Population Densities of Two Rare Crayfishes, Cambarus
obeyensis and Cambarus pristinus, on the Cumberland
Plateau in Tennessee
John W. Johansen, Hayden T. Mattingly, and Matthew D. Padgett
Southeastern Naturalist, Volume 15, Issue 2 (2016): 275–290
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Southeastern Naturalist
J.W. Johansen, H.T. Mattingly, and M.D. Padgett
22001166 SOUTHEASTERN NATURALIST 1V5o(2l.) :1257,5 N–2o9. 02
Population Densities of Two Rare Crayfishes, Cambarus
obeyensis and Cambarus pristinus, on the Cumberland
Plateau in Tennessee
John W. Johansen1,2,*, Hayden T. Mattingly1,3, and Matthew D. Padgett3
Abstract - Cambarus obeyensis (Obey Crayfish) and Cambarus pristinus (Pristine Crayfish)
are species of conservation concern, but basic information needed by conservation managers
is lacking. To provide a quantitative measure of abundance, we conducted a mark–recapture
study at six 100-m reaches per species during May–August 2013. These sites were a subset
that we selected from eighty-nine 100-m reaches surveyed during 2011–2013. We built
regression models to predict crayfish abundance based on single-pass capture rates for the
12 mark–recapture sites and for all occupied sites identified during the 2011–2013 surveys.
We also calculated site-level density and capture efficiency for each species. Cambarus
pristinus occurred at significantly lower densities across a larger range than C. obeyensis.
Capture efficiency for both species varied across sites, suggesting that monitoring programs
should incorporate regular, quantitative estimates of density and capture efficiency. Our
results indicate that both species merit ongoing conservation attention and that C. pristinus
may represent a higher conservation priority than previously recognized.
North American crayfishes are a highly imperiled aquatic group with extinction
rates predicted to increase in the future (Ricciardi and Rasmussen 1999, Taylor et
al. 2007). Threats to freshwater crayfishes are generally the same as those affecting
other freshwater organisms (e.g., climate change, overexploitation, degraded water
quality, flow modification, habitat destruction or degradation, invasive species;
Aldous et al. 2011, Dudgeon et al. 2006). An additional cause of imperilment is the
limited geographic range of many crayfish species (Taylor et al. 2007). Agencies
tasked with crayfish conservation require effective management strategies for the
allocation of limited resources. Unfortunately, like many aquatic invertebrates, basic
biological data to develop these strategies are lacking for many crayfish species
(Cardoso et al. 2011, Welsh et al. 2010).
Conservation assessments are valuable tools for identifying relative extinction
risk and prioritizing species for management. However, data necessary to perform
quantitative assessments are often lacking, so distributional patterns, like range size
or site occupancy, are commonly used as proxies to assess imperilment (Mace et al.
2008, Masters 1991). These data have been used to assemble lists of potential species
of conservation concern, but do not provide information on current population
1School of Environmental Studies, Box 5152, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville,
TN 38505. 2Current address - Department of Biology, Box 4718, Austin Peay State
University, Clarksville, TN 37040. 3Department of Biology, Box 5063, Tennessee Technological
University, Cookeville, TN 38505. *Corresponding author - johansenj@apsu.edu.
Manuscript Editor: Lance Williams
Southeastern Naturalist
J.W. Johansen, H.T. Mattingly, and M.D. Padgett
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
trends, threats to local populations, or options for management needed to develop effective
conservation plans. For example, naturally rare species may have adaptations
allowing these populations to remain viable in the absence of external disturbances
(Gaston 1997), thereby requiring different strategies than a more abundant species
shown to be in decline. Also, extinction processes operate at multiple scales, so finerscale
data may be needed to identify local processes and threats to extinction (Hartley
and Kunin 2003). The latter is particularly true of many crayfish species because their
imperilment status is based primarily on limited range size.
Local abundance is a finer-scale population measure that can be useful in predicting
the extinction risk for a species (Mace and Kershaw 1997, O’Grady et
al. 2004, Purvis et al. 2000, Rabinowitz et al. 1986). Many crayfish conservation
assessments do not report measures of local abundance, or at most report qualitative
or semi-quantitative abundance data (e.g., counts, catch-per-unit effort) that
are collected during larger survey efforts to document regional fauna or delimit
distributions of target crayfish species (Kilian et al. 2010; Rohrbach and Withers
2006; Wagner et al. 2010; Williams et al. 2004, 2006; Withers and McCoy 2005).
