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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 15, Number 1, 2008

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Visitation Patterns and Behavior of Nearctic River Otters (Lontra canadensis) at Latrines
Sadie S. Stevens and Thomas L. Serfass

Survival and Post-release Movements of River Otters Translocated to Western NY
Romeo M. Spinola, Thomas L. Serfass, and Robert P. Brooks

Bats of Pisgah State Park, New Hampshire
Jacques Pierre Veilleux, Howard H. Thomas, and Paul R. Moosman, Jr. 

Assessing Habitat Quality of Mount Hope Bay and Narragansett Bay Using Growth, RNA:DNA, and Feeding Habits of Caged Juvenile Winter Flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus Walbaum)
Lesa Meng, David L. Taylor, Jonathan Serbst, and J. Christopher Powell

Ozone Sensitivity of 28 Plant Selections Exposed to Ozone Under Controlled Conditions
Lee J. Kline, Donald D. Davis, John M. Skelly, James E. Savage, and Jon Ferdinand

Clonal Fidelity in Large Colonies of Gaylussacia brachycera Gray (Box Huckleberry) Assessed by DNA Fingerprinting
Margaret Pooler, Rob Nicholson, and Andrew Vandegrift

Guidelines for Constructing and Deploying Common Loon Nesting Rafts
Christopher R. DeSorbo, Jeff Fair, Kate Taylor, William Hanson, David C. Evers, Harry S. Vogel, and John H. Cooley, Jr.

Lipid Content of Nearctic-Neotropical Migratory Passerines Killed During Stopovers in a New York City Park
Chad L. Seewagen

Aquatic Plant Communities in Waneta Lake and Lamoka Lake, New York
John D. Madsen, R. Michael Stewart, Kurt D. Getsinger, Robert L. Johnson, and Ryan M. Wersal


Patterns of Spatial Variability in the Morphology of Sympatric Fucoids
Melinda A. Coleman and Jessica F. Muhlin

Logging Road Effects on Breeding-site Selection in Notophthalmus viridescens (Red-spotted Newt) and Three Ambystomatid Salamanders in South-central PA
David L. Chambers

Nest Ecology of the Southern Two-lined Salamander (Eurycea cirrigera) in Eastern Illinois
Jessica Jakubanis, Michael J. Dreslik, and Christopher A. Phillips

Lepidoptera of Fort Indiantown Gap National Guard Training Center, Annville, PA
Betty Ferster, Betsy Ray Leppo, Mark T. Swartz, Kevina Vulinec, Fred Habegger, and Andrew Mehring


A New Widespread Morphological Deformity in Freshwater Mussels from New York
David L. Strayer

Book Reviews/ Errata  152 






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