1Biology Department, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC 29424. 2Department
of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269.
*Corresponding author - scholtensb@cofc.edu.
Lepidoptera of Great Smoky Mountains National Park:
Methods and Results of the Inventory
Brian G. Scholtens1,* and David L. Wagner2
Abstract - As a part of an All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory, we documented 1843
Lepidoptera species from Great Smoky Mountains National Park. This total is
based on previous survey efforts plus recent intensive sampling using bioblitzes.
Various statistical estimators put the total number of species in the park between
1950 and 2340. The difference between actual and estimated numbers is mainly
due to under-sampled Microlepidoptera groups. As a part of recent efforts, the
mitochondrial COI gene has been sequenced from more than 940 species from the
Park. DNA barcoding has already led to taxonomic insights in several groups, and
is believed to be at least 95% accurate for identifications. Our samples include
more than 20 undescribed species in the Park, including a park-endemic geometrid
moth. Because of threats to their habitats, high-elevation species make up the largest
group of species of special concern.
Lepidopterists have been actively involved in the All Taxa Biodiversity
Inventory (ATBI) of Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP) from
the inception of the inventory, with Lepidoptera designated as one of the
original Taxonomic Working Groups (TWiGs). An organizational meeting
of interested scientists was held in December of 1997 during the first
Discover Life in America (DLIA) annual meeting, and survey work began
during 1999. Lepidopterists felt that they could have an immediate impact
because of the advanced state of the order’s taxonomy, the limited knowledge
of the Lepidoptera in the Park, and a core of lepidopterists in close
proximity willing to volunteer their time, resources, and expertise.
Conducting a survey of a diverse insect taxon such as the Lepidoptera
poses significant challenges, and we understood from the beginning that
our effort in Great Smoky Mountains National Park would be a long-term
effort. Like other insects, butterflies and moths are often habitat specific
and/or tied to a particular host plant. Many have restricted flight periods
as adults. Some are so small or specialized that they are not likely to be
encountered using standard light-trapping or baiting techniques. All these
characteristics make a comprehensive survey a difficult task. Powell
(1995) found no complete North American Lepidoptera surveys at the
The Great Smoky Mountains National Park All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory:
A Search for Species in Our Own Backyard
2007 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1:193–206
194 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
regional, state, provincial, or even local level. He regarded the most complete
state surveys to include those for New York (Forbes 1923–1960)
and Maine (Brower 1974–1986). Adams (2002) conducted the most intensive
survey of a locality near GSMNP, documenting 758 species from
the area around Highlands, NC. These are invariably multi-year surveys,
using many collection and observation techniques. We assumed that our
work would face similar hurdles.
The Lepidoptera TWiG’s goals have been to compile a comprehensive
species list of Lepidoptera for the Park, better understand the distributions
of Lepidoptera within the Park, bring attention to species of potential concern
within the Park, and aid the Park in making management decisions.
The survey was expected to have the side benefit of promoting systematic
research by providing specimens, many of which, especially among the Microlepidoptera,
were poorly represented in collections. We also anticipated
it would reveal new life-history data, e.g., host plant, habitat, and parasitoid
associations, and as a consequence, promote behavioral, ecological,
and other studies involving Lepidoptera. Other benefits of the efforts of
the Lepidoptera TWiG included: actively training and enlisting the help
of volunteers and students; interacting in numerous ways with students at
the K–12, undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral levels; and engaging
in numerous public outreach programs. We will show that these and other
benefits have been realized, and that similar results likely will be obtained
from other surveys of this kind.
History of the Lepidoptera Inventory in Great Smoky Mountains
National Park
Great Smoky Mountains National Park was established in 1934 to protect
a portion of the spectacular southern Appalachian Mountains, their
unique fl ora and fauna, and the communities in which they occur. One of the
first Park naturalists, Art Stupka, was interested in recording the diversity
of organisms in the Park. During his long tenure, he collected many Lepidoptera,
largely butterfl ies (50 spp.), but also many moths (36 spp.). Several
other collectors visited the Park during the 1930s and 1940s and deposited
specimens in the Park collection (or had their collections deposited there at
a later date). The most significant were M. Sullivan (43 spp. vouchered from
NC), F.C. Evans (28 spp.), and Earl R. Cady (21 spp.). During the 1950s,
60s, and 70s, the most significant contributions were made by K. Hobson (69
spp.), K.D. Snyder (49 spp.), and P.W. Pfitzer (37 spp.). During the 1980s,
activity accelerated (Fig. 1). Park employees Keith Langdon (97 spp.) and
Don DeFoe (43 spp.) both deposited significant numbers of Lepidoptera in
the Park collection, and Richard Brown conducted a survey of moths from
the Park (Brown 1986).
