Fleshy Saprobic and Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Communities
Associated with Healthy and Declining Eastern Hemlock
Stands in Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Richard Baird, C. Elizabeth Stokes, Alicia Wood-Jones, Mark Alexander, Clarence Watson, Glenn Taylor, Kristine Johnson, Thomas Remaley, and Susan Diehl
Southeastern Naturalist, Volume 13, Special Issue 6 (2014): 192–218
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Southeastern Naturalist
R. Baird, et al.
Vol. 13, Special Issue 6
Fleshy Saprobic and Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Communities
Associated with Healthy and Declining Eastern Hemlock
Stands in Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Richard Baird1,*, C. Elizabeth Stokes1, Alicia Wood-Jones1, Mark Alexander2,
Clarence Watson3, Glenn Taylor4, Kristine Johnson4, Thomas Remaley4,
and Susan Diehl5
Abstract - Prior to the loss of Tsuga canadensis (Eastern Hemlock) stands in the Great
Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM), we collected baseline data during 2006–2009
at two locations (Copeland Creek and Gabes Mountain) regarding macrofungi that occur
under this tree species. We studied macrofungi in order to understand the current and
changing ectomycorrhizal and saprobic fungal community structure associated with healthy
(imidicloprid-treated) and dying Eastern Hemlock stands and to contribute data for the All
Taxa Biodiversity Inventory (ATBI) in GRSM. A total of 121 taxa representing 75 ectomycorrhizal,
1 pathogenic, and 45 saprobic species, were collected from 92, 59, and 106
sampling locations in 2006, 2007, and 2008, respectively. Macrofungal species richness,
diversity, and evenness (E) in Copeland Creek were significantly greater (P = 0.05) in
2006 than 2007. Eighty percent of all fungi collected were found in Copeland Creek (487
m elevation) where trees are <75 years old; the remaining 20% were collected at Gabes
Mountain (1158 m elevation) where trees are >150 years old. The most common taxa found
across sampling locations included Russula fragrantissima (22.0%), Amanita citrina var.
lavendula (Lavender False Death Cap; 17.1%), Austroboletus gracilis (Graceful Bolete;
14.6%), Laccaria laccata (Deceiver; 9.8%), and Russula russuloides (9.8%). Amanita cinereopannosa
occurred at a low frequency overall (2.4% of trees sampled) but when present
had high abundance. Total macrofungi and ectomycorrhizal fungi at Copeland Creek had
significantly greater species richness, density, and evenness than at the Gabes Mountain
site. Ectomycorrhizal fungi evenness values following imidicloprid soil-drenching treatments
were significantly less uniform for macrofungi collected from within 5 m of trees
treated in subplots with full rates of the chemical than for those near untreated trees (E =
0.2 and 0.4, respectively). In addition, there was a numerical trend towards significantly less
diversity and evenness at the full chemical application rate compared to the half rate or untreated
control plots. There were no differences in the occurrence of saprobic fungi between
chemically treated and control trees. Associated vegetation had a significant impact on the
occurrence of macrofungi. Across both locations, a total of 37 plant, shrub, or tree species
were identified; Acer pensylvanicum (Striped Maple) with an overall abundance of 11.0%,
Pyrularia pubera (Buffalo Nut; 10.5%), Ilex opaca (American Holly; 8.2%), Calycanthus
floridus (Eastern Sweetshrub; 4.8%), and Rhododendron maximum (Great Rhododendron;
4.7%), were the most common associated species. Species richness, diversity, and evenness
of the associated vegetation were significantly different between locations. Evenness data
for plant species abundance was not equal, but varied within and across locations.
1BCH-EPP Department, Box 9655, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS
39762. 2Carbon Institute, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996. 3University of
Arkansas Division of Agriculture, 2404 North University Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72207.
4Vegetation Unit, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 107 Park Headquarters, Gatlinburg,
TN 37738. 5Forest Products, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS
39762. *Corresponding author - rbaird@plantpath.msstate.edu.
Manuscript Editor: Kevin Kuehn
Forest Impacts and Ecosystem Effects of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in the Eastern US
2014 Southeastern Naturalist 13(Special Issue 6):192–218
Southeastern Naturalist
R. Baird, et al.
2014 Vol. 13, Special Issue 6
Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carrière (Eastern Hemlock, hereafter, Hemlock) is the
most shade-tolerant tree species in the eastern US; it is able to survive in the understory
at 5 percent full sunlight or greater (Baker 1949, Godman and Lancaster 1990,
Graham 1954). Although reproduction can occur on bare, exposed soil, Hemlock
usually becomes established under a closed canopy, and over the course of a century
or more, it emerges from the subcanopy to become a dominant climax species
(Tubbs 1977).
The dense, evergreen canopy associated with mature hemlock forests creates a
unique environment that is a critical habitat for many animal and plant species; more
than 120 vertebrate species require mature Hemlock stands (DeGraaf et al. 1992,
Ward et al. 2004). A wide variety of aquatic species are associated exclusively with
streams sheltered by Hemlock (Snyder et al. 2004). Evans (2002) reported that Salvelinus
fontinalis Mitchill (Brook Trout) populations and macroinvertebrate diversity
were significantly greater in Hemlock-shaded streams, which had low summer temperatures
and were less likely to become dry than in open canopy stands.
Adelges tsugae Annand (Hemlock Woolly Adelgid [HWA]) defoliates and kills
Hemlocks, often creating large gaps in the canopy. Canopy disturbance can catalyze
a cascade of events: more sunlight reaching the soil elevates soil temperature, which
increases microbial activity, and results in enhanced soil N (Sirulnik et al. 2005).
Hemlock mortality associated with HWA infestation has been shown to alter soil
conditions and fungal communities. Sirulnik et al. (2005) reported that higher NO3
levels occurred in HWA-infested areas than healthy Hemlock-dominated stands,
suggesting that Hemlock mortality is associated with increased N. Furthermore,
examination of ectomycorrhizal roots suggested that HWA-induced defoliation
may result in reduced ectomycorrhizal density and species richness. Thus, reduced
macrofungal abundance and diversity, particularly of ectomycorrhizal species, can
be expected after heavy HWA infestations in Hemlock forests (Lewis et al. 2008).
Grime et al. (1987) suggested that mycorrhizal interactions play a role in the mediation
of plant competition, and may even influence species composition. A study by van
der Heijden et al. (1998) showed that higher levels of fungal diversity resulted in higher
levels of plant diversity and productivity of grassland ecosystems. Conservation of
mycorrhizal and saprobc fungal diversity is crucial to maintenance of plant diversity
and plant-community composition in grasslands, as well as in other ecosystems such
as boreal forests, where the fungal community is known to influence allocation of
resources between plant species (Read 1991, Simard 1997). Because of the apparent
ecological importance of ectomycorrhizal fungi, it is critical to determine their associates
in healthy Hemlock stands, and to preserve these fungi for reintroduction if HWA
control measures are effective and allow Hemlock reforestation.
