New Algal Species Records for Great Smoky
Mountains National Park, with an Annotated Checklist of
all Reported Algal Taxa for The Park
Jeffrey R. Johansen, Rex L. Lowe, Susan Carty, Karolina Fučiková
Catherine E. Olsen, Margaret H. Fitzpatrick, Jennifer A. Ress,
and Paula C. Furey
Southeastern Naturalist, Volume 6, Special Issue 1 (2007): 99–134
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1Department of Biology, John Carroll University, University Heights, OH 44118.
2Department of Biological Science, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green,
OH 43403. 3Department of Biology, Heidelberg College, Tiffin, OH 44883. *Corresponding
author -
New Algal Species Records for Great Smoky
Mountains National Park, with an Annotated Checklist of
all Reported Algal Taxa for The Park
Jeffrey R. Johansen1,*, Rex L. Lowe2, Susan Carty3, Karolina Fučiková1,
Catherine E. Olsen1, Margaret H. Fitzpatrick1, Jennifer A. Ress2,
and Paula C. Furey2
Abstract - Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which straddles the Tennessee–
North Carolina state-line is a biologically diverse region which has recently become
the site of an All Taxon Biodiversity Inventory, an effort to chronicle species diversity
by documenting all species in all phyla present within park boundaries. As a
result of studies within the last two years, we have added 415 new algal taxa records.
With records reported in 2004, we now have documented a total of 1000 taxa in the
park. This paper summarizes all algal species found to date.
Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP) is the largest contiguous
preserve east of the Rocky Mountains. Although settled and logged for
many years, the Park has retained much of its diverse fl ora and fauna due to
the rugged terrain and long period of protection since becoming a national
park in 1934. The north–south orientation of the Park, its complex geology,
elevational variety, and moist climate contribute to high species biodiversity.
Because of the mountainous terrain, old-growth forest patches that have
never been cleared for lumber still exist within park, and serve as pristine
refugia for some species.
In December of 1997, the All Taxon Biodiversity Inventory (ATBI) was
undertaken to identify every species in every phylum present in the park
(Pederson 1999). As of August 2001, 450 vertebrate, 2250 fungal, 2816
higher plant, and 4280 invertebrate species records had been documented in
the Park (Sharkey 2001).
Algal records were compiled and published by Johansen et al. (2004).
The 585 taxa reported in that publication included historical published records,
historical gray literature, and recent collection efforts. The historical
literature for the algae in the Park is summarized in that publication. Other
publications based on unusual records have since been published or have
been accepted for publication (Casamatta et al. 2006, Johansen et al. 2005).
The Great Smoky Mountains National Park All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory:
A Search for Species in Our Own Backyard
2007 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1:99–134
100 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
The purpose of this paper is to report all new records and to present the taxa
in a more phylogenetic context based on recent systematic studies.
Materials and Methods
Efforts in recent years have focused on several habitats within the Park.
As became clear in Gomez et al. (2003), moist aerial habitats in the Park (particularly
seeps, wet rock faces, and waterfall splash zones) are especially
rich in interesting species. We made special efforts to sample these habitats,
and the habitats studied since the Gomez (2002) study are listed in Appendix
A. The other understudied habitats were lentic, and included some small
standing bodies of water in Cades Cove, as well as the northern shoreline of
Fontana Lake, which contains the Park boundary in its deepest course. We
studied both the littoral and pelagic zones of Fontana Lake. Other miscellaneous
sites such as waterfalls, sinks and streams from less-accessable areas
of GSMNP were sampled as well. Sites were found with the help of maps and
guidebooks (Anonymous 1994, 1998).
While in the field, all samples were divided into portions for fresh examination
and preservation. A rough portion of each was transferred to polycarbonate
bottles, preserved in 2% glutaraldehyde, and kept under refrigeration for the
duration of the study. Diatom slides were made from all samples for future
analysis. All taxa were examined and photographed using Olympus BX51,
Olympus B-Max, and Zeiss Axiophot photomicroscopes with high resolution
Nomarski DIC optics. Recently collected materials are still being used for
continued study, but will eventually be deposited at the California Academy of
Sciences (both preserved material and diatom slides). Images and drawings
of most taxa exist and will be illustrated in several taxon-specific fl oras to be
published at the conclusion of the study.
Several diatom taxa, particularly those with structure too fine to discern
in light microscopes, were also examined with a high resolution Hitachi
HHS-2R scanning electron microscope (SEM) at Bowling Green State University
(BGSU). Diatoms were cleaned in boiling nitric acid and air dried
onto cover glasses. Each cover glass was mounted on a specimen stub,
sputter-coated with 10 nm gold-palladium alloy prior to SEM analysis. Preserved
samples that contained dinofl agellates were dehydrated in a graded
alcohol series, critical-point dried, sputter-coated with gold-palladium alloy,
then studied in the BGSU SEM microscope.
Taxonomic determinations were made using standard references. For cyanobacteria,
Desikachary (1959), Geitler (1932), Komárek and Anagnostidis
(1999, 2005), and Starmach (1966) were the primary references for species,
with generic assignments following the recent revisions of Komárek and
Anagnostidis (Anagnostidis and Komárek 1985, 1988, 1990; Komárek
and Anagnostidis 1986, 1989). References used for identifying green algae
were diverse (Croasdale and Flint 1986, 1988; Croasdale et al. 1994; Dillard
1990, 1991a, 1991b, 1993; Ettl and Gärtner 1995; Komárek and Fott 1983;
2007 J.R. Johansen et al. 101
Lokhorst 1996). Diatoms were also identified using a number of texts
(Krammer 1997a, 1997b; Krammer and Lange-Bertalot 1986, 1988, 1991a,
1991b; Lange-Bertalot 2001; Lange-Bertalot and Metzeltin 1996; Patrick and
Reimer 1966, 1975). For tribophytes and eustigmatophytes, Ettl and Gärtner
(1995) was the primary resource.
Placement of cyanobacteria in higher-level taxa follows Hoffmann et
al. (2005). This new classification is based on sequence-based phylogenies
as well as ultrastructural and morphological criteria. It represents a radical
departure from classification schemes of the 20th century, but we concur with
Hoffmann et al. (2005) that this system is superior. Placement of diatom
taxa in higher taxonomic groups follows the system of Round et al. (1990).
Placement of coccoid chlorophyte genera in higher-level taxa is problematic.
We followed the scheme of Graham and Wilcox (2000), informed by a number
of recent phylogenetic studies (Booton et al. 1998a 1998b; Friedl and
Zeltner 1994; Hanagata 1998; Huss et al. 1999; Lewis 1997). Coccoid taxa
known to belong in the Trebouxiophyceae were placed in the Trebouxiales.
Coccoid taxa known to have directly opposite (DO) fl agellar ultrastructure,
or belong to that clade based upon DNA sequence data, were placed provisionally
in the Sphaeropleales. The Chlorococcales contains the coccoid
taxa with the clock-wise orientation of fl agellar roots and those azoosporic
taxa sharing sequence similarity with those species. Additionally, we found
the ITIS website Catalogue of Life: 2005 Annual Checklist (http://annual. to be especially helpful in identifying higherlevel
taxonomy and correct author designations.
Results and Discussion
With the combination of recent and older records, the park now has a
total of 1000 algal species records (Appendix B): 190 Cyanobacteria, 108
Chlorophyta (Chlorophyceae, Trebouxiophyceae, Ulvophyceae), 137 Charophyta
(Klebsormidiophyceae, Zygnematophyceae), 21 Dinophyta, 19 Euglenophyta,
1 Cryptophyta, and 5 Rhodoplantae (Cyanidiophyta, Rhodophyta).
Kingdom Stramenopila (formerly synonymous with Heterokontophyta)
included the following numbers of taxa in eight phyla: 3 Chrysophyta, 7
Synurophyta, 1 Prymnesiophyta, 1 Raphidiophyta, 16 Tribophyta, 2 Eustigmatophyta,
488 Bacillariophyta, and 1 Phaeophyta. These totals include 82
taxa (“sp.” or as “cf.” taxa) which could be recognized as distinct, but which
could not be identified with confidence to species. All of these uncertain taxa
are potentially new to science.
In the process of examining the algae, we encountered one taxon that
was morphologically similar to Merismopedia trolleri Bachman. However,
the color and thylakoid structure were incorrect for that taxon (irridescent
purplish pink), and we were able to subsequently identify this distinctive
bacterium as Thiopedia rosea Vinogradskij (Appendix B).
102 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
Since Johansen et al. (2004), we have found representatives of six
phyla which were not reported previously. These include Cyanidiophyta,
Prymnesiophyta, Raphidophyta, Phaeophyta, and Cryptophyta. With
16 phyla represented, the prokaryotic and eukaryotic algae demonstrate
deep branching diversity. At this point, all existing freshwater algal phyla
are represented within the park.
The habitats with richest algal diversity in the park are the subaerial
seeps and waterfall splash zones. We have found most of our taxa in these
habitats. This may be due to the fact that the streams in the park are almost
all high-gradient, thoroughly scoured, nutrient-poor streams with
limited ecological variability. Algae in the streams and rivers are mostly
tightly attached to the rocky substrate and are very patchy in distribution
as well as difficult to sample (Chamaesiphon spp., Heribaudiella sp., and
Achnanthidium are good examples). More collection effort in the streams
could potentially yield more taxa. The park is especially depauperate in
lentic habitats, and this may be the cause for the absence of some common
cosmopolitan genera and species. Fontana Lake is the only lentic
habitat of any size. A few marshes, a sinkhole, and a black gum swamp
are the only other still-water habitats. We have not yet studied the algae
of the soils or aerophytic dry habitats such as tree bark and rocks. The
subaerial habitats will likely yield the most new taxa with the least collection
Johansen et al. (2004) predicted that Batrachospermum would be found
within the park, and indeed it was. We are currently working on the identity
of the species of this genus, which was found in two watersheds within the
park. Other taxa receiving special attention are a new species of Draparnaldia
(Johansen and Lowe, 2007), as well as three putative new species of
Leptolyngbya (L. appalachiana, L. badia, L. nonconstricta). Fučiková (in
press) found one new species of sacoderm desmid in her studies. Thomas
et al. (in press) found 14 new records plus 6 new species of gomphonemoid
diatoms. These latter taxa are also the subjects of Johansen et al. (in press
B). Rexia erecta (Casamatta et al. 2006) is a new genus and species of cyanobacteria
described from the park, and we have also discovered a new
genus of centric diatom in the Thalassiosiraceae (Johansen et al., in press
A), given the provisional name in this manuscript “Spicaticribra kingstonii.”
These findings, as well as other new or rare taxa (Casamatta et al.
2006, Johansen et al. 2005), indicate that the Park is home to a distinctive
algal flora that is worthy of preservation efforts.
