Ecosystem Modeling in Cobscook Bay, Maine: A Boreal, Macrotidal Estuary
2004 Northeastern Naturalist 11(Special Issue 2):425–438
Ecosystem Modeling in Cobscook Bay, Maine:
A Summary, Perspective, and Look Forward
Abstract - In the mid-1990s, an interdisciplinary, multi-institutional team of
scientists was assembled to address basic issues concerning biological productivity
and the unique co-occurrence of many unusual ecological features in
Cobscook Bay, ME. Cobscook Bay is a geologically complex, macrotidal system
located on the international border at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy. The
strategy adopted by the scientific team was to synthesize the known information
on Cobscook Bay, focus new field research on information needs related to
basic forcing functions and biological primary productivity, and organize the
information in an energy systems model to evaluate the flows of energy and
materials through the ecosystem and relate them to the inflows of physical
energy using the accounting quantity, emergy. As a consequence of this process,
diverse new and existing data have been combined and analyzed, leading to new
ways of thinking about the functioning of Cobscook Bay and macrotidal estuaries.
The principal finding is that an extraordinary convergence of natural energies
creates ideal conditions for supporting the development of ecological
organization found in few, if any, other estuarine systems. In this contribution,
we review the finding of the component research exercises, discuss their integration
into an energy systems model and emergy analysis, and suggest a
number of fruitful avenues for future research.
In the mid-1990s an interdisciplinary, multi-institutional team of
scientists was assembled to address basic issues concerning the unique
co-occurrence of many unusual ecological features in Cobscook Bay,
ME. Cobscook Bay is a geologically complex, macrotidal system (mean
tidal range: 6 m) located on the international border at the mouth of the
Bay of Fundy (Fig. 1). Cobscook Bay is part of the Quoddy region,
along with Passamaquoddy Bay, the St. Croix estuary, Campobello
Island, the Deer Island archipelago, and related features,.
The strategy adopted by the scientific team was to synthesize the
known information on Cobscook Bay, focus new field research on
information needs related to basic forcing functions and biological
1Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, PO Box 475, West Boothbay Harbor,
ME 04575. 2US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and
Development, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory,
Atlantic Ecology Division, Narragansett, RI 02882. *Corresponding author -
426 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
primary productivity, and organize the information in an energy systems
model to evaluate the flows of energy and materials through the ecosystem
and relate them to the inflows of physical energy. An overview of
the project scope is presented in Larsen (2004a). Complete details on the
modeling process and the application of the emergy concept (Campbell
2004; Odum 1988, 1996) to synthesize old and new information about
the estuary into a unified characterization of primary production within
the Cobscook Bay ecosystem are detailed in Campbell (2004).
As a consequence of this process, diverse new and existing data have
been combined, and analyzed as never before, leading to new ways of
thinking about the functioning of macrotidal estuaries. We now recognize
Cobscook Bay as a naturally eutrophic system, its high nutrient
levels deriving from up-welled, nutrient-rich Gulf of Maine waters,
Figure 1. Cobscook Bay, ME, and environs indicating various place names.
Head Harbour Passage
2004 P.F. Larsen and D.E. Campbell 427
rather than from natural or human activities in the watershed (Garside
and Garside 2004). The largest part of the organizing energy is supplied
by tidal and wave energy. Primary productivity, a third of which is
exported, is dominated by brown macroalgae and benthic microphytes.
There is an extraordinary convergence of physical energies in the Bay,
and as a result, primary production ranges from moderate to large
depending on the requirements for the different kinds of vegetation.
However, all plants in the Bay transform the available energy into
biomass less efficiently than expected, as indicated by emergy measures,
because the energy available is in excess. The efficiency of
trophic transfers approaches the usual values as energy moves up the
food chain, supporting a productive and diverse fauna in the higher
trophic levels. The high diversity found in some environments of
Cobscook Bay, e.g., the intertidal, can be attributed to the extraordinary
convergence of natural energies providing ideal conditions for supporting
the development of ecological organization there (Campbell 2004).
