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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 15, Number 2, 2008

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Native and Introduced Jewelweeds of the Northeast
Nava M. Tabak and Eric von Wettberg

Natural History of Heterophylly in Nymphaea odorata ssp. tuberosa (Nymphaeaceae)
Philip J. Villani and Shelley A. Etnier

Benthic Algae in Episodically Acidified Pennsylvania Streams
Sarah E. MacDougall, Hunter J. Carrick, and David R. DeWalle

Intertidal Oysters in Northern New England
Mark Capone, Ray Grizzle, Arthur C. Mathieson, and Jay Odell

Low PCB Concentrations Observed in American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) in Six Hudson River Tributaries
Karin E. Limburg, Leonard S. Machut, Peter Jeffers, and Robert E. Schmidt

Effects of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid on Breeding Birds at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania
Douglas A. Becker, Margaret C. Brittingham, and Christopher B. Goguen

American Woodcock on Fort Drum Military Installation, New York
Christopher A. Dobony and Raymond E. Rainbolt

Camera Trapping of Carnivores: Trap Success Among Camera Types and Across Species, and Habitat Selection by Species, on Salt Pond Mountain, Giles County, Virginia
Marcella J. Kelly and Erika L. Holub

Netting Surveys for Bats in the Northeast: Differences Associated with Habitat, Duration of Netting, and Use of Consecutive Nights
Lisa Winhold and Allen Kurta

Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Standard Mist-netting Protocol for the Endangered Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis)
Lynn W. Robbins, Kevin L. Murray, and Paul M. McKenzie

Ectoparasites of Small Mammals in Western Iowa
Jonathan J. Storm and Christopher M. Ritzi

Factors Influencing Movement Distances and Home Ranges of the Short-tailed Shrew (Blarina brevicauda) 
Lowell L. Getz and Betty McGuire

Pelage Spotting and Staining in Eastern Moles (Scalopus aquaticus)
Ava A. Kamm, George A. Feldhamer, and John D. Reeve


A Prehistoric Record of Glyptemys muhlenbergii (Bog Turtle) in Central New York
T. Cregg Madrigal

Book Reviews/Errata 313






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