At the end of the 1980s, the first focused survey was initiated by Paris
Lambdin et al. (1991). Sampling occurred at the same localities throughout
the two-year survey; nearly all specimens vouchered and identified
2007 B.G. Scholtens and D.L. Wagner 195
were Macrolepidoptera. Many of these specimens are deposited in the Park
collection, but another set is at the University of Tennessee. Lambdin et al.
(1991) listed just fewer than 800 species, 349 of which previously had not
been recorded in the park. DeFoe and Langdon continued collecting through
the 1990s. Langdon also conducted a series of butterfl y surveys in Cades
Cove using Pollard walk techniques (Pollard and Yates 1994), vouchering
specimens when necessary.
Methods and Materials
Current survey efforts
From its inception, ATBI sampling took two forms: 1) structured, plotbased
sampling with Malaise, pit fall, and fl ight-intercept traps, which was
carried out over a period of 2 years; and 2) opportunistic sampling based on
the interests of individual researchers.
Individuals conducted initial sampling of Lepidoptera during the ATBI.
Beginning in May 1999, Brian Scholtens collected moths near Tremont, in
Cades Cove, and from various sites in the vicinity of Cosby. In 1999, Eric
Metzler received an early grant from DLIA to sample late-season Lepidoptera
(Metzler 1999). Subsequently, many other lepidopterists became
involved in the survey. Supported by DLIA grants, John Brown and Don
Davis carried out extensive blacklight bucket-trap sampling at several
localities in 2001 and 2002, and Michael Pogue, using DLIA volunteers
and llama teams, conducted the first extensive light-trap sampling on
Figure 1. Accumulation of Lepidoptera species records in Great Smoky
Mountains National Park by year, from 1926 to 2006.
196 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
high-elevation balds. J. Bolling Sullivan, under contract to the National
Park Service (NPS), intensively sampled the Oconaluftee area as a part
of an environmental impact study for a property that subsequently was
transferred to the Cherokee tribe (Sullivan and Deutschmann 2002). In
addition, Paul Super and his students, while working at the Great Smoky
Mountains Institute at Tremont, initiated a moth survey in the first year of
the ATBI. After Super left Tremont, Michelle Prysby and visiting students
continued the inventory. Super later extended his survey to the Appalachian
Highlands Learning Center at Purchase Knob in North Carolina.
Both of these latter projects have made significant contributions to the
Lepidoptera survey, particularly of early and late-season species. More
recently, in 2004, J. Bolling Sullivan again was contracted by the NPS to
survey multiple locations along the north shore of Fontana Lake, mostly at
remote sites requiring access by boat (Sullivan 2004).
Lepidopterists have not taken advantage of the structured, plot-based
sampling because of the difficulty in handling specimens in alcohol from
Malaise-trap samples and the relative inefficiency of this passive collecting
technique for Lepidoptera. Nevertheless, a handful of significant records
have come from these samples. Two in particular are the first North Carolina
and Park record of Euchloe olympia (Edwards) (Olympia Marble: Pieridae)
and the first Park records of the primitive, mandibulate species Epimartyria
auricrinella Walsingham (Micropterigidae).
Our first organized effort was a bioblitz in July of 2000, spearheaded
by David Wagner, who had been involved in similar events in Connecticut
designed to bring considerable taxonomic expertise together for intensive
1- to 2-day sampling efforts. For the first Lepidoptera bioblitz, we drew
together 15–20 scientists from across the continent and many park staff and
volunteers to inventory a large number of sites across the Park. During the
bioblitz, we made an effort to sample all major habitats and to collect across
the Park’s elevational range, using up to 40 traps per night. We estimate that
we sampled and sorted in excess of 20,000 moths over a 24-hour period.
Downsides to this sampling technique include time spent coordinating many
volunteers and the loss of many small Microlepidoptera because they cannot
be sorted and prepared quickly enough.