The purpose of this paper is to highlight some of the major discoveries
of our integrated research program. The reader is directed to the individual
contributions contained in this special issue of the Northeastern
Naturalist for in-depth considerations of the topics. As with all research,
answers lead to questions. The present results are only a step in a
continuing process. Along the way we have identified and quantified
critical environmental processes, uncovered some serious information
needs, and raised some suggestions for future investigation.
Tidal Circulation and Exchange
Cobscook Bay lies at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy and is subjected
to the large tides created by the near resonance of the semidiurnal tide of
the North Atlantic Ocean with the Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy basin
(Greenberg 1979). The intense tidal mixing in the region, created by the
movement of tidal currents over the rugged bottom, insures that source
water entering the Bay is cool and rich in nutrients ultimately derived
from North Atlantic slope water (Yentsch and Garfield 1981). A massive
amount of water, up to half a cubic kilometer, enters and leaves
Cobscook Bay on each flood and ebb tide (Brooks 2004, Brooks et al.
1999). This represents about one third of the volume of the Bay. Most of
that water passes through Head Harbor Passage, between Deer and
Campobello Islands. By contrast, freshwater flow from the small watershed
contributes relatively little in terms of the volume of flow and its
load of suspended and dissolved materials. Flushing of the Bay is
complex. Residence times of neutral particles in the Outer Bay are less
than two days while those released in the Inner Bay may never escape.
An eddy dipole exists in the Central Bay caused by the collision of the
428 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
flood tide current with the constriction between Leighton Point and
Denbow Neck (Fig. 1). One consequence is that waterborne substances
can become sequestered in the arms of the Bay, especially in South Bay.
The result is that the Inner Bay and parts of the Central Bay appear to be
unsuitable for aquaculture operations.
The forceful tidal currents, that attain velocities of up to 1.8 m sec-1
(Brooks 2004), scour the bottom and remove all but the coarsest sedimentary
particles. Up to 70% of the Bay is floored by gravel, cobble, or
bedrock (Kelley and Kelley 2004). Finer sediments are introduced by
the erosion of glacial sediments of bluffs, as opposed to introduction
from the river or seaward ends of the estuary, and deposits of mud and
sand are largely limited to sheltered intertidal areas. Mud also accumulates
under the gyre-like circulation of the eddy dipoles in the Central
Bay. These characteristics emphasize the differences between glaciated,
rock-framed embayments of Maine and the Canadian Maritimes and the
sediment-rich coastal plain bays of the United States east coast.
One of the major ecological constituents distributed by tidal movements
is the essential plant nutrient nitrogen in its various forms
(Garside and Garside 2004). Plotting nitrate against salinity or mapping
its geographic distribution with the hydrodynamic circulation
model (Brooks et al. 1999) demonstrates the positive relationship between
nitrate and salinity, i.e., the higher the salinity, the higher the
nitrate level. Two major conclusions can be drawn from this relationship.
The first is that the ultimate source of the nitrate feeding plant
productivity in Cobscook Bay is the well-mixed water of the coastal
Gulf of Maine. The tidal influx of nitrate in the spring is 70 metric tons
per day, by far the largest nitrogen flux in the Bay’s nutrient budget
(Garside and Garside 2004). Secondly, these data indicate that the
level of nitrate never reaches zero. In other words, in general, nitrogen
is not limiting primary production in Cobscook Bay and the Bay may
be considered naturally eutrophic. Another remarkable aspect of the
Bay’s nitrogen budget is the high level of ammonium throughout the
year. This suggests that ammonium is being regenerated within the
Bay, most likely by the abundant grazing animals that control the
accumulation of plant biomass.
Another consequence of the energetic tidal flow is a long tidal excursion.
A particle of water and suspended or dissolved materials may be
transported 10 km over a flood or ebb tide (Brooks 2004). A management
implication is that the tides may facilitate the spread of waterborne
pathogens such as the virus that causes infectious salmon anemia. Management
strategies must consider this physical reality and be planned on a
spatially appropriate scale. This necessitates that in the Quoddy region,
aquaculture management and responses to invasive species incursions or
oil spills, for instance, must be an international effort to be effective.
