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Board of Editors/indicia page |
Factors Influencing Wood Stork Prey Biomass in Roadside Created Wetlands
Betsy A. Evans, Jessica A. Klassen, Dale E. Gawlik, and Andrew D. Gottlieb |
1 |
Diet Composition of a Pair of Tyto furcata pratincola (American Barn Owl) in an Urban Park and Natural Area Fragment in South Florida
Nashaly N. Cortés-Viruet, Melquisedec Gamba-Rios, and Frank N. Ridgley |
21 |
Insect Interactions of Spiranthes magnicamporum (Orchidacea) in the Black Belt Prairie of Mississippi
Phillip A. Barlow, Brady S. Dunaway, and JoVonn G. Hill |
28 |
Increasing Detections of Small to Medium-sized Mammals Using Multiple Game Cameras
D. Blake Sasse, Jaclyn S. Reifeiss, and Roger W. Perry |
36 |
Foraging Intensity of Tufted Titmice (Baeolophus bicolor) in Response to Feed Type and Extreme Winter Conditions
Aric B. McKinney, Karena N. Barlow, Hannah E. Adams,Jon L. White, Kenneth F. Kellner, and Patrick J. Ruhl |
43 |
Composition and Structure of Tsuga caroliniana Engelm. Communities in the Southern Appalachian Mountains of Western North Carolina
Tara L. Keyser, Diane M. Styers, Marcus Wind, Laura DeWald, and Beverly Collins |
57 |
Dung Beetle Community Composition in the Presence and Absence of Mesopredators in a Longleaf Pine Forest
Kelsea Young, Alexandra Tsalickis, Thomas N. Sheehan, Kier D. Klepzig, Michael S. Caterino, and Jess A. Hartshorn |
78 |
The Nearshore Nekton Community in Relation to Phytoplankton Biomass, Biodiversity, and Water Quality in a Northeast Florida Lagoonal Estuary System
Matthew T. Brown and Edward J. McGinley |
91 |
Alopecia in Two Species of Insectivorous Bats During the Critical Time Period of Female Reproduction
Ashleigh B. Cable, Emma V. Willcox, Cory Holliday, Chris S. Ogle, and Richard W. Gerhold |
N1 |
Opportunistic Offshore Sighting of a Tricolored Bat (Perimyotis subflavus)
Jacqueline E. Bort Thornton, Michael F. Richlen, Thaddeus B. McDonald, and Joel T. Bell |
N9 |
Alabama’s Crayfish Species Count Reaches Century Mark: Confirmation of Procambarus barbiger Occurring in Alabama
Rebecca A. Bearden, Amelia C. Grider, Brian D. Holt, and Stuart W. McGregor |
N13 |
Documenting Range Expansion of the Invasive Pentastome Parasite, Raillietiella orientalis, Using Southern Black Racer and Eastern Coachwhip Road Mortality
Jenna N. Palmisano, Terence M. Farrell, Corinna M. Hazelrig, and Michael N. Brennan |
N17 |
A Plea for Red Wolf Conservation Throughout Its Recent Distribution
L. David Mech and Ronald M. Nowak |
N23 |
A Fisherman’s Tale: An Unusual Observation of the Ozark Cavefish, Troglichthys (= Amblyopsis) rosae (Eigenmann)
Joshua B. Mouser, Josh Johnston, Matthew L. Niemiller, and Shannon K. Brewer |
N28 |