As we build the species record list, we recognize that some taxa in our
list have been incorrectly identified by past workers. For example, Gomphonema
rhombicum, G. ventricosum, and G. micropus were reported in the
1970s based on the literature available at the time, but now we recognize
that the organisms that likely represented those reports are new species or
at least species described more recently. We have removed some of these
2007 J.R. Johansen et al. 103
records from the list, but where we are not reasonably confident of incorrect
identification, we have left the names on the list. Readers can make their own
judgement concerning records by examining the date of the reports (Appendix
Johansen et al. (2004) made a number of new taxonomic combinations
to refl ect more recent generic concepts in diatoms. One of these taxonomic
corrections was actually made prior to 2004. Navicula mobiliensis var. minor
Patrick was transfered and elevated to Luticola minor (Patr.) Mayama
(Mayama and Kawashima 1998), and is an earlier synonym of Luticola
naviculoides Johansen in Johansen et al. (2004). The latter name is thus
invalid, and we publish the correction here.
This research was supported by the National Science Foundation (DEB 0315979)
and grants from Discover Life In America. We are also very grateful for support
and facilitation from the National Park Service, Jeanie Hilton, and volunteers from
Discover Life In America and the Appalachian Highlands Learning Center interns.
Liliya Khaibullina provided identifications for the Chloromonas species. Marina
Potapova and two anonymous reviewers provided an especially valuable proofing of
names and authorities of the taxa reported in this paper.
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108 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
Appendix A. Sites for which algae are reported in this paper. Site code is followed
by a short description of the site, with county and state. When multiple habitat types
were sampled, the site code has a number for each habitat type. Descriptions are
based on the topographic trail map of the park (Anonymous 1998).
Code Site
Collection sites sampled since 2001 (some additionally sampled earlier):
ABB Andrews Bald Bog, below Clingmans Dome, Swain County, NC
AC Abrams Creek, west end of park from Cades Cove to Chilhowee Lake,
Blount County, TN
ACT Alum Cave Trail, epilithic habitats between Arch Rock and Alum Cave,
Sevier County, TN
AF Abrams Falls, a large cascade in Abrams Creek, Blount County, TN
ANT Anthony Creek, the easternmost tributary of Abrams Creek, Blount
County, TN
BIG Big Creek, aerial epilithic habitats in drainage, east end of park, Haywood
County, NC
CAD1 Cades Cove, iris fen, Bount County, TN
CAD2 Cades Cove, sink hole, Blount County, TN
CAD3 Cades Cove, bubbling spring, Blount County, TN
CAT1 Cataloochee Road, waterfalls by side of dirt road, Longarm Quartzite,
Haywood County, NC
CAT2 Cataloochee Road, wet rocks by paved road, Basement Complex,
Haywood County, NC
CAT3 Little Cataloochee Trail, thick blue-green mat, Roaring Fork Sandstone,
Haywood County, NC
CAT4 Cataloochee Road, damp rocks along road, Basement Complex, Haywood
County, NC
CD1 Clingmans Dome, damp soil, Swain County, NC
CD2 Clingmans Dome, damp rock, Swain County, NC
CF Cataract Falls, damp rocks outside spray zone, Roaring Fork Sandstone,
Sevier County, TN
CHC Chasteen Cascade, Swain County, NC
CRT Cooper Road Trail, wet rocks, Blount County, TN
CS Cades Cove Sluice, Blount County, TN
CHI1 Chimney Tops Trail, wet wall along trail Sevier County, TN
FCF Flat Creek Falls, Swain County, NC
FON Fontana Lake, reservoir along southern boundary of the park, Swain
County, NC
FON1 Fontana Lake, lakeshore trail along Eagle Creek arm, Swain County, NC
GMT Gabes Mountain Trail, wet rocks, Cocke County, TN
GRO Grotto Falls, small cascade in Roaring Fork watershed, Sevier County,
HRR Heintooga Ridge Road, seeps and wet walls, Swain County, NC
HWF Hen Wallow Falls, cascade in small tributary of Cosby Creek, Cocke
County, TN
2007 J.R. Johansen et al. 109
Code Site
HWT Hen Wallow Falls Trail, seep before falls, Cocke County, TN
IC Indian Creek Falls, eastern tributary of Deep Creek, Swain County, NC
JWF Juney Whank Falls, Swain County, NC
KC Kingfisher Creek, Blount County, TN
LAU Laurel Falls near Elkmont, wet siliceous rocks, Sevier County, TN
LCAT Little Cataloochee Trail, epilithon, Haywood County, NC
LCF Little Creek Falls, Swain County, NC
LCT Lower Mt. Cammerer Trail, subaerial habitats, Cocke County, TN
LCR Laurel Creek Road, wet wall outside tunnel, Blount County, TN
LFT Laurel Falls Trail, forest soil, Sevier County, TN
LR Little River, Sevier County, TN
LRR1 Little River Road, damp rocks along road to Cades Cove, Sevier County,
LOW Lower Gap Trail, wet rocks along trail, Sevier County, TN
MCP Methodist Church Pond, Blount County, TN
MEI Meigs Creek, tributary of the Little River, Sevier County, TN
MPT Middle Prong Trail, seep along trail, Thunderhead Sandstone, Blount
County, TN
NDT Noland Divide Trail, forest soil, Swain County, NC
NEW1 Newfound Gap, wet debris, Sevier County, TN
NEW2 Newfound Gap, stream below gap, Sevier County, TN
NEW3 Newfound Gap, roadside drain on the road to the gap, Sevier County, TN
NEW4 Newfound Gap, wet schist, Sevier County, TN
NGR Newfound Gap Road, Sevier County TN to Swain County, NC
OR Oconaluftee River, Swain County, NC
ORG Oconaluftee River Gorge, wet rocks along road, Swain County, NC
PK Purchase Knob, spruce tree, Haywood County, NC
PTD Place of 1000 Drips, damp rocks outside spray zone, Sevier County, TN
RAM Ramsey Prong, tributary of the Middle Prong Little Pigeon River, Sevier
County, TN
RAM1 Ramsey Cascades, cascade on Ramsey Prong, Sevier County, TN
RFT1 Roaring Fork Trail, above site known as 1000 drips, Sevier County, TN
RFT2 Roaring Fork Trail, Place of a 1000 drips, Sevier County, TN
RFR Roaring Fork Road, damp rocks along road, Roaring Fork Sandstone,
Sevier County, TN
SF Spruce Flats Falls, Blount County, TN
SGT Schoolhouse Gap Trail, damp rocks along trail, Metcalf Phyllite, Blount
County, TN
SL Sewage lagoons, Cades Cove, Blount County, TN
TBF Toms Branch Falls, slime underneath overhang, Swain County, NC
TMC Twentymile Creek Trail, wet rocks, Swain County, NC
TW Twin Creeks, Sevier County, TN
TWP Twin Creeks Facility, pool below spring house, Sevier County, TN
WOS Whiteoak Sink, Blount County, TN
110 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
Code Site
Sites sampled only before 2001:
APP Appalachian Trail, wet trailside rock, Swain County, NC
BF Beech Flats Prong, the westernmost tributary of the Oconaluftee River,
Swain County, NC
BIG1 Big Creek, stream habitat, east end of park, Haywood County, NC
BOW Bower Creek, a tributary of Forge Creek in Abrams Creek watershed,
Blount County, TN
BRA Bradley Fork, northernmost tributary of the Oconaluftee River, Swain
County, NC
CAC Cataloochee Creek, east end of park, Haywood County, NC
CAD Cades Cove, unspecified habitats in Abrams Creek watershed, Blount
County, TN
CAN Cane Creek, small stream in northwest corner of park, Blount County, TN
CC Cooper Creek, a tributary of the Tuckasegee River, Swain County, NC
CH Camel Hump Creek, a tributary of Cosby Creek, Cocke County, TN
CHA1 Charlies Bunion, gently fl owing water below site, Sevier County, TN
CHA2 Charlies Bunion, wet rock at base, Sevier County, TN
CHI Chimney Tops Trail, at trailhead, acidic soil, Sevier County, TN
EC Eagle Creek, southern part of park, emptying into Fontana Lake, Swain
County, NC
FC Fighting Creek, tributary of the West Prong of the Little Pigeon River,
Sevier County, TN
FLA Flat Creek, eastern tributary of Bunches Creek, Swain County, NC
GAT Gatlinburg, soil above town, Sevier County, TN
GRE1 Greenbrier swimming pool, Sevier County, TN
GRE2 Greenbrier, sluggish water near Hiking Club Cabin, Sevier County, TN
GSM Great Smoky Mountains National Park, unidentified site.
HAN Hannah Mountain Trail, rocks in swift stream, Blount County, TN
HAZ Hazel Creek, southern part of park, emptying into Fontana Lake, Swain
County, NC
HUG Hughes Ridge-Bradley Fork Trail, trailside rock, Swain County, NC
HU Husky Branch, tributary of the Little River above Elkmont, Sevier County,
IGG Indian Grave Gap, north of Cades Cove, Sevier County, TN
PIG1 Little Pigeon River, Middle Prong, near Hiking Club cabin, Greenbrier,
Sevier County, TN
PIG2 Little Pigeon River below Trout Branch, Sevier County, TN
LRR2 Little River Road, unspecified habitat, Sevier County, TN
MCB Madcap Branch, a tributary of Mingus Creek, Swain County, NC
MOO Moore Springs Cabin, Gregory Bald, Swain County, NC
MYR Myrtle Point, east of Mount Le Conte, wet rocks, Sevier County, TN
PEC Pecks Corner, spring near Hughes Ridge Trail, Swain County, NC
POR Porters Creek, tributary of the Little Pigeon River, Sevier County, TN
ROU Round Bottom CCC camp, Swain County, NC
SUG1 Sugarlands C.C.C. Camp, turbid stream above camp, Sevier County, TN
SUG2 Sugarlands Mountain Trail near Mt. Collins, Sevier County, TN
WP Walker Prong, below Newfound Gap, Sevier County, TN
2007 J.R. Johansen et al. 111
Appendix B. Algal species observed in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Sources of each record are coded as follows: 1) Algal foray in May 1999; 2) Deason
and Herndon (1989); 3) Flechtner et al. (2002); 4) Gomez et al. in May 2001; 5) Keithan
(1983); 6) Kociolek (1982); 7) Lowe 1976–1977 studies; 8) Lowe and Kociolek
(1984); 9) Makosky 1999–2001 study (unfinished thesis); 10) Silva (1949); 11) Silva
(1953); 12) Silva and Sharp (1944); 13) Wołowski and Walne (1997); 14) Current
NSF-funded study; 15) New taxon record, current NSF-funded study. 16) New taxon
record from Thomas et al. (in press), which is simultaneously in press with this paper.
Sites codes refer to sites in Appendix A. If a species was recovered in 5–7 sites, it is
just listed as common; if it was in 8 or more sites it is considered widespread. Provisional
names (i.e., new species names in manuscripts in press) are set off in quotation
marks, e.g., Leptolyngbya “badia” and have no author listing.