To efficiently process samples, gather vouchers, and construct a list,
we organized into subTWiGs. The subTWiGs were: 1) primitive Lepidoptera,
2) Gelechioidea, 3) Tortricoidea, 4) Pyraloidea and Pterophoroidea,
5) Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea, 6) Zygaenoidea, 7) Geometroidea and
Drepanoidea, 8) Bombycoidea and Sphingoidea, and 9) Noctuoidea. Each
subTWiG was assigned one or more leaders (depending on size of the group
and interest). Leaders were responsible for gathering vouchers from all samples
to cover the diversity of their group(s) and keeping a comprehensive list
of species (or morphospecies). The bioblitz began at 3:00 pm and ended the
following day, with lists completed by 3:00 pm. All sampling, sorting, and preliminary
listing were completed in a 24-hour period.
2007 B.G. Scholtens and D.L. Wagner 197
Lists were put together using pre-made checklists of probable species
and tabulated using a Filemaker Pro database to construct the final inventory
list. Individual specimens were retained by specialists for later preparation,
dissection, and/or confirmation of identifications. As preparation and identifications were completed, the data were sent to Brian Scholtens and entered
in a Filemaker Pro database.
The basic organization of the first bioblitz was retained in subsequent
efforts, but we modified our efforts to voucher more completely all species
encountered, and added a second day for specimen processing and data capture.
Beginning with the second bioblitz, we made special efforts to capture
as many geo-referenced occurrence records as possible during the 2-day run
of the bioblitz. Follow-up bioblitzes occurred in May 2001, June 2002, July
2004, May 2005, and August 2006.
Starting in 2004, we augmented our bioblitz protocol with efforts to
gather a mitochondrial DNA sample from each species. These samples
were processed in Paul Hebert’s lab at the University of Guelph to generate
sequence data for approximately 650 base pairs of the COI gene of
each species (Hebert et al. 2003, Janzen et al. 2005). During the 2004 and
2005 bioblitzes, we also provided specimens to the Ambrose Monnell collection
of tissue samples at the American Museum of Natural History for
cryopreservation. These specimens are stored in liquid nitrogen to provide a
permanent source of tissue samples for future research efforts.
Completeness of species list
Work from past decades plus our current work on the ATBI has brought
the list of species known from the Park to 1843, more than doubling the
number known from the Park since the start of the ATBI. The initial bioblitz
in 2000 added over 350 species to the Park list (again, in just 24 hours).
Another 150 were added in 2002, with diminishing numbers in subsequent
efforts (Fig. 1). Recent bioblitzes and other sampling efforts within the
Park have added few new taxa of larger moths and butterfl ies, suggesting
that our sampling is 95–100% complete for most Macrolepidoptera groups
(Bombycoidea, Sphingoidea, Geometroidea, Noctuoidea, Papilionoidea,
Hesperioidea; see also below). Several Microlepidoptera groups (e.g., Zygaenoidea,
Pyraloidea, and Tortricoidea) also are well sampled because of
the participation of experts, the comparatively large size of the moths, and
the advanced state of knowledge of their taxonomy. Other Microlepidoptera
groups are still inadequately inventoried, either because experts have not
been involved to the same degree, or because special efforts are necessary
to detect the species (e.g. rearing, pheromone trapping, etc.). The number of
species known from each family of Lepidoptera is presented in Table 1.
We used several methods to estimate the number of species of
Lepidoptera that likely occurs in the Park. At the first bioblitz, the participating
scientists were each asked to estimate how many species of their
198 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
taxon would eventually be found within the Park. Based on these bestguess
extrapolations the total for the order was estimated to be between
2500 and 3000. With much more extensive collecting now completed we
can estimate the total more accurately. It is difficult to apply most statistical
estimators because we have not routinely recorded all species in all
samples, and samples (= effort) have not been equivalent (see Brown and
Bash 1997, Powell 1995). Because sampling efforts have been relatively
constant, or at least relatively comprehensive, from year to year during the
Table 1. Number of species of Lepidoptera known from Great Smoky Mountains National Park
(taxonomy follows Kristensen (1999)).
