Home Ranges and Habitat Selection by Black Bears in a
Newly Colonized Population in Florida
Dana L. Karelus, J. Walter McCown, Brian K. Scheick, Madelon van de Kerk, and Madan K. Oli
Southeastern Naturalist, Volume 15, Issue 2 (2016): 346–364
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Southeastern Naturalist
D.L. Karelus, J.W. McCown, B.K. Scheick, M. van de Kerk, and M.K. Oli
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
Home Ranges and Habitat Selection by Black Bears in a
Newly Colonized Population in Florida
Dana L. Karelus1,2,*, J. Walter McCown3, Brian K. Scheick3,
Madelon van de Kerk2, and Madan K. Oli1,2
Abstract - Understanding how animals use space and resources in newly colonized, anthropogenically
altered habitats is important for species management because animals in
fragmented habitats may use the landscape differently than conspecifics in contiguous habitats.
We collected GPS-location data for 16 individuals (6 females, ages 1–9 y; 10 males,
ages 2–8 y) from the summer of 2011 to the summer of 2013 to study space and habitat use
by a recently established population of Ursus americanus floridanus (Florida Black Bear) in
a fragmented landscape of north-central Florida. Average (± 1 SE) female and male homerange
sizes estimated using the kernel density method were 31.16 ± 8.23 km2 and 220.93
± 28.48 km2, respectively. Average 95% minimum convex polygon estimates were 34.49 ±
12.76 km2 for females and 226.04 ± 45.32 km2 for males. Home ranges in our study area
were generally larger than those reported for Black Bears inhabiting the nearby contiguous
forested habitat of Ocala National Forest, indicating that fragmentation may influence
home-range size. Compositional analysis and generalized linear mixed models revealed that
Black Bears selected most strongly for riparian forests; urban areas were generally avoided.
These results suggest that large carnivores that inhabit fragmented landscapes may require
more space than conspecifics in habitats with better connectivity, and highlight the importance
of riparian forests for Black Bears.
Many carnivore populations have suffered precipitous declines due to habitat
loss and fragmentation (Crooks 2002, Ripple et al. 2014, Woodroffe 2000), but
some have responded positively to conservation efforts and begun to recolonize
portions of their historic range (Chapron et al. 2014, Gompper 2015, Linnell et
al. 2001). Examples of rebounding species include Pteronura brasiliensis Gmelin
(Giant River Otter; dos Santos Lima 2014), Canis lupus L. (Wolf; Pletscher et al.
1997), Gulo gulo L. (Wolverine; Flagstad et al. 2004), Puma concolor L. (Cougar;
Larue et al. 2012), Ursus arctos L. (Brown Bear; Bjornlie et al. 2014, Hagen et al.
2015, Swenson et al. 1998), and Ursus americanus Pallas (American Black Bear;
Bales et al. 2005, Frary et al. 2011, Onorato et al. 2004, Unger et al. 2013). The
theory of ideal free-distribution assumes that animals colonizing new areas will
distribute themselves among the best-quality habitat available (Fretwell 1972).
1Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation and School of Natural Resources and
Environment, Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL 32611. 2Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University
of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611. 3Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission,
Gainesville, FL 32601. *Corresponding author - dkarelus@ufl.edu.
Manuscript Editor: Michael Cove
Southeastern Naturalist
D.L. Karelus, J.W. McCown, B.K. Scheick, M. van de Kerk, and M.K. Oli
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
Therefore, understanding how species use space and habitat as they naturally expand
their range can help prioritize land-management practices and aid in corridor
design for species of conservation concern (Beier et al. 2008, Bocedi et al. 2014,
Marcelli et al. 2012), help identify suitable habitat for future population expansions
(Mladenoff et al. 1999), and possibly help reduce human–wildlife conflicts
(Wilton et al. 2014). Few studies have examined space- and resource-use patterns
of recently established populations of native carnivores.
Researchers have concluded that Black Bear populations are increasing
throughout the range of the species (Hristienko and McDonald 2007, Scheick and
McCown 2014). As populations grow, Black Bears that establish in new areas
should select the highest-quality habitats (Fretwell 1972). Habitat productivity
and spatial arrangement of resources affect how Black Bears use the landscape
(Mitchell and Powell 2007). Black Bears living in particularly productive habitats
with rich nutritional resources should require a smaller home range than those living
in lower-quality sites (Lindzey and Meslow 1977, Oli et al. 2002). The patchy
distribution of resources in anthropogenically or naturally fragmented landscapes
should require Black Bears to travel farther and thus to have larger home ranges
than those inhabiting unfragmented natural habitats (Hellgren and Maehr 1992,
Mitchell and Powell 2008). The increased travel needed to secure sufficient resources
in anthropogenically fragmented landscapes could also increase the risk
of vehicular mortality and conflict with humans (Baruch-Mordo et al. 2008, Evans
et al. 2014, McCown et al. 2004).