Taxon Source Sites
Thiopedia rosea Vinogradskij 15 SL
Cyanobacteria (190 TAXA)
Chamaesiphon confervicolus A. Br. 1 FLA
C. incrustans Grun. 1 ANT
C. incrustans f. cylindricus (J.B. Petersen) Kom. & Anagn. 15 LR
C. minutus (Rostaf.) Lemm. 15 LCF
C. polonicus (Rostaf.) Hansg. 15 LR
C. rostafinskii Hansg. 12 SUG1
Aphanocapsa fusco-lutea Hansg. 15 CAT2, HRR, LCM
A. grevillei (Berk.) Rabh. 12 LRR2
A. muscicola (Menegh.) Wille 4, 14 GRO, AF, SF, CAT1
A. testacea Näg. 15 SF
Snowella lacustris (Chodat) Kom. & Hindák 15 MCP
Synechocystis sp. 1 4 LRR1
Woronichinia naegeliana (Unger) Elenkin 15 FON
Geitlerinema splendidum (Grev. ex Gom.) Anagn. 15 MCP
Heteroleibleinia purpurascens (Hansg.) Anagn. & Kom. 15 Common
Homoeothrix janthina (Bornet & Flah.) Starm. 12 IGG
H. juliana (Born. & Flah.) Kirchner 15 AC
H. rivularis (Hansg.) Kom. & Kann 1 AF
Jaaginema pseudogeminatum (Schmid) Anagn. & Kom. 15 HRR
Leibleinia epiphytica Hieron. 15 LCF, LRR1, TBF
Leptolyngbya angustissima (W. & G.S. West) Anagn. & Kom. 15 CAT2
L. “appalachiana” 4, 14 CAT1, CAT2
L. “badia” 4, 14 CAT2
112 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
Taxon Source Sites
Leptolyngbya cataractarum (Rabh. ex Hansg.) Kom. & Anagn. 15 CAT1
L. cebennensis (Gom.) Umezaki & M. Watan. 15 FCF, HRR
L. compacta (Kütz. ex Hansg.) Kom. 15 FCF
L. foveolarum (Rabh. ex Gom.) Anagn. & Kom. 4, 14 LRR1, SF
L. cf. nana (Tilden) Anagn. & Kom. 15 HRR
L. “nonconstricta” 15 CAT2
L. nostocorum (Bornet ex Gom.) Anagn. & Kom. 12, 14 CAT2, LRR2
L. ochracea (Thuret ex Gom.) Anagn. & Kom. 12 GRE1, POR
L. subtillissima (Kütz. ex Hansg.) Kom. 4, 14 RFT1, CAT2
L. subtruncata (Voronichin) Anagn. 4 LRR1
L. tenuis (Ag. ex Gom.) Anagn. & Kom. 4, 12 CAD, GRO
L. cf. truncata (Lemm.) Anagn. & Kom. 15 IC
L. sp. 1 4 BIG
L. sp. 2 4 BIG
Pseudanabaena batrachospermorum (Skuja) Anagn. & Kom. 15 GRO
P. frigida (Fritsch) Anagn. 4, 14 CAT1, HRR, JWF
P. sp. 1 4 BIG
P. franquetii (Bour) Bour. 15 SF
Spirulina albida Kolkwitz 15 HWF
Schizothrix calcicola Gomont 15 AC
S. lardacea Gom. 15 PK
S. muelleri Näg. ex Gom. 12 LAU
S. tinctoria Gom. 4 RFT1
S. vaginata (Näg. in Kütz.) Gom. 4 CAT2
Trichocoleus minimus (Frémy) Anagn. 4 CAT2
Anacystis marginata Menegh. 12 POR
A. rupestris (Lyngb.) Drouet & Daily 12 LRR2
Aphanothece bachmannii Kom.-Legn. & Cronb. 15 FON
A. bullosa (Mengh.) Rabh. 15 SL
A. caldariorum P.G. Richter 15 LCM, SF
A. castagnei (Bréb.) Rabh. 4, 14 AF, CAT2, RFT1
A. cylindracea (Gardner) Kom. & Anagn. 15 CRT
A. naegelii Wartmann 4 LRR1
A. pallida (Kütz.) Rabh. 15 SF, TBF
A. saxicola Näg. 1, 14 Common
Gloeothece confl uens Näg. 1, 4 AF, BIG, CAT1, TBF
G. fusco-lutea Näg. 4, 14 BIG, CAT1, LRR1
G. palea (Kütz.) Rabh. 4, 14 CAT1, LRR1
G. rupestris (Lyngb.) Bornet 4, 14 AF, BIG, RFT1
G. tepidariorum (A. Br.) Lagerh. 4, 14 Common
Rhabdoderma sp. 1 15 AC
Synechococcus elongatus (Näg.) Näg. 4 CAT1, RFT1
Asterocapsa divina Kom. 15 SF
Chroococcus cohaerens (Bréb.) Näg. 4, 14 BIG2, SF
C. dispersus (Keissler) Lemm. 15 CAT2, HWF
C. distans (G.M. Smith) Kom.-Legn. & Cronb. 15 HWF
C. helveticus Näg. 4, 14 Common
2007 J.R. Johansen et al. 113
Taxon Source Sites
Chroococcus lithophilus Erc. 15 LRR1
C. montanus Hansg. 4 AF, CAT1
C. pallidus (Näg.) Näg. 4, 14 LRR1
C. spelaeus Erc. 15 SF
C. tenax (Kirch.) Hieron. 4, 14 Common
C. turgidus (Kütz.) Näg. 12 RAM1
C. varius A. Br. 15 GRO
C. westii J.B. Petersen 15 SF, TBF
C. sp. 1 4 AF
C. sp. 2 4 BIG
Cyanodictyon iac Cronb. & Kom 15 FON
Gloeocapsopsis dvorakii (Nováček) Kom. & Anagn. 1, 14 AF, GRO
G. magma (Bréb.) Kom. & Anagn. 4, 12, 14 CAT2, FCF, RAM1,
G. pleurocapsoides (Novaček) Kom. & Anagn. 15 SF
G. sp. 1 4 LRR1, AF
Cyanobacterium cedrorum (Sauvageau) Kom. 15 CAT2
Cyanothece aeruginosa (Näg.) Kom. 15 GRO
Chlorogloeoa microcystoides Geitler 1 AF
Pleurocapsa minor Hansg. 4, 14 LRR1, CAT1
P. sp. 1 4 CAT2
Hydrococcus rivularis Kütz. 15 AC, CAT2, SF
Gloeocapsa aeruginosa Kütz. 4 AF
G. atrata Kütz. 15 CAT2, CHC
G. rupestris Kütz. 4 RFT1, AF, BIG7
G. caldariorum Rabh. 15 SF, CAT2
G. decorticans (A. Br.) P.G. Richter 15 CAT2
G. haematodes Kütz. 15 CHC
G. cf. novacekii Kom. & Anagn. 15 GRO
G. punctata Näg. 15 CAT1
Microcystis aeruginosa (Kütz.) Kütz. 15 SL
Xenococcus cf. yoniedae Umez. & M. Watan. 15 TBF
Phormidium aerugineo-caeruleum (Gom.) Anagn. & Kom. 4 CAT1
P. autumnale (Ag.) Trevisan ex Gom. 12 NEW1
P. breve (Kütz. ex Gom.) Anagn. & Kom. 15 LRR1
P. caerulescens (Gicklhorn) Anagn. 15 SL
P. chalybeum (Mertens ex Gom.) Anagn. & Kom. 15 CAT2
P. inundatum Kütz. ex Gom. 12 Common
P. irruguum (Kütz. ex Gom.) Anagn. & Kom. 1 AF
P. kuetzingianum (Kirchner) Anagn. & Kom. 15 SF
P. cf. numidicum (Gom.) Anagn. 4 BIG
P. papyraceum Kütz. ex Gom. 12, 14 Common
P. cf. priestleyi Fritsch 4 RFT1
114 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
Taxon Source Sites
Phormidium puteale (Mont. ex Gom.) Anagn. & Kom. 12 GRE2
P. retzii Kütz. ex Gom. 12, 14 AC, BRA, POR, OR
P. tergestinum (Kütz.) Anagn. & Kom. 15 SL
P. uncinatum Gom. 12 WP
P. versicolor Wartmann ex Gom. 12 POR
P. sp. 1 4 BIG
P. sp. 2 4 CAT1
P. sp. 3 4 CAT2
Porphyrosiphon martensianus (Menegh. ex Gom.) Anagn. 15 SF, FCF, FON
& Kom.
