D.M. Papoulias and A.L. Velasco
2013 Southeastern Naturalist
Vol. 12, Special Issue 4
Histopathological Analysis of Fish from Acorn Fork Creek,
Kentucky, Exposed to Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Releases
Diana M. Papoulias1,* and Anthony L. Velasco2
Abstract - Fracking fluids were released into Acorn Fork, KY, a designated Outstanding
State Resource Water, and habitat for the threatened Chrosomus cumberlandensis (Blackside
Dace). As a result, stream pH dropped to 5.6 and stream conductivity increased to
35,000 μS/cm, and aquatic invertebrates and fish were killed or distressed. The objective
of this study was to describe post-fracking water quality in Acorn Fork and evaluate if the
changes in water quality could have extirpated Blackside Dace populations. Semotilus
atromaculatus (Creek Chub) and Lepomis cyanellus (Green Sunfish) were collected from
Acorn Fork a month after fracking in lieu of unavailable Blackside Dace. Tissues were histologically
analyzed for indicators of stress and percent of fish with lesions. Fish exposed
to affected Acorn Fork waters showed general signs of stress and had a higher incidence of
gill lesions than unexposed reference fish. Gill lesions observed were consistent with exposure
to low pH and toxic concentrations of heavy metals. Gill uptake of aluminum and iron
was demonstrated at sites with correspondingly high concentrations of these metals. The
abrupt and persistent changes in post-fracking water quality resulted in toxic conditions
that could have been deleterious to Blackside Dace health and survival.
Development of methods to inject fluids under high pressure to fracture
subsurface rock, hydraulic fracturing or “fracking”, has allowed exploitation
and recovery of new sources of natural gas and oil. However, chemicals used in
fracking have degraded water quality and injured aquatic ecosystems (Kargbo
et al. 2010, Wiseman 2009). Mixtures of several different chemicals are used in
fracturing fluids, and acids are a key component to inhibit scale and to dissolve
rock (Colburn et al. 2011, EPA 2004). Fracking fluids and waste releases may be
toxic to fish and wildlife if not contained and disposed of properly (Osborn et al.
2011, Pennsylvania Land and Trust Association 2010, The Academy of Natural
Sciences 2010).
In 2007, fracking fluids used during the development of four natural gas
wells in Knox County, KY were released into Acorn Fork, a second-order tributary
of Stinking Creek in the upper Cumberland River basin. Fracking effluent
overflowed the retention pits directly into Acorn Fork. As a result, hydrochloric
acid, dissolved minerals and metals, and other chemicals entered Acorn Fork,
significantly reducing stream pH (from pH 7.5 to 5.6) and increasing stream conductivity
(from 200 to 35,000 μS/cm). Subsequently, long reaches of the stream
1US Geological Survey, Columbia Environmental Research Center, 4200 New Haven
Road, Columbia, MO 65201. 2US Fish and Wildlife Service - Environmental Contaminants
Division, Kentucky Ecological Services Field Office, J.C. Watts Federal Building
- Suite 265, 330 West Broadway, Frankfort, KY 40601-1922. *Corresponding author -
Ecology and Conservation of the Threatened Blackside Dace, Chrosomus cumberlandensis
2013 Southeastern Naturalist 12(Special Issue 4):92–111
D.M. Papoulias and A.L. Velasco
2013 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 12, Special Issue 4
developed a suspended, and later precipitated, orange-red flocculent assumed to
be composed of an organo-colloidal complex of iron, aluminum, and other metals.
In some places the flocculent was several inches thick. As a result of these
releases, fish and aquatic invertebrates were killed or displaced for months in
over 2.7 km of the approximate 5 km of af fected waters in Acorn Fork.
The federally threatened Chrosomus cumberlandensis (Starnes and Starnes)
(Blackside Dace) was among the fishes killed as a result of the sudden and persistent
change in water chemistry. Prior to the discharge of the fracking fluids, Acorn Fork
had maintained adequate water quality and habitat conditions needed to support
a healthy population of Blackside Dace (USFWS 2001). The dace occupies cool
headwater streams with slow-moving pools under extensive forest canopy (Starnes
and Starnes 1981). Formerly ranging throughout the upper Cumberland River drainage,
Blackside Dace have declined and now occupy only a small portion of their
historic range (see McAbee et al. 2013[this issue]:supplemental appendix 1). Widespread
extirpation of Blackside Dace populations is believed to have been caused by
natural resource extraction activities such as surface mining, logging, and natural
gas and oil development (Starnes and Starnes 1981, USFWS 1988).
It is not known how many dace were killed during the 2007 event because two
wells had already been fracked, and peak mortality was likely missed before researchers
arrived to document the incident. However, one dead, one moribund, and
several living but distressed Blackside Dace, along with three distressed Semotilus
atromaculatus (Mitchill) (Creek Chub) were observed. Physico-chemical changes
in water quality associated with mining is known to affect the morphology and
thereby the function of superficial tissues in fish (Daye and Garside 1976, Henry et
al. 2001, Ledy et al. 2003). Therefore, the objective of this opportunistic study was
to assess whether fracking-related degradation in Acorn Fork water quality could
have harmed or resulted in mortality of the federally protected Blackside Dace.