The size of a Black Bear home range varies seasonally due to the species’ annual
physiological cycles and fluctuations in food availability (Baruch-Mordo
et al. 2014, Hellgren et al. 1989, Powell et al. 1997). Black Bears may use larger
home ranges in the fall while foraging more actively to prepare for winter denning
(Hellgren et al. 1989, Moyer et al. 2007). Due to the high variability in space and
resource use among Black Bear populations, investigating the seasonal differences
in home-range size and habitat selection can provide details that may otherwise
be obscured.
Black Bear habitat must include 3 main resources—food, escape cover, and
sufficient vegetation or trees for denning sites (Powell et al. 1997, Reynolds-
Hogland et al. 2007). The diet of Black Bears consists mainly of plant matter
(soft and hard masts); in the Southeast, Serenoa repens (Bartram) Small (Saw
Palmetto) is a particularly important food source where available (Dobey et al.
2005, Maehr and Brady 1984). Also, Black Bears in the Southeast generally
prefer riparian forests and wetland habitats (Hellgren et al. 1991, Stratman et al.
2001, Wooding and Hardisky 1994) to conifer forests and open areas (Moyer et
al. 2008, Powell et al. 1997, Stratman et al. 2001). Intensively managed conifer
forests often have relatively little understory and therefore fewer sources of
food than riparian and wetland habitats, and do not provide adequate cover for
denning sites. Black Bears in Florida typically use ground nests for denning and
require dense understory vegetation for protection from disturbance (Garrison
et al. 2012). Roads may also influence space and habitat use by Black Bears, but
Southeastern Naturalist
D.L. Karelus, J.W. McCown, B.K. Scheick, M. van de Kerk, and M.K. Oli
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
responses vary among populations and among individuals, depending on traffic
volume, presence of human activities, and habitat and vegetation along the road
(Costello et al. 2013, Gaines et al. 2005, Hellgren et al. 1991, Reynolds-Hogland
and Mitchell 2007, Switalski and Nelson 2011).
The subspecies of Black Bear in Florida, Ursus americanus floridanus Merriam
(Florida Black Bear; hereafter Black Bear), occurs in 7 relatively disconnected
populations across the state, but the overall population is growing and its occupied
range is expanding (FFWCC 2012). The largest population inhabits Ocala National
Forest and surrounding areas in central Florida (FFWCC 2012). A patchwork of
public and private lands, including the Camp Blanding Joint Training Center (hereafter
Camp Blanding; operated by the Florida National Guard), connects Ocala
National Forest with Osceola National Forest (hereafter referred to as the corridor),
which harbors another sizable Black Bear population (Fig. 1; Hoctor et al. 2000).
Extensive sampling during 2002–2003 using hair snares revealed the presence of
Black Bears in the corridor, but there was no evidence for the presence of females
with cubs, and thus no evidence of a population reproducing within the corridor
(Dixon et al. 2006). However, based on increased bear sightings and recovery of females
killed on the road, a reproductive population of Black Bears was suspected to
have settled at Camp Blanding and the adjacent corridor area (J. Walter McCown,
FFWCC, Gainesville, FL, unpubl. data).
Our objectives were to investigate space use and habitat selection by the
recently colonized population of Black Bears in the Camp Blanding area of northcentral
Florida. We hypothesized that Black Bears at our fragmented study site
would (1) have larger home ranges than those residing in nearby contiguous forests
because they would have to travel farther to acquire sufficient resources; (2) have
larger home ranges in fall than in summer, similar to other Black Bear populations,
because Black Bears often forage more intensively before winter denning;
(3) select for riparian forests, which provide the most cover and food sources; and
(4) avoid habitats closer to major roads (but not necessarily minor roads) because
of disturbance and the risk of road-related mortality (McCown et al. 2009).
Field-site Description
We conducted our study at the 295-km2 Camp Blanding Joint Training Center
and adjacent private lands located in north-central Florida. Camp Blanding is located
near the center of the corridor between the Black Bear populations in Ocala
National Forest and Osceola National Forest (Fig. 1). The area is fragmented by
agricultural, rural, and urban land-uses and by several roads. The largest urban
zones occur in the cities of Starke and Keystone Heights and the unincorporated
area of Middleburg. Pinus spp. (pine) plantations further fragment the natural vegetation
communities and are the dominant landcover at the study site. Natural habitats
consist of mesic flatwoods, sandhill uplands, and scrub, as well as hardwood
swamps and hammocks that occur near the creeks and drainages that traverse the
area. Prevalent understory species include Saw Palmetto, Myrica cerifera L. (Wax
Myrtle), Ilex glabra (L.) Gray (Gallberry), and Smilax L. spp. (greenbriers).