P. sp. 1 4 BIG
Symploca muralis Kütz. ex Gom. 12 POR, ROU
S. muscorum Gom. 12 LRR2
Symplocastrum friesii (Ag. ex Gom.) Kirchner 12 GAT
Tychonema bornetii (Zukal) Anagn. & Kom. 15 MCP
Oscillatoria anguina Bory ex Gom. 15 LRR1
O. engelmanniana Gaidukov 15 SF
O. formosa Bory ex Gom. 1 ANT
O. limosa Ag. ex Gom. 12, 14 GRE2, MEI, PIG1
O. rupicola Hansg. 15 CHC, HWF
O. subbrevis Schmidle 4 GRO
O. tenuis var. natans Gom. 12 IGG1
O. sp. 1 4 BIG
O. sp. 2 15 SL
Plectonema tomasinianum Bornet ex Gom. 12 IGG
Coleodesmium wrangelii (Ag.) Borzi ex Bornet & Flah. 1, 3, 14 LR, MEI
Dichothrix willei Gardner 15 CD2
Hassallia byssoidea (Ag.) Hassall ex Bornet & Flah. 12 LRR1
Microchaete catenata Lemm. 15 IC
Rexia erecta Casamatta et al. 15 CAT1
Tolypothrix distorta Kütz. ex Bornet & Flah. 15 FCF
T. penicilliata Thur. ex Bornet & Flah. 15 LRR1
T. tenuis Kütz. ex Bornet & Flah. 15 SF
T. sp. 1 4 BIG
Anabaena cf. cylindrica Lemm. 15 HWF
A. oryzae Fritsch 4 CAT1
A. scheremetievii Elenkin 15 FON
A. sp. 1 4, 14 CAT1, HWF
A. sp. 2 15 HWF
Aphanizomenon fl os-aquae (L.) Ralfs 15 FON
A. ovalisporum Forti 15 FON
Cylindrospermum maius Kütz. ex Bornet & Flah. 15 FON1, ABB, HWF
Nodularia harveyana Thuret ex Bornet & Flah. 4, 14 HWF
Nostoc commune Vauch. ex Bornet & Flah. 1, 4 GCD, AF
N. epilithicum Ercegović 15 RFT1
2007 J.R. Johansen et al. 115
Taxon Source Sites
Nostoc humifusum Carm. sec. Harvey 15 CAT2
N. linckia (Roth) Bornet ex Bornet & Flah. 4 CAT1
N. macrosporum Menegh. ex Bornet & Flah. 15 SF
N. microscopicum Carmich. ex Bornet & Flah. 4, 12, 14 Common
N. paludosum Kütz. ex Bornet & Flah. 15 LRR1, HWF
N. pruniforme Ag. ex Bornet & Flah. 1 FON1
N. punctiforme (Kütz.) Hariot 15 HWF
N. sphaericum Vauch ex Bornet & Flah. 15 SF
Trichormus ellipsosporus (Fritsch) Kom. & Anagn. 4 CAT1
T. variabilis (Kütz. ex Born. & Flah.) Kom. & Anagn. 12, 14 HWF, NEW3
Calothrix braunii Bornet & Flah. 4, 14 CAT2, FCF, HRR, RFT1
C. elenkinii Kossinsk. 15 IC, JWF
C. fusca (Kütz.) Bornet & Flah. 4, 12 CAT1, LRR2
C. parietina Thuret ex Bornet & Flah. 12, 14 LMC, PIG2
C. spp. 4, 14 CAT2, ICF
Scytonema crispum (Ag.) Bornet 15 SF
S. figuratum Ag. ex Bornet & Flah. 12 LRR2
S. guyanense Bornet & Flah. 12 LRR2
S. cf. holstii Hieron. 4 GCD
S. hyalinum Gardner 15 HWF
S. ocellatum Lyngb. ex Bornet & Flah. 15 Common
S. cf. pseudohofmanii Bharadw. 4 BIG
S. cf. stuposum Bornet ex Bornet & Flah. 4 AF
S. tolypotrichoides Bornet & Flah. 12 LRR2
Capsosira brebissonii Kütz.ex Bornet & Flah. 15 JWF
C. lowei Casamatta et al. 15 HWF
Hapalosiphon fontinalis var. fischeroides Hansg. ex Forti 15 CAT2
Stigonema hormoides (Kütz.) Bornet & Flah. 1, 4, 14 AF, BIG, CAT1,
S. hormoides var. africana Fritsch 15 Common
S. cf. mamillosum (Lyngb.) Ag. 15 HAZ
S. minutum Bornet & Flah. 12, 14 HRR, RAM1
S. cf. mirabile Beck-Mannag. 15 TMC
S. ocellatum (Dillw.) Thuret 15 TMC
S. tomentosum (Kütz.) Hieron. 1, 4 AF, CAT2
Charophyta (137 TAXA)
Klebsormidium dissectum (Gay) Ettl & Gärtner 4 LRR1
K. elegans Lokh. 4 RAM1
K. fl accidum (Kütz.) Silva et al. 4, 14 GCD, SF, PK
K. nitens (Menegh.) Lokh. 1, 4, 14 MEI, AF, HWF
K. sterile (Deason & Bold) Silva et al. 4 LOW
116 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
Taxon Source Sites
Closterium acerosum (Schrank) Ehr. 15 LAU
C. acutum (Lyngb.) Brèb. ex Ralfs 15 FON1
C. angustatum Kütz. 15 FON1
C. cynthia De Not. 15 CAD1
C. ehrenbergii Meneghini 15 MCP
C. exile West & West 15 HRR
C. fl accidum Delponte 15 MCP
C. idiosporum West & West 15 CAD1
C. intermedium Ralfs 15 CAD1, IC, MCP
C. lineatum Ehr. 1 MEI
C. lunula (Müll.) Nitzsch 15 CAD1
C. macilentum Bréb. 15 MCP
C. moniliferum (Bory) Ehr. 1 AF
C. navicula (Brèb.) Lütkem. 15 MCP
C. peracerosum Gay 15 FCF
C. ralfsii Brèb. ex Ralfs 15 FON1
C. spetsbergense Borge 15 FON, FON1
C. striolatum Ehr. 15 CAD2
C. subscoticum Gutwinski 15 CAD1
C. toxon W.West 1, 14 AF, SF
C. tumidulum Gay 15 CAD1, LAU
C. tumidum Johnson 15 HRR
C. turgidum Ehr. 15 MCP, CAD2
C. venus Kütz. ex Ralfs 15 FON
Actinotaenium cruciferum (de Bary) Teil. 1 FLA
A. cucurbita (Bréb.) Teil. 4 BIG, RAM1, CAT1
A. curtum (Bréb.) Teil. ex Růžička & Pouzar 4 BIG
A. cf. palangula (Bréb.) Teil. ex Růžička & Pouzar 15 FON
Cosmarium abbreviatum Raciborski 15 HWF
C. asphaerosporum var. strigosum Nordst. 15 CAT1
C. blytii Wille 15 CAT1
C. caelatum Ralfs 15 CAT1, CD2, LCT
C. costatum var. subhexalobum Boldt 15 GCD
C. cyclicum var. nordstedtianum (Reinsch) West & West 15 CAT1
C. depressum f. minutum Heimerl 15 ACT, CD2, LAU,
C. exiguum Archer 15 GCD
C. holmiense var. integrum Lundell 15 CD2, LRR1, SF
C. isthmium var. horizontale Schmidle 15 MCP
C. latifrons Lundell 15 CAD2
C. norvegicum Strøm 15 CAD1
C. ochthodes Nordst. 15 CAT1
C. pachydermum Lundell 15 CAD1
C. polygonum (Näg.) Archer 15 FON
C. portianum Archer 15 MCP
C. pseudoconnatum Nordst. 15 FON1
C. punctulatum Bréb. 15 CD2, HRR, MEI, SF
C. pyramidatum var. stephani Irènèe-Marie 15 CAD1
C. quadrifarium f. octastichum Nordst. 15 LRR1
2007 J.R. Johansen et al. 117
Taxon Source Sites
Cosmarium quadratulum var. minus (Gay) De Toni 15 MCP
C. quadratum var. willei (Schmidle) Krieger & Gerloff 15 HWF
C. reniforme (Ralfs) Archer 15 CAT1, GCD, LCT
C. speciosum Lund 15 CAT2, LCT, WOS
C. subcucumis Schmidle 15 CAD1, CAT2, HWF,
C. subspeciosum Nordstedt 15 FON
C. tetragonum var. lundellii Cooke 15 CAT2
C. transitorium (Heimerl) Ducellier 15 CAD1, CAT2
C. trilobulatum Reinsch 15 FON1
C. cf. turnerianum Mask. 4 LRR1
C. cf. undulatum Corda 4 AF
Desmidium baileyi (Ralfs) Nordst. 15 FON1
Euastrum ansatum Ehr. ex Ralfs 15 CAD1
E. ansatum var. dideltiforme Ducellier 15 CAD1, CAD2
E. bidentatum Näg. 15 MCP
E. binale (Turpin) Ehr. 15 CAD1, FON1
E. cornubiense West & West 15 GCD, LRR1
E. didelta (Turpin) Ralfs 15 MCP
E. cf. dubium Näg. 15 CAD1
E. incavatum Joshua & Nordst. 15 GCD
E. johnsonii West & West 15 MCP
E. oblongum var. angustum Prescott 15 MCP
E. sinuosum var. subjenneri West & West 15 FON1
E. verrucosum var. alatum Wolle 15 MCP
E. verrucosum var. dalbisii f. minus Prescott & Scott 15 CAD1
Hyalotheca dissiliens (Smith) Brèb. ex Ralfs 15 MCP
Micrasterias denticulata Bréb. ex Ralfs 1 CAD1, CAD2, FON
M. johnsonii West & West 15 FON
M. radiata Hassall 15 FON1
M. truncata (Corda) Bréb. ex Ralfs 4, 14 ACT, FON
Nothocosmarium obliquum f. tatrica (Gutwinski) Cedergren 15 CAT2
Pleurotaenium trabecula (Ehr.) Näg. 15 CAD1, FON1, GRO,
Spondylosium planum (Wolle) West & West 15 FON
Staurastrum cf. anatinum Cooke & Wills 15 FON
S. bieneanum Rabh. 15 FON
S. botrophilum Wolle 15 CAD1, GCD
S. capitulum Bréb. 15 GCD, HRR, HWF
S. furcigerum Brèb. 15 MCP
S. cf. lanceolatum Archer 15 CAT1
S. lapponicum (Schmidle) Groenblad 1 FON1
S. leptacanthum var. borgei Förster 15 FON1
S. cf. manfeldtii Delponte 15 GSM
S. meriani Reinsch 15 LRR1
S. novae-terrae Taylor 15 GSM
S. pachyrhynchum Nordst. 15 FON1
S. pentacerum (Wolle) G.M. Smith 15 FON1
S. quadrispinatum Turner 1 FON
S. rugulosum Bréb. ex Ralfs 15 Common
S. rugulosum var. angulare Grönblad 15 FON1
S. setigerum var. pectinatum West & West 15 FON
S. tetracerum 15 FON
118 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
Taxon Source Sites
Staurodesmus extensus (Anderson) Teil. 15 GSM
S. triangularis (Lagerh.) Teil. 15 FON
S. triangularis var. subparalellus (G.M. Smith) Teil. 15 FON
Teilingia wallichii var. anglica (West & West) Förster 15 AC
Tetmemorus granulatus (Brèb.) Ralfs 15 CAD1
T. granulatus var. attenuatus West 15 CAD1
T. laevis (Kütz.) Ralfs 15 Common
Gonatozygon kinahani (Archer) Rabh. 15 MCP
Penium margaritaceum (Ehr.) Bréb. 1 AF, FON
Cylindrocystis brebissonii Menegh. 4, 14 CAT1, HRR, LOW, MEI
C. brebissonii var. minor West & West 15 CD
C. spp. 4, 14 BIG, CD
Mesotaenium caldariorum (Lagerh.) Hansg. 15 HWF
M. chlamydosporum de Bary 15 CAT2, HWF
M. degreyi var. breve West 15 CAT1, HWF
M. endlicherianum Näg. 15 Common
M. macrococcum (Kütz.) Roy & Bisset 15 Common