2004 P.F. Larsen and D.E. Campbell 429
Primary Production
A major thrust of our research into the functioning of the Cobscook
Bay ecosystem was the documentation of primary productivity. The
principal components investigated were phytoplankton, subtidal
benthic microphytes, and four categories of macrophytes grouped as
intertidal rockweed, sublittoral fringing kelp, ephemeral red and green
algae, and eelgrass (Zostera marina L.). Intertidal benthic
microphytes, potentially an important contributor in Cobscook Bay,
were not sampled quantitatively. Likewise, the production of the relatively
small area of salt marsh (350 ha) was not evaluated.
Water column sampling by Phinney et al. (2004) uncovered several
unusual features of Cobscook Bay. They were able to characterize the
Bay as a high nutrient/low chlorophyll system, i.e., in spite of the high
nutrient levels in the water column (Garside and Garside 2004), phytoplankton
biomass, and hence chlorophyll concentrations, was low.
There was a single peak of productivity in mid- to late summer. Water
temperature seemed to be the limiting ecological factor in the spring
when phytoplankton growth was inhibited despite high levels of light
and nutrients in the water column. This is a consequence of tidal mixing
that delays the warming of surface waters and prevents vertical stratification.
Light was the limiting factor in summer and fall. Productivity
decreased with the shortening day length, and the effect seemed to be
enhanced by increased turbidity, probably resulting from autumnal
winds and dragging operations. Flushing rates played a role in phytoplankton
productivity as growth exceeded export in the Inner Bay.
Light sufficient to support photosynthesis was able to reach the
bottom throughout the Bay in spring and summer (Phinney et al.
2004). This allowed the maintenance of benthic microalgal populations
on all suitable bottom types. Subtidal benthic microphyte
biomass was perhaps 100 times that of the overlying water column
and productivity was up to 10 times the productivity of the phytoplankton.
Indeed, subtidal benthic microphytes were one of the
most important primary producer groups.
Cobscook Bay contains a rich mixture of macrophyte groups.
These plants are not only important primary producers, but their size
and growth forms make them an important habitat, nursery, and
refuge for a diverse assemblage of epiphytes, invertebrates, and
fishes. Several aspects of their biomass, growth forms, seasonality,
productivity, and relationships to ecological factors were studied at a
variety of sites within the Bay. The results of these site-specific
investigations were extrapolated to the entire Bay through the use of
habitat-area values produced by Larsen et al. (2004). These authors
produced a synoptic point-in-time thematic map of Cobscook Bay
430 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
using pre-existing Landsat TM satellite images, on-site ground
truthing, and a cost effective unsupervised classification scheme.
Overall accuracy of the procedure was a high 86%, and habitat-area
estimates compared well with existing area estimates produced at
different times by more traditional methods.
The characteristic boreal rockweed, Ascophyllum nodosum Le Jolis,
was investigated as a representative of the perennial intertidal brown
algae. Mean biomass was 25 kg wet wt. m-2, which compares to the
higher values found at other Northwest Atlantic sites (Vadas et al.
2004a). Productivity of Ascophyllum ranged from 203–894 gC m-2 yr-1
with a mean of 594 gC m-2 yr-1. These values also compare well with
other sites in the Northeast. Because of the large area of rockweed in
Cobscook Bay, total productivity is very large, 6.3 x 109 gC yr-1. A large
proportion of this production is cycled into the detrital food web where
it supports a diverse invertebrate community. The kelps of the sublittoral
fringe are limited in their areal extent, but important producers
nevertheless. These large plants turn over their biomass 3–4 times per
year, resulting in a contribution to the ecosystem of 3.34 x 107 gC yr-1
(Vadas et al. 2004b). The role of red and green algae was investigated by
studying the red alga Palmaria plamata (Linnaeus) and the green algae
Ulva lactuca (Linnaeus) and Enteromorpha spp. Each group played a
role as a habitat and as contributors to the grazer and detrital pathways
(Vadas et al. 2004c). Densities of green algal beds varied seasonally by
two orders of magnitude within the Bay and had a total production of 9.0
x 108 gC yr-1. Red algae contributed 3.6 x 108 gC yr-1.