Previous work has shown that the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid is effective
in controlling HWA in landscape environments (Cowles et al. 2004, Doccola
et al. 2003, Steward and Horner 1994, Webb et al. 2003). However, the secondary
impacts of the chemical on other insects and arthropod species have only recently
been examined (Reynolds 2008). Moore et al. (1988) suggested that arthropods
Southeastern Naturalist
R. Baird, et al.
Vol. 13, Special Issue 6
play a major role in regulating micro- and mesobiota in below-ground detrital food
webs. Many fungi are consumed by mycophagous Collembolans, oribatids, enchytraeids,
and Dipterans (Moore et al. 1988; Newell 1984a, b; Shaw 1992). Many
Coleopterans (beetles), Hymenopterans (ants), and Isopterans (termites) are fungivores
(Martin 1987, Shaw 1992), and are often fungi-species–specific or selective
feeders (Bills et al. 2004). Van der Drift and Jansen (1977) suggested that fungal activity
might be stimulated by grazing, whereas Hanlon and Anderson (1979) showed
that grazing resulted in a decrease in fungal populations with a subsequent increase
in bacterial numbers. The soil-drench method of imidacloprid application impacts
insect communities in the litter and soil (Mullin et al. 2005). Recent research in
a Hemlock forest demonstrated that imidacloprid killed Collembolan species
throughout the drench zone following treatment (Reynolds 2008). The imidacloprid-
induced removal of fungivores from the Hemlock rhizosphere could result in
a variety of effects on soil fungi. Negative effects could include the proliferation of
plant pathogenic fungi in the absence of fungivorous insects. Furthermore, nutrient
cycling could be disrupted with the removal of litter-degrading insects, as simplified
substrates become unavailable for use by beneficial fungi (Ingham and Thies 1996).
Ectomycorrhizal fungal populations would likely be affected by the imidaclopridinduced
mortality of soil invertebrates. Disturbances that change forest tree species
composition or completely remove a dominant species from an area can have large
and lasting impacts on ectomycorrhizal abundance and diversity (Durall et al. 1999,
Visser 1995). A recent study carried out over 12 months reported that ectomycorrhizal
hyphal abundance in soils was significantly reduced following experimental girdling
of Notholithocarpus densiflorus (Hook & Arn.) Manos, Cannon, and S.H. Oh
(Tan Oak) (Bergemann et al. 2013). The authors concluded that lower hyphal levels
in soil might have been due to the reduced carbon availability caused by tree mortality
(Kaiser et al. 2010, Pena et al. 2010). Therefore, loss of Hemlock in the eastern
US could affect species richness, diversity and evenness of both saprobic and ectomycorrhizal
fungal communities in these forest ecosystems.
Little is known about the character and function of Hemlock-associated fungi,
and until now, no study has been conducted on the assemblage of soilborne fungi
associated with healthy pure stands of mature Hemlock. Without baseline data on
pre-HWA-infested, pre-imidacloprid-treated Hemlock, there would be no reference
for comparison with the forest following Hemlock decline. Therefore, the purpose
of this study was to obtain baseline data on the species composition, richness, and
diversity of fleshy saprobic and ectomycorrhizal fungi that formed basidiomata
associated with uninfested, old-growth Hemlock and to determine if imidacloprid
treatments impact fungal communities.
Study area
We conducted our study April 2006–September 2008 at 2 locations in Great
Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM): Copeland Creek (elevation 487 m) and
Gabes Mountain (elevation 1158 m). Both sites consisted of pure stands of mature
Southeastern Naturalist
R. Baird, et al.
2014 Vol. 13, Special Issue 6
Hemlock and were the same ones used in a previous study of Hemlock rhizosphere
microbial communities (Baird et al. 2014 [this issue]).
Sampling methodology
We determined plot sizes and shapes based on available healthy Hemlock stands
(see below). At each site, we established one 48.8 x 48.8-m plot which we divided
into sixty-four 6.1 x 6.1-m subplots in an 8 x 8 grid to more precisely define macrofungal
sporophore abundance and diversity. We counted all Hemlock trees within
the subplots, measured their diameter at breast height (dbh), and determined tree
heights using a Suunto® clinometer (http://www.suunto.com). All other tree species
and lesser woody vegetation were inventoried and characterized within the subplots
(Baird et al. 2014 [this issue]).
We recorded tree-crown health-indicator data for each Hemlock tree within
each subplot at both locations. Crown-condition classification included vigor class,
uncompact live-crown ratio, crown light exposure, crown position, crown density,
crown dieback, and foliage transparency (Schomaker et al. 2007). These indicators
of crown health were based on pure stands of Hemlock rated at vigor 1 or >35%
crown ratio, which indicated high vigor or healthy sites. Tree-climbers in the area
provided us with data they had collected the month before the study, which indicated
that these sites had approximately 30% foliage infestation at the beginning
of the study, but needles remained intact and the crowns healthy. We also obtained
vigor data at the end of the third year of the study, which included insect infestation
levels based on tree-climber data.
We selected 20 Hemlock trees with dbh >20 cm. All chemical application-rates
and treatments followed those previously described by Baird et al. (2014 [this issue]).
Selected trees were at least 10 m apart to avoid interactions between roots of
nearby trees during treatments. To experimentally assess the effect of imidacloprid
on soil fungi, we subjected each of the 20 selected trees per plot to 1 of 2 imidacloprid
treatments or a non-treatment control. We replicated each treatment on a minimum
of 6 randomly selected trees per location and applied all chemical treatments
in September 2006. Treatments included: 1) a single imidacloprid (Merit® SP a.i.
75) application at rate of 11.8 ml/1 cm dbh, 2) a single application at 5.9 ml/1 cm
dbh, and 3) a non-treatment control. We sampled all macrofungal sporocarps each
month from April–September in 2006–2008 within each subplot at both locations.
We collected all macrofungi present on the forest floor (terrestrial) or on woody
debris within the subplot and noted the associated tree species when present. We
transported specimens to laboratory facilities on the day of collection and stored
them at 4 °C for up to 12 h. For each specimen, we recorded macromorphological
characteristics of fresh basidiomata (Largent et al. 1977). We photographed each
fresh specimen in the field and laboratory for future reference and to aid in identification.
We determined color for each specimen using the Methuen Handbook
of Colour (Kornerup and Wanscher 1978). Following collection data from fresh
specimens, we preserved basidiomata by warm-air drying and stored them for
later microscopic data collection (Largent et al. 1977). We rehydrated dried tissues
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Vol. 13, Special Issue 6
with 10% KOH or 95% ETOH and then rinsed them in distilled water. We used a
compound microscope to determine micromorphological details including characteristics
of basidia, hyphae, cystidia, and spores. Voucher collections from the study
are housed at MSU herbarium (R. Baird, MSU collections H 1-197). We obtained
voucher specimens from TENN (University of Tennessee Herbarium, Knoxville,
TN) to confirm our identifications. We obtained monthly precipitation totals recorded
at Elkmont (TN11) in the GRSM and reported by the National Atmospheric
Deposition Program (http://nadp.sws.uiuc.edu/).
Statistical analyses
We randomly assigned the two insecticide treatments and the untreated control
treatment to trees within each location, and we analyzed the data as a completely
randomized design within each location. All data were analyzed using analysis of
variance (ANOVA). Fisher’s protected least significant difference test (P < 0.05)
was performed to compare means. Pearson correlation coefficients were estimated
using Proc CORR- of SAS® (SAS Institute 1999) to evaluate the association among
fungal diversity values and tree-health indicators within respective subplots. A
Bonferroni correction was applied to adjust for multiple correlative comparisons.
We calculated species richness and diversity indices, and coefficient of community
or beta diversity (Dyke 2003) for ectomycorrhizal and saprobic taxa based
on our counts of the sporocarps that we collected and identified. We used the total
number of basidiomata for each species within the plots to calculate biodiversity.
The biodiversity indices calculated included species richness (n), Shannon-Weaver
species diversity index (H'), Shannon species evenness index (E), and coefficient
of community (CC) (Price 1997; Stephenson 1989; Stephenson et al. 2004). The
Shannon diversity index is highly sensitive to species evenness and the presence of
rare species. It is also the most widely used measurement of biodiversity, which allowed
us to compare our results with those from previous studies (Magurran 2004).
We also calculated relative frequency of fungal occurrence. Where appropriate,
data were further analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the
general linear models procedure (Proc GLM) of the Statistical Analyses System
Software (SAS® Institute, Inc. 1999).