These data lack measures of variation in sampling efficiency and detection. Such
variation can lead to inaccurate assessments of abundance and an inability to effectively
identify short-term population trends in the species of interest (Link and
Nichols 1994, Nowicki et al. 2008). Although more expensive and time-consuming,
mark–recapture methods can provide quantitative abundance estimates and provide
a measure of sampling variation (Nowicki et al. 2008). Mark–recapture population
estimates can be used in combination with semi-quantitative abundance estimates
to efficiently and effectively assess local populations across a species’ wider geographic
range (e.g., Black et al. 2013).
Cambarus obeyensis Hobbs and Shoup (Obey Crayfish) and Cambarus pristinus
Hobbs (Pristine Crayfish) occupy narrow ranges along the western margin of the
Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee. Both species are considered to be vulnerable to
extinction, and are the focus of current conservation actions (Center for Biological
Diversity 2010). Recent survey efforts have delimited the extent of their range
and provided valuable qualitative and semi-quantitative assessments of abundance
(Rohrbach and Withers 2006, Williams et al. 2006, Withers and McCoy 2005). In
response to increased conservation concern, we conducted surveys across the range
of these species to (1) generate species-specific population-estimation models using
a multi-technique sampling protocol, (2) assess the capture efficiency of the
multi-technique sampling protocol, and (3) use the population-estimation models
to assess the abundance patterns across the range of these species.
Study Area and Target Species
The Cumberland Plateau, hereafter referred to as the Plateau, is an important area
for crayfish diversity, with numerous endemic and taxonomically unique species
(Bouchard 1976a, b; Crandall and Buhay 2008). In Tennessee, steep escarpments
separate the Plateau from the Interior Highlands to the west and Ridge and Valley
to the east; the Sequatchie Valley divides the southern half of the Plateau.
Southeastern Naturalist
J.W. Johansen, H.T. Mattingly, and M.D. Padgett
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
Pennsylvanian-aged rocks and acidic soils of low-to-moderate fertility characterize
this region with lotic systems of low productivity (Bouchard 1976a, Smalley 1982).
Although regional aquatic diversity is high, local (fine scale) diversity and abundance
tend to be low compared to neighboring physiographic provinces (Bouchard
1976a). Historically, only a small percentage of the Plateau has been affected by
anthropogenic activities, but increasing human population, land-use change, climate
change, and establishment of invasive species represent serious threats to the
unique fauna of this region (Cordell and Macie 2002, Dale et al. 2009).
Cambarus obeyensis is reported to occupy headwater streams in the East Fork
Obey River watershed (Williams et al. 2006). However, the species is currently
believed to be restricted to the Hurricane Creek system, and collections of C. obeyensis
from Dripping Springs Creek and other localities outside the Hurricane Creek
sub-watershed are considered erroneous (D. Withers, Tennessee Department of
Environment and Conservation [TDEC], Nashville, TN, pers. comm.). Cambarus
obeyensis may be particularly susceptible to stochastic environmental events. It was
reported that 50% of the population was lost following an extreme drought event in
2008 (Cordeiro and Thoma 2010a), but no data were presented to verify this putative
decline. Cambarus obeyensis is currently classified as highly vulnerable to extinction
in several conservation classification-schemes (Corderio and Thoma 2010a, Natureserve
2014, Taylor et al. 2007), and the US Fish and Wildlife Service has been
petitioned to federally list the species (Center for Biological Diversity 2010).
Although it currently occupies a larger geographic range than C. obeyensis, 2
distinct forms of C. pristinus have been identified—the Caney Fork form and the
Sequatchie form (Williams et al. 2009). Future taxonomic work may ultimately
yield 2 distinct species; thus, our study focused on the Caney Fork form representing
the type specimen. The Caney Fork form is thought to be restricted to headwater
streams in the Bee Creek and Upper Caney Fork watersheds. Cambarus pristinus
is uncommon across its range and is absent from several sites that appear to have
suitable habitat (Bouchard 1976b, Hobbs 1965, Rohrbach and Withers 2006). Although
C. pristinus is considered threatened and was also included in the federal
listing petition (Center for Biological Diversity 2010, NatureServe 2014, Taylor et
al. 2007), the IUCN Redlist requires more data to accurately assess imperilment of
this species (Cordeiro and Thoma 2010b).
We surveyed eighty-nine, 100-m reaches for the target species from May
through September in 2011, 2012, and 2013 within the East Fork Obey River, West
Fork Obey River, Upper Caney Fork, and Bee Creek watersheds (Fig. 1). We selected
the first 80 reaches based on proximity to available access points (e.g., bridge
crossings, trail crossings, proximity to road) using an equal-stratified sampling
design. Reaches were equally distributed across 1st- through 4th-order streams in
each watershed. We superimposed a grid over a map of the study area and used a
random-number generator to select our sites. If a cell contained multiple reaches,
we used a random-number generator to select the reach based on stream order. If no
Southeastern Naturalist
J.W. Johansen, H.T. Mattingly, and M.D. Padgett
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
access point existed in a cell, we selected surrounding cells at random until we encountered
an alternative reach. During site visits, if we determined that a reach was
inaccessible, we replaced it with the nearest alternative site of equal stream order.