Tissues from Creek Chub and Lepomis cyanellus (Rafinesque) (Green Sunfish),
proxies for unavailable Blackside Dace, exposed to affected Acorn Fork waters
were histologically analyzed for indicators of stress and lesion prevalence, and
these results were compared to results for the same measurements on fish from a
section of creek where no gas development was taking place.
Field Site Description
The study was conducted in Acorn Fork mainstem, its west branch, and two
unnamed tributaries that join the west branch (Fig. 1). Acorn Fork is located in
Knox County approximately 40 km southeast of London, KY. The watershed
is mainly undeveloped with few residences. A 2.4-hectare fishing lake is situated
immediately below wells #1 and #2 on Unnamed Tributary 1 (Fig. 1B). An
earthen dam separates the lake from a short section of stream that flows into a
meadow and network of slow-flowing pools backed-up by small beaver dams.
Unnamed Tributaries 1 and 2 join below well #3 and flow as the west branch of
Acorn Fork for a short segment before entering another small network of beaver
pools and streamlets (Fig. 1B). This network again collects into a small stream
D.M. Papoulias and A.L. Velasco
2013 Southeastern Naturalist
Vol. 12, Special Issue 4
before entering a small culvert downstream of well #3. The confluence of the
west branch of Acorn Fork and its mainstem occurs about 75 m downstream of a
plunge-pool created by a large culvert that directs the mainstem Acorn Fork under
the trail leading up to the four wells. From this point, Acorn Fork continues
approximately 2 km to the confluence with Carter-Roark Branch, and flows for
another 1 km before emptying into Stinking Creek (Fig. 1A).
Fish collection
Gas well #2 was fracked on 14 May 2007, and well #1 was fracked on 23
May 2007; well #3 was fracked on 12 June 2007, and well #4 was fracked on
18 June 2007 (John Brumley, Kentucky Division of Water, Lexington, KY, pers.
comm.). Water and fish samples were collected opportunistically and as close to
the fracking events as possible, at various locations along the mainstem, branch,
and tributaries (collectively called Acorn Fork) to best represent affected and
unaffected areas of the creek. Creek Chub and Green Sunfish, the only relatively
numerous species available, were targeted for collection by seining or dipnetting.
Figure 1. Location of gas wells and sample collection sites on Acorn Fork. Panel (A)
shows the entire Acorn Fork system to the confluence with Stinking Creek and site 1.
Panel (B) shows in detail the spatial relationship among the gas wells and sites 2–4. Yellow
circles indicate gas wells, green circles indicate sampling sites, and white circles
indicate culverts.
D.M. Papoulias and A.L. Velasco
2013 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 12, Special Issue 4
We first collected fish from Acorn Fork (sites 1 and 2) for this study on 10 July
2007, although limited measurements and observations were made of creek
condition and fish presence at these and other locations within the study site
back to 23 May 2007. On 24 July 2007, we collected 18 fish from the mainstem
Acorn Fork plunge-pool, an unaffected area with no wells, just upstream of the
confluence of Acorn Fork with the west branch. Four fish collected at this site
(hereafter referred to as the fish reference site) were euthanized to serve as unaffected
reference samples (hereafter referred to as reference fish). The remaining
14 fish were transported to site 3 and used for on-site testing. On-site testing
involved timed treatments holding unaffected fish in 19-L buckets (n = 8) of the
affected west branch stream water, and freely (n = 6) in an isolated slow-moving
pool in this same affected area for 3 and 48 hours, respectively, before collecting
and preserving the fish for histology. On 9 August 2007 the west branch (site 4),
near site 3, was sampled and 3 Creek Chubs, believed to have recently moved
downstream to this area (the area was fishless in June and July 2007), were collected
for histology. Upon collection, fish were stunned with a blow to the head,
and abdomens of all fishes were slit. Fish were preserved whole in 10% neutral
buffered formalin, and then later shipped to Columbia Environmental Research
Center (CERC) for histological analysis.
Fish histology
Fish specimens were rinsed in buffer to remove formalin before dissection.
Sections of liver, head and trunk kidney, spleen, and gonad were removed and
placed in tissue cassettes for processing in a Shanndon Excelsior automatic tissue
processor (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA). Tissue processing followed
a routine paraffin protocol, and blocks were sectioned at 7 microns, with 3–4
sections per slide for 2 slides. Sections were cut at 3 different depths to ensure
microscopic evaluations were representative of the entire tissue. Sections were
stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H & E; Luna 1968). Gill tissue was treated
similarly but was decalcified for 1 hour (Surgipath® Decalcifier II, Medical Industries,
Inc., Richmond, IL) to soften boney structures for cutting, prior to tissue
processing. Following Denton and Oughton (2010), gills were also stained with
acid solochrome azurine to identify aluminum (blue) and iron (red).
Gonad sections were evaluated to assign sex and stage of reproductive maturity.
Testes were classified as follows: immature—spermatogonia are the primary
component of lobules; spermatogenic—lobules contain primarily spermatocytes
and spermatids, with limited spermatozoa; mature—spermatozoa are prominent.
Ovaries were classified as follows: pre-vitellogenic—contain young oogonia with
no vitellogenin deposition; mid-vitellogenic—oogonia undergoing vitellogenesis,
and the germinal vesicle has not migrated to the animal pole; mature—oocyte filled
with vitellogen, and the germinal vesicle has migrated to the animal pole. Juvenile
fish had undifferentiated germ cells and could not be assigned to a sex.