Southeastern Naturalist
D.L. Karelus, J.W. McCown, B.K. Scheick, M. van de Kerk, and M.K. Oli
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
Camp Blanding hosts military training activities several times per year that
result in an increased use of the training center property by several hundred to
Figure 1. Map showing the location of the Camp Blanding Joint Training Center and the
closest designated primary Florida Black Bear ranges, the Ocala Black Bear population to
the south and the Osceola Black Bear population to the northwest. The area between the 2
populations has been thought to act as a bear corridor and coincides with what is designated
as secondary Black Bear range in this area. Major roads are shown, and the largest human
settlements in the corridor are labeled.
Southeastern Naturalist
D.L. Karelus, J.W. McCown, B.K. Scheick, M. van de Kerk, and M.K. Oli
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
several thousand troops. When training activities are not in progress, Camp Blanding
remains closed to the general public but allows controlled hunting and fishing
by permit. Black Bear hunting in Florida was illegal during our study.
We captured Black Bears in the summers of 2011 and 2012 at baited sites using
Aldrich spring-activated foot snares with a double-anchor cable set (Scheick et al.
2009). The double anchor prevented Black Bears from reaching either anchor tree,
thus preventing injury to the animal from becoming wrapped around a tree or limb
while ensnared. We set traps during dawn and dusk hours and attached a sentinel
VHF collar to the anchor cable of each trap to monitor the snares. We remained
≤2 km from trap sites and continuously monitored the VHF signals; we responded
within an hour of a Black Bear’s capture. We anesthetized each captured Black
Bear with Telazol® (3.5–5 mg/kg) and weighed, measured, and fit the animal with
a collar housing a GPS tracking device (Lotek WildCell MG, Lotek Wireless, Inc.,
Newmarket, ON, Canada), then released each individual at its capture site. We
programmed each collar to obtain locations every 2 h and to use a built-in mechanism
to drop off after 2 y, but some collars fell off sooner. When winter locations
of females indicated the possibility of denning, we visited the site to document
Animal handling was performed by FFWCC biologists following agency policy;
they needed no permits.
Landcover categories
We used the raster format of the Florida Vegetation and Land Cover 2014 GIS
layer to classify landcover (Redner and Srinivasan 2014); the layer had a resolution
of 10 m × 10 m. The study area contained 51 landcover types which we grouped
into 6 categories: marsh/wetland, rural/agricultural, urban, forested wetlands,
wood/scrub, and tree plantations (Table 1). We based groupings on similarity of
landscape and vegetation (e.g., we combined all landcover categories of marshes
and wetlands that had open canopy cover) using the R package raster (Hijmans
Table 1. Percentage of each landcover category composing the 99% minimum convex polygon constructed
using locations from all Black Bears in the study (% Composition) and the percentage of
Florida Black Bear GPS locations found in each landcover category (% Black Bear locations) in the
Camp Blanding area in north-central Florida. See Supporting Information S1 for details (in Supplemental
File 1, available online at https://www.eaglehill.us/SENAonline/suppl-files/s15-2-S2261-
Karelus-s1 and, for BioOne subscribers, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1656/S2261.s1).
Landcover category % composition % bear locations (n = 46,922)
Marsh/wetland 6.90 7.75
Rural/agricultural 7.46 1.69
Urban 14.08 0.85
Forested wetlands 16.36 56.08
Wood/scrub 24.94 15.41
Tree plantations 30.25 18.21
Southeastern Naturalist
D.L. Karelus, J.W. McCown, B.K. Scheick, M. van de Kerk, and M.K. Oli
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
2015; see Supplemental File 1, available online at https://www.eaglehill.us/SENAonline/
suppl-files/s15-2-S2261-Karelus-s1 and, for BioOne subscribers, at http://
dx.doi.org/10.1656/S2261.s1). Urban areas consisted of medium- to high-density
residential, commercial, and industrial areas. We obtained shapefiles for creeks
and roads from the Florida Geographic Data Library (http://www.fgdl.org/). We
classified roads as major roads (Class 1: primary routes, including interstates and
US highways; and Class 2: secondary routes, including state roads) or minor roads
(Class 3: larger roads or streets in residential areas; and Class 4: smaller roads or
streets in residential areas) using ArcMap (version 10.3; ESRI 2015).
Home ranges
We prepared the Black Bear location data by excluding all but the highest
quality GPS fixes, manually removing obviously erroneous location data, and
excluding duplicate fixes resulting from dropped collars and bear mortalities. For
further details on our data preparation, see Supplemental File 1, available online at
https://www.eaglehill.us/SENAonline/suppl-files/s15-2-S2261-Karelus-s1 and, for
BioOne subscribers, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1656/S2261.s1.