To increase the proportion of occupied sites for each species for our mark–recapture
experiments (explained below), we selected 9 additional reaches in 2013.
At each reach, we isolated a 100-m length of stream by placing block nets at the
upstream and downstream ends of the reach. A 2-person crew sampled all available
aquatic habitats during daylight hours using a combination of visual searches,
dip nets, and seines. We used these techniques because they were applicable to the
variety of flows and habitat types encountered within each stream and across the
study area. We made collections only during periods when the turbidity was low
(assessed qualitatively) and we could easily see the stream bottom.
The proportion of time we devoted to each collection technique varied from
reach-to-reach and was contingent on site-specific characteristics. Visual searches
were the primary mode of capture and consisted of disturbing available cover (e.g.,
cobbles, boulders, or large woody debris) and hand-capturing any exposed crayfish.
Figure 1. Locations of survey reaches on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee with HUC
12 watersheds delineated for (A) Cambarus obeyensis in the East Fork Obey (dark grey)
and West Fork Obey (light grey) rivers and (B) Cambarus pristinus in Bee Creek (dark
grey) and the upper Caney Fork (light grey) during May–September of 2011–2013. For
C. obeyensis, a black diamond indicates an occupied reach, and a white diamond indicates
a mark-recapture reach. For C. pristinus, a black triangle indicates an occupied reach,
and a white triangle indicates a mark-recapture reach. For both species, a black cross
indicates a failure to detect the species, and a white cross indicates a failure to detect the
species at a historical locality.
Southeastern Naturalist
J.W. Johansen, H.T. Mattingly, and M.D. Padgett
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
We employed visual searches in shallow areas (<0.5 m) throughout the reach, and
effort ranged from 1 to 4 h depending on the amount of appropriate habitat and the
number of crayfish encountered. We sampled undercut banks, root mats, leaf packs,
and depositional areas using 0.5-mm-mesh triangular aquatic dip-nets (30 x 30 x
30 cm). Dip-netting consisted of 2–3 jabs per habitat patch (average = ~24 jabs per
reach; range = 0–60 jabs per reach). To perform a jab, we thrust the dip net into the
lower portion of the habitat patch, pulled it upward as it was removed, and examining
the collected debris for crayfish. We used a 1.0 m x 1.5 m seine (3.2-mm mesh) to
sample deep-flowing habitats (>0.5 m). One person held the seine while the second
disturbed a 2 m x 1 m area immediately upstream, flushing crayfish into the net. We
conducted ~2–3 seine sets per 10 m of appropriate habitat (average = ~10 seine sets
per reach; range = 0–25 seine sets per reach). We kept all collected crayfish in aerated
buckets until sampling was complete.
Following collection efforts, we identified, sexed, and enumerated all crayfish.
We measured carapace length (CL; tip of rostrum to posterior edge of carapace) for
all collected individuals of the target species; the smallest C. obeyensis encountered
during these survey efforts was 7.5 mm CL and the smallest C. pristinus encountered
was 9.9 mm CL. We used this measurement to set a minimum-size limit for
each species for the mark–recapture study (detailed below). We preserved voucher
specimens in 70% ethanol for verification in the lab and redistributed the remaining
crayfishes evenly across the reach. We measured channel wetted width perpendicular
to stream flow at the upper end, middle, and downstream end of the reach to
estimate wetted surface area, and thalweg depth every 10 m along the thalweg to
calculate mean thalweg depth.
We made Petersen mark–recapture population estimates at a subset of reaches
during the summer of 2013. For each species, we selected 6 reaches covering
its geographical extent and range of occupied stream sizes as determined
by link magnitude (i.e., the number of 1st-order tributaries upstream of a study
reach). The reaches selected for mark–recapture of C. obeyensis were 2nd- to 4thorder
streams with link magnitudes of 2–47 (Fig. 1, Table 1). These reaches had
mean wetted channel widths of 1.9–7.9 m and mean thalweg depths of 9–37 cm
(Table 1). The reaches selected for mark–recapture of C. pristinus were 2nd- and
3rd-order streams with link magnitudes of 2–31 (Fig. 1, Table 1). These reaches
had mean wetted channel widths of 2.9–8.1 m and mean thalweg depths of 9–55
cm (Table 1).