We collected a total of 121 species of macrofungi representing 66 genera during
the 3-year study (Appendix A), which comprised 45 saprobic, 1 parasitic, and
75 ectomycorrhizal species. At both study sites, a total of 77.6% of the collections
were located <5 m from the Hemlock trees selected for chemical treatment or within
control plots. Of the total species identified, 80.0% were collected from Copeland
Creek and 20.0% from Gabes Mountain. The macrofungi collected included 92,
59, and 106 taxa obtained from 2006, 2007, and 2008, respectively. The dominant
species, accounting for 27.5% of collections, included Russula fragrantissima Romagn.
(at 22.0% of trees sampled), Amanita citrina var. lavendula (Coker) Sartory
& Maire (Lavender False Death Cap; 17.1%), Austroboletus gracilis (Peck) Wolfe
Southeastern Naturalist
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2014 Vol. 13, Special Issue 6
(Graceful Bolete; 14.6%), Laccaria laccata (Scop.) Cooke (Deceiver; 9.8%), and
Gymnopus dryophilus (Bull.) Murrill; 9.8%). Amanita cinereopannosa Bas had low
frequency (2.4% of trees sampled), but when present it was abundant: it accounted
for 96% of all taxa collected. However, the majority of macrofungi taxa occurred
at low abundance and frequency. For example, 64 taxa were represented by only a
single collection date over the 3-year study.
Sporophore formation is highly influenced by precipitation throughout a growing
season. March–April precipitation totals measured at the GRSM Tremont
station in 2006, 2007, and 2008 were 17.0, 19.1, and 14.2 cm, respectively (Fig. 1).
Monthly rainfall was highly variable but generally declined later in the season.
Notably, May–August 2007 rainfall was extremely low.
At Copeland Creek, macrofungi and ectomycorrhizal species had significantly
greater richness, diversity, and evenness than at those Gabes Mountain (Table 1),
whereas analysis of saprobic fungi data showed similar values at both locations. Ectomycorrhizal
species evenness had significantly lower uniformity for the full-rate
imidacloprid application (E = 0.2) than for the untreated control (E = 0.4). In addition,
there was a trend toward less diversity and evenness in plots that received the
full chemical rate treatment compared to those that received the half-rate treatment
or untreated control trees. Among saprobic fungi, there were no significant differences
between sites, chemical rates or years (data not shown). Fungal diversity and
evenness values were significantly greater in 2006 than in 2007 for both total and ectomycorrhizal
macrofungi at Copeland Creek (Table 2). In 2006 and 2008, total and
ectomycorrhizal fungi at Copeland Creek had significantly greater richness, diversity,
and evenness than at Gabes Mountain. At Copeland Creek, richness, diversity,
and evenness values in 2006 were significantly greater than in 2007 for both total and
Figure 1. Monthly precipitation totals recorded by the National Atmospheric Deposition
Program, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Sevier County, TN 2006–2008.
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ectomycorrhizal fungi. In contrast to the ectomycorrhizal species, the results for saprobic
macrofungi were similar during the 3 years of the study (data not shown).
We compared coefficient of community values for ectomycorrhizal, saprobic,
and total macrofungi and derived an average CC value of 0.34. A total of 19.4%
of all fungi identified, 15.2% of ectomycorrhizal fungi, and 26.9% of saprobic
macrofungi occurred at both sites. We compared the species occurrence data by
group (ectomycrrhizal fungi and saprobic fungi) and total fungi by imidicloprid
Table 1. Species richness, diversity, and evenness of total and ectomycorrhizal macrofungi associated
with Eastern Hemlock by site, rate, and year, Great Smoky Mountains National Park 2006–2008. Copeland
Creek is a second-growth mature Hemlock forest, 487 m elevation. Gabes Mountain is a virgin
old-growth forest at 1158 m elevation. n = species richness, H' = Shannon diversity index, and E =
Shannon evenness index across two treatments and control. Rate indicates imidacloprid soil-drench
application at full dosage (11.8 ml/cm dbh), half (5.9 ml/cm dbh) dosage, and untreated control rates.
Within each of the data grouping, means followed by the same letter in the same column are not significantly
different using Fisher’s LSD test (P > 0.05).
n H' E
Total macrofungi predictors
Copeland Creek 3.1a 0.8a 0.6a
Gabes Mountain 0.8b 0.2b 0.3b
LSD 0.6 0.2 0.1
Ectomycorrhizal Macrofungi Predictors
Copeland Creek 2.4a 0.6a 0.5a
Gabes Mountain 0.2b <0.1b <0.1b
LSD 0.5 0.2 0.1
Total macrofungi predictors
11.8 ml/cm dbh 1.8a 0.5a 0.4a
5.9 ml/cm dbh 2.2a 0.6a 0.5a
Untreated control 1.8a 0.6a 0.4a
LSD 0.8 0.2 0.2
Ectomycorrhizal Macrofungi Predictors
11.8 ml/cm dbh 1.2a 0.3a 0.2a
5.9 ml/cm dbh 1.5a 0.4a 0.3ab
Untreated control 1.3a 0.4a 0.4b
LSD 0.7 0.2 0.1
Total macrofungi predictors
2006 1.8a 0.5a 0.5a
2007 1.1a 0.2b 0.3b
2008 1.3a 0.4ab 0.4ab
LSD 0.9 0.2 0.2
Ectomycorrhizal Macrofungi Predictors
2006 1.3a 0.4a 0.3a
2007 0.6a 0.1b 0.1b
2008 0.9a 0.3ab 0.3a
LSD 0.7 0.2 0.2
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half-rate vs. full rate treatments, imidicloprid full-rate treatment vs. control, and
imidicloprid half-rate treatment vs. control. The CC values were 0–0.518 and averaged
0.34. Species overlaps were 21.6% for the full-rate vs. control comparisons,
33.3% for the full-rate vs. half rate comparisons, and 48.7% for the half-rate vs.
control comparisons. Macrofungal species frequencies by treatment (full, half, and
control) were 35.6%, 34.5%, and 27.5%, respectively for ectomycorrhizal taxa
and 22.2%, 31.6%, and 27.6%, respectively, for saprobic fungi. We observed no
other consistent trends for richness, diversity, or evenness of fungal taxa. Pearson
correlations were significant between fungal (richness, diversity and evenness of
total ectomycorrhizal and saprobic fungi) and plant (abundance, richness, diversity
and evenness) biodiversity measures (Table 3).
Table 2. Richness, diversity, and evenness of total and ectomycorrhizal macrofungi associated with
Eastern Hemlock, site by year interaction at two locations in Great Smoky Mountains National Park
2006–2008. Copeland Creek is a second-growth mature Hemlock forest, 487 m elevation. Gabes
Mountain is a virgin old-growth forest, 1158 m elevation. Species richness = mean number of unique
taxa, species diversity = Shannon diversity index, and evenness = Shannon evenness index. Means
followed by the same lowercase letter in the same column for each data grouping, or by the same
uppercase letter in the same row (in parentheses) are not significantly different using Fisher’s LSD
test (P > 0.05).