We estimated home-range size for each Black Bear based on the bihourly locations
as 95% utilization distribution using the kernel density estimator (KDE;
Worton 1989) with bivariate normal kernels. To determine appropriate bandwidth,
we estimated overall KDE home ranges for each individual with the ad hoc bandwidth
for the smoothing parameter. We averaged the ad hoc bandwidth separately
for females (0.389 km) and males (1.39 km) because females have smaller home
ranges (Dobey et al. 2005, Hellgren and Vaughan 1990) and then re-estimated KDE
home ranges for each individual using the sex-specific estimate of bandwidth. The
bandwidths were biologically reasonable (Powell et al. 1997) and larger than the
estimated location error (20.3 m). For comparison, we also estimated home ranges
using 95% minimum convex polygon (MCP; Mohr 1947).
We estimated home ranges for 2 active seasons based on Black Bear biology:
summer (1 May–31 August) and fall (1 September–31 December). We designated
the beginning of the fall season as September because this month corresponds to the
end of the breeding season as well as the beginning of acorn availability (Maehr and
Brady 1984, Moyer et al. 2007). We included an individual in a seasonal analysis if
its collar had been functional for at least 1 month during that season. We excluded
location data collected during January–April because female Black Bears den during
that period (Moyer et al. 2007). We estimated seasonal home ranges using the
same methods and average bandwidths as described previously.
We used the R package adehabitatHR (Calenge 2006) to estimate home ranges
and nonparametric Wilcoxon rank sum tests (Conover 1999) to compare homerange
sizes between males and females and between summer and fall. All statistical
tests were performed in R (version 3.1.0; R Core Team 2013).
Habitat selection
We performed compositional analysis of habitat selection (Aebischer et al.
1993) at both 2nd-order (selection of a home range within the study area) and 3rdSoutheastern
D.L. Karelus, J.W. McCown, B.K. Scheick, M. van de Kerk, and M.K. Oli
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
order (selection of landcover categories within a home range) scales (Johnson
1980). For 2nd-order habitat-selection analysis, we estimated availability as the
proportion of area comprised by each landcover category in the study area, defined
as the 99% MCP calculated from all Black Bear locations. For 2nd-order selection
analysis, we estimated use as the proportion of area comprised by each landcover
category within the 99% MCP for each individual. For 3rd-order selection analysis,
we designated the proportion of area occupied by different landcover categories
within each individual’s 99% MCP as available, and the proportion of each individual’s
locations within each landcover category as usage. If a landcover category
was not available to an individual, we combined it with similar categories so that all
were available for all Black Bears. We replaced any cases of 0 usage by 0.1 to avoid
problems associated with log transformation of 0, which is not defined (Aebischer
et al. 1993).
We used Wilks’ Λ to test the null hypothesis that Black Bears used landcover
categories in proportion to the categories’ availability. If the null hypothesis was
rejected, we computed the ranking matrix and used a randomization test (10,000
repetitions) to determine significance of preference of 1 landcover category over
another (Aebischer et al. 1993). We performed seasonal analyses in the same manner.
We conducted compositional analysis of habitat selection in the R package
adehabitatHS (Calenge 2006).
Habitat selection by animals is often influenced by measurable features on the
landscape, such as distance to nearest water source, road, or to an area of high human
activity. Compositional analysis does not permit the testing of how continuous
covariates might influence the pattern of habitat selection by animals. Thus,
we used mixed-effects logistic regression (MELR) with a binary response variable
(1 = observed GPS locations; 0 = random location; Gillies et al. 2006, Godvik et al.
2009, Klar et al. 2008, Nielsen et al. 2006). Random locations were represented by
5000 randomly generated locations within each Black Bear’s 99% MCP. Individual
Black Bears were treated as a random effect, which accounted for variation among
individuals and the nested structure of the data (Gillies et al. 2006). We considered
landcover category and distances to creek, major road, and minor road, as well as
the biologically relevant additive effects of these covariates, as fixed effects. We
calculated the distances using the R package rgeos (Bivand et al. 2016). We standardized
distances to creeks and roads by subtracting the mean of the respective
category from each value and then dividing by the standard deviation; this method
centered the mean on 0.
We fitted MELR models using the R package lme4 (Bates et al. 2015) with the
function glmer. For model comparison and statistical inference, we used an information-
theoretic approach using Akaike’s information criterion (AIC; Burnham
and Anderson 2002, Klar et al. 2008) and considered models to have support if the
difference in AIC score was less than 2.0 from the highest-ranked model. We used
the conditional coefficient of determination (R2
GLMM(c); Nakagawa and Schielzeth
2013) to assess the fit of the MELR model; R2
GLMM(c) was calculated using the R
package MuMIn (Barton 2015).
