Northeastern Naturalist Volume 21, Number 4, 2014
Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.
Front cover |
Inside front cover |
Board of Editors/indicia page |
Evidence for Population Differentiation in the Bog
Buckmoth of New York State
Janet Buckner, Amy B. Welsh, and Karen R. Sime |
506 |
Nest-site Selection and Breeding Ecology of the Cerulean
Warbler in Southern Indiana
Jennifer R. Wagner and Kamal Islam |
515 |
Mercury Accumulation in Pinus nigra (Austrian Pine)
Russell J. Hutnik, James R. McClenahen, Robert P. Long, and Donald D. Davis |
529 |
Evaluation of Ailanthus altissima as a Bioindicator to Detect
Phytotoxic Levels of Ozone
Lauren K. Seiler, Dennis R. Decoteau, and Donald D. Davis |
541 |
Thermal Regulation and Habitat Use of the Eastern Box
Turtle in Southwestern Virginia
Todd S. Fredericksen |
554 |
Precision and Bias of Using Opercles as Compared to
Otoliths, Dorsal Spines, and Scales to Estimate Ages of
Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass
V. Alex Sotola, George A. Maynard, Erin M. Hayes-Pontius, Timothy B. Mihuc, Mark H. Malchoff, and J. Ellen Marsden |
565 |
Survey of a Coastal Tiger Beetle Species, Cicindela
marginata Fabricius, in Maine
Mark A.Ward and Jonathan D. Mays |
574 |
Hibernating Bats and Abandoned Mines in the Upper
Peninsula of Michigan
Allen Kurta and Steven M. Smith |
587 |
An Examination of Petromyzontidae in Pennsylvania:
Current Distribution and Habitat Preference of Lampreys
Shan Li, Karl-M. Werner, and Jay R. Stauffer, Jr. |
606 |
American Chestnut Seed Dispersal and Regeneration
Bernd Heinrich |
619 |
Dragonfly and Damselfly Colonization and Recolonization of
a Large, Semi-permanent Pennsylvania Pond
Clark N. Shiffer and Harold B. White III |
630 |
Potential Edaphic and Aquatic Predators of a
Nonindigenous Asian Earthworm (Amynthas agrestis) in the
Eastern United States
John P. Gorsuch and Patrick C. Owen |
652 |
Redpoll Snow Bathing: Observations and Hypothesis
Bernd Heinrich |
N45 |
Northern Range Extension of Psorthaspis sanguinea (Smith)
(Hymenoptera:Pompilidae) and a Record of Psorthaspis mariae (Cresson) From the Delmarva Peninsula
Christopher M. Heckscher |
N53 |
Interannual Survival of Myotis lucifugus (Chiroptera:
Vespertilionidae) near the Epicenter of White-Nose Syndrome
Jonathan D. Reichard, Nathan W. Fuller, Alyssa B. Bennett, Scott R. Darling, Marianne S. Moore, Kate E. Langwig, Emily D. Preston, Susi von Oettingen, Christopher S. Richardson, and D. Scott Reynolds |
N56 |
Noteworthy Books |
B10 |