Site 2006 2007 2008 LSD
Total macrofungi predictor
Species richness
Copeland Creek 3.0 a (A) 1.3 a (B) 2.0 a (AB) 1.1
Gabes Mountain 0.5 b (A) 0.8 a (A) 0.6 b (A) 0.6
LSD (P < 0.05) 1.1 0.7 1.0
Species diversity
Copeland Creek 0.9 a (A) 0.3 a (B) 0.6 a (AB) 0.3
Gabes Mountain 0.1 b (A) 0.2 a (A) 0.2 b (A) 0.2
LSD (P < 0.05) 0.3 0.3 0.3
Species evenness
Copeland Creek 0.8 a (A) 0.3 a (AB) 0.6 a (B) 0.3
Gabes Mountain 0.2 b (A) 0.2 a (A) 0.2 b (A) 0.3
LSD (P < 0.05) 0.2 0.3 0.3
Ectomycorrhizal macrofungi predictor
Species Richness
Copeland Creek 2.4 a (A) 1.0 a (B) 1.5 a (AB) 1.0
Gabes Mountain 0.1 b (A) 0.2 b (A) 0.2 b (A) 0.3
LSD (P < 0.05) 1.0 0.6 0.7
Species diversity
Copeland Creek 0.7 a (A) 0.2 a (B) 0.5 a (AB) 0.3
Gabes Mountain 0.0 b (A) 0.0 a (A) 0.0 b (A) 0.1
LSD (P < 0.05) 0.3 0.2 0.2
Species evenness
Copeland Creek 0.6 a (A) 0.2 a (B) 0.5 a (AB) 0.3
Gabes Mountain 0.0 b (A) 0.0 b (A) 0.1 b (A) 0.1
LSD (P < 0.05) 0.2 0.2 0.2
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Biodiversity measures for total and ectomycorrhizal macrofungi were significantly
correlated with tree health (Table 4). Richness, diversity, and evenness were positively
correlated with live-crown ratio and crown density, but negatively correlated
Table 4. Correlation between macrofungi associated with Eastern Hemlock and tree health at two
locations in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 2006–2007. Tree health parameters measured
according to protocols of The Forest Inventory and Analysis Program of the US Department of Agriculture–
Forest Service (Schomaker et al. 2007). Abundance = number of macrofungi collections,
richness = number of fungal taxa, diversity = Shannon diversity index, evenness = Shannon evenness
index, and * = Pearson correlation coefficient (r-value) is significantly different from zero (P < 0.05).
Tree health
Live-crown Crown Crown Branch Tree
ratio Density transparency dieback diameter
Total macrofungi predictor
Abundance 0.3* 0.2* -0.2* -0.2 -0.3*
Richness 0.3* 0.2* -0.2* -0.2* -0.3*
Diversity 0.3* 0.2* -0.2* -0.2* -0.3*
Evenness 0.3* 0.2* -0.1* -0.1 -0.3*
Ectomycorrhizal macrofungi predictor
Abundance 0.3* 0.2* -0.2* -0.2 -0.3*
Richness 0.4* 0.2* -0.3* -0.2 -0.3*
Diversity 0.4* 0.2* -0.3* -0.2* -0.3*
Evenness 0.4* 0.2* -0.3* -0.3* -0.4*
Saprobic macrofungi predictor
Abundance 0.1 0.1 -0.1 <-0.1 -0.1
Richness 0.1 0.1 -0.1 <-0.1 -0.1
Diversity 0.1 0.2* -0.2 <-0.1 -0.1
Evenness 0.1 0.2* -0.2 <0.1 -0.1
Table 3. Correlations among predictor variables for macrofungi associated with Eastern Hemlock at
two locations in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Sevier Co., TN, 2006–2008. Abundance =
number of individual macrofungi collections, richness = number of fungal taxa, diversity = Shannon
diversity index, Evenness = Shannon evenness index, and * = Pearson correlation coefficient (r-value)
is significantly different from zero (P < 0.05).
Richness Diversity Evenness
Total macrofungi predictor
Abundance 1.0* 1.0* 0.7*
Richness 0.9* 0.7*
Diversity 0.9*
Ectomycorrhizae predictor
Abundance 1.0* 1.0* 0.7*
Richness 1.0* 0.8*
Diversity 0.9*
Saprobe predictor
Abundance 1.0* 0.9* 0.8*
Richness 0.9* 0.8*
Diversity 1.0*
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with crown transparency and diameter. Diversity and evenness of saprobic macrofungi
were positively correlated with crown density and transparency.
As in the previous study by Baird et al. (2014 [this issue]) at the same sites, we
identified 37 species of woody plants or shrubs and trees. The most frequently occurring
species included Acer pensylvanicum L. (Striped Maple; 11.0%); Pyrularia
pubera Michx. (Buffalo Nut; 10.5%); Ilex opaca Aiton (American Holly; 8.2%);
Calycanthus floridus L. (Eastern Sweetshrub; 4.8%); and Rhododendron maximum
L. (Great Rhododendron; 4.7%). Species abundance, richness, and diversity were
significantly higher at the Copeland Creek site (39.3, 10.3, and 1.8, respectively)
than at Gabes Mountain (22.0, 5.6, and 1.4, respectively). CC values for woody
vegetation comparisons between sites indicated 52% species similarity. When
biodiversity measures for total and ectomycorrhizal macrofungi were compared
with those for woody vegetation, all comparisons were statistically significant at
α = 0.05 (Table 5). However, biodiversity measures for saprobic macrofungi had
no significant correlation with those for woody vegetation, with CC values of -0.1
for abundance or richness and <0.1 for diversity (data not shown). Each pair-wise
comparision of biodiversity measures for woody vegetation—richness, diversity,
and evenness—showed a positive correlation (Table 6).
This research was the first major survey in GRSM to obtain baseline data on the
species composition, richness, and diversity of fleshy saprobic and ectomycorrhizal
fungi that form basidiomata associated with Hemlock unifested with HWA and to
determine if imidacloprid treatments impact fungal communities. We also attempted
to identify important and rare endemic fungal symbionts before habitat changes due
Table 5. Correlations between total and ectomycorrhizal macrofungi associated with Eastern Hemlock
and associated woody vegetation at two locations in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Sevier
Co., TN, September 2006–2008. Associated woody vegetation inventoried in sixty-four 6 x 6-m
subplots per site. Abundance = number of macrofungi collections and number of individual woody
plants. richness = number of fungal taxa and number of woody plant species, diversity = Shannon
diversity index, evenness = Shannon evenness index, and * = Pearson correlation coefficient (r-value)
is significantly different from zero (P < 0.05).
Associated woody vegetation
Abundance Richness Diversity Evenness
Total macrofungi predictor
Abundance 0.3* 0.3* 0.3* 0.6*
Richness 0.3* 0.3* 0.3* 0.8*
Diversity 0.4* 0.3* 0.3* 0.9*
Evenness 0.3* 0.3* 0.3* 0.9*
Ectomycorrhizal macrofungi predictor
Abundance 0.4* 0.3* 0.3* 0.6*
Richness 0.4* 0.4* 0.3* 0.8*
Diversity 0.5* 0.4* 0.3* 0.9*
Evenness 0.5* 0.4* 0.3* 0.9*
Southeastern Naturalist
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to HWA infestations or other causes occur. However, almost all fungi identified in
the list are present in numerous habitats in the southern Appalachian Mountains or
are not specifically associated with Hemlocks, but are found with other tree species
within or bordering Hemlock-dominated stands (Baird et al. 2014 [this issue]).
The majority of the macrofungi that we identified occur in the eastern United States
and exhibit a broad geographical range. Even though 71 of the 121 species we collected
were found only once during the study, we cannot assume that they were rare.
Throughout the study, we observed many of these rarely collected taxa just outside
the plots (R. Baird, pers. observ.). We suspect that they will be impacted by the same
environmental parameters affecting trees in our study plots; apparently age of associated
trees can influence basidiomata formation.
It is important to collect baseline data on saprobic and ectomycorrhizal fungi for
the ATBI in GRSM because many of the taxa that occur in Eastern Hemlock ecosystems
are becoming regionally or globally extinct (e.g., stipitate Hydnum spp.)
and their absence may impact natural reforestation in the future (Baird et al. 2013).