Southeastern Naturalist
D.L. Karelus, J.W. McCown, B.K. Scheick, M. van de Kerk, and M.K. Oli
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
We fitted 16 Black Bears (6 females, ages 1–9 y; 10 males, ages 2–8 y) with a
GPS collar and tracked them for a total of 5362 bear-days, from June 2011 to August
2013. Tracking yielded 46,922 bihourly, 3D-validated GPS locations (2932.6 ±
88.4 per Black Bear; SD = 1415.1). All values reported indicate mean ± SE unless
otherwise indicated.
Home ranges
Females had smaller home ranges than males (MCP: W = 2, P < 0.005, KDE:
W = 0, P < 0.005; Fig. 2). Overall, 95% home-range size for females estimated
using KDE (bandwidth h = 0.39 km) ranged from 12.53 km2 to 68.22 km2 and
Figure 2. Average
Florida Black Bear
home-range sizes in
the Camp Blanding
area based on bihourly
GPS telemetry
data. Home ranges
were estimated using
the minimum convex
polygon (MCP) and
kernel density estimator
(KDE) methods
for: (A) the entire
study period (females:
n = 6; males:
n = 10), (B) summer
(females: n = 8;
males: n = 10), and
(C) fall (females: n
= 10; males: n = 8).
Vertical bars represent
standard error.
Southeastern Naturalist
D.L. Karelus, J.W. McCown, B.K. Scheick, M. van de Kerk, and M.K. Oli
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
averaged 31.16 ± 8.23 km2 (SD = 20.15 km2), and female home ranges estimated
from 95% MCP ranged from 10.07 km2 to 95.57 km2 and averaged 34.49 km2 ±
12.76 km2 (SD = 31.26 km2). Home ranges for males estimated using 95% KDE
(h = 1.39 km) ranged from 106.28 km2 to 387.65 km2 and averaged 220.93 ±
28.48 km2 (SD = 90.07 km2), and male home ranges from 95% MCP ranged from
55.76 km2 to 528.06 km2 and averaged 226.04 km2 ± 45.32 km2 (SD = 143.33 km2).
Annual KDE home-range estimates from Camp Blanding and from other studies
of nearby Black Bear populations are presented in Supplemental File 1, available
online at https://www.eaglehill.us/SENAonline/suppl-files/s15-2-S2261-Karelus-s1
and, for BioOne subscribers, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1656/S2261.s1.
Female home-range sizes estimated using KDE ranged from 8.45 km2 to 38.22
km2 with an average of 22.27 ± 3.57 km2 (SD = 11.28 km2) for summer and ranged
from 15.12 km2 to 59.31 km2 with an average of 27.78 ± 4.85 km2 (SD = 13.72
km2) for fall. Male home-range sizes estimated using KDE ranged from 59.02 km2
to 287.81 km2 with an average of 160.88 ± 20.96 km2 (SD = 59.29 km2) for summer
and ranged from 89.30 km2 to 409.42 km2 with an average of 200.22 ± 28.60 km2
(SD = 90.45 km2) for fall. Summer and fall home-range sizes were not significantly
different for females (KDE: W = 49, P = 0.46) or males (KDE: W = 53, P = 0.27)
(Fig. 2).
Habitat selection
We concluded that 2nd-order habitat selection occurred over the entire study
period (Wilks’ Λ = 0.414, P = 0.04) and for each season (summer: Λ = 0.136, P =
0.003; fall: Λ = 0.326, P = 0.024). We observed a significant preference by Black
Bears for forested wetlands compared to marsh/wetland, rural/agricultural, or urban
habitats for all 3 time-periods. Urban areas were significantly the least preferred
by Black Bears of all landcover categories except rural/agricultural areas over the
entire study period and for fall. In summer, there was no significant difference in
preference among urban areas, wood/scrub, and rural/agricultural landcover categories
(Table 2).
Selection also occurred at the 3rd-order scale over the entire study period (Wilks’
Λ = 0.063, P < 0.001), in summer (Λ = 0.050, P < 0.001), and in fall (Λ = 0.032, P <
0.001). Black Bears preferred forested wetlands to all other landcover categories
for the entire study period and during the fall, but differences between preference
for forested wetlands and marsh/wetland were greatly reduced in the summer.
Generally, Black Bears avoided habitat in rural/agricultural and urban landcover
categories (Table 3).
The most parsimonious MELR model included an additive effect of landcover
category, distance to creeks, distance to major roads, and distance to minor roads
(Model 1; Table 4). The conditional R2 (R2
GLMM(c)) was 0.281, suggesting no evidence
for the lack of fit of the MELR model to data. The next-closest model differed
from the top model by >250 ΔAICc (Model 2; Table 4), indicating a substantial
decrease in model fit. Based on the most parsimonious model (Model 1, Table 4),
Black Bears favored forested wetlands and avoided urban areas (Table 5). The
Southeastern Naturalist
D.L. Karelus, J.W. McCown, B.K. Scheick, M. van de Kerk, and M.K. Oli
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
effect of distance to creeks and distance to major roads indicated that Black Bears
used areas closer to these features than expected at random. The effect of distance
to minor roads indicated that the Black Bears selected areas farther from these roads
than expected at random (Table 5). The variance (± SD) of the random effect was
0.397 ± 0.630.