We conducted sampling at mark–recapture reaches in the same manner as
single-pass surveys with the following differences. We sampled each reach on 2
consecutive days, with the second pass beginning ~16–18 h following the completion
of the first pass. On the first day, we counted target crayfish larger than the
minimum size limit set during previous surveys, marked individuals by using scissors
to remove ~25% of the outermost right uropod, and redistributed the crayfish
evenly across the reach. We left block nets in place overnight and followed the
same protocol to make a second collection, during which we counted, sexed, identified
as marked or unmarked, and released all tar get crayfish.
Southeastern Naturalist
J.W. Johansen, H.T. Mattingly, and M.D. Padgett
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
We made population estimates using the Chapman modification of the Petersen
index with confidence intervals (95%) estimated using a binomial distribution
(Krebs 1989). We calculated population densities (crayfish per 100 m2) by dividing
the population estimate for each reach by the wetted surface area (m2) of the reach
and multiplying that value by 100. We used t-tests to compare abundance estimates
and densities of the target species. We determined single-pass capture efficiency
for the mark–recapture portion of the study by dividing single-pass capture rates
by population estimates. We performed Spearman rank-order correlation analysis
to determine if capture efficiency was related to stream size (link magnitude, mean
wetted channel width, and mean thalweg depth) or density of target species. Capture
efficiencies for C. obeyensis and C. pristinus were not significantly different
during this portion of the study (t = 1.311, P = 0.23); thus, we combined the data
from both species to examine correlations.
To predict population estimates based on single-pass capture rates, we used
the mark–recapture data to construct species-specific models by regressing log10
(population estimate) onto log10 (single-pass capture rate) (e.g., Black et al. 2013).
Collections made from 2011 and 2012 in our study, or collections that fall outside the
range of single-pass capture rates used to construct the model (11–134 individuals
for C. obeyensis; 6–56 individuals for C. pristinus), should be interpreted cautiously
because they fall outside the range of parameters used to construct the regression
models. However, to provide an initial assessment of variation across the range of
each species, we used the species-specific regression models to estimate abundance
and density at all sites where we detected C. obeyensis and C. pristinus. Finally, we
employed t-tests to compare predicted abundance estimates and densities of these
Table 1. Characteristics of twelve 100-m sampling reaches where we used Petersen mark–recapture
methods to quantify Cambarus obeyensis (Obey Crayfish) and Cambarus pristinus (Pristine Crayfish)
population densities during summer 2013 on the Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee. Reaches are
ranked first by stream order and then by link magnitude for each species.
Mean channel Mean
Stream order wetted width thalweg
Stream reach County (link magnitude) (m) depth (cm)
Cambarus obeyensis sites
Hurricane Creek 3 Overton 4 (47) 7.90 34
Hurricane Creek 1 Putnam 3 (17) 6.10 37
Little Hurricane Creek 2 Overton 3 (13) 6.17 35
Little Hurricane Creek 1 Overton 3 (7) 3.65 11
Piney Creek 1 Putnam 2 (6) 3.76 23
Little Piney Creek 3 Overton 2 (2) 1.93 9
Cambarus pristinus sites
Caney Fork 1 Cumberland 3 (31) 8.07 55
West Fork 2 Cumberland 3 (20) 6.53 50
Pokepatch Creek 2 Cumberland 3 (9) 4.88 29
West Fork Little Cane Creek 1 Cumberland 3 (7) 3.37 21
Oldfield Branch 1 Cumberland 3 (4) 3.40 9
Whiteoak Creek 1 Cumberland 2 (2) 2.88 11
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J.W. Johansen, H.T. Mattingly, and M.D. Padgett
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
species. All statistical tests were performed in JMP Version 10 (SAS Institute, Inc.
2014), and we set α = 0.05.
We detected C. obeyensis in 9 of 46 reaches in the East and West Fork Obey
River watersheds (Fig. 1, Table 2). All occupied reaches were located in the Hurricane
Creek sub-watershed and included 2 new localities in the Little Piney
Creek drainage. Single-pass capture rates ranged from 2 to 134 crayfish per 100 m
(Table 2). We detected C. obeyensis in 1st- to 4th-order streams with a wide range
of link magnitudes (1 to 47; Table 2). Occupied reaches had a mean (± SE) wetted
channel width of 5.3 ± 0.8 m (range = 1.3–10.3 m) and mean thalweg depth of 22
± 3.9 cm (range = 5–39 cm) (Table 2).