M. macrococcum var. minus (de Bary) Compere 15 ACT, GCD, MEI
M. “testaceovaginatum” 15 GCD, ABB
Netrium digitus (Ehr.) Itzigson & Rothe 12, 14 CAD1, GCD, SUG1
N. interruptum (Bréb.) Lütkem. 15 CAD1
N. oblongum var. brevius W. West 15 Common
Roya obtusa (Bréb.) West & West 15 AF
Spirotaenia condensata Brèb. 15 CAD1
S. bryophila (Bréb.) Lütkem. 15 CAT1, FCF
S. endospira (Brèb.) Archer 15 FCF
S. minuta Thuret 15 GCD, HWF, SUG1
Tortitaenia obscura (Ralfs) Brook 15 CAD1, HRR
Mougeotia viridis (Kütz.) Wittr. 15 CAD1
M. spp. 4 ACT, HWF
Spirogyra pseudo-juergensii H. Silva 1 LRR2
Zygnema sp. 1 15 CAD1
Zygogonium ericetorum Kütz. 10 SUG2
Chlorophyta (108 TAXA)
Diplosphaera chodatii Bialosuknia 15 CAT2, HWF, PK
Draparnaldia acuta (Ag.) Kütz. 1 MEI
D. appalachiana Lowe & Johansen 15 CAD3
D. platyzonata Hazen 10 RAM
D. plumosa (Vauch.) Ag. 10 NEW2
Gongrosira sp. 1 15 AC
Stigeoclonium aestivale (Hazen) Collins 15 SF
2007 J.R. Johansen et al. 119
Taxon Source Sites
Stigeoclonium attenuatum (Hazen) Collins 1 AF
S. subsecundum (Kütz.) Kütz. 15 MCP
Chloromonas clathrata Korsch. 15 LFT
C. mirabilis Korsch. 15 NDT
C. palmelloides Broady 15 LFT
Characium ornithocephalum A. Br. 15 GRO
Axilococcus clingmanii Deason & Herndon 2 CD1
Burkillia sp. 1 4 LRR1
Chlorococcum ellipsoideum Deason & Bold 4 BIG, CAT1, GRO
C. cf. tatrense Archibald 4 AF
C. sp. 1 4 LRR1
Dictyochloris pulchra Deason & Herndon 2 CHI
Elliptochloris cf. bilobata Tschermak-Woess 4 ACT
E. reniformis (S. Watanabe) Ettl & Gärtner 4 CAT1
E. subsphaerica (Reisigl) Ettl & Gärtner 4 CAT1
Ettlia cf. pseudoalveolaris (Deason & Bold) Kom. 4 LRR1
E. sp. 1 4 CAT1, GRO
Lautosphaeria monsfumosa Deason & Herndon 2 CHI
Lobosphaeriopsis sp. 1 4 LRR1
Schroederia setigera (Schröder) Lemm. 15 LRR1
Tetraedron minimum (A. Br.) Hansg. 15 CAT1, HWF
T. planctonicum G.M. Smith 15 FON
Trochiscia erlangensis Hansg. 15 GRO
T. granulata (Reinsch) Hansg. 1, 14 AF, CHC, HWF,
Coccomyxa confl uens (Kütz.) Fott 1 AF
C. dispar Schmidle 12 RAM1
Nannochloris sp. 1 4 CAT1
Dictyosphaerium pulchellum H.C. Wood 1 FON
Gloeocystis polydermatica (Kütz.) Hindák 1, 14 AF, CAT2, HWF
G. vesiculosa Näg. 12, 14 CAT1, CAT2, HUG
G. sp. 1 4 CAT2
Micractinium pusillum Fresenius 15 AC
Microspora quadrata Hazen 15 NEW4
M. stagnorum (Kütz.) Lagerh. 12 CHA1
M. tumidula Hazen 12 GRE2
M. willeana Lagerh. 12 CHA2
120 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
Taxon Source Sites
Bulbochaete sp. 1 15 MCP
Oedogonium pringsheimii C.E. Cramer 15 BIG
O. punctatostriatum de Bary 15 FON
Schizogonium murale Kütz. 10, 12 APP, NEW
Palmellopsis muralis Bold & King 15 CAT2
Bracteacoccus cf. minor (Chodat) Petrová 4 RFT1
B. sp. 1 4 LRR1
Coelastrum microporum Näg. 1 FON
Crucigenia irregularis Wille 15 AC
Elakatothrix gelatinosa Wille 15 FON
Follicularia botryoides (W. Herndon) Kom. 15 CAT2
Planktosphaeria gelatinosa G.M. Smith 15 FON
Scenedesmus abundans (Kirchn.) Chodat 4 RFT1
S. ecornis (Ehr.) Chodat 15 FON
S. obtusus Meyen 15 FON
S. protuberans Fritsch & Rich 15 SL
S. quadricauda (Turp.) Bréb. 1 FON2
S. serratus (Corda) Bohlin 4 LRR1
S. soli Hortob. 15 HRR
Scotiellopsis levicostata (Hollerb.) Punčoch. & Kalina 4, 14 CAT2, CHC, LMC,
S. terrestris (Reisigl) Punčoch. & Kalina 4 AF, CAT2
Tetraspora cylindrica (Wahlenb.) Ag. 10 RAM
T. lubrica (Roth) Ag. 1 MEI
T. lacustris Lemm. 1 AF
Chlorogonium metamorphum Skuja 15 LRR1
Haematococcus lacustris (Girod-Chantrans) Rostafinski 15 CHI
Pandorina mora (O.F. Müll.) Bory 15 MCP, SL
Dictyochloropsis reticulata (Tscher.-Woess) Tscher.-Woess 15 LCF
Myrmecia cf. bisecta Reisigl 4 LRR1
2007 J.R. Johansen et al. 121
Taxon Source Sites
Microthamnion kuetzingianum Näg. 10 POR
Stichococcus bacillaris Näg. 4 AF, CAT1, GRO
S. fl uitans Gay 10 RAM1
S. minutus Grintz. & Péterfi4 AF, LOW
S. subtilis (Kütz.) Klereker 12 POR
S. scopulinus Hazen 12 PEC
Chlorella cf. assymetrica Mainx 4 RFT1
C. ellipsoidea Gern. 15 PK
C. luteoviridis Chodat 4 BIG
C. minutissima Fott & Nov. 4 AF
C. vulgaris Beijerinck 4 LRR1
C. sp. 1 4 BIG, CAT1
Choricystis cf. chodatii (Jaag) Fott 4 CAT1
C. sp. 1 4 LRR1, CAT1, AF
Kirchneriella lunaris (Kirchn.) Möbius 15 AC
Monoraphidium contortum (Thuret) Kom.-Legn. 15 LCF
M. sp. 1 4 BIG
Muriella decolor Vischer 4 LOW
M. terrestris J.B. Petersen 4 AF
M. sp. 1 4 ACT
Nephrocytium agardhianum Näg. 1 FON
Oocystis elliptica W. West 15 HRR, IC
O. marsonii Lemm. 15 SF
O. solitaria f. major Wille 4 LRR1
Oonephris obesa (W. West) Fott 15 BIG
Pseudochlorococcum typicum Archibald 4 BIG
Quadrigula closterioides (Bohlin) Printz 15 AC
Epibolium dermaticola Printz 4, 14 RFT1
Trentepohlia aurea (L.) Martius 12, 14 MYR, SF
Geminella terricola J.B. Petersen 4 LOW
Radiofilum transversalis (Breb.) Ramanathan 15 MCP
Ulothrix aequalis Kütz. 1 ANT
U. implexa (Kütz.) Kütz. 15 FCF
U. variabilis (Kütz.) Kütz. 4, 10 MOO, CAT1
U. cf. verrucosa Lokh. 4 ACT
U. zonata (Weber & Mohr) Kütz. 15 FCF
Cyanidiophyta (1 TAXON)
Rhodospora sordida Geitler 15 LRR1
122 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
Taxon Source Sites
Rhodophyta (4 TAXA)
Audouinella hermannii (Roth) Duby 1 MEI
Batrachospermum sp. 1 15 KC
Lemanea fucina Bory 12 PIG, RAM
Paralemanea annulata (Kütz.) Vis & Sheath 12 PIG, RAM
Chrysophyta (3 TAXA)
Dinobryon bavaricum Imhof 15 FON
D. sertularia Ehr. 1 FON
Schizochlamydella minutissima P. Broady 15 HWF
Synurophyta (7 TAXA)
Mallomonas caudata Iwanov 15 FON
M. elongata Reverdin 15 FON
M. guttata Wujek 15 FON
M. pseudocoronata Prescott 1 FON
M. transsylvanica Pérterfi& Momeu 15 MCP
Synura spinosa Korshikov 15 FON
S. uvella Ehr. 1 FON
Prymnesiophyta (1 TAXON)
Spongomonas intestinalis (Cienkowski) S. Kent 15 FON
Raphidiophyta (1 TAXON)
Gonyostomum semen (Ehr.) Diesing 15 MCP
Tribophyta (16 TAXA)
Ellipsoidion sp. 1 4 CAT2, NEW4
Taxon Source Sites
2007 J.R. Johansen et al. 123
Monallantus stichococcoides Pascher 4 CAT1, RFT1
Monodus sp. 1 4 CAT1
Nephrodiella sp. 1 4 RFT1
Pleurochloris nanella Geitler 4 CAT2
Pleurogaster sp. 1 4 GRO
Tribonema aequale Pascher 4 CAT2
T. bombycinum (Ag.) Derbes & Sol 12 Common
T. fonticola Ettl 15 LRR1
T. minus (Wille) Hazen 15 HRR, LMC
T. monochloron Pascher & Geitler 1 GCD
T. spirotaenia Ettl 1 AF
T. cf. vulgare Pascher 15 CAT1
Xanthonema bristolianum (Pascher) Silva 4 CAT1
X. sp. 1 4 LOW
Vaucheria sessilis (Vaucher) DC. 10 SUG1
Eustigmatophyta (2 TAXA)
Eustigmatos magnus (J.B Petersen) Hibberd 4, 14 CHC, RFT1, LRR1
E. sp. 1 4 RFT1
Bacillariophyta (488 TAXA)
Achnanthes coarctata (Bréb.) Grun. 5, 6, 14 Widespread
A. harveyi Reim. 5, 6, 14 BF, HU
A. helvetica (Hust.) L.-Bert. 15 CAT1
A. kraeuselii Choln. 6, 14 AC, CF
A. lewisiana Patr. 6, 7 AC, BOW, CC
A. lutheri Hust. 5, 6, 8, 14 BF, CH, HU
A. reimeri Camb. 6 AC, BF
A. rosenstockii L.-Bert. 15 JWF
A. saxonica Krasske ex Hust. 5, 6, 7 Common
A. stewartii Patr. 5, 6, 7, 14 Widespread
A. subrostrata var. appalachiana Camb. & Lowe 5, 6, 7, 14 Widespread
A. subsalsa J.B. Petersen 15 FCF, HRR
A. ventralis (Krasske) L.-Bert. 6 AC
Achnanthidium alpestre (Lowe & Kociol.) Lowe 5, 6, 8 Common
& Kociol.
A. defl exum (Reim.) Kingston 7, 14 BOW, PIG1, TW
A. exiguum (Grun.) Czarn. 7, 14 Widespread
A. exiguum var. heterovalvum (Krasske) Czarn. 5, 6, 14 AC, BF, CAT1, HWF
A. microcephalum Kütz. 5, 6, 14 AC, BF, CH
A. minutissimum (Kütz.) Czarn. 5, 6, 7, 11, 14 Widespread
124 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
Taxon Source Sites
Eucocconeis lapponica var. ninckei (Guerm. 7 CC, MCB
& Mang.) Edl.
Karayevia clevei (Grun.) Round & Bukht. 6 AC
K. laterostrata (Hust.) Round & Bukht. 6 AC
Lemnicola hungarica (Grun.) Round & Basson 9 EC
Planothidium apiculatum (Patr.) Lowe 9 CAN
P. biporomum (Hohn & Heller.) L.-Bert. 15 CAT1
P. conspicuum (A. Mayer) Aboal 15 IC, JWF, TBF
P. dubium (Grun.) Round & Bukht. 5, 6 AC, BF, CH, HU
P. fossile (Temp. & Perag.) Lowe 6 AC
P. frequentissimum (L.-Bert.) Round 15 RFT1
& Bukht.