Although the presence of males in the Camp Blanding area had been reported,
previous studies, including Dixon et al. (2006), found no evidence of the presence
of females or a locally breeding population of Black Bears in the area. The earliest
available map of Black Bear distribution in Florida does not designate Camp
Blanding within the range (Brady and Maehr 1985). During our study, we radiocollared
6 female Black Bears and documented the birth of 5 cubs from 3 litters.
These findings provide evidence that female Black Bears recently colonized
the area and a locally breeding population of Black Bears currently inhabits the
Camp Blanding area. Presence of these animals provided us with the opportunity
Table 2. Ranking matrix from compositional analysis for 2nd-order habitat selection (selection of a
home range within the study area) by Florida Black Bears in north-central Florida for (A) the entire
study period (1 August 2011–31 July 2013), (B) fall seasons, and (C) summer seasons. Signs indicate
preference, with a (+) indicating that the row landcover category is preferred over the column
landcover category and a (−) indicating the opposite. Triple signs represent a significant preference
for (+++) or avoidance (---) (P < 0.05). Rank represents the order of preference for the land cover
categories, in order of most-strongly preferred (1) to least-strongly preferred (6).
Forested Marsh/ Woods/ Tree Rural/
wetlands wetland scrub plantations agricultural Urban Rank
A. Overall
Forested wetlands 0 + + +++ +++ +++ 1
Tree plantations - 0 + + + +++ 2
Woods/scrub - - 0 + + +++ 3
Marsh/wetland --- - - 0 + +++ 4
Rural/agricultural --- - - - 0 + 5
Urban --- --- --- - - 0 6
B. Fall
Forested wetlands 0 + + +++ +++ +++ 1
Tree plantations − 0 + +++ +++ +++ 2
Woods/scrub − − 0 + +++ +++ 3
Marsh/wetlands --- --- - 0 + +++ 4
Rural/agricultural --- --- --- - 0 + 5
Urban --- --- --- --- − 0 6
C. Summer
Forested wetlands 0 + + +++ +++ +++ 1
Tree plantations - 0 + +++ +++ +++ 2
Woods/scrub - - 0 +++ + +++ 3
Marsh/wetland --- --- --- 0 + + 4
Rural/agricultural --- --- - - 0 + 5
Urban --- --- --- - - 0 6
Southeastern Naturalist
D.L. Karelus, J.W. McCown, B.K. Scheick, M. van de Kerk, and M.K. Oli
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
Table 3. Ranking matrix from compositional analysis for 3rd-order habitat selection (selection of
landcover categories within a home range) by Florida Black Bears in north-central Florida for (A) the
entire study period (1 August 2011–31 July 2013), (B) fall seasons, and (C) summer seasons. Signs
indicate preference, with (+) indicating that the row landcover category is preferred over the column
landcover category and (-) indicating the opposite. Triple signs represent significant preference for
(+++) or avoidance (---) (P < 0.05). Rank represents the order of preference for the landcover categories,
in order of most strongly preferred (1) to least strongly preferred (5 or 6). For (A) overall and
(C) summer, at least 1 bear lacked availability in rural/agricultural or urban areas. Therefore, the test
was repeated by combining these 2 landcover categories into 1 category.
Forested Marsh/ Woods/ Tree Rural/
wetlands wetland scrub plantations agricultural Urban Rank
A. Overall
Forested wetlands 0 +++ +++ +++ +++ 1
Marsh/wetland --- 0 - +++ +++ 2
Woods/scrub --- --- 0 + +++ 3
Tree plantations --- --- - 0 +++ 4
Rural/agricultural and Urban --- --- --- --- 0 5
B. Fall
Forested wetlands 0 + +++ +++ +++ +++ 1
Marsh/wetland - 0 + +++ +++ +++ 2
Woods/scrub --- - 0 +++ +++ +++ 3
Tree plantations --- --- --- 0 + + 4
Rural/agricultural --- --- --- - 0 - 6
Urban --- --- --- - + 0 5
C. Summer
Forested wetlands 0 + +++ +++ +++ 1
Marsh/wetland - 0 + + +++ 2
Woods/scrub --- - 0 + +++ 3
Tree plantations --- - - 0 +++ 4
Rural/agricultural and urban --- --- --- --- 0 5
Table 4. Model selection results from mixed-effects logistic regression testing for factors influencing
habitat selection by Florida Black Bears in north-central Florida from 2011 through 2013. Models are
sorted based on the ΔAICc (Akaike information criterion corrected for small sample size) values in
an ascending order. Landcover categories: wood/scrub, marsh wetlands, rural/agricultural, urban, tree
plantations, and forested wetlands. Major roads, Minor roads, and Creeks all represent distances to
the nearest respective feature. The number of parameters in each model is indicated by K. The weight
indicates the Akaike weight or model probability. Only the top 10 models, out of 16 total, are shown.