Similar surveys have been conducted in regenerating Hemlock forests at the northern
edge of their range (McLenon-Porter 2008), on Quercus spp. (oak) seedlings in
the southern Appalachians (Walker et al. 2005), and in other forest types (Burke et
al. 2009, DeBellis et al. 2006, Dickie et al. 2009), including mature stands of Tsuga
heterophylla Raf. Sarg. (Western Hemlock) in the Pacific Northwest (Wright et al.
2009). These and other floristic studies, while conducted across a variety of host
species and forest types, provide some basis for comparison with the results of the
current study, as discussed below.
Our study sites were different in age and floristic composition. We selected
the Copeland Creek and Gabes Mountain sites based on previous National Park
Service surveys that identified mature Hemlock stands with limited presence of
HWA damage and a tree vigor rating of 1 (see Schomaker et al. 2007). We wanted
to conduct our study in healthy Hemlock stands without prior imidicloprid application,
low insect-infestation levels, and similar age; few other sites in the GRSM
were available or represented greater age uniformity prior to establishment of this
study. The Copeland Creek site was composed of mature second-growth Hemlock
forest with intermittent mixed hardwoods. Additionally, a component of large
Pinus strobus L. (White Pine) at Copeland Creek, recently killed by Dendroctonus
frontalis Zimmermann (Southern Pine Bark Beetle) infestation, resulted in diverse
Table 6. Correlations among predictor variables for Eastern Hemlock-associated woody vegetation
from two locations in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, September 2006. Associated woody
vegetation inventoried in sixty-four 8 x 8-m subplots per site. Abundance = number of individual
woody plants, richness = number of plant species, diversity = Shannon diversity index, evenness =
Shannon evenness index, and * Pearson correlation coefficient (r-value) is significantly different from
zero (P < 0.05).
Richness Diversity Evenness
Abundance 0.802* 0.606* 0.752*
Richness 0.901* 0.533*
Diversity 0.662*
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2014 Vol. 13, Special Issue 6
woody plant regeneration in the understory and abundant coarse woody debris
on the forest floor (R. Baird, pers. observ.). The Gabes Mountain site was a highelevation
virgin Hemlock forest with minor components of large Halesia carolina
L. (Carolina Silverbell) and Tilia americana L. (American Basswood) and a sparse
understory dominated by Striped Maple and Great Rhododendron. In addition, this
location is included in a large tract of old-growth Hemlock that is being managed
as a long-term ecological and genetic conservation stand by the National Park Service
(Johnson et al. 2008; T. Remaley, pers. comm.). Vigor ratings for both sites
at the end of the study recorded trees ranging from vigor = 3–5 (Schomaker et al.
2007); some dead trees were present, and the insect infestation level was 95%. The
chemically treated trees in our study plots tended to have the higher vigor ratings.
Differences in tree vigor between the start and end of the study may have impacted
fungal community data such as species richness, diversity, and evenness, but we
could not make comparisons or conduct statistical analyses without monthly vigor
rating data.
We identified a total of 121 species of macrofungi during the 3 years of monthly
collections. The majority of fungal taxa identified were listed as mycorrhizal mutualists
in previous reports (Appendix A). The importance of mycorrhizal fungi to
individual plants and plant communities is well established (Smith and Read 1997).
Mycorrhizal fungi, which included 113 of the taxa we collected, were high in richness
and diversity. In comparison to 14 previous studies compiled by Horton and
Bruns (2001), greater species richness was found only in a mature Pseudotsuga
menziesii (Mirb.) Franco (Douglas-fir)/Western Hemlock forest where 200 taxa
were recorded (Luoma et al. 1997). The results of our study suggest that mature
Hemlocks in the southern Appalachians host some of the richest and most diverse
fungal communities observed in any temperate forest. Based on data from the
TENN Fungal Herbarium and other sources, we determined that most of the fungal
species identified in this study had been previously collected in GRSM (Appendix
A). However, none of these taxa were reported specifically as components of
Hemlock forests in GRSM. From the viewpoint of conservation biology, the fungal
richness and diversity we documented at our study sites are important findings and
underscore the value of these forests as important areas of biological diversity.
As previously discussed, host-tree health, as measured by canopy defoliation,
was the most significant parameter affecting fungal communities. Richness, diversity,
and evenness of ectomycorrhizal and total macrofungi were significantly
correlated with Hemlock tree health (Table 3). Trees with greater canopy density
and live-crown ratio were consistently associated with richer, more diverse fungal
communities. Defoliation increased over the course of the study by an average of
12.6% at Copeland Creek and 27.8% at Gabes Mountain. As canopy defoliation
advanced, associated macrofungal communities were significantly reduced in richness,
diversity, and evenness. Saprobic macrofungi appeared to be less sensitive to
canopy defoliation, but diversity and evenness of these species were still significantly
reduced. The reduction in macrofungi associated with host tree defoliation
could be due to decreased availability of carbohydrates from host trees (Lewis et
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al. 2008), as well as microsite changes at the forest floor (Tedersoo et al. 2008).
Microenvironmental variation within and among different microhabitats is known
to affect fungal species richness and diversity (Baird et al. 2007, Stephenson 1989).
Hemlock defoliation affects forest-floor microenvironments by increasing light and
temperature and decreasing soil moisture.
In the current investigation, we observed seasonal patterns among monthly collections
of macrofungi. We collected taxa such as Amanita, Clitocybe, and several
Russula species only in the spring and early summer, while Tricholoma, Cortinarius,
and hydnaceaous species occurred later in the season. A number of studies have
linked intra-annual variability in ectomycorrhizal colonization to climatic variation
(Harvey et al. 1978, Rastin et al. 1990, Swaty et al. 1998, Vogt and Edmonds
1980, Walker et al. 2008). It is notable, however, that fungal diversity followed a
decreasing trend in 2008 that did not reflect rainfall patterns and suggests other
causes. Furthermore, saprobic fungi were evidently not affected by yearly differences
in precipitation. The decrease in ectomycorrhizal diversity over the course of
the study may be attributable to aforementioned causal factors relating to host-tree
health and the impact of HWA.
Evenness is an important estimator of diversity and measures the degree of
equality among the relative species abundances (Drobner et al. 1998). The low
overall evenness of macrofungi observed at Copeland Creek and Gabes Mountain
(E = 0.6 and 0.3, respectively) was due to high numbers of rarely observed species
and a few dominant taxa. Of 121 total macrofungi taxa, 71 occurred only once during
the study (Appendix A). Further, 9 taxa accounted for 36.6% of all macrofungi
collections. These results must be interpreted with caution due to the highly irregular
and ephemeral nature of ectomycorrhizal sporophore production, and because
high numbers of rare species can reduce the power of statistical tests (Krebs 1989).
Molecular data of root-tissue-sequenced fungi did not show a similar effect on
evenness (Baird et al. 2013).
Because ectomycorrhizal fungi require photosynthetically derived carbohydrates
from their host trees for growth and sporophore production (Smith and Read
2008), differences in tree health and vigor almost certainly affect ectomycorrhizal
communities. The forest at Copeland Creek had numerous standing dead White
Pines, killed by Southern Pine Bark Beetle. This recent disturbance effectively
released the canopy-enclosed Hemlocks from competition, allowing increased
photosynthesis and growth. Fine-root mass increases on vigorously growing trees
and provides niches for diverse ectomycorrhizal fungi (Wright et al. 2009). The
increased diversity of macrofungi observed at Copeland Creek may be partially
attributable to increased vigor of host Hemlock trees and the resulting increased
nutrient and niche availability. This hypothesis is supported by the lack of significant
differences in saprobic macrofungi between study sites, because saprobes are
less dependent upon host tree vigor.
