly facilitate mussel recruitment by removing these grazers from
intertidal communities (Petraitis 1987).
Sources of suspended solids in Cobscook Bay are worthy of examination
if siltation facilitated by mussel beds has contributed towards changing
intertidal communities. Potential sources of input are rivers and
streams, erosion due to rising sea level, and sources outside of Cobscook
Bay, i.e., Passamaquoddy Bay, Upper Bay of Fundy. The most parsimonious
explanation for sources of suspended sediments would not require the
examination of inputs of particulates from various sources outside Cobscook
Bay, but would rely instead on resuspension from within the Bay.
Expansive plumes of sediments stirred up by scallop-dragging vessels
are evident in aerial photographs (Fig. 8, see also Brooks et al. 1997). The
intensity of dragging for scallops has historically been high because Cobscook
Bay was one of the most productive scalloping areas on the Maine
348 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
coast. The suspension of large amounts of sediment from urchin dragging
in autumn attenuates light enough to make Cobscook Bay light limited in
respect to phytoplankton production (Phinney et al. 2004). Dredges used to
harvest sea urchins undoubtedly create similar plumes.
The degree of resuspension of sediments from dragging for scallops
and sea urchins would be cumulative and vary according to fishing
intensity, although the duration and overlap of open season for each
fishery would contribute additional combined affects. Licensing regulations
control the number of boats dragging for each species and are
more stringent on urchin than scallop draggers. New licenses for urchin
dragging have been issued by lottery since 1998, but the licensing of
scallopers is unrestricted. Unlimited licensing has resulted in startling
numbers of scallop boats appearing on opening day, with more than
200 scallopers working the Bay for the first two weeks of the season in
1989, and 178 boats appearing on opening day in 2001 (Department of
Marine Resources, pers. comm.). Fewer boats were seen since 2001 due
to changes in regulations that have made dragging less profitable for
large boats working the Bay from outside the region. Currently, nearly
100 people in towns neighboring Cobscook Bay are licensed to drag or
dive for scallops. While fewer boats harvest sea urchins than scallops
because of regulated licensing, the duration of open season for urchin
dragging was much longer prior to 2004 and overlapped the shorter sixmonth
scallop season. When this fishery first started in earnest during
1987, urchin dragging had no closed season, i.e., harvesting was year
round. The first season restriction was imposed in 1993, closing the fish-
Figure 8. Opening day of scallop season 1 November 1995 in South Bay of Cobscook
Bay. Plumes of sediment suspended from dragging activity are evident. Photograph
courtesy of Bruce Kidman, The Nature Conservancy, Maine Chapter.
2004 T.J. Trott 349
ery for nearly three months and then approximately five months in 2003.
Currently, the open season for 2004–05 is only 45 days. Fishing effort
for urchins is difficult to reconstruct because of how catch data were
collected, but during the 2002–03 season, of the 48 draggers licensed,
37 fished the Bay at least 10 times.
Increased amounts of suspended sediments with redistribution
dependent on circulation patterns in the Bay (Brooks 2004, Kelley
and Kelley 2004) could result in the silt deposition observed at all
of the Inner Bay complex critical invertebrate area sample sites. The
decrease in predator populations, rather than the increase observed
by Witman et al. (2003) following massive recruitment of mussels,
could be the difference between sedimentation patterns within a bay
complex versus an exposed open coast where transport away from the
shore can take place. Sediments are more likely to remain within the
Bay because of long residence times (Brooks 2004) and be trapped by
mussel beds. In addition, the adhering veneer of fine sediment found
coating all surfaces at the Inner Bay locations could be created by biostabilization
of the resuspended silt by microphytobenthos (Friend et
al. 2003, Stal 2003). Elevated standing stocks of microphytobenthos
found within the Inner Bay (Phinney et al. 2004), where residence time
increases (Brooks 2004), would enhance this process there. Removal
of herbivorous snails by predation and the commercial fishery for Littorina
littorea would eliminate the growth-limiting effects of grazing
on microphytobenthos and associated biofilms. Over time, veneers of
fine sediment like those found during this study would coat surfaces
normally cleared by grazing snails.
The influence of sedimentation of solids suspended through commercial
dragging activity on community diversity in Cobscook Bay
deserves further study. Inhibition of recruitment of historically important
species on substrates altered by sedimentation in the Cobscook
Bay ecosystem must be a concern if the diversity of species historically
present is to be conserved. The paradigm suggested as an explanation
for the observed faunal shift is based on the cumulative effects of
hydrodynamically facilitated sedimentation by M. trossulus/M. edulis
mussel beds of “recent” appearance and trapping of suspended solids on
biofilms. Predation by green crabs may have indirectly accelerated these
processes in two ways: (1) by reducing the abundance of blue mussels
M. edulis and (2) reducing the abundance of grazing gastropods. Commercial
harvest of periwinkles, L. littorea, would contibute towards the
latter. Considerable changes in seascapes would be the overall result
with loss of habitat for species found in the previously unique intertidal
communities of Cobscook Bay and potentially for some currently
harvested commercial species like scallops. The destabilizing effects of
siltation and altered species recruitment could explain at least some of
350 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
the significant changes in community structure observed over the past
20 years in Cobscook Bay.
This study was supported through a contract with The Nature Conservancy,
Maine Chapter. I would like to thank Barbara Vickery, Director of Conservation
Programs, for her support and discussions leading to the refinement of this project
and manuscript. Suggestions on earlier drafts by John Sowles, Department
of Marine Resources, and two anonymous reviewers improved this manuscript.
The assistance of the Department of Marine Resources in providing sea urchin
and scallop fishery information is gratefully acknowledged. Bruce Kidman, The
Nature Conservancy, Maine Chapter, kindly provided the photograph of scallop
fishing vessels. Appreciation and gratitude to Dr. Paul Langer for his voluntary
participation on all levels is recognized. Andrey Avanesov assisted with quadrat
sampling and substrate sample processing.
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