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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 10, Number 4, 2011

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

Front cover  
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Board of Editors/indicia page  

The Ecological Significance of Leg Autotomy for Climbing Temperate Species of
Harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones, Sclerosomatidae)

Jennifer E. Houghton, Victor R. Townsend, Jr., and Daniel N. Proud

Carabidae (Ground Beetle) Species Composition of Southern Appalachian Spruce-Fir

Carmen Chavez Ortiz and Robert A. Browne
Holocene and Late Pleistocene Bat Fossils (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Hamilton
County, TN, and their Ecological Implications

Timothy J. Gaudin, Ashley N. Miller, Jeremy L. Bramblett, and Thomas P. Wilson
Anurans as Biological Indicators of Restoration Success in the Greater Everglades

Alicia D. Dixon, William R. Cox, Edwin M. Everham III, and David W. Ceilley
The Herpetofauna of Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge, Florida
Terence M. Farrell, Melissa A. Pilgrim, Peter G. May, and W. Boyd Blihovde
Food Habits of American Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) in East Texas
David T. Saalfeld, Warren C. Conway, and Gary E. Calkins

Establishment and Post-Hurricane Survival of the Non-native Rio Grande Cichlid
(Herichthys cyanoguttatus) in the Greater New Orleans Metropolitan Area

Otto Thomas Lorenz and Martin T. O’Connell

Status and Distribution of Breeding Secretive Marshbirds in the Delta of Arkansas
Michael J. Budd and David G. Krementz
Is the LCP Superfund Site an Ecological Trap for Clapper Rails?
Karen F. Gaines, Jay W. Summers, James C. Cumbee, Jr., Warren L. Stephens, Jr., and
Gary L. Mills
Eastern Bluebirds Choose Nest Boxes Based on Box Orientation
Kristen J. Navara and Erin M. Anderson
Life History and Ecology of Coyotes in the Mid-Atlantic States: A Summary of the
Scientific Literature

Lauren L. Mastro
Food Habits of Red Wolves During Pup-Rearing Season
Justin A. Dellinger, Brian L. Ortman,Todd D. Steury, Justin Bohling, and Lisette P. Waits
Restoration of Plant Communities in Former Pine Tree Plantations
Anthony M. Rossi, Ryan C. Meyer, Keith Stokes, and Daniel C. Moon
No Evidence of Local Adaptation in Uniola paniculata L. (Poaceae), a Coastal Dune Grass
Cara L. Gormally and Lisa A. Donovan
Susceptibility of Cultivated Native Wildflowers to Deer Damage
Lucas W. DeGroote, Holly K. Ober, James H. Aldrich, Jeff G. Norcini, and Gary W. Knox
Noteworthy Books 772
Robert Allen Norris Remembered 776

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