We documented C. pristinus in 13 of 43 reaches surveyed in the Bee Creek and
Upper Caney Fork watersheds, including new localities in Little Cane Creek, East
Fork Little Cane Creek, and Pokepatch Creek (Fig. 1, Table 3). We did not detect
C. pristinus at 4 historic localities: Spring Creek 1, Laurel Creek 2, Henderson
Branch 1, and Caney Fork 2. Single-pass capture rates ranged from 1 to 56 crayfish
per 100 m (Table 3). Reaches where we detected C. pristinus were located in 2nd- to
4th-order streams with link magnitudes ranging from 2 to 39. Occupied sites had a
mean (± SE) wetted channel width of 5.1 ± 0.6 m (range = 2.2–9.1 m) and mean
thalweg depth of 22 ± 4.0 cm (range = 4–55 cm) (Table 3).
Table 2. Characteristics of nine 100-m sampling reaches in the Hurricane Creek watershed where
Cambarus obeyensis was detected during May–September of 2011–2013. Reaches are listed from
largest to smallest based on link magnitude. Reach ranks are provided for single-pass capture rates,
abundance (crayfish/100 m) was predicted by the species-specific regression model, and density
(crayfish/100 m2) was predicted by the species-specific regression model.
Stream channel Mean Abundance
order wetted thalweg Single- Predicted Density
(link width depth pass estimate estimate
Stream reach Date surveyed magnitude) (m) (cm) (rank) (rank) (rank)
Hurricane Creek 3 23 July 2013B 4 (47) 7.90 34 46 (7) 202 (6) 26 (9)
Hurricane Creek 2 20 July 2011 4 (44) 10.32 39 54 (5) 247 (5) 48 (6)
Little Hurricane 5 Sept 2012 4 (33) 6.75 27 2 (11) 4 (11) 1 (11)
Creek 3
Hurricane Creek 1 31 May 2011 3 (15) 6.10 14 131 (2) 764 (3) 140 (2)
6 June 2013B 3 (15) 5.46 37 89 (3) 467 (2) 77 (3)
Little Hurricane 19 July 2012 3 (13) 4.91 9 39 (8) 163 (8) 33 (8)
Creek 2 19 June 2013B 3 (13) 6.17 35 81 (4) 414 (4) 67 (5)
Little Hurricane 14 August 2013B 3 (7) 3.65 11 134 (1) 786 (1) 194 (1)
Creek 1
Piney Creek 1 31 July 2013B 2 (6) 3.76 23 43 (6) 185 (7) 43 (7)
Little Piney Creek 3A 26 June 2013B 2 (2) 1.93 9 11 (10) 33 (10) 17 (10)
Little Piney Creek 2A 27 June 2013 1 (1) 1.30 5 25 (9) 93 (9) 71 (4)
APreviously undocumented locality.
BPetersen mark–recapture event.
Southeastern Naturalist
J.W. Johansen, H.T. Mattingly, and M.D. Padgett
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
For the reaches where we conducted mark–recapture sampling, Petersen mark–
recapture population estimates for C. obeyensis ranged from 35 to 608 (mean ± SE
= 358 ± 107) crayfish per 100 m, with a mean density estimate of 72 ± 24 (range =
18–167) crayfish per 100 m2 (Table 4). For the reaches where we conducted mark–
recapture sampling, Petersen mark–recapture population estimates for C. pristinus
ranged from 12–168 (mean ± SE = 79 ± 28) crayfish per 100 m with a mean density
estimate of 18 ± 8 (range = 4–48) crayfish per 100 m2 (Table 4).
Mean ± SE capture efficiency during the 2013 mark–recapture study was 24
± 3.8% (range = 14–38%) for C. obeyensis and 35 ± 8.1% (range = 23–72%) for
C. pristinus. This result indicates that during a single pass, our 2-person crew collected
an average of 24% C. obeyensis individuals with CL ≥ 7.5 mm and 35% of
C. pristinus individuals with CL ≥ 9.9 mm present in an occupied reach. Capture
efficiencies were negatively correlated with all 3 characteristics of stream size measured
mean wetted channel width (rs = -0.62; P = 0.03), mean thalweg depth (rs =
-0.61; P = 0.04), and link magnitude (rs = -0.63; P = 0.03), and with local density
of the target species (rs = -0.62; P = 0.03).
The regression model for C. obeyensis, log10 yo = 0.1813 + 1.2731 (log10
xo), where yo is C. obeyensis population estimate (crayfish per 100 m) and xo is
Table 3. Characteristics of thirteen 100-m sampling reaches in the Bee Creek and upper Caney Fork
watersheds where we detected Cambrus pristinus during May–September of 2011–2013. Reaches
are listed from largest to smallest based on link magnitude. Reach ranks are provided for single-pass
capture rates; abundance (crayfish/100 m) was predicted by the species-specific regression model, and
density (crayfish/100 m2) was predicted by the species specific regression model.