Gill, gonad, liver, head and trunk kidney, and spleen were qualitatively evaluated
using a light microscope (Nikon Eclipse 90i, Nikon Instruments Inc., Mellville,
D.M. Papoulias and A.L. Velasco
2013 Southeastern Naturalist
Vol. 12, Special Issue 4
NY) for presence of stress indicators and lesions associated with exposure to low
pH and to heavy metals. Gills are vulnerable to environmental stressors due to their
exposure to the environment and their delicate, highly vascularized structure (Laurent
and Perry 1991, Roberts 1978). Stress in fish may be reflected in the condition
of liver and spleen tissues. An increase or decrease in hepatic lipid or glycogen
content can indicate exposure to an environmental stressor and result in the disruption
of metabolism (Chindah et al. 2008, Ferguson 1989). A calm, unstressed
fish will have a large spleen filled with erythrocytes, whereas a fish that is stressed
will have a thin spleen and erythrocytes will have been released (Takashima and
Hibiya 1995). In this study, histological sections of reference fish were evaluated
for the presence and severity of stress indicators and lesions, and then fish exposed
to the affected Acorn Fork water were blindly scored. The incidence of fish with lesions
from affected sites or of healthy fish exposed to water from affected sites was
compared to the number of reference fish with lesions. Lipids and glycogen appear
as vacuolar structures in paraffin-embedded, H & E-stained liver sections. Lipids
tend to form round structures, and glycogen forms irregularly shaped structures
(Takashima and Hibiya 1995). Liver sections (Creek Chub only) were scored as
high–moderate or low–none for lipid and glycogen collectively, as an indicator of
metabolic condition. As an indicator of stress, spleen sections were scored as high–
moderate or low–none for blood cell content.
Water quality
Conductivity was measured on-site using an Oakton 300 series multimeter
(Cole-Palmer, IL) when fish and water samples were collected. Field pH measurements
were made 15 June 2007 with Fisher Scientific ALKACID® Test
Ribbon on water collected 23 May, 30 May, and 5 June 2007 into Mason® jars
and kept at room temperature. Kentucky Division of Water tested water pH, conductivity,
and hardness on 25 June 2007 at selected locations on Acorn Fork.
Water samples for elemental analysis were collected 22 June 2007 at the
approximate time and place dead Blackside Dace were discovered (site 4). Additional
water samples were collected above well #4 to serve as an unaffected
water reference sample (no water was collected at the fish reference site and no
fish were collected at the water reference site), and at sites 1, 2, and 3 on 10 July
2007. No water was collected at site 4 on 9 August 2007 when fish were collected.
Water samples were collected directly from the creek into 500-mL I-Chem
Certified 300 Series chemically cleaned sample jars (Thermo Fisher Scientific,
Waltham, MA). Samples were chilled to 4 °C until overnight shipment on wet ice
to Alpha Analytical Laboratories, Inc. (Mansfield, MA) for analysis.
Water samples at each site were collected in 2 jars: one sample was filtered
using vacuum filtration and 0.45-mm filter paper, and the filtrate was used for
ion analyses and metals scan; the other water sample was not filtered and was
used for a metals scan only. Samples for metals scans were prepared for ICP-MS
(EPA Method 6020A) using a routine acid-digestion procedure (PerkinElmer
Corp. 1985). Chloride ions (Cl-) and sulfate ions (SO4
2−) were measured by ion
D.M. Papoulias and A.L. Velasco
2013 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 12, Special Issue 4
chromatography following EPA Method 300.0 (EPA 2003). Blanks, duplicates,
and spikes were included. Only filtered results are presented. Hardness values
from the water reference site (maximum value) and site 3 (minimum value)
were used to calculate hardness-specific water-quality standards for dissolved
metals using equations provided in Kentucky Surface Water Standards (State of
Kentucky 2011). Water-quality results were evaluated against Kentucky Surface
Water Standards criteria when available (State of Kentucky 201 1).
Only one water sample at each site was collected and analyzed; therefore no
statistical comparisons among sites could be made using the water-chemistry
data. Differences in the odds ratio for incidence of fish with gill and kidney lesions
between the reference fish site and sites 1–4, where fish were exposed to
affected Acorn Fork water, were tested with a one-sided Fisher’s Exact test due
to small sample size. A significant difference between results from the reference
site and the exposed sites was set at P ≤ 0.05.
A small population of Blackside Dace, Green Sunfish, Creek Chub, and other
fishes persisted in Unnamed Tributary 1 in the creek below the lake to the confluence
with Unnamed Tributary 2 for the entire period of our assessment (May–
September, 2007). However, Acorn Fork appeared to be completely devoid of all
fishes, invertebrates, and other biota downstream from this confluence for greater
than 2 km. On 22 and 27 June 2007 a dead dace and a moribund dace, respectively,
were collected in the west branch below well #3 and above the confluence
with Acorn Fork mainstem (site #3). Three living but severely distressed dace
were also seen here on 27 June 2007. These fish were observed uncharacteristically
at the surface, rostrum pointed downward, slowly rocking back and forth.
The Blackside Dace in this condition were easily caught by dipnet, whereas
healthy Blackside Dace would typically avoid capture and quickly swim away.