Because of their important role in plant health, ectomycorrhizal fungi have been
the subject of many studies using DNA-based methods in forest ecosystems, but the
diversity of saprobic fungi has been given little attention (Lynch and Thorn 2006,
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Porter et al. 2008). Our assessment of saprobic fungi richness and diversity was
based on only 60 basidiomata collected over 3 years; these collections represented
45 taxa. In fact, we observed no significant correlations between saprobe occurrences
and any measured parameter with the exception of tree health. Further, a
greater proportion of saprobic macrofungi was found at both sites compared with
ectomycrrhizal fungi (26.9% and 15.2%, respectively; Baird et al. 2013).
Perhaps the most critical factor affecting both Hemlock tree vigor and nutrient
availability, and thus fungal community structure, is canopy defoliation by
HWA. As previously discussed, we selected study sites based on locations with
limited impact by HWA at the beginning of the study. However, as with much of
the southern Appalachians, both sites became increasingly infested during the
3-year study. At Copeland Creek, defoliation levels averaged 36.0% at the onset
of the study, and 48.6% at the conclusion of the study. Defoliation by HWA was
more severe at the Gabes Mountain site, with initial and final defoliation at 32.0%
and 69.8% respectively, and with 15% tree mortality observed by the end of the
third year. Numerous studies have shown that mycorrhizal fungal communities
may be altered by defoliation of host trees (Rossow et al. 1997, Saikkonen et al.
1999). Ectomycorrhizal fungi use as much as 25% of host carbohydrate production
(Hobbie 2006). Decreased carbohydrate supply to roots has been shown to
reduce mycorrhizal root-tip abundance (Lewis and Strain 1994) and alter fungal
and plant community compositions (Lewis et al. 2008, Rygiewicz et al. 2000).
Pearson correlation results showed richness, diversity, and evenness of total,
ectomycorrhizal, and saprobic macrofungi were closely correlated with woody
plant abundance, richness, diversity, and evenness. Other studies have shown that
woody vegetation can have an impact on fungal communities. A recent study by
Burke et al. (2009) indicated that plant distribution was strongly correlated with
root-associated fungi in a mature Fagus spp. (beech)-Acer spp. (maple) forest,
and that both woody and herbaceous plants affected tree-root fungal communities.
Many ectomycorrhizal fungi can colonize a wide range of plant species, and can
host diverse tree species (Trappe 1977), especially those in the families Russulaceae
and Thelephoraceae (Horton and Bruns 2001, Izzo et al. 2005, Tedersoo et
al. 2008). However, some ectomycorrhizal fungi are specific to certain tree species
(Dickie et al. 2009). Herbaceous plants could also affect the distribution of
root-associated fungi by influencing the nutrient cycling, including N, P, and K
within forests (Gilliam 2007). Another study by DeBellis et al. (2006) indicated
that the distributions of ectomycorrhizal fungi are influenced by the relative proportions
of host-tree species within the community. These influences have been
attributed to patterns of ectomycorrhizal fungal host preference (Massicotte et
al. 1999), brought about by differences in root and litter inputs (Tuininga and
Dighton 2004), or to differences in patterns of belowground resource allocation
(Bauhus and Messier 1999).
Imidacloprid has been effective and extensively used in the GRSM for HWA
control since 2006. Through January 2008, over 75,000 Hemlock trees covering
approximately 890 ha have been systemically treated with imidacloprid (Johnson
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et al. 2008). This study provides the first known report on the in situ effects of imidacloprid
soil-drenching on Hemlock-associated fungal communities. Imidacloprid
is a nitrogen-containing nicotinoid chemical (Soloway et al. 1978). As mentioned
previously, soil nitrogen can significantly alter the distribution and community
structure of ectomycorrhizal fungi (Burke et al. 2009), and the response of macrofungi
to elevated nitrogen availability has received much attention (Kranabetter
et al. 2009). Evidence from studies using nitrogen fertilizer applications suggest
immediate declines in ectomycorrhizal sporophore production and species richness
with increased nitrogen availability, but with some positive responses in abundance
for a subset of nitrophilic species (Avis et al. 2003, Edwards et al. 2004). In a
study conducted in Hemlock stands, Kernaghan et al. (1995) noted a trend toward
reduction in the proportion of Cenococcum (Ascomycota) and other mycorrhizal
types lacking a mantle when granulated urea (46% N) was applied. Further, a study
by Singh and Singh (2005) showed that imidacloprid directly suppressed fungal
growth in microcosms. In the current study, mineralization or decomposition of
imidacloprid by soil microbes leading to increased soil nitrogen and other chemical
deposition mechanisms could possibly contribute to occurrences of some ectomycorrhizal
fungi, thereby decreasing species evenness.
Imidacloprid applications may directly or indirectly impact fungivorous insect
populations in the soil thereby reducing the consumption of mycorrhizal fungi and
indirectly disrupting symbiosis and the carbohydrate supply (Gehring and Whitham
1994). The observed effect of imidacloprid could also be an indirect result of the
removal of fungivorous insects from the root zone. Soil arthropods play a major
role in the regulation of below-ground detrital food webs (Moore et al. 1988). In
particular, many Collembolans are fungal species-specific in their feeding choices
or feed selectively on multiple species of ectomycorrhizal fungi (Bills et al. 2004).
Selective grazing by Collembolans has been shown to alter the outcome of competition
between fungal species (Newell 1984b, Parkinson et al. 1979). Arthropods
have also been shown to facillitate the dispersal of fungi, especially ectomycorrhizal
fungi, and thus aid in natural reforestation (Lilleskov and Bruns 2005).
Recent studies in the GRSM have shown Collembolans to be highly susceptible
to imidacloprid soil-drenching (Reynolds 2008). It is possible that the removal of
these fungivorous insects allowed for increased sporophore production in certain
dominant species resulting in the observed decrease in species evenness, but this
is only conjecture. Regardless of the mechanism, results of this study indicate that
imidacloprid has no deleterious effects on fungal community structure in terms
of species richness and diversity. Treatments may in fact enhance the stress tolerance
and stability of fungal communities by preferentially enhancing dominant
Hemlock-associated taxa indirectly as an effect of Collembolans loss.
Soil drenches of imidicloprid applied to the litter and topsoil layers around
Hemlock trees could cause ectomycorrhizal fungi to be in more direct contact with
the chemical than saprobic species. However, differences in impacts of these two
groups may be minimal because both groups of fungi occur in and on soil and litter.
For while decay fungal biomass occurs on branches and larger wood above the
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ground or on standing dead trees because sporophores are associated with those
plant tissues, in most cases, those same fungi can be tracked back to soil surface.
Consequently, impacts by the nitrogen release following chemical degradation and
negative losses to the arthropod fungivous community would be similar for both
groups of fungi, thus affecting their dissemination and life cycles.
Macrofungal communities were unaffected by imidicloprid treatments, as measured
by species richness and diversity. However, although community structure
was unaffected by treatment, species evenness was reduced. This finding indicates
that some dominant ectomycorrhizal taxa increased in relative abundance. The
long-term effects of imidacloprid on Hemlock-associated ectomycorrhizal communities
require further study. However, our findings suggest that any potentially
negative effects of imidacloprid on fungal communities in Hemlock forests are far
outweighed by the potentially devastating effects of hemlock defoliation and death
due to HWA.
In conclusion, macrofungal diversity was lower at the high-elevation virgin
Hemlock forest site than in the lower second-growth forest site. Macrofungal
communities were influenced by associated vegetation, tree health, and microsite
variation and not necessarily elevation alone.
The extremely high diversity of beneficial fungi in the Southern Appalachian
Mountains has important implications for conservation of biodiversity in Hemlock
forests. Further research is needed to determine the ecological requirements and
roles of rare, difficult-to-identify, and host-specific fungi.