Stream channel Mean Abundance
order wetted thalweg Single- Predicted Density
(link width depth pass estimate estimate
Stream reach Date surveyed magnitude) (m) (cm) (rank) (rank) (rank)
Meadow Creek 2 8 June 2011 4 (39) 6.88 9 12 (6) 36 (6) 5 (8)
Wilkerson Creek 2 19 May 2012 4 (36) 9.13 24 1 (15) 2 (15) 0.5 (16)
Caney Fork 1 18 July 2012 3 (31) 8.30 42 4 (12) 10 (12) 1 (13)
17 July 2013B 3 (31) 8.07 55 12 (6) 36 (6) 7 (7)
Laurel Creek 1 13 June 2012 4 (25) 5.15 26 2 (14) 5 (14) 1 (13)
Little Cane Creek 2A 30 July 2012 4 (21) 7.30 12 10 (9) 29 (9) 4 (11)
West Fork Creek 2 27 July 2011 3 (20) 6.11 33 11 (8) 33 (8) 5 (8)
30 May 2013B 3 (20) 6.53 50 16 (4) 50 (4) 8 (6)
Maple Creek 1 28 June 2012 3 (9) 2.20 9 1 (15) 2 (15) 1 (13)
Pokepatch Creek 2A 30 July 2013B 3 (9) 4.88 29 56 (1) 205 (1) 42 (3)
West Fork Little 7 June 2011 3 (7) 2.25 9 42 (2) 148 (2) 44 (2)
Cane Creek 1 11 June 2013B 3 (7) 3.37 21 38 (3) 132 (3) 59 (1)
Pokepatch Creek 1 25 June 2012 3 (6) 2.39 33 14 (5) 43 (5) 18 (4)
East Fork Little 11 July 2012 2 (5) 2.93 4 4 (12) 10 (12) 4 (11)
Cane Creek 1A
Oldfield Branch 1 4 June 2013B 3 (4) 3.40 9 6 (11) 16 (11) 5 (8)
Whiteoak Creek 1 30 July 2013B 2 (2) 2.88 11 9 (10) 26 (10) 13 (5)
APreviously undocumented locality.
BPetersen mark–recapture event.
Southeastern Naturalist
J.W. Johansen, H.T. Mattingly, and M.D. Padgett
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
C. obeyensis single-pass capture rate, was significant (P = 0.002) and explained
93% of the variation in C. obeyensis population estimates (Fig. 2). The regression
model for C. pristinus, log10 yp = 0.3258 + 1.1371 (log10 xp), where yp is C. pristinus
population estimate (crayfish per 100 m) and xp is C. pristinus single-pass capture
rate, was also significant (P = 0.009) and explained 85% of the variation in C. pristinus
population estimates (Fig. 2).
Across all sites, predicted abundances (t = -3.07; P = 0.01) and densities (t =
-2.92; P = 0.01) for C. obeyensis were significantly higher than for C. pristinus. The
mean population estimate predicted for C. obeyensis at occupied reaches during the
2011–2013 surveys was 305 ± 272 crayfish per 100 m (range = 4–786 crayfish per
100 m) and mean density was 65 ± 17 crayfish per 100 m2 (range = 1–194 crayfish
per 100 m2) (Table 2). The mean population estimate predicted for C. pristinus at
occupied reaches during the 2011–2013 surveys was 49 ± 59 crayfish per 100 m
(range = 2–205 crayfish per 100 m) and mean density was 14 ± 18 crayfish per 100
m2 (range = 0.5–59 crayfish per 100 m2) (Table 3).
A better understanding of local abundance patterns, life-history strategies, and
habitat affinities is needed to assess the current status of most crayfish species
and help inform conservation efforts (Welsh et al. 2010). We found that C. obeyensis
occupied a very limited range and occurred only in the Hurricane Creek sub-watershed
(Fig. 1). Within that range, the species occupied a high proportion of sites
across a variety of stream sizes. These populations share a high degree of physical
Table 4. Summary of Petersen mark–recapture population estimates conducted at twelve 100-m reaches
within 10 streams during summer 2013, where M = number of crayfish captured and marked during
the first day, C = total number of crayfish captured during the second day, R = number of marked
crayfish recaptured on the second day, N = population estimate (number of crayfish per 100 m), and
95 % CI = confidence interval for N (lower–upper) . We obtained the density (crayfish per 100 m2) by
dividing N by the wetted surface area of each reach and multiplying by 100.