On 9 August 2007, only 3 Creek Chub were observed and collected in a shallow,
isolated pool near this same reach (site 4). Their swimming was atypically erratic
and agitated— swimming erratically and dashing their sides against the substrate.
However, once collected, they appeared to be in good physical conditio n.
Downstream, small groups of fishes were also occasionally collected from
Carter-Roark Branch near its confluence with the affected portions of the mainstem
Acorn Fork. Further downstream to the confluence with Stinking Creek,
larger fishes of each species were sometimes collected.
A total of 38 Creek Chubs and 7 Green Sunfish were captured and evaluated
for this study. A few small tissues were lost in processing for some individuals,
such that a complete set of tissues was not available for 16 fish. Mean (± SD)
length and weight of Creek Chubs were 86 ± 20 mm and 7.74 ± 4.87 g, respectively.
Mean (± SD) length and weight of Green Sunfish were 78 ± 15 mm and
9.75 ± 5.16 g, respectively. The collection consisted of 18 females, 12 males, 14
D.M. Papoulias and A.L. Velasco
2013 Southeastern Naturalist
Vol. 12, Special Issue 4
immature, and 1 unsexed fish. No lesions were observed in the gonads of any fish.
Creek Chubs were either immature or non/post-reproductive, with the exception
of 1 female which appeared to have recently spawned and was used for on-site
testing. Green Sunfish were either mature or immature, with the exception of 1
female which appeared to have recently spawned and was used for on-site testing.
Figure 2. Histological
sections of gill tissue
stained with hemotoxylin
and eosin (A, B,
C) from Creek Chub
taken from locations in
Acorn Fork unaffected
by fracking fluids (A)
and where fracking
fluids had contaminated
the stream (B
and C). Panel (B) is an
example of extensive
lamellar hyperplasia
(asterisk) and touching
of gill filament tips (arrow).
Panel (C) shows
examples of epithelial
lifting (arrow) on secondary
lamellae, curling
(arrowhead), and
clubbing (open triangle).
Scale bar is 100
D.M. Papoulias and A.L. Velasco
2013 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 12, Special Issue 4
Histological observations
Gills of reference fish. Gills of Creek Chubs (n = 2) and Green Sunfish (n = 2)
from the fish reference site (Fig. 2A) had focal areas of slight epithelial hyperplasia
of the primary and secondary lamellae, and occasional touching, fusion, and
swelling of secondary lamellae.
Gills of exposed fish, sites 1 and 2. All Creek Chubs (nsite 1 = 9, nsite 2 = 11)
and Green Sunfish (nsite 1 = 2, nsite 2 = 1) had gills with epithelial hyperplasia of
primary and secondary lamellae, and the condition was diffuse and pervasive
in 78% of fish from site 1. The hyperplasia was diffuse, pervasive, and severe
in 83% of site 2 fish (Fig. 2B). Concomitantly with the hyperplasia, touching
of secondary lamellae often occurred, sometimes fusing, as did extensive and
severe swelling of secondary lamellae. One Creek Chub (site 2) had extensive
areas of hemangioendothelio sarcoma (vascular tumor). Curling or clubbing
of the tips of the secondary lamellae was not observed in the reference fish but
was apparent in 44% of fish from site 1 and 9% from site 2 (Psite 1 = 0.27, Psite 2 =
0.56, Figs. 2C, 3A). Lifting of epithelium away from the secondary lamellae
Figure 3. Percent number
of fish with gills
showing clubbing or
curling at ends of gill
filaments (A) and separation
of the epithelium
from the secondary lamella
(epithelial lifting;
B). Asterisks indicate
a signficant difference
between results at the
fish reference site (Reference)
and the affected
site (Fisher Exact Test,
P < 0.05).
D.M. Papoulias and A.L. Velasco
2013 Southeastern Naturalist
Vol. 12, Special Issue 4
was observed in fish from sites 1 (55%) and 2 (83%), but not reference fish
(Psite 1 = 0.12, Psite 2 = 0.01; Figs. 2C, 3B).
Gills of reference fish exposed on-site, site 3. Reference fish (Creek Chubs,
n = 8) exposed for 3 hours developed hyperplasia of the epithelium on the primary
and secondary lamellae, and the condition was diffuse, severe, and pervasive
for 50% of the fish. All fish (Creek Chubs, n = 4; Green Sunfish, n = 2) exposed
for 48 hours had epithelial hyperplasia on primary and secondary lamellae, and
the condition was severe on the primary lamellae for 50% of the fish. Epithelial
lifting was apparent in 88% of the fish exposed for 3 hours; the condition was severe
in 50% of these, and some swelling of secondary lamellae was observed (P =
0.01, Fig. 3B;). All the fish exposed for 48 hours had swollen secondary lamellae,
and 50% had epithelial lifting (P = 0.17). Curling of the secondary lamellae occurred
in 75% and 50% or the fish exposed for 3 and 48 hours, respectively (P3h =
0.03, P48h = 0.17, Fig. 3A).
Gills of exposed fish, site 4. The Creek Chubs collected at site 4 (n = 3) all had
slight epithelial hyperplasia of the secondary lamellae but only focal or none on
the primary lamellae. Swollen secondary lamellae were observed in all fish but
it was not extensive, and only 1 fish had curled lamellae (P = 0.43). None of the
fish from site 4 was observed to have epithelial lifting or edem a.