Host-tree characteristics such as size, age, and vigor may have worked in combination
with environmental factors related to elevation to affect ectomycorrhizal
diversity. However, repeated sampling of multiple sites at high and low elevations
in the Appalachian Mountains would be necessary to confirm the generality of
these patterns and to more fully test relationships between the environment and
mycorrhizal communities (Walker et al. 2005). The results of this study will help
to illuminate the ecology of Hemlock-associated fungal communities and illustrate
their sensitivity to environmental changes. In addition, we evaluated the effects of
imidacloprid application, and found no significant effect on the structure of fungal
communities. While community structure was unaffected by treatments, community
composition of ectomycorrhizal macrofungi was altered, as evidenced by reduced
species evenness. This result indicates that certain dominant ectomycorrhizal
taxa increased in relative abundance. These findings suggest that use of imidacloprid
to suppress HWA is beneficial to Hemlock-associated fungal communities to
the extent that canopy defoliation is avoided and host-tree health is maintained.
Appreciation is extended to Highlands Biological Station for financial support as
grants-in-aid during 2007 and 2008. Thanks are due to GSRM (National Park Service, US
Department of the Interior) for logistical and technical support of the project, David Pratt
for use of laboratory and housing facilities at the University of Tennessee Field Station,
and Mississippi State University (MAFES publication number 12343) for use of laboratory
facilities and for supplies not covered by grants.
Southeastern Naturalist
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Vol. 13, Special Issue 6
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Vol. 13, Special Issue 6
Appendix A. Frequency and relative abundance of macrofungi associated with Eastern Hemlock, Great Smoky Mountains National Park,
September 2006–2008. Abundance values are based on mean percent relative abundance of macrofungi taxa from two sites: CC = Copeland
Creek (487 m elevation), GM = Gabes Mountain (1158 m elevation) and 3 imidacloprid application rates/site: full = 11.8 ml/cm dbh, half =
5.9 ml/cm dbh, and control = no imidacloprid application. n = 20 subplots per location (40 total). Frequency indicates mean percent occurrence
of macrofungi species per tree, n = 20 subplots per location. Overall abundance values are based on mean percent relative abundance
of total macrofungi taxa collected within Eastern Hemlock study sites, n = 20 subplots per location (6 control, 7 Full, 7 half). * indicates
species previously reported in the park from University of Tennesse Herbarium listings online (http://tenn.bio.utk.edu/fungus/database/
fungus-browse-results.asp?; GSMNP=GRSM); ** indicates species previously reported in the park from a report of collections by Andrew
Miller of the University of Illinois (http://usmo4.discoverlife.org/mp/20p?res=640&see = I_ANM78). EM = ectomycorrhizal; W = saprobic
or wood decay; and P = parasitic species.
Abundance by
Site Rate Overall
Fungal taxon Authority Frequency CC GM Full Half Control abundance
Galiella rufa* DW, H-111 (Schwein.) Nannf. & Korf 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Hypoxylon howeanum** W, H-121 Peck 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Leotia lubrica* W, H-122 (Scop.) Pers. 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Spathularia velutipes* W, H 123, 126, 151 Cooke & Farl. 4.9 2.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 1.6
Xylaria sp.* W, H-133 Hill ex Schrank 2.4 <1.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Amanita bisporigera* EM, H-3 G.F. Atk. 4.9 1.5 0.0 0.0 1.3 2.8 1.2
Amanita brunnescens* EM, H-37, 61, 62 G.F. Atk. 4.9 <1.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 <1.0
Amanita cinereopannosa EM H-101b Bas 2.4 2.5 0.0 6.8 0.0 0.0 2.0
Amanita citrina* EM, H-28 (Schaeff.) Pers. 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Amanita citrina var. lavendula* EM, H-5 (Coker) Sartory & Maire 17.1 6.9 0.0 9.5 5.3 5.6 5.5
Amanita flavoconia* EM, H-65 G.F. Atk. 2.4 <1.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Amanita frostiana* EM, H-7 (Peck) Sacc. 4.9 <1.0 0.0 1.4 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Amanita gemmata* EM, H-67, 101 (Fr.) Bertill. 1.0 0.0 1.0 <1.0 1.0 0.0 <1.0
Amanita onusta* EM, H-82 (Howe) Sacc. 2.4 0.0 2.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
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2014 Vol. 13, Special Issue 6
Abundance by
Site Rate Overall
Fungal taxon Authority Frequency CC GM Full Half Control abundance
Amanita rubescens* EM, H- Pers. 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Amanita russuloides* EM, H-64b (Peck) Sacc. 9.8 2.0 0.0 4.1 0.0 2.8 1.6
Amanita virosa* EM H-94 (Fr.) Bertill. 2.0 <1.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 1.2 <1.0
Ampulloclitocybe clavipes* W, H-162 (Pers.) Redhead, Lutzoni, 2.4 <1.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Moncalvo & Vilgalys
Armillaria mellea* P, H-124, 142 (Vahl) P. Kumm. 0.0 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Austroboletus gracilis* EM, H-57 (Peck) Wolfe 14.6 5.4 0.0 8.1 5.3 2.8 4.3
Boletellus russellii* EM, H-102 (Frost) E.J. Gilbert 2.4 <1.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Boletus spadiceus var. gracilis* EM, H-38 A.H. Sm. & Thiers 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 <1.0
Cantharellus minor* EM, H-103 Peck 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 <1.0
Clavulina cristata* EM, H-60 (Holmsk.) J. Schröt. 2.4 <1.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Clitocybe sp.* W, H-125 2.4 <1.0 2.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Clitocybe hygrophoroides W, H-189 H.E. Bigelow 0.0 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Clitocybe trullaeformis* W, H-116 (Fr.) P. Karst. 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 <1.0
Coltricia montagnei* W, H-185 (Fr.) Murrill 2.4 <1.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Cortinarius croceofolius EM, H-29 Peck 4.9 1.5 0.0 0.0 2.6 2.8 1.2
Cortinarius sp.* EM, H-39, 69 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Craterellus fallax* EM, H-197 A.H. Sm. 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Crepidotus albatus* W, H-132 Hesler & A.H. Sm. 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Crepidotus appalachiensis* W, H-192 Hesler & A.H. Sm. 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Crepidotus crocophyllus* W, H-148 (Berk.) Sacc. 0.0 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Crepidotus malachius* W, H-120 Sacc. 0.0 <1.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Crepidotus sp.* W, H-168 2.4 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 <1.0
Dacrymyces sp.* W, H-190 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 <1.0
Entoloma incanum* W, H-152 (Fr.) Hesler 4.9 <1.0 3.9 1.4 1.3 0.0 1.2
Fomitopsis cajanderi* W, H-157, 164 (P. Karst.) Kotl. and Pouzar 7.3 2.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 2.8 1.6
Ganoderma applanatum* W, P, H-196 (Pers.) Pat. 2.4 0.0 2.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Ganoderma tsugae* W, P, H-197 Murrill 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Southeastern Naturalist
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Vol. 13, Special Issue 6
Abundance by
Site Rate Overall
Fungal taxon Authority Frequency CC GM Full Half Control abundance
Gomphus clavatus* EM, 194 (Pers.) Gray 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 <1.0
Gymnopus dichrous W, H-180 (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Halling 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Gymnopus dryophilus* W, H-138, 141, 155 (Bull.) Murrill 9.8 2.5 3.9 1.4 3.9 0.0 2.7
Hemistropharia albocrenulata* W, H-181 (Peck) Jacobsson & E. Larss. 2.4 0.0 2.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Hohenbuehelia mastrucata* W, H-183 (Fr.) Singer 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Hydnellum spongiosipes* EM, H-95 (Peck) Pouzar 4.9 1.5 0.0 2.7 1.3 0.0 1.2
Hydnum albidum* EM, H-27b Peck 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Hygrocybe appalachiensis* EM, H-156 (Hesler & A.H. Sm.) Kronaw. 4.9 0.0 3.9 1.4 0.0 2.8 <1.0
Hygrocybe miniata* EM, H-129 (Fr.) P. Kumm. 2.4 0.0 3.9 2.7 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Hygrocybe psittacina* EM, H=131 (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. 0.0 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Hygrophorus pudorinus* EM, H-83 (Fr.) Fr. 2.4 0.0 2.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Laccaria laccata* EM, H-9 (Scop.) Cooke 9.8 3.4 0.0 1.4 0.0 13.9 2.7
Laccaria ochropurpurea* EM, H-96 (Berk.) Peck 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 <1.0
Lactarius aquifluus EM, H-11 Peck 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Lactarius deceptivus* EM, H-88 Peck 4.9 <1.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 <1.0
Lactarius glaucescens* EM, H-40 Crossl. 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Lactarius griseus* EM, H-46 Peck 7.3 <1.0 3.9 2.7 1.3 0.0 1.6
Lactarius sp. 1* EM, H-12 (griseus-like) 2.4 <1.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Lactarius mucidus* EM, H-13 Burl. 4.9 <1.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 <1.0
Lactarius oculatus* EM, H-18 (Peck) Burl. 7.3 <1.0 2.0 1.4 1.3 2.8 <1.0
Lactarius piperatus* EM, H-41 (L.) Pers. 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Lactarius sp. 2 EM, H-107 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 <1.0
Lactarius sp. 3 EM, H-106 Pers. 2.4 <1.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Lactarius speciosus* EM, H-15 Burl. 2.4 <1.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Lactarius subpurpureus* EM, H-16, 59 Peck 4.9 <1.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 2.8 <1.0
Lactarius theiogalus* EM, H-70 (Bull.) Gray 4.9 <1.0 2.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 <1.0
Lactarius vellereus* EM, H-56 (Fr.) Fr. 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 <1.0