Rank Candidate model K Log-likelihood ΔAICc Weight
1 Landcover + Major roads + Minor roads + Creeks 10 –70155.96 0.00 1
2 Landcover + Minor roads + Creeks 9 –70303.89 293.85 0
3 Landcover + Major roads + Minor roads 9 –70462.44 610.95 0
4 Landcover + Minor roads 8 –70608.92 901.92 0
5 Landcover + Major roads + Creeks 9 –70645.31 976.69 0
6 Landcover + Creeks 8 –70752.50 1189.07 0
7 Landcover + Major roads 8 –70876.29 1436.67 0
8 Landcover 7 –70985.09 1652.25 0
9 Major roads + Minor roads + Creeks 5 –76413.07 12,504.20 0
10 Minor roads + Creeks 4 –76573.32 12,822.72 0
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D.L. Karelus, J.W. McCown, B.K. Scheick, M. van de Kerk, and M.K. Oli
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
to investigate space and resource use by a newly colonized population of Black
Bears in a human-dominated landscape with substantial anthropogenic habitat
fragmentation. Compared with relatively unfragmented habitats in Ocala and in
Osceola National Forests, the Camp Blanding area exhibited a lower proportion
of suitable habitat, which was less aggregated, more dispersed, and more patchily
distributed across the landscape (see Supplemental File 1, available online at
https://www.eaglehill.us/SENAonline/suppl-files/s15-2-S2261-Karelus-s1 and,
for BioOne subscribers, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1656/S2261.s1). Therefore, we
expected the Black Bears at our study site to have larger home ranges than those
inhabiting relatively unfragmented habitats.
We could not statistically compare our estimates of home-range sizes with
those reported from other studies. This comparison would require a consistent
bandwidth among the studies that used KDE and the same or a comparable number
of locations among studies that used either KDE or MCP (Börger et al. 2014,
Kie 2013, Laver and Kelly 2008, Seaman and Powell 1996). The home-range
studies of nearby Black Bear populations did not report bandwidths, and the number
of locations varied widely among studies. Qualitatively, overall and seasonal
Black Bear home ranges in the Camp Blanding area were larger than those for
Black Bears in Ocala National Forest, except for females in 2000 (Moyer et al.
2007). An extreme, prolonged drought occurred in Florida from 1998 to 2001 that
resulted in a forest-wide mast failure in Ocala National Forest (McCown et al.
2004), likely causing the Black Bears to use substantially larger home ranges in
2000 to meet their resource needs. Black Bear home ranges in Osceola National
Forest and Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge (Dobey et al. 2005) were comparable
to or larger than those in the Camp Blanding area. However, much of the
data used in Dobey et al.’s (2005) study were also collected during the drought
years, which could have led to their observation of larger home ranges. Like
Camp Blanding, Eglin Air Force Base (Valparaiso, FL) and the landscape surrounding
it are fragmented and receive substantial military use (e.g., as airfields,
Table 5. Estimates (± SE) of slope parameters and 95% confidence intervals for the fixed-effect variables
included in the most parsimonious mixed-effects logistic regression model (Model 1; Table 4).
Negative coefficients indicate that the respective landcover category is less strongly preferred than
the reference category, forested wetlands. Positive coefficients would indicate that the category is preferred
over the reference category. All slope parameters are significantly different from 0 at P≤ 0.001.
Variable Estimate ± SE Confidence interval
Landcover category
Marsh/wetland -0.300 ± 0.027 (-0.354, -0.247)
Woods/scrub -1.231 ± 0.019 (-1.268, -1.193)
Tree plantation -1.559 ± 0.017 (-1.593, -1.526)
Rural/agriculture -1.879 ± 0.041 (-1.960, -1.798)
Urban -2.697 ± 0.055 (-2.804, -2.590)
Distance to creeks -0.199 ± 0.008 (-0.215, -0.183)
Distance to major roads -0.131 ± 0.008 (-0.146, -0.116)
Distance to minor roads 0.241 ± 0.008 (0.226, 0.257)
Southeastern Naturalist
D.L. Karelus, J.W. McCown, B.K. Scheick, M. van de Kerk, and M.K. Oli
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
test ranges, and sewage-spray fields), which likely causes resources in that area to
be more dispersed and thus may explain the fairly large Black Bear home ranges
reported by Stratman (1998). In addition to fragmentation, the quality of habitat
also influences home-range size. The smallest American Black Bear home ranges
in the southeastern US have been reported for highly productive habitats in the
Mississippi Delta region (Benson and Chamberlain 2007, Oli et al. 2002); the
Black Bears in the Camp Blanding area used much larger home ranges. Therefore,
our results are generally consistent with the expectation that Black Bears inhabiting
less productive or fragmented habitats, or a combination of the two, would
use larger home ranges than those in unfragmented or more productive habitats.