Gill uptake of Al and Fe. Distinct differences in gill sections among fish collected
from the 5 sites were observed after staining with acid solochrome azurine.
Gills of fish from the fish reference site had little Al or Fe uptake, whereas a
gradient of these metals was seen in gill tissues of fish collected from affected
waters at sites below the wells (sites 1 and 2) and those exposed on-site (site 3) to
contaminated creek water (Fig. 4). Gill tissues of Creek Chub from site 1 were a
Figure 4. Gill sections from fish collected from the fish reference site and 4 sites in Acorn
Fork below fracked wells. Sections were stained with acid solochrome azurine for aluminum
(blue color) or iron (red color).
D.M. Papoulias and A.L. Velasco
2013 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 12, Special Issue 4
reddish color, indicating Fe had passed across the epithelial membrane, whereas
gills of Creek Chub from sites 2, 3, and 4 were stained blue to varying degrees,
indicating that Al had been taken-up. Creek Chub that were collected at sites 2
and 4 had much less Al than those fish continuously exposed for 3 and 48 hours
to affected water at site 3.
Liver. Creek Chubs (n = 2) collected from the fish reference site and from site 4
(n = 3) were scored as having moderate to high liver glycogen/lipid. Fifty-percent
of the Creek Chubs from site 1 (n = 10) and 64% from site 2 (n = 18) had low to no
glycogen/lipid. Thirty-eight percent of Creek Chubs (n = 8) exposed for 3 hours had
low to no glycogen/lipid, whereas 50% of those (n = 4) exposed for 48 hours had low
to no glycogen/lipid. No lesions were observed in the liver.
Spleen. Spleens of all Creek Chubs (n = 2) collected from the fish reference
site were moderately to highly perfused with red blood cells. In contrast, spleens
of 37% of Creek Chubs from site 1 (n = 11) and 50% from site 2 (n = 10) were
moderately to highly perfused with red blood cells. Spleens of 63% of Creek
Chubs treated for 3 hours (n = 8) at site 3 were moderately to highly perfused
with red blood cells, whereas 25% of those exposed for 48 hours (n = 4) scored
similarly. No Creek Chubs at site 4 (n = 1) had moderate to high amounts of red
blood cells. No lesions were observed in the spleen.
Kidney. Reference fish (n = 3) and those collected from site 4 (n = 3) were
without head or trunk kidney abnormalities. Varying numbers of fish exposed to
affected Acorn Fork water had granulomatous inflammation, but only at site 2
was the incidence significantly greater than at the fish reference site (Psite 1 = 0.80,
Psite 2 = 0.02, Psite 3 = 0.06, Psite 4 = 0.18, Fig. 5).
Water quality
Conductivity measured at the water reference site above well #4 between 15
June and 9 August 2007 ranged from 430–639 μS/cm. At the fish reference site,
conductivity was 190 μS/cm and 244 μS/cm on 15 June and 24 July 2007, respectively.
At the time of fish sampling (10 July 2007), conductivity at site 1 was
1917 μS/cm having decreased from a high of 2690 μS/cm on 22 June 2007; by
24 July 2007, conductivity at site 1 was still elevated at 1265 μS/cm (Table 1).
Conductivity measured at site 2 ranged between 279 and 308 μS/cm from 22 June
to 9 August 2007 and was 291 μS/cm on 10 July 2007 when fish were collected
Table 1. Conductivity measured between 22 June 2007 and 9 August 2007 in water at four fishcollection
sites in Acorn Fork and its unnamed tributaries.
Conductivity (μS/cm)
Date Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4
June 22 2690 279 8190 35,900
July 10 1917 291 8380 29,200
July 24 1265 293 7650 25,200
July 26 5500
August 9 308 4620 12,610
D.M. Papoulias and A.L. Velasco
2013 Southeastern Naturalist
Vol. 12, Special Issue 4
Figure 5. Percent number of fish with kidney tisue showing granulomatous inflammation.
Asterisk indicates a signficant difference between results at the fish reference site (Reference)
and the affected site (Fisher’s Exact Test, P < 0.05).
for this study (Table 1). Conductivities at sites 3 and 4 were the highest on 22
June 2007 (greater than 8000 and 35,000 μS/cm, respectively) and were still
up to 50 times greater than reference sites when reference fish were collected
and on-site testing occurred 24 July 2007 (Table 1). On 9 August 2007, nearly
7 weeks after wells #3 and #4 were fracked, conductivity at site 4 remained elevated
at 12,610 μS/cm. Water from two locations uninfluenced by wells (i.e.,
above wells #1 and #4) measured pH 7.1 and 7.8 on 25 June. Creek water had
a pH of 5.5 on 23 May and 5 June 2007 just below the confluence of the Acorn
Fork mainstem with the west branch. On 25 June 2007, creek water below well
#3 and above site 4 was pH 6.5; pH was 7.31 at Site 2; 5.61 at site 4; and 7.25 at
site 1. No other pH measurements were made. On 25 June 2007, hardness measured
41.7 mg/L CaCO3 at the water reference site, 30.1 mg/L CaCO3 at site 1;
45.5 mg/L CaCO3 at site 2, and 10.9 mg/L CaCO3 at site 3.
