Front cover |
Inside front cover |
Board of Editors/indicia page |
Natural History of Terrapene carolina (Box Turtles) in an Urbanized Landscape
Sarah A. Budischak, Joy M. Hester, Steven J. Price, and Michael E. Dorcas |
191 |
Current and Recent Historical Freshwater Mussel Assemblages in the Gulf Coastal Plains
Megan M. Pilarczyk, Paul M. Stewart, Douglas N. Shelton, Holly N. Blalock-Herod, and James D. Williams
205 |
Characteristics of the Foreclaw Display Behaviors of Female Trachemys scripta (Slider Turtles)
R. Brent Thomas and Ronald Altig |
227 |
Herpetofaunal Diversity of Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, North Carolina
J. Michael Meyers and David A. Pike |
235 |
Habitat Utilization of Pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucus (Northern Pinesnakes) on Arnold Air Force Base in Middle Tennessee
Gary W. Gerald, Mark A. Bailey, and Jeff N. Holmes |
253 |
Terrestrial Movements and Upland Habitat Use of Gopher Frogs in Central Florida
W. Boyd Blihovde |
265 |
Changes in Abundance of Gopher Tortoise Burrows at Cape Sable, Florida
J. Hardin Waddle, Frank J. Mazzotti, and Kenneth G. Rice |
277 |
Post-breeding Terrestrial Movements of Ambystoma tigrinum (Eastern Tiger Salamanders)
David A. Steen, Lora L. Smith, Gabriel J. Miller, and Sean C. Sterrett |
285 |
Monotypic Nest Site Selection by Swainson’s Warbler in the Mountains of South Carolina
J. Drew Lanham and Stanlee M. Miller |
289 |
Assessment of Habitat Values for Indicator Species and Avian Communities in a Riparian Forest
Dwight Barry, Richard A. Fischer, Karl W. Hoffman, Tami Barry, Earl G. Zimmerman, and Kenneth L. Dickson |
295 |
Breeding Biology of Mottled Ducks on Agricultural Lands in Southwestern Louisiana
R. Scott Durham and Alan D. Afton |
311 |
Least Bittern Nesting Sites at Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee
Nicholas A. Winstead and Sammy L. King |
317 |
Life Cycles of Allocapnia recta and Leuctra spp. (Plecoptera: Capniidae and Leuctridae) Across a Flow Gradient in a Central Kentucky Karst Headwater Stream
Scott A. Grubbs, Christopher M. Thomas, Benjamin T. Hutchins, and Jason M. Taylor |
321 |
The Recent Spread of Cyperus entrerianus (Cyperaceae) in the Southeastern United States and its Invasive Potential in Bottomland Hardwood Forests
David J. Rosen, Richard Carter, and Charles T. Bryson |
333 |
Rotifer Hatching from the Sediments of a Fluctuating Mainstem Reservoir
H. Dawn Wilkins and Michael S. Husak |
345 |
Use of Fungal Rhizomorphs as Nesting Material by Glaucomys volans (Southern Flying Squirrels)
Suzanne Prange and David H. Nelson |
355 |
Food of the Southern Short-tailed Shrew (Blarina carolinensis) on Cumberland Island, Georgia
John O. Whitaker, Jr. and Carol Ruckdeschel |
361 |
New Records of the Rarely Collected Ant-decapitating Fly Apocephalus tenuipes Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae)
JoVonn G. Hill and Brian V. Brown |
367 |
Upstream Migration of Two Pre-Spawning Shortnose Sturgeon Passed Upstream of Pinopolis Dam, Cooper River, South Carolina
Sam T. Finney, J. Jeffery Isely, and Douglas W. Cooke |
369 |
Book Reviews and Errata |
376 |