Stream reach M C R N 95% CI Density
Cambarus obeyensis sites
Hurricane Creek 3 46 57 11 226 139–511 28.6
Hurricane Creek 1 89 100 14 605 387–1271 99.2
Little Hurricane Creek 2 81 95 13 561 352–1013 91.0
Little Hurricane Creek 1 134 175 38 608 419–957 166.6
Piney Creek 1 43 43 16 113 90–159 30.0
Little Piney Creek 3 11 14 4 35 23–79 18.1
Cambarus pristinus sites
Caney Fork 1 12 20 5 45 24–109 5.5
West Fork 2 16 25 6 62 38–200 9.5
Pokepatch Creek 2 56 91 30 168 122–255 34.5
West Fork Little Cane Creek 1 38 41 9 163 95–422 48.3
Oldefield Branch 1 6 9 2 22 10–300 6.6
Whiteoak Creek 1 9 11 8 12 9–26 4.3
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2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
connectivity, increasing the risk that a substantial portion of the population could
be impacted in the event of a large-scale upstream disturbance (Hitt and Chambers
2014). However, the relatively high rate of occupancy and density throughout the
watershed creates potential refugia from disturbances that could offer a natural
source for recolonization, or potential stock for captive propagation and reintroduction
(Sedell et al. 1990, Townsend 1989). While the fragmented distributional
pattern of C. pristinus makes it unlikely that a single event would impact the entire
species, this distributional pattern might increase the potential for localized extirpations
(Fig. 1; Fagan et al. 2002).
Density patterns observed in our study for C. obeyensis and C. pristinus were
similar to those reported for other Cambarus species considered to be imperiled
(i.e., threatened or endangered; Taylor et al. 2007) because of limited geographic
ranges. For example, Cambarus scotti Hobbs (Chattooga River Crayfish; threatened),
Cambarus unestami Hobbs and Hall (Blackbarred Crayfish; threatened), and
Cambarus cracens Bouchard and Hobbs (Slenderclaw Crayfish; endangered) had
mean density estimates of 16, 40, and 3 crayfish per 100 m2, respectively (Kilburn
et al. 2014). Comparatively widespread, non-imperiled species (i.e., currently
Figure 2. Regression models for Cambarus obeyensis (triangles; dashed line) and Cambarus
pristinus (circles; solid line) constructed by regressing log10 (Petersen population estimate)
onto log10 (single-pass capture rates). Each model was constructed using mark–recapture
data collected from six 100-m reaches for each species during May–August 2013.
Southeastern Naturalist
J.W. Johansen, H.T. Mattingly, and M.D. Padgett
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
stable; Taylor et al. 2007) like Cambarus bartonii (Fabricius) (Common Crayfish)
or Cambarus hubbsi Creaser (Hubbs’ Crayfish) have been reported to occur at densities
exceeding 500 crayfish per 100 m2 (Flinders and Magoulick 2003, Griffith et
al. 1996, Mitchell and Smock 1991). The lower densities observed for imperiled
crayfish may reflect the natural rarity of these species and may represent a particular
demographic pattern that, in the absence of external pressures, allows them to
persist despite an overall increased risk of extinction (Kunin and Gaston 1993). Alternatively,
C. cracens, C. obeyensis, C. pristinus, and C. unestami are endemic to
the Plateau, and it is possible that this density pattern may be representative of the
lower productivity characteristic of lotic systems on the Plateau (Bouchard 1976a).
Low local abundance also may be attributed to occupancy of poor-quality habitats
(Fagen 1988). Cambarus obeyensis generally occurred in densities greater than
20 crayfish per 100 m2 (Table 2). Two surveyed reaches in which crayfish densities
fell below this level had obvious anthropogenic impacts (a large impoundment or
active livestock and agriculture) with associated in-stream habitat degradation. We
do not feel that these sites represent naturally low densities because comparably
sized streams and nearby sites supported higher densities. For example, Little Piney
Creek 3 had a density estimate 4 times lower than Little Piney Creek 2. We sampled
both reaches during the same period and the sites were separated by less than 50 m
of stream. Little Piney Creek 3 was directly downstream of a large impoundment,
while Little Piney Creek 2 was a small tributary that avoided direct impacts from the
impoundment. Another potential example can be inferred from collections at Hurricane
Creek 1. We collected at this site in 2011 and then again in 2013. The single-pass
capture rate, predicted abundance, and estimated density were lower in the 2013 survey,
during which we noted an increase in sandy depositional material. Future studies
should address the potential impact of in-stream habitat degradation on this species.
Cambarus pristinus was generally less abundant than C. obeyensis, with ~85%
(11 of 13 sites) of occupied reaches having single-pass counts of less than 20 C. pristinus
per 100 m. Lower reach-scale abundance could be related to habitat specificity at
the mesohabitat scale. Previous surveys suggested C. pristinus preferentially occupied
pools with large, slab-shaped rocks (Rohrbach and Withers 2006, Williams
et al 2004, Withers and McCoy 2005); we also observed a patchy distributional
pattern, often finding every captured individual in a 10–20-m section of the 100-m
reach. However, pool-riffle-scale habitat specificity does not entirely explain the
consistently low densities observed across the range of this species. Alternative
explanations for this pattern include source–sink population dynamics, strong ecological
interactions with heterospecifics, or large-scale habitat degradation. Further
study is needed to clarify the underlying causes of this distributional pattern and to
better guide conservation efforts.