On 22 June 2007, approximately 1 week after wells #3 and #4 were fracked,
when conductivity at site 4 was over 35,000 μS/cm (the highest measured),
chloride ions, sulfate ions, and all the metals except Al and Fe were also at
the highest levels measured at any site in this study (Table 2). With the exception
of sulfate, water concentrations of the other analytes were greatest at
sites 3 and 4 and greater at site 1 when compared to site 2 (Table 2). Sulfates
were highest (450 mg/L) at the water reference site, followed by sites 2 and 1
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2013 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 12, Special Issue 4
(Table 2). The water reference site was similar to sites 1 or 2 for most elements
except chloride, Fe, and Mn (Table 2). Chloride at site 1 was elevated over
concentrations at site 2 and the water reference site (Table 2). Chloride concentrations
exceeded Kentucky water-quality standards only at sites 3 and 4
(Table 2). Iron and Mn were slightly higher at sites 1 and 2 compared to the
water reference site (Table 2). At least 3 heavy metals exceeded Kentucky
Table 2. Concentrations of selected elements measured in unfiltered water samples collected from
Acorn Fork and tributaries in 2007. Acute and chronic surface water standard values are from State
of Kentucky (2011) unless otherwise noted. NC = not collected. < = below detection. Dashes indicate
no aquatic-life standard available. Symbol (§ or *) indicates an exceedance above corresponding
standard value for CaCO3 (acute or chronic, respectively). Cond. = conductivity.
Element (mg/L)
Date Cond.
(2007) Site (μS/cm) Al Cd Cl- Cr2
B Cu Fe
24-Jul Ref (fish) 244 NC NC NC NC NC NC
10-Jul Ref (water) 430 0.196* less than 0.0001 less than 1 0.0006 0.0023§ 1
10-Jul 1 1917 0.075 less than 0.0001 480 0.0013 0.0041§ 2**
10-Jul 2 291 0.108* less than 0.0001 17 0.0008 0.0024§ 1**
10-Jul 3 8380 1.670§§ 0.0003§ 2900§§ 0.0018 0.0114§§ 251§§
22-Jun 4 35,900 0.355* 0.0005§ 8500§§ 0.0048 0.0349§§ 41§§
Standard values as mg/L CaCO3
10.9 mg/L = § - 0.0002 - - 0.0017 -
41.7 mg/L = §§ 0.750A 0.0009 1200 0.0061 4
10.9 mg/L = * 0.0870A 0.0001 - - 0.0014 -
41.7 mg/L = ** - 0.0001 600 0.0044 1
Element (mg/L)
(2007) Site Mg Mn Ni Pb SO4
2 – Sr Zn
24-Jul Ref (fish) NC NC NC NC NC NC NC
10-Jul Ref (water) 31 0.1 0.002 less than 0.0005 450 0.2 0.006
10-Jul 1 31 0.1 0.005 less than 0.0005 150 1.8 0.061§§
10-Jul 2 15 1.8 0.002 less than 0.0005 200 0.1 less than 0.005
10-Jul 3 133 12.0 0.047** 0.0028** 8 4.6 0.053§
22-Jun 4 330 19.6 0.071** 0.0038** 35 44.6 0.064§§
Standard values as mg/L CaCO3
10.9 mg/L = § - - 0.010 0.0050 - - 0.018
41.7 mg/L = §§ - - 0.224 0.0270 - - 0.057
10.9 mg/L = * - - 0.008 0.0002 - - 0.018
41.7 mg/L = ** - - 0.025 0.0010 - - 0.057
AValues (CMC and CCC for aquatic life) from EPA (2009) are not hardness specific.
BTotal chromium. There are no Kentucky surface water standards for aquatic habitats for total
chromium. Values for chromium VI are not hardness specific and are 0.016 and 0.011 for acute
and chronic values, respectively; chromium III acute and chronic at 41.7 mg/L CaCO3 are 0.881
and 0.294 mg/L, respectively; chromium III acute and chronic at 10.9 mg/L CaCO3 are 0.042 and
0.014 mg/L, respectively.
D.M. Papoulias and A.L. Velasco
2013 Southeastern Naturalist
Vol. 12, Special Issue 4
water-quality standards at all sites (Table 2). Kentucky water-quality standards
for Al were exceeded at sites 2, 3, and 4 and for Zn at sites 1, 3, and 4 (Table 2).
Chromium was the only metal of the 11 measured to not exceed the Kentucky
water criterion at sites 3 and 4 (Table 2).
Distress and tissue injury can occur in freshwater fishes with o smoregulatory
systems not suited to rapid changes in pH or conductivity such as that which
occurred during the spill incident in Acorn Fork. Fishes have a defined range of
tolerance to aquatic pH and dissolved solids measured as specific conductivity.
A pH between 6.5 and 9.0 is required by most freshwater fishes (Fromm 1980).
Although technical problems with a field pH meter did not permit measurements
on all dates, the present study shows that creek waters of the Acorn Fork system
unaffected by fracking normally have a pH 7.0 or higher, conductivities less than
500 μS/cm, low to moderate hardness, and are low in dissolved elements. Recently,
the EPA (2011) established a chronic field-based aquatic-life benchmark
for conductivity of 300 μS/cm specifically for the Appalachian region including
eastern Kentucky, where the pH-neutral waters are dominated by salts of Ca2+,
Mg2+, SO4
2−, and HCO3−. This benchmark is consistent with the upper limit of 240
μS/cm identified by Black et al. (2013[this issue]) as a good predictor of streams
occupied by Blackside Dace populations.