Family # of species Family # of species Family # of species
Micropterigidae 1 Cosmopterigidae 10 Megalopygidae 3
Eriocraniidae 1 Xyloryctidae 1 Limacodidae 21
Hepialidae 4 Gelechiidae 52 Crambidae 115
Nepticulidae 12 Schreckensteiniidae 1 Pyralidae 106
Opostegidae 1 Epermeniidae 1 Thyrididae 3
Tischeriidae 10 Lyonetiidae 1 Pterophoridae 17
Incurvariidae 1 Glyphipterigidae 3 Drepanidae 7
Prodoxidae 3 Yponomeutidae 8 Geometridae 225
Adelidae 2 Plutellidae 1 Uraniidae 2
Heliozelidae 6 Acrolepiidae 2 Mimallonidae 2
Tineidae 33 Sesiidae 17 Bombycidae 2
Acrolophidae 9 Cossidae 3 Saturniidae 13
Psychidae 3 Tortricidae 218 Sphingidae 30
Bucculatricidae 5 Choreutidae 4 Lasiocampidae 7
Gracillariidae 61 Hesperiidae 42 Notodontidae 40
Oecophoridae 12 Papilionidae 6 Arctiidae 49
Amphisbatidae 4 Pieridae 12 Lymantriidae 10
Elachistidae 19 Lycaenidae 19 Pantheidae 5
Glyphidoceridae 3 Nymphalidae 32 Nolidae 16
Coleophoridae 13 Zygaenidae 3 Noctuidae 528
Autostichidae 2 Epipyropidae 1
Total 1843
Table 2. Estimated species numbers for Lepidoptera groups based on Chao-2 estimator (observed
number is from 1999–2004 sampling; in parentheses are known totals for all years of
Taxon Observed species # Expected species # % complete
Saturniidae 12 (13) 13 92 (100)
Sphingidae 25 (30) 30 83 (100)
Noctuidae/Pantheidae/Nolidae 488 (549) 542 90 (101)
Arctiidae 41 (49) 43 95 (114)
Notodontidae 38 (40) 40 95 (100)
Geometridae 211 (225) 255 83 (88)
Papilionoidea/Hesperioidea 61 (111) 64 95 (173)
Zygaenoidea 25 (28) 27 93 (104)
Tortricidae 200 (218) 241 83 (90)
Pyraloidea 217 (221) 246 88 (90)
2007 B.G. Scholtens and D.L. Wagner 199
current survey, we can use each year as a sample for the Chao-2 estimator
(Table 2). For the 6 sample years of 1999–2004, the Chao-2 estimator predicts
that the inventories for most groups of Macrolepidoptera are 83–95%
complete over the course of those 6 years. If known species are added from
earlier sampling efforts, the number of species in most families exceeds
the Chao-2 estimated richness, suggesting that we are approaching 100%
completion for these groups (Table 2). We are undoubtedly missing a small
number of resident species, especially from large families. As importantly,
because of faunal changes over the history of the Park, our totals may be an
overestimate of extant diversity.
By assuming that the ratio of Macrolepidoptera/Microlepidoptera in
Great Smoky Mountains National Park is similar to the ratio for all of North
America (i.e., approximately 1:1; Hodges et al. 1983) it is possible to estimate
of the total number of Microlepidoptera that should occur in the Park.
Table 3 gives extrapolations for Microlepidoptera richness estimates for the
Park, based on assumptions of 90, 95, and 100% completeness. Adding predicted
richness totals for both Macrolepidoptera and Microlepidoptera, our
estimates for total GSMNP richness range from 2106 (given 100% of the
Macrolepidoptera have been recorded) to 2339 (assuming that 90% of
the Macrolepidoptera have been recorded). These extrapolations suggest
that our Microlepidoptera survey is 68–75% complete.
We used a similar procedure to produce estimates based on a list of the
Lepidoptera of the state of Connecticut (D. Wagner, unpubl. data; Table 4).
The Connecticut list is believed to be the most taxonomically comprehensive
of any state, and especially so for more than 30 families of Microlepidoptera,
with only the Gelechiidae known with appreciable uncertainty. Assuming
Table 3. Comparison of North America and Great Smokies National Park (GSMNP) Lepidoptera
faunas (% completion is based on sampling of Macrolepidoptera used to scale Microlepidoptera;
North American species richness from Hodges et al. 1983).