Second-pass capture rates (C) were significantly higher than first-pass capture
rates (M) (t = 3.09, P = 0.01; Table 4) in the mark–recapture portion of our study.
Given this significant pattern, we considered the following potential ramifications
to our study results. First, if unmarked individuals were migrating into the reach,
then we overestimated the population size (Krebs 1989). The ability of crayfish
Southeastern Naturalist
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2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
to circumvent barriers was a concern of Larson et al. (2008), but this ability may
be limited (Kerby et al. 2005), and there was no logical reason that immigration
rates would consistently exceed emigration rates. Second, if uropod clips or handling
crayfish affected the catchability of marked individuals, making them easier
to capture on the second day, then we underestimated the population size (Krebs
1989). However, uropod clipping has been shown to be a suitable marking technique
in other studies of crayfish abundance (Guan 1997, Larson et al. 2008, Rabeni
et al. 1997). Finally, increased second-pass capture rates may have resulted from
improved second-day capture efficiency by the survey crew, possibly related to
(1) within-reach crayfish movement or exposure resulting from the disturbance of
habitat during the first pass, or (2) an improved search image for the target species
by sampling crew members. In both of these latter scenarios, there would likely be
a proportional increase in the probability of capture of marked and unmarked individuals,
resulting in no strong directional bias in our population estimates.
Researchers can assume that not all individuals will be detected during monitoring
surveys (MacKenzie et al. 2002, 2003). Our single-pass capture efficiencies
were comparable to those reported in other aquatic surveys (e.g., Black et al. 2013,
Davis et al. 2011) and indicate that population estimates of these species based
solely on single-pass capture rates likely underestimate population size for these
species. If this detection bias was equal across sampling sites and sampling periods,
relative population trends could still be assessed. However, capture efficiency has
been shown to vary even when standardized sampling protocols are used, limiting
the usefulness of these data for monitoring programs (Link and Nichols 1994, Yoccoz
et al. 2001). We observed site-specific variation in capture efficiency related
to stream size and target-species density. We would also expect capture efficiency
to vary between seasons, making single-pass capture rate ineffective for detecting
population trends. Quantitative monitoring can account for this variation (Bailey et
al. 2004; Link and Nichols 1994; MacKenzie et al. 2002, 2003) and as demonstrated
here and elsewhere (e.g., Black et al. 2013), programs that mix qualitative surveys
with quantitative abundance assessments can balance cost and effort of data collection
while still providing the data necessary for making conservation decisions.
Due to their limited geographic range, C. obeyensis and C. pristinus should
continue to receive attention from regional conservation managers. Previous survey
work identified C. obeyensis as a higher conservation priority because of its extremely
limited range and a qualitative assessment of population decline (Corderio
and Thoma 2010a, 2010b; Natureserve 2014; Taylor et al. 2007). However, conservation
efforts on the Plateau in Tennessee should consider prioritizing C. pristinus
based on its significantly lower densities, fragmented population, and apparent extirpation
at 4 historic localities. For C. obeyensis, conservation efforts could focus
on habitat protection and restoration, and the development of an adaptive management
plan. For C. pristinus, identifying the underlying causes of low densities and
local extirpation events should be addressed to help determine the direction of future
conservation efforts. We recommend continued monitoring of population size
and habitat conditions for both species. We also suggest that monitoring protocols
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2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
be designed to maximize the usefulness of the data for identifying population trends
by mixing quantitative and semi-qualitative sampling designs. Finally, additional
studies are needed for both species on other aspects of their biology such as life
history, ecology, habitat affinities, and genetic variation.
Funding for this project was provided by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Tennessee
Wildlife Resources Agency, and The Nature Conservancy (Tennessee Chapter) as part of
the Cumberland Habitat Conservation Plan. Additional support was provided by the Center
for the Management, Utilization, and Protection of Water Resources and the Department
of Biology at Tennessee Technological University, and the Center of Excellence for Field
Biology at Austin Peay State University. We thank Johnathan Davis, J. Rufus Darden, Rebecca
Johansen, Brianna Zuber, Christine Peterson, Meiko Camp, and Nika Cantrell for
assistance in the field, and Bledsoe State Forest and private landowners who allowed us
access to their property to conduct crayfish surveys. C.A. Brown, S.B. Cook, E.A. Hart,
G.L. Norris, and 2 anonymous reviewers improved the manuscript through their editorial
reviews and comments.
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