Acorn Fork water downstream of fracked wells was observed to be as low as
5.6 pH and as high as 35,900 μS/cm conductivity. Overall, the water elemental
and ionic laboratory analyses were consistent with field-measured conductivity,
such that elements and ions tended to be elevated in water samples from
sites where conductivity also was elevated. Conductivity, elements, and ions
were higher nearer to wells #3 and #4 than further downstream. However, well
fracking activity effects on water quality were still notable at site 1, a distance
of approximately 3 km downstream of the wells. Elevated sulfates, at the water
reference site above well #4, suspected to be due to historic coal mining activity,
may explain the higher conductivity values at this site. Conductivity was consistently
lowest at site 2. Site 2 is below a 2.4-ha lake into which fracking effluent
flowed and was diluted. State and federal standards established to protect aquatic
life were exceeded for heavy metals and chloride ions at some or all affected sites
(EPA 2009, State of Kentucky 2011). No measurements of the reference water
exceeded standards. Three of the 11 metals exceeded standards at sites 1 and 2,
whereas 7 of the metals and chloride ions exceeded levels protective of aquatic
life at sites 3 and 4.
The toxicity of many metals is increased in soft waters low in calcium and
magnesium ions (Allen and Janssen 2006). Moreover, the toxicity of waters containing
heavy metals tends to increase under reduced pH because the elements
are maintained in the water column where they are bioavailable (Manahan 1972).
Creek Chubs, and to a lesser extent Green Sunfish, exposed to Acorn Fork water
contaminated with fracking effluent showed more tissue damage and stress than
D.M. Papoulias and A.L. Velasco
2013 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 12, Special Issue 4
fish from an unaffected reference site. The most severely affected fish were those
collected at site 2, and the reference site fish exposed on-site to contaminated
water at site 3. Fewer signs of tissue damage were observed in fish collected in
August at site 4, despite higher conductivities here than at any other site. However,
behavioral observations and spleen condition of these fish indicated they
were experiencing stress. It is likely these Creek Chubs had only recently moved
downstream into this area where previously all fish had been killed by a large
pulse of wastewater. Fish at site 1, 3 km downstream from the wells, showed
signs of tissue damage and stress, but generally fewer individuals were affected
than at sites 2 and 3.
The magnitude of effects of aquatic acidification on fish will vary dependent
on the source of the hydrogen ions, water calcium ion concentration, the
presence of heavy metals, and their speciation (Henry et al. 2001). Aquatic
acidification changes the biochemical properties of the gill tissue and disrupts
the flow of ions (e.g., sodium and chloride) at the gill-water interface, subsequently
changing blood ion concentrations (Evans 1987). Respiratory distress
also can occur from exposure to low environmental pH as a result of excess epithelial
hyperplasia and mucus accumulation on gills (Daye and Garside 1976,
Evans 1987). The same gill lesions observed on Creek Chubs and Green Sunfish
exposed to Acorn Fork waters (epithelial lifting and edema, epithelial cel l
hyperplasia and swelling, curling of secondary lamellae, touching and fusion
of lamellae) have been reported for many fish species exposed to low environmental
pH, dissolved heavy metals, or both (Chevalier et al. 1985, Evans et
al. 1988, Figueiredo-Fernandes et al. 2007, Gill et al. 1988, Karan et al. 1988,
Visoottiviseth et al. 1999).
Granulomatous inflammation is commonly observed in fish organs due to
disease and parasites (Hedrick et al. 1993, Rahimian 1998). Chronic exposure
to very low pH has been reported to affect fish kidney morphology (Saenphet et
al. 2009), but no reports were found of renal granulomas as a result of exposure
to acidic conditions or from exposure to heavy metals. Although granulomatous
inflammation was only observed in fish exposed to affected Acorn Fork water,
its association with the degraded water quality may be a secondary response in
chronically stressed fish.
Metals can affect gill tissue by adsorbing to the surface and by active or passive
transport across the gill epithelia. Metal ions will vary in their ability to
form ionic bonds at the surface of gill tissue or to move across epithelia to form
covalent bonds in cytosol (Wepener et al. 2001). Modes of action of these metals
are variable but generally involve interference with enzymes, resulting in
adverse consequences for osmoregulation, respiration, and reproduction (Goyer
and Clarkson 2001). Metals detected in this study also have been shown to affect
behaviors such as avoidance, coughing, and changes in ventilation rate at or
below guidance levels (Atchinson et al. 1987).
Two of the metals, Al and Fe, were elevated in water samples and were
also detected by histochemistry only in gill tissue of fish collected from the
D.M. Papoulias and A.L. Velasco
2013 Southeastern Naturalist
Vol. 12, Special Issue 4
affected areas of Acorn Fork. The toxicity of Al to fishes has been wellstudied
(Sparling and Lowe 1996). National aquatic life guidance criteria for
Al (i.e., for chronic exposure, 87 μg/L at pH 6.5–9.0; EPA 2009) were exceeded
at sites 2, 3, and 4. However, site-specific water quality, particularly
pH, calcium ion concentration, and presence of organic or inorganic complexing
agents, together with the species and life-stage of the fish determine
the degree of Al toxicity (see references in DeLonay et al. 1993). Observed
accumulation of Al in gill tissue of fish collected in this study reflected the
concentration of Al measured in water samples (i.e., site 1 < site 2 < site 4 <
site 3). Although Al was not measured at the fish reference site, the absence
of Al in gill tissue is consistent with expected low concentrations of Al at the
conductivity measured, based on historical records of unaffected stream waters
of eastern Kentucky (Dyer and Curtis 1977).