90% 95% 100%
North complete complete complete
America GSMNP GSMNP/NA estimate estimate estimate
Macrolepidoptera 5814 1047 18.0% 1163 1102 1047
Microlepidoptera 5878 796 13.5% 1176 1114 1059
Total 11692 1843 15.8% 2339 2216 2106
Table 4. Comparison of Connecticut and Great Smokies National Park (GSMNP) Lepidoptera
faunas (% completion is based on sampling of Macrolepidoptera used to scale Microlepidoptera;
Connectitcut species richness from D. Wagner, unpubl. data).
90% 95% 100%
complete complete complete
Connecticut GSMNP GSMNP/CT estimate estimate estimate
Macrolepidoptera 1187 1047 88.2% 1163 1102 1047
Microlepidoptera 1022 796 77.9% 1001 949 901
Total 2209 1843 83.4% 2164 2051 1948
200 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
our Macrolepidoptera sampling is 90, 95, or 100% complete, we estimate
the total number of Lepidoptera species to be between 1948 and 2164 and
that our GSMNP Microlepidoptera list is 80–88% complete. While the fauna
would not be expected to exactly mirror any particular geographical region,
we use these ratios because Connecticut has similar plant communities and
no other comparably complete surveys are available. All of the estimates
place the GSMNP species total between about 1950 and 2350 species, with
the lower estimates apparently more likely based on Chao-2 estimators of
the completeness of our Macrolepidoptera sampling.
Significant species
The Lepidoptera fauna of Great Smoky Mountains National Park is
dominated by species typical of the eastern deciduous forest, especially the
cove forests of the Park’s middle and lower elevations. Fewer species are
associated with high-elevation spruce/fir forests, pine/oak woodlands, wetlands,
and open areas. Missing or poorly represented species are associated
with emergent aquatic vegetation (especially nymphuline pyralids), sandy
soils, highly disturbed habitats, fl ood plain or bottomland forests, expansive
barrens, acidic wetlands, heathlands, and large grasslands, all habitats that
are poorly represented in the Park.
The most significant species of conservation interest are endemics
and disjuncts. Several endemics are limited to the Park or the middle and
southern Appalachian region. At least two are known from the cove forests,
and both are undescribed. Ligdia sp. (Geometridae) was discovered
on one of our initial collecting trips. It is known from only two locations
in the Park. The host plant is Euonymus obovatus Nuttall, an Appalachian
endemic characteristic of mid-elevation boulder fields (D. Wagner, unpubl.
data). This species is the first record of its genus and tribe (Abraxini)
in the New World. Also known from lower elevation cove forests is an
undescribed pyraustine (Crambidae). This species has a wider distribution
in the middle and southern Appalachians; its life history is unknown. In
addition, Braun (1935) described Phyllonorycter rhododendrella (Braun)
(Gracillariidae) from reared material collected in the Park. Nancy Lowe
recently rediscovered this species in the Park at its type locality. It is otherwise
known only from another locality a little north of Atlanta.
There are at least three endemics at high elevations, all confined to
the middle to southern Appalachians. Two are apparently associated with
Gazoryctra sciophanes (Ferguson) (spruce/fir forests), (Hepialidae) and
Anaplectoides brunneomedia McDunnough (brown-lined dart; Noctuidae).
The third is an undescribed Agriphila (Crambidae) found in open habitats
such as balds and roadsides. These species seem especially vulnerable as
spruce/fir habitats are gradually transformed by insect invaders (e.g., balsam
woolly adelgid) and global warming. Saving these species may require active
management and/or other conservation efforts in the future.
Many disjuncts, Polix coloradella (Walsingham) (Oecophoridae),
Eulia ministrana (Linnaeus), Apotomops wellingtonana (Kearfott) (both
2007 B.G. Scholtens and D.L. Wagner 201
Tortricidae), Platarctia parthenos (Harris) (St. Lawrence tiger moth; Arctiidae),
Cucullia florea Gn., Diachrysia aeroides (Grote) (dark-spotted
looper moth), Diachrysia balluca Geyer, Lithophane georgii Grote, Polychrysia
morigera (Henry Edwards), Xestia perquiritata (Morrison), Pachypolia
atricornis Grote, Platypolia anceps (Stephens) (all Noctuidae),
Polygonia faunus (W.H. Edwards) (green comma), and Phyciodes batesii
(Reakirt) (tawny crescent) (both Nymphalidae) exist at high elevations in
the Park, apparently separated from the closest populations in the central
and northern Appalachians after the last glacial period.
