Front cover |
Inside front cover |
Board of Editors/indicia page |
Follow-up Demographic Survey of a Florida Gopher Tortoise
Joan E. Diemer Berish and Erin Hoerl Leone |
639 |
Forage Selection of Native and Nonnative Woody Plants
by Beaver in a Rare-Shrub Community in the Appalachian
Mountains of North Carolina
C. Reed Rossell, Jr., Scott Arico, H. David Clarke, Jonathan L. Horton, Jennifer Rhode Ward, and Steven C. Patch |
649 |
A Molecular Analysis of Herbivory in Adults of the Invasive
Bean Plataspid, Megacopta cribraria
Riley T. Lovejoy and David A. Johnson |
663 |
Aboveground Forest Biomass and Litter Production Patterns
in Atlantic White Cedar Swamps of Differing Hydroperiods
Jeffrey W. DeBerry and Robert B. Atkinson |
673 |
Spatial Occupancy and Abundance Trends of Endangered
Florida Grasshopper Sparrows at Three Lakes Wildlife
Management Area
Michael F. Delany, Richard A. Kiltie, Stephen L. Glass, and Christina L. Hannon |
691 |
Factors Influencing Reproductive Output and Egg Size in a
Southern Population of Gopher Tortoises
Betsie B. Rothermel and Traci D. Castellón |
705 |
Potential Disconnect Between Observations of Hydrophytic
Vegetation, Wetland Hydrology Indicators, and Hydric Soils in
Unique Pitcher Plant Bog Habitats of the Southern Gulf Coast
Jacob F. Berkowitz, Sanderson Page, and Chris V. Noble |
721 |
Reproductive Biology of Clinch Dace, Chrosomus sp. cf. saylori
Shannon L. White and Donald J. Orth |
735 |
Shorebird Response to Post-Flood Drawdowns on Tennessee
National Wildlife Refuge
Kira C. Newcomb, Adrian P. Monroe, J. Brian Davis, and Matthew J. Gray |
744 |
Diet of Rafinesque’s Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus
rafinesquii) in West-central Louisiana
Beau B. Gregory, John O. Whitaker, Jr., and Gregory D. Hartman |
762 |
Breeding Bird Community of a Suburban Habitat Island:
Historic Bethabara Park, Winston-Salem, NC
Katherine K. Thorington and Kimberly B. Brand |
770 |
First Record of Chrosomus erythrogaster (Cypriniformes:
Cyprinidae) in the Mobile Basin
C. Keith Ray, Milton Tan, and Jonathan W. Armbruster |
N33 |
Albert Rogers Crandall’s Smooth Green Snake (Opheodrys
vernalis) from North Carolina
Bryan L. Stuart, José Rosado, and Paul D. Brinkman |
N37 |
Range Expansion of Aratus pisonii (Mangrove Tree Crab) into
Novel Vegetative Habitats
Megan E. Riley, Cora A. Johnston, Ilka C. Feller, and Blaine D. Griffen |
N43 |
Unusually Large Wintering Flock of Common Loons Foraging in
the Gulf of Mexico
Darwin Long IV and James. D. Paruk |
N49 |
Remarkable Movements of an American Crocodile (Crocodylus
acutus) in Florida
Michael S. Cherkiss, Frank J. Mazzotti, Lindsey Hord, and Mario Aldecoa |
N52 |
Predation on the Brown Basilisk (Basiliscus vittatus) in South
James P. Flaherty and Joshua Friers |
N57 |
Expansion of the Range of the Introduced Greenhouse Frog, Eleutherodactylus planirostris, in Coastal Alabama
Diane M. Alix, Craig Guyer, and Christopher J. Anderson |
N59 |
Comprehensive Framework for Ecological Assessment of the
Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative Following the Deepwater
Horizon Oil Spill
J. Brian Davis, Elisabeth Webb, Richard M. Kaminski, Philip J. Barbour, and Francisco J. Vilella |
G66 |
Noteworthy Books |
B11 |