Eelgrass was characterized by a high degree of variability in terms of
growth, productivity, and turnover in Cobscook Bay (Beal et al 2004).
Consideration was limited to above-ground productivity, yet the leaf
turnover rate of 6–7 times per year resulted in a contribution to the Bay
of 3.3–5.3 x 108 gC yr-1. For a number of reasons, methods used to study
macrophyte productivity tended to yield underestimates, so that the
values presented here should be considered conservative.
The richness of the Cobscook Bay ecosystem is exemplified by the
biodiversity exhibited by the benthic invertebrates (Larsen 2004b). Although
not a primary focus of new research done in support of our
ecosystem modeling exercise, three recent efforts give useful insights.
First, Trott (2004a) tabulates historical records of invertebrate species
occurrences in the interior of Cobscook Bay. Over 800 species are
documented in this 162-year record, a rather large number from a relatively
small area. Larsen and Gilfillan (2004) report on the only known
quantitative subtidal survey: a one-time 1975 effort around the proposed
2004 P.F. Larsen and D.E. Campbell 431
oil refinery site on Shackford Head. These results indicate that
macroinvertebrate communities of Cobscook Bay are closely linked to
hydrographic and geological attributes. The subtidal areas of the outer
Cobscook Bay are characterized by infaunal and tube-dwelling species in
the protected sandy coves and a rich epifaunal community in the extensive
current-swept channel areas floored by gravel, cobble, and bedrock.
The latter areas comprise 70% of the subtidal areas of the Bay (Kelley and
Kelley 2004), which is unusual for a Maine estuary. It also suggests that
filter-feeding components of this community may play an important role
in the nutrient budget of the Bay, one that is characterized by high levels
of ammonium in the water column. This conclusion is reached by Garside
and Garside (2004), who infer that the high levels of ammonium throughout
the year must result from long-lived benthic filter feeders.
The information presented by Trott (2004a) and Larsen and Gilfillan
(2004) must be considered historical as it is decades old and does not
address the issue of contemporary biodiversity levels. Trott (2004b)
attempted to do this by comparing qualitative data on intertidal communities
collected by Maine’s Critical Areas Program in the 1970s with
present-day surveys. Results suggest that a faunal shift has occurred,
characterized by a simplification of community composition with a
move towards dominance by mussel beds. He speculates that an increase
in siltation, perhaps from increased dragging for scallops and urchins,
may have triggered a cascade of faunal changes in the intertidal zone.
Certainly this is an area ripe for further investigation.
Information on other groups of consumers, including zooplankton,
fish, birds, and marine mammals, was gleaned from historical studies in
the Quoddy region (see Campbell 2004, Larsen and Webb 1997).
Energy Systems Model and Emergy Analysis
The results of the ecological characterization of Cobscook Bay
fall into two categories: (1) an evaluation and characterization of
material and energy flows within the ecosystem network, and (2) the
calculation of emergy indicators to synthesize knowledge about the
structure and function of the estuarine ecosystem. A layman’s definition
of emergy follows: Emergy is the memory or sum of all the
energy of different kinds that has gone into making a product or
service in nature or in the economy. Before summing, each different
kind of energy used in the production process (e.g., a calorie of oil or
a calorie of plant biomass) is converted to units of one kind of
energy, in this case solar joules. Emergy provides scientists with a
comprehensive accounting tool based on the 2nd law of thermodynamics
that allows the comparison of different energy and material
quantities and fluxes on the same basis.