Southeastern Naturalist
R. Baird, et al.
2014 Vol. 13, Special Issue 6
Abundance by
Site Rate Overall
Fungal taxon Authority Frequency CC GM Full Half Control abundance
Laetiporus sulphureus* EM, H-136 (Bull.) Murrill 0.0 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Leccinum scabrum* EM, H-60 89 (Bull.) Gray 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 <1.0
Lepiota cristata* EM, H-140 Barla 0.0 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Lepiota sp.* EM, H-118 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Leptonia incana*EM, H-119 (Fr.) Gillet 2.4 0.0 2.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Leucopholiota decorosa* EM, H-161 (Peck) O.K. Mill., T.J. Volk, 2.4 <1.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
& Bessette
Lycoperdon perlatum* EM, 153 Pers. 2.4 0.0 2.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Marasmius fulvoferrugineus* EM, H-193 Gilliam 0.0 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Marasmius siccus* W, H-112, 191 (Schwein.) Fr. 2.4 1.5 2.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 1.6
Megacollybia platyphylla* W, H-184 (Pers.) Kotl. & Pouzar 4.9 <1.0 5.9 0.0 1.3 2.8 1.6
Meripilus giganteus* W, H-171 (Pers.) P. Karst. 0.0 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Mycena sp.* W, H-139 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Mycorrhaphium adustum* W, H-182 (Schwein.) Maas Geest. 0.0 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Paxillus involutus* W, H-186 (Batsch) Fr. 4.9 0.0 3.9 1.4 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Pholiota flavida* W, 159 (Schaeff.) Singer 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Pleurocybella porrigens* W, H-144 (Pers.) Singer 4.9 0.0 3.9 1.4 0.0 2.8 <1.0
Pleurotus dryinus* W, H-134 (Pers.) P. Kumm. 0.0 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Pluteus cervinus* W, H-147, 158 (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. 2.4 <1.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 <1.0
Polyporus varius* W, H-137, 176 (Pers.) Fr. 4.9 2.5 0.0 4.1 0.0 0.0 2.0
Postia caesius* W, H-129 (Schrad.) P. Karst., 0.0 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Psathyrella delineata* W, H-146 (Peck) A. H. Sm. 2.4 <1.0 2.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 1.2
Pseudohydnum gelatinosum* W, H-157, 177 (Scop.) P. Karst. 4.9 0.0 3.9 1.4 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Ramaria formosa* EM, H-42 (Pers.) Quél. 7.3 2.5 0.0 0.0 5.3 2.8 2.0
Ramaria stricta* EM, H-72 (Pers.) Quél. 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Retiboletus ornatipes* EM, H-4 (Peck) Manfr. Binder & 2.4 <1.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Russula densifolia* EM, H-34, 73 Secr. ex Gillet 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Southeastern Naturalist
R. Baird, et al.
Vol. 13, Special Issue 6
Abundance by
Site Rate Overall
Fungal taxon Authority Frequency CC GM Full Half Control abundance
Russula fragrantissima* EM, H-24, 42, 43, Romagn. 22.0 5.4 3.9 9.5 3.9 8.3 5.1
51, 90, 91
Russula krombholzii EM, H-46, 75, 91 Shaffer 7.3 3.9 0.0 1.4 7.9 0.0 3.1
Russula sp. 1 (red) EM, H-76 0.0 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Russula sp. 2 (cream, tacky) EM, H-98 2.4 <1.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Russula sp. 3 (cream) EM, H-34 0.0 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Russula sp. 4 (red) EM, H-108 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 <1.0
Russula sp. 5 (red) EM, H-100 0.0 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Sarcodon scabrosus* EM, H-21 (Fr.) P. Karst. 2.4 <1.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Scleroderma citrinum* EM, H-52, 85 Pers. 4.9 0.0 3.9 1.4 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Strobilomyces confuses* EM, H-77 Singer 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Strobilurus conigenoides* W, H-175 (Ellis) Singer 2.4 <1.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Tapinella atrotomentosa* W, H-124, 172 (Batsch) Šutara. 7.3 2.5 0.0 1.4 1.3 2.8 2.0
Trametes versicolor* W, H-150 (L.) Lloyd 2.4 0.0 3.9 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Trichaptum biforme* W, H-132 (Fr.) Ryvarden 0.0 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Tricholoma flavovirens* EM, H-93 S. Lundell 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Tricholoma portentosum* EM, H-93b (Fr.) Quél. 7.3 1.5 0.0 1.4 2.6 0.0 1.2
Tricholoma sp. 1 (striate), EM, H-33 2.4 <1.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 <1.0
Tricholoma sp. 2 (white), EM, H-33b 0.0 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Tricholoma sp. 3 (grey) EM, H-33c 0.0 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Tricholomopsis decora* EM, H-167 (Fr.) Singer 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Tricholomopsis flavissima EM (A.H. Sm.) Singer 2.4 <1.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Tricholomopsis formosa* EM, H-149 (Murrill) Singer 0.0 <1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Tylopilus violatinctus* EM, H-78 T.J. Baroni & Both 7.3 2.0 0.0 1.4 1.3 2.8 1.6
Tyromyces chioneus* W, H-143, 188 (Fr.) P. Karst. 0.0 1.5 3.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0
Xanthoconium stramineum EM, H-81 (Murrill) Singer 2.4 <1.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Xeromphalina tenuipes* W, H-135, 187 (Schwein.) A.H. Sm. 2.4 <1.0 2.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 <1.0
Xerula furfuracea* W, H-113, 114 (Peck) Redhead, Ginns, 4.9 1.5 0.0 1.4 1.3 0.0 1.2
& Shoemaker