P. haukianum (Grun.) Round & Bukht. 6 AC
P. lanceolatum (Bréb. ex Kütz.) Round 6, 7, 12, 14 Widespread
& Bukht.
Psammothidium helveticum (Hust.) Bukht. & Round 5, 6 AC, BF, CH, HU
P. marginulatum (Grun.) Bukht. & Round 6, 7, 14 Widespread
P. subatomoides (Hust.) Bukht. & Round 5, 6, 7, 14 Widespread
Rossithidium lineare (W. Sm.) Round & Bukht. 7 CC, MCB
Cocconeis diminuta Pant. 6 AC
C. pediculus Ehr. 9 AC
C. placentula Ehr. 7, 12, 14 Widespread
C. placentula var. lineata (Ehr.) V.H. 5, 6, 7, 12 Common
Aulacoseira alpigena (Grun.) Kramm. 9, 14 CAC, HWF
A. distans (Ehr.) Simonsen 9 GCD
A. granulata (Ehr.) Simonsen 15 FON
Hantzschia abundans L.-Bert. 15 CAT1, HWF
H. amphioxys (Ehr.) Grun. 7, 14 GSM, HWF
H. vivax (W. Sm.) M. Perag. 15 LCM
Nitzschia acicularis (Kütz.) W. Sm. 6 AC
N. acida Camb. 6 AC
N. acidoclinata L.-Bert. 15 HWF
N. alpina Hust. 15 HWF
N. amphibia Grun. 6, 14 AC, RFR
N. balcanica Hust. 6 AC
N. clausii Hantz. 6, 14 AC, MPT
N. dissipata (Kütz.) Grun. 5, 6 AC, BF, HU
N. dissipata var. media (Hantz.) Grun. 9 AC
N. frustulum (Kütz.) Grun. 5, 6, 7 Widespread
N. frustulum var. perpusilla (Rabh.) Grun. 7 TW
N. gracilis Hantz. 6 AC
N. hantzschiana Rabh. 15 HWF
N. linearis W. Sm. 6, 14 AC, PTD, RFR
N. microcephala Grun. 6 AC, BF
N. monanestris Camb. 6 AC
N. palea (Kütz.) W. Sm. 5, 6, 14 AC, CH, PTD
N. perminuta (Grun.) M. Perag. 15 CAT2
2007 J.R. Johansen et al. 125
Taxon Source Sites
Nitzschia rectiformis Hust. 15 IC, JWF, LCF, TBF
N. sublinearis Hust. 6 AC
N. terricola Lund 6, 7 AC, TW
N. tropica Hust. 6 BF
Tryblionella acuta (Cl.) D.G. Mann 6 AC
Cymbella affinis Kütz. 6, 12 AC, LRR2
C. aspera (Ehr.) H. Perag. 6 AC, BF
C. cistula (Ehr.) Kirch. 6 AC
C. cymbiformis Ag. 11 AF
C. ehrenbergii Kütz. 12 BRA
C. hauckii V.H. 6, 12 BF, BRA
C. scotica W. Sm. 12 BRA
C. tumida (Bréb. ex Kütz.) V.H. 6, 12 AC, LRR2
C. turgidula Grun. 9 AC
Cymbopleura gondwana L.-Bert. et al. 15 FCF, HRR
C. naviculiformis (Auersw.) Kramm. 6, 7, 12, 14 AC, BF, BRA, MCB
C. rupicola (Grunow) Kramm. 15 WOS
Encyonema hebridicum Grun. ex Cl. 11 AF
E. lunatum (W. Sm.) V.H. 7, 14 Widespread
E. minutiforme Kramm. 15 HWF
E. minutum (Hilse) D.G. Mann 5, 6, 7, 12, 14 Widespread
E. neogracile Kramm. 15 FCF, HRR, IC
E. neomesianum Kramm. 5, 7, 14 Common
E. perpusillum (A. Cl.) D.G. Mann 6 AC, BF
E. procerum Kramm. 15 CAT1
E. prostratum (Berk.) Kütz. 6, 12 AC, FIG
E. schneideri Kramm. 15 FCF, HRR, JWF, LCM
E. silesiacum (Bleisch) D.G. Mann 9, 14 Common
E. silesiacum var. distinctepunctata Kramm. 15 Common
E. simile Kramm. 15 IC, LCF, TBF
E. vulgare Kramm. 15 HWF
Encyonopsis microcephala (Grun.) Kramm. 9 CAC
Placoneis abiskoensis (Hust.) L.-Bert. & Metzelt. 6 BF
P. anglica (Ralfs) Cox 11, 14 AF, LCM, TBF
P. clementis (Grun.) Cox 6 AC
P. elginensis (Greg.) Cox 6, 7 AC, BF, IC
P. lata (M. Perag.) Lowe 6 AC
P. neglecta (Krasske) Lowe 6 AC, BF
P. gastrum (Ehr.) Mereschkowsky 6, 7 BF, IC
P. paraelginensis L.-Bert. 15 LCM
Gomphoneis minuta (Stone) Kociol. & Stoerm. 6 AC
G. olivacea (Hornemann) Ross & Sims 16 KC
Gomphonema acuminatum Ehr. 6, 7 AC, CC, IC
G. acuminatum var. pusillum Grunow 16 CAT1, KC
G. affine Kütz. 7 TW
G. affine var. insigne (Greg.) Andrews 7 IC, TW, LCAT
G. anglicum Ehr. 16 CAD3
G. angustatum (Kütz.) Rabh. 5, 6, 7, 14 Widespread
G. angustatum var. obtusatum (Kütz.) Grun. 9 HWF
G. apicatum Ehr. 16 AC
126 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
Taxon Source Sites
Gomphonema augur Ehr. 16 AC
G. brasiliense Grun. 5, 6 AC, CH, HU
G. christensenii Lowe & Kociol. 8, 14 Widespread
G. commutatum Grun. 16 Common
G. consector Hohn & Hellerm. 7 CC, IC
G. coronatum Ehr. 16 AC
G. dichotomum Kütz. 7 Common
G. freesei Lowe & Kociol. 8, 14 Widespread
G. gibba Wall. 9 AC
G. gracile Ehr. 6, 7, 14 Widespread
G. gracile var. naviculoides (W. Sm.) Grun. 11, 12 RAM1
G. grunowii Patr. 11, 12 RAM1
G. intricatum Kütz. 9 CAC
G. intricatum var. vibrio (Ehr.) Cl. 9 BIG1
G. instabilis Hohn & Hellerman 16 LCAT
G. laticollum Reichardt 16 MEI
G. mehleri Camb. 6, 14 AC, IC
G. cf. micropus 9, 14 EC, HWF
G. minutum (Ag.) Ag. 15 Widespread
G. montanum Schumann 16 Widespread
G. parvulum Kütz. 5, 6, 7, 14 Widespread
G. procerum Reichardt & L.-Bert. 16 HWF
G. puiggarianum Grun. 7 BOW, FC, RAM, TW
G. pygmaeum Kociol. & Stoerm. 16 Widespread
G. reimeri Camb. 16 AC, TMC
G. rhombicum Fricke 9 HAZ
G. sphaerophorum Ehr. 6, 12 AC, LRR2
G. subclavatum (Grun.) Grun. 6, 7, 14 Common
G. subclavatum var. mexicanum Grun. 9 BIG1
G. tenellum Kütz. 7 Common
G. truncatum Ehr. 7, 11, 14 Common
G. truncatum var. capitatum (Ehr.) Patr. 9, 11, 12 CAN, LRR2
G. truncatum var. cuneatum (Fricke) Camb. 7 GSM
G. turgidum Ehr. 16 AC
G. ventricosum Greg. 11 AF
Gomphosphenia sp. 1 16 CAT1, RFT2
Reimeria sinuata (Greg.) Kociol. & Stoerm. 6 AC, BOW, BF
Rhoicosphenia abbreviata (Ag.) L.-Bert. 6 AC
Eunotia arcus Ehr. 7 CC
E. bidens Ehr. 5, 6, 7, 14 Common
E. bidentula W. Sm. 9 POR
E. bigibba Kütz. 15 Widespread
E. billii Lowe & Kociol. 8, 14 Widespread
E. bilunaris (Ehr.) Mills 15 Common
E. braendlei L.-Bdert. & Werum 15 TWP
E. curtagrunowii Nörpel-Sch. & L.-Bert. 15 Common
E. curvata (Kütz.) Lagerst. 5, 6, 7, 14 Widespread
E. diodon Ehr. 6, 7, 14 Common
E. elegans Østr. 5, 6, 7 Common
E. exigua (Bréb. ex Kütz.) Rabh. 5, 6, 7, 12, 14 Widespread
2007 J.R. Johansen et al. 127
Taxon Source Sites
Eunotia exigua cf. var. bidens Hust. 15 FCF, HRR, HWF, LCM
E. fallax A. Cl. 7 IC
E. fl exuosa (Bréb.) Kütz. 9 CAN
E. formica Ehr. 5, 6, 14 Widespread
E. glacialis Meist. 6, 14 AC, BF, CAT1
E. hexaglyphis Ehr. 9 AC
E. incisa Gregory 5, 6, 14 BF, CH
E. indica Grun. 7 FC, TW
E. infl ata (Grun.) Nörpel & L.-Bert. 7 GSM
E. intermedia (Krasske) Nörpel-Sch. & L.-Bert. 15 CAT1
E. lunaris (Ehr.) Grun. 12 BRA
E. lunaris var. capitata (Grun.) Schönfeldt 15 GMT
E. maior (W. Sm.) Rabh. 7 IC, CC, MCB
E. meisteri var. bidens Hust. 7 CC
E. microcephala Krasske 12, 14 BRA, CAD2, LRR2,
E. minor (Kütz.) Grun. 5, 6, 7, 14 Widespread
E. monodon Ehr. 15 CAT1, HWF, IC, LCM
E. monodon var. bidens (Greg.) Hust. 7, 14 GSM, HRR
E. muscicola Krasske 15 LAU
E. muscicola var. tridentula Nörpel & L.-Bert. 15 Widespread
E. naegeli Migula 9 CAN
E. nymanniana Grun. 15 Widespread
E. paludosa Grun. 15 LCF, LCM, TBF
E. pectinalis (Kütz.) Rabh. 9, 14 Widespread
E. perpusilla Grun. 5, 6 Widespread
E. pirla Carter & Flower 15 Common
E. praerupta Ehr. 7, 14 Widespread
E. rhomboidea Hust. 5, 6, 7, 14 Widespread
E. septentrionalis Østr. 9 BIG1
E. serra Ehr. 7 PIG1
E. siolii Hust. 15 FCF
E. soleirolii (Kütz.) Rabh. 5, 6 BF, CH, HU
E. subarcuatoides Alles, Nörpel & L.-Bert. 15 FCF
E. suecica A. Cl. 6, 7 AC, BF, RAM
E. sudetica O. Müll. 9 CAN
E. tenella (Grun.) Cl. 9, 14 CAN, CAT1
E. valida Hust. 9, 14 BIG1, CAT1, HWF
E. vanheurckii var. intermedia (Krasske ex Hust.) Patr. 6, 12 BF, RAM
E. variundulata Nörpel-Sch. & L.-Bert. 15 Common