Unlike Al, Fe toxicity to fish has not been as thoroughly tested. Guidance
levels for chronic exposure to iron have been suggested at 1000 μg/L total Fe
(Buchman 2008), but toxicity is highly dependent on the ionic form of Fe present
(Teien et al. 2008). Total Fe was 40–250 times this level at sites 3 and 4, but
only slightly higher than 1000 μg/L at sites 1 and 2. Iron uptake, however, was
evident only in gills of fish from site 1. Although Fe concentrations were greater
at sites 3 and 4, site-specific water quality, increased transepithelial movement
of Al over Fe, or both, may explain why no Fe was detected in gills of fish from
these sites by histochemistry.
The results of this histological evaluation of Creek Chub and Green Sunfish
exposed to affected Acorn Fork water provides evidence that the releases
of fracking fluids degraded water quality sufficiently to cause lesions or exacerbate
general stress-indicators in these and likely other fish species present,
including Blackside Dace. Differences were observed in type and severity of
lesions when compared to fish from a reference site, despite uncertainties regarding
where collected fish originated, and for how long they were exposed
to affected Acorn Fork water at sites 1 and 2. Furthermore, fish collected from
sites with elevated Al and Fe concentrations bioaccumulated these metals.
Laboratory studies that remove the additional environmental stressors present
in the stream environment could aid in identifying specific causes of the lesions
and stress.
The major loss of fish habitat due to decreased environmental pH and increased
conductivity has been attributable to drainage from active and abandoned
mine operations (Sams and Beer 2000), as well as activities associated with
land-based gas and oil exploration (Sidhu and Mitsch 1987). The water quality
of natural mountain stream waters of eastern Kentucky is typified by low conductivity
(<100 μS/cm), near neutral pH, moderate buffering (Ca+ <6.5 mg/L, Mg+
≤3.5 mg/L, HCO3
- <25 mg/L, SO4
2−<30, Cl- <5 mg/L), and low concentrations of
dissolved iron (<0.25 mg/L) and aluminum (<0.07 mg/L) (Dyer and Curtis 1977).
Fishes of the Appalachian mountain region, such as Blackside Dace, evolved
under and adapted to these conditions (Jones 2005). The abrupt and persistent
D.M. Papoulias and A.L. Velasco
2013 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 12, Special Issue 4
post-fracking changes in water quality within the Blackside Dace habitat that
resulted in very high conductivity, lowered pH, and lowered alkalinity, coupled
with toxic concentrations of metals, could be expected to be deleterious to
Blackside Dace health and survival. The timing of this incident was especially
injurious to the species because it occurred during the spawning season. Moreover,
the adverse effects of this incident in the Acorn Fork headwater extended
over several months, likely causing long-term local and downstream disruption
of ecosystem function (Freeman et al. 2007).
As efforts accelerate to unleash new energy sources, application of technologies
such as hydraulic fracturing can, if not carefully developed, compound the
effects of ecosystem degradation caused by past resource extraction (Groat and
Grimshaw 2012). This is clearly the case in the Appalachian Highlands, where
mining, logging, agriculture, and development have cumulatively degraded
aquatic ecosystems, fragmenting freshwater fish populations to the extent that
population mixing and gene flow have become restricted (Freund 2004, Pond
2012, Warren et al. 2000). The findings of this study will be useful in assessing
injury to the threatened Blackside Dace and its habitat, and demonstrate the utility
of on-site field exposures, histology, and histochemistry when investigating
impacts of hydraulic fracturing on small streams.
The authors are grateful to Bob Snow, Mindi Lawson, Michael Floyd, and Mike
Armstrong (US Fish and Wildlife Service) for their many long days of field support;
also to John Brumley (Kentucky Division of Water) and John Williams (Kentucky
Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources), and their crews, with post-release field
assessments. Special thanks to Ryder Velasco for his assistance during the in situ
treatment, and in particular to Valerie Hudson (former Deputy Commissioner of the
Energy and Environment Cabinet), whose support, coordination, vision, and spirit
helped maintain steady progress. The authors thank Mandy Annis and Vanessa Veléz
for preparation of fish samples for histopathology. Susan Finger assisted with initial
study design, supplies, and advice. Julia Towns-Campbell provided invaluable library
support. Dr. Jeffrey Wolf (Experimental Pathology Laboratories) reviewed some of the
histology slides. Marcia Nelson, CERC Outreach Coordinator, assisted with graphics
and publication outreach. Finally, we are grateful for the determination of the Reverend
Ova Grubb, a life-long resident of Acorn Fork, who called agencies and experts until
he could resolve the environmental damage occurring to the aquatic ecosystem near his
residence. This work was partially supported with funding from US Fish and Wildlife
Service, under contract agreement No. 401818N502.
Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not
imply endorsement by the US Government. The findings and conclusions in this article
are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the US Fish and
Wildlife Service.
D.M. Papoulias and A.L. Velasco
2013 Southeastern Naturalist
Vol. 12, Special Issue 4
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