432 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
The following aspects of the ecosystem were documented using
existing information and the results of our field studies to determine the
carbon and nitrogen flows in the system: (1) new nitrogen inflows, (2)
nitrogen required by primary producers, (3) primary production and its
fate, and (4) the import-export balance of chemical constituents and
phytoplankton. Seventy-five percent of the annual supply of new nitrogen
comes from the sea. Summer nitrate concentrations in Cobscook
Bay (≈ 2 micromoles l-1) are comparable to those found in the summer in
culturally eutrophic estuaries such as Narragansett Bay, RI (Nixon
1986). Thus, we have said that Cobscook Bay is a naturally eutrophic
estuarine ecosystem. Nonetheless, the nitrogen required to support the
primary production exceeds the net flux of new nitrogen to the Bay.
Therefore, some of the annual primary production in the Bay must
depend on remineralized nitrogen in the form of ammonium.
Emergy synthesis of the Cobscook Bay ecosystem network consisted
of three elements: (1) documentation of the Bay’s energy and emergy
signatures (the convergence of energy and emergy within the estuary),
(2) tracing the emergy basis for primary and secondary productivity
within the ecosystem network, and (3) comparing the results to data
from other estuarine ecosystems. The energy signature of Cobscook Bay
is dominated by solar energy and shows two distinct peaks, one for tidal
and wave energy and a second showing the chemical potential energy of
fresh water inflow. The emergy signature of the Bay shows the relative
ability of each energy source to do work in the system. The emergy
signature contains the two previously mentioned peaks and a third peak
corresponding to the nitrogen received in seawater moving back and
forth each day with the tide. The emergy base for the Cobscook Bay
ecosystem (7.64 x 1020 sej y-1) is comprised of the emergy inputs in the
tides, waves, and the emergy of the cross boundary flows, i.e., chemical
potential energy in fresh water and the new nitrogen entering the estuary
from the sea, salmon culture, rivers, and the atmosphere.
Emergy analysis of the Cobscook Bay ecosystem network indicated
that primary producers are unable to use the estuary’s emergy sources
as efficiently as in other estuaries. The additional emergy goes into
creating rare and unusual physical, geological, and biological structures
in the environment. Many of these unique features of the Bay are
derived from processes using the available energy in its large tides. For
example, tidal mixing cools the surface waters in summer resulting in
an extremely foggy environment that protects intertidal creatures from
desiccation and may support the development of a diverse and
sometimes giant intertidal fauna; swift tidal currents account for rare
hydrologic features such as reversing falls and whirlpools, and scour
has produced an unusually large expanse of hard bottom in the central
channels of the estuary (Kelly and Kelly 2004); and a large tidal
2004 P.F. Larsen and D.E. Campbell 433
exchange volume and strong vertical mixing result in high nitrate
concentrations in the estuary for most of the year.
The renewable empower density in Cobscook Bay (7.4 E12 sej m –2) is
one of the highest we have measured and is equivalent to that required for
intensive Tilapia culture in Mexico. It is three times the minimum estimate
for salmon culture made by H.T. Odum (2000) for aquaculture systems in
British Columbia; therefore, salmon aquaculture may be a good human use
of the Bay’s rich emergy signature.
Analysis of energy transfer and productivity in the trophic network of
the Bay compared to an analysis of a similar system in Alaska indicates
that the ecosystem is productive and healthy overall. However, problems
were observed in a number of areas. The negative effects of human
activities should be quantified in emergy terms so that the environmental
liabilities (Campbell in press) incurred as a result of the loss of empower
in the natural ecosystem can be compared to the concomitant empower
gains in the economy. Such comparisons should be made in the future as
an aid to planning and decision making for Cobscook Bay, the eastern
Gulf of Maine, and the Bay of Fundy as a whole.
Future Questions
The thorough field investigations of the physical and biological characteristics
of the Bay combined with hydrodynamic modeling, the compilation
of existing and new information into an energy systems model, and
the characterization of the ecosystem network using emergy synthesis,
provides an integrated understanding of the functioning of Cobscook Bay
that is replicated for few coastal systems elsewhere. Nevertheless, an
integrated field and modeling exercise like this is a beginning, not an end,
to the drive to obtain a meaningful appreciation of the functioning of
Cobscook Bay and, by extension, other estuarine systems.