In addition to the two undescribed species mentioned above, approximately
25–30 other undescribed species are known from GSMNP. Many of
these are in families of relatively poorly known Microlepidoptera, such as
the Tineidae and Gelechiidae, but some are Geometridae, Noctuidae, and
Arctiidae. Many families of Microlepidoptera require additional sampling,
especially those in the Gelechioidea. There are few specialists in this diverse
group, many gelechioids are specialized in habit, and identifications can be
difficult. Other groups, such as Nepticulidae require rearing to survey efficiently, and additional pheromone trapping will be necessary to complete
the inventory of Sesiidae.
DNA barcoding
To date, 4156 specimens, representing 940 species of Lepidoptera
from GSMNP, have been DNA barcoded. While this number includes
members of most families, the emphasis up to this point has been on
larger, easily (reliably) identified taxa. More than 90% of the species for
which we possess multiple barcodes show little (less than 0.5%) variation
in their COI sequence. A handful of taxa that are treated as distinct
species cannot be distinguished using DNA barcodes. Examples include
some species in the genera Catocala (Noctuidae), Macaria (Geometridae),
Probole (Geometridae), and Acrobasis (Pyralidae). We also noted
a number of instances where “species” had considerable variation in
their COI barcodes, i.e., with up to 5% sequence variation. In large DNA
barcoding surveys of moths in Canada and Costa Rica, the average divergence
rate among topologically proximate (i.e., congeneric and contribal
taxa) is on the order of 1–5% divergence (Hebert et al. 2004, Janzen et
al. 2005). Variation in COI sequences greater than 2% in Lepidoptera
indicates the existence of more than one evolutionary unit. We use this
approximate figure as a “threshold value” to flag where more taxonomic
study, DNA barcoding, and other types of studies might be needed to
more accurately delimit the biological species. GSMNP samples include
several species with deep splits that are currently recognized as single
entities. In the Noctuidae, Pangrapta decoralis Hübner (decorated owlet),
and in the Crambidae, Fissicrambus mutabilis (Clemens), both contain sequence
variation considerably greater than that between well-recognized
species. In another case, barcoding has caused a researcher to rethink the
previous lumping of two taxa (Torticidia flexuosa (Grote) and T. pallida
202 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
(Herrich-Schäffer): Limacodidae) that can be distinguished using DNA
barcodes (M.E. Epstein, California Department of Food and Agriculture,
Sacramento, CA, pers. comm.).
Bioblitzes are an efficient method to survey Lepidoptera. Each bioblitz
was run on a budget of about $5000 (although scientists, park staff, and
volunteers donated considerable amounts of time and effort). We estimate
the real cost (value) to be $25,000 if all taxonomists were paid for their services,
travel costs were fully funded, and other expenditures were counted.
In GSMNP, these efforts were spread over several years, largely because of
logistical considerations. Our two largest bioblitzes were tied closely to national
meetings so that taxonomists could incorporate their visit to the Park
into existing travel plans.
Because GSMNP organized the first All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory,
the Park was fortunate to receive a great deal of attention from the community
of systematic entomologists. Location of the Park also played a
role; Great Smoky Mountains National Park is within driving distance for
a great many amateur and professional lepidopterists. As additional inventories
are initiated at more remote parks, taxonomic expertise likely will
be stretched as researchers choose how and where to invest their time. In
particular, there may not be enough microlepidopterists to support multiple
ATBIs at the same time. The problem will be exacerbated for other orders
where there are still fewer practicing taxonomists and amateurs. ATBIs
elsewhere may want to emphasize different groups of organisms at different
times in order to efficiently use the available (and especially nearby)
pools of taxonomic expertise.
Even with these caveats, large-scale surveys provide a great return on a
relatively small investment. In addition to the distribution, natural history,
and conservation information gained, our bioblitzes have provided valuable
specimens and information for systematists across the continent. Bioblitzes
provide individual researchers with the opportunity to examine many trap
catches from a variety of elevations and habitats, and yield a diversity and
quantity of specimens that otherwise would be prohibitively time consuming
to obtain as an individual researcher. In addition, bioblitzes promote
interaction among researchers and between researchers and graduate students,
and contribute to the training of the next generation of systematists.
