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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 17, Number 2, 2010

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Lotic Odonata of the Connecticut River in New Hampshire and Vermont
Pamela D. Hunt, Michael Blust, and Fred Morrison


Genetic Characterization of Eastern “Coyotes” in Eastern Massachusetts
Jonathan G. Way, Linda Rutledge, Tyler Wheeldon, and Bradley N. White

A Perspective on the Genetic Composition of Eastern Coyotes
Steven M. Chambers

Giant Kidney Worms in Mink from New York: Prevalence, Distribution, and Health Implications
Jefferey J. Loukmas, David T. Mayack, and Milo E. Richmond

Effect of Bot Fly Parasitism on Vertical Habitat Use by Peromyscus leucopus
Gregory P. Klein, Cory C. Christopher, Guy N. Cameron, and Gary W. Barrett
Do Trends in Muskrat Harvest Indicate Widespread Population Declines?
Nathan M. Roberts and Shawn M. Crimmins

Use of Temperature-sensitive Transmitters to Monitor the Temperature Profiles of Hibernating Bats Affected with White-Nose Syndrome
Eric R. Britzke, Price Sewell, Matthew G. Hohmann, Ryan Smith, and Scott R. Darling


Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Ground-level Ozone within North-central Pennsylvania Forests
Teodora Orendovici-Best, John M. Skelly, and Donald D. Davis

Vegetation of Hooper Branch Nature Preserve, Iroquois County, Illinois
Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Richard L. Larimore, Daniel T. Busemeyer,
Paul B. Marcum, Connie J. Carroll-Cunningham, James L. Ellis, and John E. Ebinger

Effect of Forest Harvest on the Vegetation of an Urban Park
Jack T. Tessier

Genetic Divergence Among Massachusetts Populations of the Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp Eubranchipus vernalis (Crustacea: Anostraca)
S. Shawn McCafferty, Nicolas Warren, Christopher Wilbur, and Scott Shumway

The Dietary Composition of Chrysemys picta picta (Eastern Painted Turtles) with Special Reference to the Seeds of Aquatic Macrophytes
Donald J. Padgett, Jeffrey J. Carboni, and Daniel J. Schepis


Distribution and Abundance of Salmonids in Prince Edward Island Streams
Daryl Guignion, Todd Dupuis, Kevin Teather, and Rosanne MacFarlane


First Record of a Northern Snakehead (Channa argus Cantor) Nest in North America
Andrew M. Gascho Landis and Nicolas W.R. Lapointe


Observations of American Marten (Martes americana) Feeding at Sap Wells of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers (Sphyrapicus varius)
Hugo Kitching and Douglas C. Tozer


The Antlered Crane Fly, Tanyptera dorsalis (Walker) (Diptera: Tipulidae), in Michigan and a Review of its Distribution and Biology
Stephen W. Taber


Status and Ecology of a Rare Gomphid Dragonfly at the Northern Extent of its Range
Jeffrey D. Corser

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