Most of the Black Bears at our study site exhibited larger home ranges in fall
than in summer, although the differences were not significant. This tendency for
larger home ranges in fall is attributed to the increased foraging area during fall
hyperphagia experienced by Black Bears in preparation for winter denning and
is consistent with findings for the Ocala Black Bear population and several other
populations (Hellgren et al. 1989, Moyer et al. 2007, Powell et al. 1997). Therefore,
our failure to detect a significant difference between summer and fall was most
likely due to our small sample sizes.
Black Bears in the Camp Blanding area consistently preferred forested wetlands
compared to all other types of landcover at both 2nd- and 3rd-order scales during the
entire study period as well as in the summer and fall. Black Bears also selected for
areas close to creeks. Together, these results suggest that riparian forests represent
the best-quality habitat for Black Bears in the area. This result is not surprising
because forested wetlands include relatively abundant mast from oaks and palmettos,
a thick understory for ground-den sites and cover, and connectivity with other
habitats (Hellgren et al. 1991, Stratman et al. 2001, Wooding and Hardisky 1994).
Black Bears generally avoided agricultural, rural, and urban landcover at both
scales of selection in all seasons, most likely due to the lack of cover and higher
levels of human disturbance. However, this finding does not indicate that Black
Bears will always tend to avoid agricultural landscapes or urban areas. Black Bears
can become habituated to humans and alter their behavior to exploit food sources
found in neighborhoods, especially when resources are scarce (Bateman and Fleming
2012, Beckmann and Berger 2003b, Johnson et al. 2015). Securing garbage
and other food sources early in the Black Bear’s recolonization could help mitigate
potential human–bear conflict.
There are many challenges inherent in the use–availability design of habitatselection
studies (Beyer et al. 2010, Garshelis 2000). For example, criteria used to
partition habitat types are usually arbitrary, distinction between habitat and nonhabitat
is often blurred, measuring habitat units that are available to study animals
is difficult, and unbiased and error-free quantification of habitat use is rarely possible
(Garshelis 2000). Although we cannot rule out the possibility that some of our
results may have been influenced by aforementioned challenges, the concurrence
between the results of compositional analyses and mixed-effect logistic regression
models lead us to believe that that our results are robust.
Southeastern Naturalist
D.L. Karelus, J.W. McCown, B.K. Scheick, M. van de Kerk, and M.K. Oli
2016 Vol. 15, No. 2
Black Bears at our study site used habitats closer to major roads and farther
away from minor roads than would be expected at random. These results may be
a consequence of the presence of 2 major roads that cross large blocks of forested
habitat in the Camp Blanding area, rather than Black Bears showing preference
for areas closer to a major road. Several home ranges spanned both sides of those
roads, and 3 radio-collared Black Bears were killed while crossing major roads.
Reynolds-Hogland and Mitchell (2007) and Coster and Kovach (2012) reported
similar results. Black Bears may have stayed farther away from minor roads more
than expected due to high levels of disturbance during military training exercises,
deer-hunting season, and land-management activities (Morrison et al. 2014, van
Manen et al. 2012), but more data on human use of the area would be required to
determine whether that was the case.
Our findings suggest that Black Bears occupying fragmented habitats generally
require larger home ranges to acquire sufficient resources and reinforced the
importance of riparian forests. Conservation planning that focuses on preserving
and restoring riparian habitats and maintaining or increasing the distribution and
abundance of soft- and hard-mast-producing plants in adjacent uplands will help
ensure the availability of essential resources for Black Bears. These management
actions would help increase the likelihood of colonization and persistence of stepping-
stone populations, and would facilitate greater connectivity among Black
Bear populations.
We thank Camp Blanding Joint Training Center, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Commission, and the School of Natural Resources and Environment and the Department of
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at the University of Florida for funding. We are grateful
to Paul Catlett of Camp Blanding for logistical support. We would also like to express
our appreciation to the private landowners who took an interest in the study and kindly
allowed us access on their property. J. Burford, A. Casavant, D. Colbert, K. Malachowski,
T. McQuaig, and E. Troyer contributed to data collection. E.C. Hellgren, R.A. Powell, E.P.
Garrison, J.A. Gore, B. Crowder, M. Cove, and 2 anonymous reviewers provided many
helpful comments on the manuscript.
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