The physical, chemical, geological, and biological complexity of
Cobscook Bay is high. The energy system model orders many of the
interconnected components of the ecosystem and makes maximum use
of present knowledge. This same exercise highlights the more poorly
understood ecosystem elements and interactions and defines the most
promising areas for future research. One obvious requirement for future
research is the accumulation of multiyear data. Most of our fieldwork
was done in a single year. In the next few paragraphs, we will propose
some avenues of investigation that will help quantify ecological network
components for which additional information would be useful for
ecological understanding and addressing management issues.
The tidal circulation in Cobscook Bay is even more complex than
originally thought. The eddy structures identified by the hydrodynamic
model and satellite imagery, together with unresolved residual flow
434 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
patterns in the inner arms of the Bay, need to be further investigated to
assess the distribution and long-term impacts of suspended sediments,
contaminants, nutrients, larvae, and disease vectors. Our results make it
clear that the circulation patterns of Cobscook and Passamaquoddy
Bays are intimately linked. The introduction of a Gulf of Maine Ocean
Observing buoy in Cobscook Bay will now provide near real-time
information to managers, regulators, scientists, and educators. This
information can be used to sharpen the hydrodynamic model and provide
practical information needed to evaluate future development in
aquaculture, scallop and urchin dragging, tidal power, and other energy
projects such as a current proposal for a liquid natural gas terminal.
Cobscook Bay is a particularly good laboratory in which to evaluate
the effects of rising sea level. This is because the high tide level in the
region is rising more rapidly than in most coastal areas due to sea level
and tidal changes independent of climate change (Greenberg 2001). A
hydrodynamic model corrected for the frictional effects of the large
intertidal flats would allow for detailed predictions of changes in temperature,
salinity, and nutrient distributions. Higher sea levels would
also increase bluff erosion and change the sedimentation patterns with
concomitant influences on the biological communities.
Several components of the ecological network can be further elucidated
to provide better estimates of the energy basis for biological
production in Cobscook Bay. For instance, the energy systems model
did not include components for the microbial or meiofaunal energy
loops, nor did it include production estimates for the small amount of
salt marsh in the Bay. Because of its small aerial extent, the latter may
be more significant as a habitat as opposed to a productive element. No
direct information was available on the contribution, potentially quite
significant, of intertidal benthic diatoms to the Bay’s overall productivity.
A detailed investigation of both subtidal and intertidal
microphyte assemblages, their specific composition, vertical distribution
in the sediments, and photosynthetic potentials would strengthen
an important element of the systems model. Investigations of
macroalgal productivity were limited to certain surrogate species and
thus resulted in underestimates of the total productivity of these
groups. Studies of all the component species would provide a more
precise productivity estimate and give a feel for any seasonal or
interannual dampening effect of these species suites, as the component
species would not necessarily co-vary. Estimates of the contribution of
eelgrass are also conservative as below-ground productivity was not
determined. The photosynthetic potential of all the primary producer
groups could be documented using carbon 14 uptake measurements.
A question of both practical and scientific import involves the
temporal and spatial distribution of the ephemeral green macroalgae.
2004 P.F. Larsen and D.E. Campbell 435
They are important primary producers, but perhaps also harbingers of
environmental degradation. Their relationships to natural and anthropogenic
nutrient distributions needs to be studied further. The success
of our one-time thematic mapping effort using satellite imagery demonstrates
a cost effective avenue for addressing this issue. Multi-year
archives of images exist and images continue to be collected on a
biweekly basis. Analyses of these images would provide seasonal and
interannual distributional patterns of the green algae as well as several
other ecosystem components.
Several aspects of the linkages between primary productivity and
higher trophic levels need to be investigated. What portion of the productivity
is directly grazed? What portion enters the detrital food chain and
how much is exported? What invertebrate species are involved in these
processes and which ones are responsible for the production of the unusual
high level of ammonium that provides a feedback link to the primary
producers? Reliable estimates of grazing rates on phytoplankton would
allow a balance to be established for the loss of phytoplankton biomass to
grazing versus advection and sinking.