E. cf. yanomami Metzelt. & L.-Bert. 15 HWF
E. zasuminensis (Cabejsz.) Körner 15 FON
E. cf. zygodon Ehr. 15 HWF
Asterionella formosa Hassall 1, 9 FON
Diatoma mesodon (Ehr.) Kütz. 5, 6, 7, 12, 14 Widespread
Diatoma vulgare Bory 9 HAZ
Fragilaria capucina Desmaz. 15 HWF
F. crotonensis Kitton 9 FON
F. socia (Wall.) L.-Bert. 9 HAZ
F. vaucheriae (Kütz.) J.B. Petersen 6, 7, 14 Widespread
Fragilariaforma hungarica var. tumida (Cl.-Eul.) Hamil. 15 FCF
F. virescens (Ralfs) Will. & Round 6, 7, 12, 14 Widespread
128 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
Taxon Source Sites
Fragilariaforma virescens var. capitata (Østr.) Czarn. 12, 14 BRA, HWF
Hannaea arcus (Ehr.) Patr. 6, 7 BOW, BF
H. arcus var. amphioxys (Rabh.) Patr. 6, 7 BOW, BF
Martyana martyi (Hérib.) Round 6 AC
Meridion alansmithii Brandt 15 Widespread
M. circulare (Grev.) Ag. 5, 6, 7, 12, 14 Widespread
M. circulare var. constrictum (Ralfs) V.H. 5, 6 AC, BF, CH, HU
Pseudostaurosira brevistriata (Grun.) Will. & Round 6 AC
Staurosirella leptostauron (Ehr.) Will. & Round 6, 11 AC, AF
S. leptostauron var. dubia (Grun.) Edl. 6 AC
S. pinnata (Ehr.) Will. & Round 6 AC
Synedra acus var. angustissima Grun. 9 FON
S. amphicephala Kütz. 15 HWF
S. delicatissima W. Sm. 6 AC
S. famelica Kütz. sensu Patr. & Reim. 15 HWF
S. parasitica (W. Sm.) Hust. 6 AC
S. rumpens Kütz. 7, 14 Widespread
S. rumpens var. familiaris (Kütz.) Grun. 11, 12 LRR2
S. rumpens var. fragilariodes Grun. 9 EC
S. rumpens var. scotica Grun. 9 BIG1
S. ulna (Nitzsch) Ehr. 6, 7, 12, 14 Widespread
S. ulna var. contracta Østr. 6, 9, 11 AC, BF, BIG1, HAN
S. ulna var. oxyrhynchus f. mediocontracta (Forti) Hust. 9, 12 EC, HAN
S. ulna var. ramesii (Hérib. & Perag.) Hust. 12 FC, LRR2
Melosira dickiei (Thwaites) Kütz. 15 Common
M. varians Ag. 6, 12, 14 AC, BF, PTD, SGT
Amphipleura pellucida (Kütz.) Kütz. 6 AC
Frustulia amosseana L.-Bert. 15 LRR1
F. amphipleuroides (Grun.) Cl.-Euler 5, 6, 7, 12, 14 Widespread
F. crassinervia (Bréb.) L.-Bert. & Kramm. 6, 7, 12, 14 Widespread
F. rhomboides (Ehr.) De Toni Varieties are old names 6, 7, 14 Widespread
F. saxonica Rabh. 5, 6, 7 BF, CH, HU, IC
F. saxonica var. capitata A. Mayer 5, 6 AC, BF, CH
F. vulgaris (Thwaites) De Toni 6, 7, 12, 14 Widespread
F. weinholdii Hust. 6, 7, 14 Widespread
Brachysira brebissonii Ross 6, 7, 14 Common
Brachysira vitrea (Grun.) Ross 6, 7 Common
Cavinula cocconeiformis (Greg. ex Grev.) D.G. Mann 6, 7 Common
& Stickle
C. jaernefeltii (Hust.) D.G. Mann & Stickle 15 FCF
C. lapidosa (Krasske) L.-Bert. 15 Common
C. weinzierlii (Schimanski) Czarnecki 15 HRR, LCM
C. sp. 1 15 HWF
C. sp. 2 15 HWF
2007 J.R. Johansen et al. 129
Taxon Source Sites
Diadesmis brekkaensis (Petersen) D.G. Mann 15 CHC, LCM
D. biscutella L.-Bert. 15 Common
D. contenta (Grun.) D.G. Mann 5, 6, 7, 14 Widespread
D. laevissima (Cl.) D.G. Mann 15 CAT4
D. paracontenta L.-Bert. & Werum 15 Common
D. paracontenta ssp. magisconcava L.-Bert. 15 Common
D. perpusilla (Grun.) D.G. Mann 5, 6, 7, 14 Widespread
Luticola acidoclinata L.-Bert. 15 JWF
L. cohnii (Hilse) D.G. Mann 7 CC
L. goeppertiana (Bleisch) D.G. Mann 7, 14 Common
L. minor (Patr.) Mayama 6 AC
L. mutica (Kütz.) D.G. Mann 6 AC, BF
L. muticoides (Hust.) D.G. Mann 6, 14 AC, CHC, FCF, TBF
L. saxophila (Bock ex Hust.) D.G. Mann 15 CAT1, HWF
L. stigma (Patr.) Johansen 9 CAT1
L. terminata (Hust.) Johansen 6 BF
L. terminata var. rostrata (Krasske) Johansen 5, 6, 8 AC, BF, CH
Diploneis elliptica (Kütz.) Cl. 6, 7, 14 Common
D. fusca (Greg.) Cl. 7 IC, CC, MCB
D. marginestriata Hust. 6 AC
D. oblongella (Näg. ex Kütz.) Ross 6 AC
D. ovalis (Hilse) Cleve 15 CAT1, CAT4, CF
D. petersenii Hustedt 15 LCR
D. smithii var. dilatata (Perag.) Boyer 9, 14 GRO, HWF
D. sp.1 15 GRO, HWF
Adlafia suchlandtii (Hust.) L.-Bert. 6, 8, 14 AC, BF
Chamaepinnularia begeri (Krasske) L.-Bert. 6, 14 AC, CAT1, HRR
C. margaritacea (Hust.) L.-Bert. 6 BF
C. mediocris (Krasske) L.-Bert. 6, 7, 14 Widespread
C. soehrensis var. hassiaca (Krasske) L.-Bert. 6, 7, 14 Widespread
C. vyvermanii L.-Bert. & Kramm. 15 TBF
Decussata placenta (Ehr.) L.-Bert. & Metzelt. 5, 6, 7, 12, 14 Widespread
Fistulifera saprophila (L.-Bert. & Bonik) L.-Bert. 6 AC
Geissleria decussis (Østrup) L.-Bert. & Metzelt. 5, 6, 12 Common
G. lateropunctata (Wall.) Potapova & Winter 9 POR
G. paludosa (Hust.) L.-Bert. & Metzelt. 6 AC
G. subdecussis (Hust.) L.-Bert. 15 HWF
Hippodonta capitata (Ehr.) Lange-Bert., Metzelt. & Witk. 6 AC
H. hungarica (Grun.) Lange-Bert., Metzelt. & Witk. 6 AC
Microcostatus krasskei (Hust.) Johansen & Sray 5, 6, 14 Widespread
Navicula abiskoensis Hust. 15 CAT4
Navicula amphiceropsis L.-Bert. & Rumr. 6 AC
N. angusta Grun. 5, 6, 7, 12, 14 Widespread
N. arvensis Hust. 9, 14 Common
N. bicephala Hust. 6 AC, BF
N. cincta (Ehr.) Ralfs 9 BIG1
N. cryptocephala Kütz. 6, 7 AC, BF, CC
N. cryptotenella L.-Bert. 6, 7, 9, 12 Common
N. digna Hust. 15 JWF
N. erifuga L.-Bert. 9 CAD
N. globosa Meist. 6 AC
130 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
Taxon Source Sites
Navicula gottlandica Grun. 9 POR
N. graciloides A. Mayer 6 AC
N. gregaria Donk. 6 AC
N. hambergii Hust. 6, 14 Common
N. hasta Pant. 6, 8 AC
N. keeleyi Patr. 15 Widespread
N. lanceolata (Ag.) Kütz. 7 MCB
N. leistikowii L.-Bert. 15 Common
N. notha Wall. 7 IC
N. paratunkae J.B. Petersen 6 AC
N. phyllepta Kütz. 15 JWF, TBF
N. pseudoarvensis Hust. 6 AC
N. pseudofrickia Patr. 7 IC
N. radiosa Kütz. 9 AC
N. recens L.-Bert. 9 HAZ
N. rhynchocephala Kütz. 6, 12 AC
N. salinarum var. intermedia (Grun.) Cl. 6 AC
N. schmassmannii Hust. 6 BF
N. schroeteri var. escambia Patr. 6 AC
N. simula Patr. 7 CC, MCB
N. stroemii Hust. 15 CHI1, WOS
N. tantula Hust. 7, 14 HWF, MCB
N. tenuicephala Hust. 6 AC
N. tripunctata (O. Müll.) Bory 6 AC
N. trivialis L.-Bert. 6 AC
N. upsaliensis (Grun.) Perag. 7 CC
N. venerabilis Hohn & Hellerm. 7 IC
N. veneta Kütz. 6, 7, 12 AC, BF, IC
N. viridulacalcis L.-Bert. 6 AC
N. viridula var. linearis Hust. 6 AC
N. viridula var. rostellata (Kütz.) Cl. 6 AC
N. wallacei Reim. 6 AC
N. yorkensis Camb. 6 AC
Nupela deformis L.-Bert. 15 HRR, JWF
N. neglecta Pon., Lowe & Potapova 15 Widespread
N. tristis (Krasske) L.-Bert. 15 LCM
N. wellneri (L.-Bert.) L.-Bert. 15 Widespread
Neidium affine (Ehr.) Pfitzer 6 BF
Neidium affine var. amphirhynchus (Ehr.) Cl. 9 CAD
N. affine var. longiceps (Greg.) Cl. 6 AC
N. alpinum Hust. 6, 14 AC, FCF
N. ampliatum (Ehr.) Kramm. 9 AC, FCF
N. binode (Ehr.) Hust. 6 AC
N. bisulcatum (Lagerst.) Cl. 6, 7, 14 Common
N. bisulcatum var. subundulatum (Grun.) Reim. 6 BF
N. dubium (Ehr.) Cl. 6, 14 BF, FCF
N. hankensis Skvortz. 6 AC
N. hercynicum f. subrostratum Wall. 9 CAN
N. iridis (Ehr.) Cl. 6, 12 AC, BF
N. iridis var. amphigomphus (Ehr.) A. Mayer 9 FON1
N. iridis var. vernalis (Reich. ex Hust.) Frenguelli 6 BF
N. ladogense var. densestriatum f. peribryum Lowe 6, 7, 8 BF, IC, PIG1, RAM
& Kociol.