We discovered, in some cases, that our bioblitzes were the only time that
world experts in different groups of Lepidoptera had ever been in the field
together. Bioblitzes provided a unique opportunity for graduate and undergraduate
students to study with these experts. These interactions made the
bioblitzes important professional experiences for all participants, regardless
of the level of their training. One cannot overstate the value bioblitzes
provide for any biotic inventory—they yield the “biggest bang for the buck”
in regard to the number of localities sampled, specimens generated, species
2007 B.G. Scholtens and D.L. Wagner 203
bar-coded, and geo-referenced occurrence records entered into the Park’s
database per unit person or dollar investment.
The impact of the Lepidoptera survey has been immediate and important
for the Park. We have recognized several species of conservation concern
and identified areas within the Park that harbor these endemic, disjunct, or
unusual species. The species associated with cove forest habitats are apparently
secure, but threats to several trees species and the possibility of
competition from invasives warrant special attention. Fagus grandifolia
Ehrhart (American beech), Tsuga canadensis (Linnaeus) Carr (eastern hemlock),
Quercus spp. (oaks), and Cornus fl orida Linnaeus (fl owering dogwood)
are all suffering from or threatened by diseases or insect pests. Many
Lepidoptera use these species as hosts, and their loss would have a signifi-
cant impact on diversity in the cove-forest habitat. The effect on moths of the
earlier loss of Castanea dentata (Marshall) Borkhausen (American chestnut)
went unmonitored. Our current survey provides a baseline to assess future
changes in the composition of the Lepidoptera fauna.
A unique fauna is associated with dry pine/oak forests that are concentrated
on the Foothills Parkway at the east and west ends of the Park. A
diverse assemblage, including many Noctuidae, Pyralidae (especially Phycitinae),
Tortricidae, and Gelechiidae, are found in these habitats and rarely,
if ever, in other parts of the Park. Although widespread in other areas, these
habitats are restricted in the Park. Potential threats to this habitat include the
disease sudden oak death and the invasion of the area by Lymantria dispar
(Linnaeus): Lymantriidae (gypsy moth).
Probably the most endangered habitats in the Park are the high-elevation
spruce/fir forests and balds. These areas act as sky islands in the southern Appalachians
and harbor some of the most unique species in the Park (see above).
This habitat has been and continues to be assaulted by invasive insects (balsam
woolly adelgid), ozone pollution (worst in the eastern United States), and
increased temperatures associated with global warming. Temperature change,
in particular, will have a significant long-term effect on the Lepidoptera species
in the Park. High-elevation forests could be eliminated slowly as climate
changes, taking many of the endemic and disjunct species with them. There is
some evidence that at least one species already has been extirpated from the
Park. Polygonia faunus was recorded regularly from the early days of the Park
through the 1950s. Few records exist after that, and none since 1983, despite
frequent visitation by lepidopterists and other entomologists.
Lepidoptera diversity in GSMNP is tied to vascular plant diversity, which is
due to the wide range of habitats and physical features, such as slope, soil type,
elevation, and the associated temperature and moisture conditions. Any threat
to plant diversity or unique habitats will have an effect on the diversity of Lepidoptera.
It would be worthwhile to monitor populations of endemic, disjunct,
and specialist species along with the host plants and habitats that support them.
DNA sampling and cryopreservation of specimens provide a resource for
current and future systematists. With the expertise assembled at a bioblitz,
204 Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1
we can sort and identify a large number of species. With fresh specimens,
we get 100% DNA recovery and greatly reduce the cost per individual specimen.
COI sequences obtained from these specimens will serve not only as
a potential identification barcode, but also as a significant piece of data for
specialists as they estimate phylogenies and revise groups. Cryopreservation
of specimens allows researchers to recover other mitochondrial and
nuclear genes as well as other tissues as needed for future studies. A goal
of future inventories should be to have as large a percentage of the fauna
barcoded and cryopreserved as possible.