The high level of invertebrate biodiversity needs to be documented
quantitatively in the various habitats of the Bay. This diversity has been
recognized as a hallmark of Cobscook Bay (Verrill 1871), although
basic questions, such as the degree to which within-habitat or betweenhabitat
diversity contributes to the total, have not been addressed. In
addition, intriguing questions remain on the causes of giantism and
other unusual biological features. Most historical work in Cobscook
Bay has emphasized the intertidal zone. Quantitative and qualitative
studies are needed in the subtidal areas to determine whether or not
these communities also exhibit unusual ecological features. The link
between physical energies (emergy signature) and benthic biodiversity
needs to be investigated. This would be particularly useful in predicting
the carrying capacities of other estuaries and their susceptibilities to
environmental insults.
Our research implicated dragging for urchins and scallops as possible
causes of increased far-field sedimentation in the Bay and the observed
degradation of intertidal benthic communities. No information is available
on possible far-field effects on subtidal communities or on the direct
effects of dragging on bottom sediments and biological assemblages. The
effects of dragging on sedimentation, nutrient fluxes, and available light
should be investigated in a future study. Related questions include how
serious and widespread the degradation of invertebrate communities may
be, and whether these changes have had an expression in higher trophic
levels including fishes, birds, and marine mammals.
The connections between the Cobscook Bay ecosystem, with its
abundant marine resources, and the economy of Washington County
436 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Special Issue 2
should be quantitatively documented and analyzed in a future study.
Environmental accounting using emergy can be used to address several
important questions for the region: (1) Are human uses and
activities in the estuary and in the region sustainable? (2) Are economic
exchanges between the region and others equitable? and (3)
What is the intensity of loading on the environment from all sources
compared to other systems?”
Concluding Thoughts
The multi-institutional research team has been successful in synthesizing
a wealth of scientific information into a coherent model that can
be used to evaluate a number of ecological hypotheses in Cobscook Bay
and beyond. This success is due, in large part, to the willingness of
individuals to share their knowledge across disciplinary boundaries to
achieve a higher understanding of the system. Underlying this success,
however, is the concept that environmental research is done best when
input is received from stakeholders, the general public, and governmental
and non-governmental environmental organizations. Input from
these sources received during planning, execution, and analysis of the
research was invaluable.
The modeling effort highlighted an abundance of further research
needs. The ideas mentioned above are far from exhaustive. Much
progress can be made through traditional disciplinary investigations and
these should be encouraged. Our positive experiences over the last few
years, however, indicate that the most efficient way forward may lie
with interdisciplinary teams of scientists melding their skills with a
guiding influence from the local community.
This work was conducted as part of a research program, “Developing an
Ecological Model of a Boreal, Macrotidal Estuary: Cobscook Bay, Maine,”
funded by a grant from the A.W. Mellon Foundation to The Nature Conservancy,
with matching funds and services provided by Bigelow Laboratory for
Ocean Sciences, University of Maine at Orono and Machias, Texas A&M
University, US Fish and Wildlife Service Gulf of Maine Program, Suffolk
University (Friedman Field Station), Maine Department of Marine Resources,
and The Nature Conservancy.
Principal investigators heading various aspects of this interdisciplinary,
multi-institutional research were (alphabetical order): Brian Beal, University of
Maine-Machias; David Brooks, Texas A&M University; Daniel Campbell, US
Environmental Protection Agency; Chris Garside, Bigelow Laboratory for
Ocean Sciences; Joseph Kelley, University of Maine; Peter Larsen, Bigelow
Laboratory for Ocean Sciences; David Phinney, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean
Sciences; John Sowles, Maine Department of Marine Resources; Thomas Trott,
2004 P.F. Larsen and D.E. Campbell 437
Suffolk University; Robert Vadas, University of Maine; and Charles Yentsch,
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences. It is a rare experience to work with
such a positive, mutually supportive, and good-natured group.
Literature Cited
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