N. tenuissimum Hust. 6 AC, BF
2007 J.R. Johansen et al. 131
Taxon Source Sites
Caloneis aerophila Bock 15 LAU
C. alpestris (Grun.) Cl. 6 AC
C. bacillum (Grun.) Cl. 6, 7, 14 Common
C. hyalina Hust. 6 AC
C. lauta Carter & Bailey-Watts 15 FCF, HRR, HWF, JWF
C. lewisii var. infl ata (Schultze) Patr. 6 AC
C. schumanniana var. biconstricta f. baikalensis Skvortz. 6 AC
C. tenuis (Greg.) Kramm. 15 LCR, NGR
C. undulata (Greg.) Kramm. 11 AF
Diatomella balfouriana (W. Smith) Grev. 15 WOS, CF
Pinnularia abaujensis var. rostrata (Patr.) Patr. 7 CC
P. abaujensis var. subundulata (A. Mayer ex Hust.) Patr. 7 IC
P. acidicola var. elongata Van de Vijver & Beyens 15 FCF, HRR, JWF, TBF
P. acrospheria W. Sm. 15 CAT3
P. cf. amabilis Kramm. 15 GSM
P. angusta (Cleve) Kramm. 15 HWF
P. angusta var. rostrata Kramm. 15 FCF, HRR
P. biceps Greg. 7 BOW, FC, TW
P. borealis Ehr. 15 Common
P. borealis var. rectangularis Carls. 6, 14 BF, CAT1
P. braunii var. amphicephala (A. Mayer) Hust. 7 CC, MCB
P. brebissonii (Kütz.) Rabh. 15 LMC
P. burkei Patr. 5, 6 AC, BF, CH, HU
P. erratica Kramm. 5, 6 BF, CH, HU
P. cf. graciloides var. triundulata (Font.) Kramm. 15 GSM
P. intermedia (Lagerst.) Cl. 7 IC, MCB
P. lecohui Van de Vijver 15 GSM
P. macilenta Ehr. 12 BRA
P. maior (Kütz.) Rabh. 7, 12 BRA, CC
P. mesogongyla Ehr. 5, 6 BF, CH, HU
P. mesolepta (Ehr.) W. Sm. 6 BF
P. mesolepta var. angusta Cl. 7 IC, MCB
P. microstauron (Ehr.) Cl. 7, 14 FCF, IC, LCM, MCB
P. microstauron var. rostrata Kramm. 15 FCF, HRR, TBF
P. neomajor Kramm. 7, 12 BRA, CC
P. nodosa (Ehr.) W. Sm. 6 BF
P. obscura Krasske 6, 7, 14 Common
P. obscuriformis Kramm. 7 IC
P. rabenhorstii var. franconica Kramm. 3 Common
P. stomatophora (Grun.) Cl. 6, 7, 14 Widespread
P. stomatophora var. irregularis Kramm. 15 Common
P. streptoraphe Cl. 7 MCB
P. subcapitata Greg. 7 CC, IC, MCB
P. subcapitata var. hilseana (Janisch ex Rabj.) Müll. 15 Common
P. subcapitata var. paucistriata (Grun.) Cl. 7 IC
P. subrupestris Kramm. 15 FCF, HRR, LCM
P. substomatophora Hust. 7 IC
P. sudetica var. brittanica (Grun.) Kramm. 15 FCF, HRR, JWF, TBF
P. termitina (Ehr.) Patr. 5, 6 AC, BF, CH, HU
P. titusiana Hagelst. 7 MCB
P. viridis (Nitzsch) Ehr. 6, 12, 14 Common
Gyrosigma sciotoense (Sullivant & Wormley) Cleve 9 AC
G. scalproides (Rabh.) Cl. 6 AC, BF
G. spencerii (Quekett) Griffith & Henfrey 6 AC
132 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
Taxon Source Sites
Eolimna minima (Grun.) L.-Bert. 6, 14 Widespread
Fallacia indifferens (Hust.) D.G. Mann 6 AC, BF
F. subhamulata (Grun.) D.G. Mann 6 AC
F. vitrea (Østrup) D.G. Mann 7 FC
Sellaphora laevissima (Kütz.) D.G. Mann 6 AC
S. seminulum (Grun.) D.G. Mann 15 HWF
S. mutata (Krasske) L.-Bert. 6 AC
S. parapupula L.-Bert. 5, 6 AC, HU
S. pupula (Kütz.) Meresch. 6, 7, 14 AC, CF, IC, MCB
S. rectangularis (Greg.) L.-Bert. & Metzelt. 6, 7, 14 Common
S. cf. rectilinearis L.-Bert. 15 IC, TBF
S. rostrata (Hust.) Johansen 6 AC
S. seminulum (Grun.) Mann 5, 6, 7 Widespread
S. wummensis Johansen 9 CAC
Craticula accomoda (Hust.) D.G. Mann 6 AC, BF
C. cuspidata (Kütz.) D.G. Mann 6 AC
Stauroneis acuta var. terryana Temp. 6 AC
S. anceps Ehr. 7, 14 HWF, IC, TW
S. borrichi var. subcapitata (J.B. Petersen) Lund 15 BF
S. gracilior (Rabenhorst) Reichardt 6, 14 BF, HRR, LCM
S. kriegeri Patr. 6, 14 Common
S. obtusa Lagerst. 9 GCD
S. phoenicenteron (Nitz.) Ehr. 9, 12 BRA, MEI
S. phoenicenteron f. gracilis (Ehr.) Hust. 6 AC, BF
S. smithii Grun. 6 AC
S. smithii var. incisa Pant. 6 AC
Orthoseira dendroteres (Ehr.) Crawford 15 Common
O. roeseana (Rabh.) O Meara 6, 9, 14 Widespread
O. spinosa W. Sm. 15 HWF
Acanthoceros zachariasi (Brun) Simonsen 15 FON
Urosolenia eriensis (H.L. Smith) Round & Crawford 15 FON
Epithemia adnata var. saxonica (Kütz.) Patr. 9 AC
E. turgida var. westermanii (Ehr.) Grun. 6 AC
Rhopalodia acuminata Kramm. 15 Common
R. brebissonii Kramm. 9 FON1
R. gibberula (Ehr.) O. Müll. 7, 14 Common
R. gibberula var. vanheurckii O. Müll. 6 AC, BF
Cymatopleura solea (Bréb.) W. Sm. 6 AC
Stenopterobia delicatissima (Lewis) Bréb. ex V.H. 9, 14 ABB, HRR
S. sp. 1 15 HWF
S. sp. 2 15 HWF
2007 J.R. Johansen et al. 133
Taxon Source Sites
Surirella agmatilis Camb. 6 AC
S. angustata Kütz. 6, 7 AC, CC
S. brebissonii var. kuetzingiana Kramm. & L.-Bert. 5, 6 AC, CH
S. carolinicola Camb. 6 AC
S. linearis W. Sm. 9 AC
S. linearis var. helvetica (Brun) Meist. 6 AC
S. minuta Bréb. 6 AC
S. nervosa (Schmidt) A. Mayer 6, 12 AC
S. ovata Kütz. 5, 6 AC, CH
S. ovata var. pinnata (W. Sm.) Hust. 6 AC
S. stalagma Hohn & Hellerm. 6 AC
S. spiralis Kütz. 6 AC
Tabellaria fenestrata (Lyngbye) Kütz. 1, 9 FON
T. fl occulosa (Roth) Kütz. 6 AC
Tetracyclus rupestris (A. Br.) Grun. 6, 14 Common
Amphora copulata (Kütz.) Schoeman & Archibald 6 AC
A. pediculus (Kütz.) Grun. 6 AC
Cyclotella ocellata Pant. 15 FON
C. pseudostelligera Hust. 6 AC
Discostella stelligera (Cl.) Houk & Klee 6 AC
Stephanocyclus meneghiniana (Kütz.) Skabitsch. 6 AC, BF
“Spicaticribra kingstonii” 15
Phaeophyta (1 TAXON)
Heribaudiella sp. 15 AC
Cryptophyta (1 TAXON)
Cryptomonas pyrenoidifera Geitler 15 FON
Dinophyta (21 TAXA)
Rufusiella insignis (Hassall) Loeblich 1, 14 AF, CAT1, CAT2,
Gymnodinium aeruginosum F. Stein 15 MCP
134 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
Taxon Source Sites
Gymnodinium fuscum (Ehr.) F. Stein 15 FON
Katodinium bohemicum (Fott) Litvinenko 15 FON
Ceratium hirundinella (O. Müll.) Bergh 15 MCP
C. rhomvoides Hickel 15 FON
Thompsodinium intermedium (Thomps.) Bour. 1 FON1
Durinskia baltica (Levan.) Carty & Cox 15 MCP
Peridiniopsis elpatiewski (Ostenf.) Bour. 15 FON
P. polonicum (Wolo.) 15 FON
P. quadridens (Stein) Bour. 15 MCP
Peridinium defl andrei Lefevre 15 FON
P. gatunense Nygaard 15 MCP
P. inconspicuum Lemm. 15 FON
P. lomnickii Woloszynska 15 MCP
P. umbonatum Stein 1 FON1
P. volzii Lemm. 15 MCP
P. willei Huitfeld-Kaas 1 FON
P. wisconsinense Eddy 15 FON
Dinococcus bicornis (Wolo.) Fott 15 MCP
Stylodinium globosum G.A. Krebs 15 CAD1
Euglenophyta (19 TAXA)
Euglena fusca (Klebs) Lemm. 15 MCP
E. helicoideus (Bernard) Lemm. 15 MCP
E. polymorpha P.A. Dangeard 15 MCP
E. spirogyra Ehr. 15 MCP
E. splendens P.A. Dangeard 15 MCP
Lepocinclis ovum (Ehr) Lemm. 15 MCP
L. s texta (Dujardin)Lemm. 15 MCP
Monomorphina pyrum (Ehr.) Mereschkowsky 15 CAD2
Phacus platalea Drezepolski 15 MCP
P. suecicus Lemm. 15 BS
P. tortus (Lemm.) Skvortzov 15 MCP
Strombomonas cf. urceolata (Stokes) Defl and. 15 MCP
Trachelomonas armata (Ehr.) Stein 15 MCP
T. dubia Swirenko 15 MCP
T. hispida (Perty) Stein 15 BS
T. superba Svirenko 15 MCP
T. volvocina Ehr. 15 BS
T. woycickii Koczwara 15 BS
Peranemopsis limax (Christen) Larsen 13 RAM1