Any attempt to comprehensively catalogue the species of a state, region,
or locality will be a multi-year effort and, because of transient taxa and
faunal change, can never be complete. After seven years of survey effort in
GSMNP, we now have a nearly complete list of all resident Macrolepidoptera
species. We have recorded 1047 species of Macrolepidoptera and 795 species
of Microlepidoptera (Table 2). The four most species-rich groups in the
Park are the Noctuidae s. l. (Noctuidae + Nolidae + Pantheidae, 549 spp.);
Geometridae (225 spp.); Pyralidae s. l. (Pyralidae + Crambidae, 221 spp.);
and Tortricidae (218 spp.) (see Table 1 for family totals). For well-surveyed
groups, only a few additional resident species can be expected. Continued
sampling undoubtedly will record additional transient species. In addition,
new species are expected to become established in the Park (as well as others
lost) as a result of long-term faunal changes, many of which are expected
to result from global warming.
Our sampling effort and results compare favorably with other relatively
complete surveys of Lepidoptera (Proctor [1946] for Mount Desert Island,
D.L.Wagner (unpubl. data) for Connecticut, Forbes [1923–60] for New York).
For example, the current survey for the state of Connecticut has a comparable
total species list (but what is thought to be a nearly complete Microlepidoptera
list), although the area surveyed is about 10 times as large as GSMNP. The increased
emphasis on leafmine surveys and larval sampling of the Connecticut
fauna has contributed significantly to its more complete Microlepidoptera list,
and the GSMNP survey will require this sort of effort to inventory more completely
the Microlepidoptera in the Park. A major step in this direction will be
a focused effort to collect and identify species in the Gelechioidea, the largest
under-sampled Lepidoptera taxon in GSMNP.
The information gained from the Lepidoptera survey of GSMNP is now
being disseminated in a variety of formats. Much of the fieldwork for Wagner’s
(2005) field guide to caterpillars in North America was conducted over
a three-year period in the Park with grants from Discover Life in America.
Pogue (2005, 2006) continues to work on a series of papers detailing the occurrence
and distribution of noctuid species in the Park. A current list of all
species known from the Park is in preparation, and several other papers on
the Park’s lepidopteran fauna are in various stages of completion. The data
analyzed in these papers will provide GSMNP with a very powerful tool for
monitoring and managing the biota of the Park and be a basis for research in
2007 B.G. Scholtens and D.L. Wagner 205
many areas of Lepidoptera biology, and the methods developed for the ATBI
will serve as a model for future surveys.
We owe debts of gratitude to many individuals and organizations. Many researchers,
park personnel, and volunteers have been involved in the survey. James Adams,
Tommy Allen, Bill Black, John Brown, Richard Brown, Sibyl Bucheli, Michael Canfield, Cameron Cheri, Chuck Cooper, Charlie Covell, Don Davis, Jeremy deWaard,
Mark Epstein, Irving Finkelstein, Loran Gibson, Paul Goldstein, James Hayden, Paul
Hebert, Jeanie Hilton, John Himmelman, Ronald Hodges, Eric Hossler, Marcia Jumblatt,
Leroy Koehn, Jean-François Landry, Sangmi Lee, Nancy Lowe, Edda Martinez,
Mark Mello, Eric Metzler, Michael Pogue, Jerry Powell, Michelle Prysby, Bob Pyle,
Jadranka Rota, Dale Schweitzer, Craig Segebarth, Ian Segebarth, Kevin Segebarth,
Tom Smith, Ian and Stephanie Stocks, Bo Sullivan, Geoff Tucker, Rene Twarkins,
Henning von Schmeling, Monty Volovski, Jessica Watson, and Don Wright all participated
in at least one bioblitz effort. Participating Park and USGS staff included
Don Defoe, Keith Langdon, Adriean Mayer, Becky Nichols, Chuck Parker, and Paul
Super. The instructors and students at both the Tremont Environmental Education
Center and the Appalachian Highlands Learning Center have continuously provided
samples since the beginning of the ATBI. James Adams helped formulate our list of
significant species. Jim Froyd constructed a mobile shelf unit that has proved especially
valuable during the bioblitzes. Primary funding for survey efforts has come
from multiple grants from Discover Life in America to the authors, Michael Pogue,
John Brown and Don Davis, and Eric Metzler. DLIA also provided lodging, logistical
assistance, and coordinated volunteers and TWiG outreach efforts. Support for D.L.
Wagner’s efforts also came from the US Department of Agriculture, Forest Services,
Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team, cooperative agreement number 01-CA-
11244225-215. In addition, support has come from the Smithsonian Institution,
grants to Paul Hebert and many in-kind donations from researchers. The manuscript
was improved by comments from James Adams and other reviewers.
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