Northeastern Naturalist Volume 28, Number 1, 2021
Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.
Front cover |
Inside front cover |
Board of Editors/indicia page |
Stable Isotope Values Suggest Opossums (Didelphis virginiana) at the Northern Edge of Their Range Do Not Seasonally Molt
Lisa L. Walsh and Priscilla K. Tucker |
1 |
Forest Succession and Tree Identity Shape Species and Functional Group Richness of Ant Communities In
New England
Maggie Anderson and Israel Del Toro |
9 |
Predictors of Biofilm Biomass in Oligotrophic Headwater Streams
Miriam O. Bayer, Leah K. Swartz, and Winsor H. Lowe |
28 |
Ecology of an Isolated Muskrat Population During Regional Population Declines
Laken S. Ganoe, Matthew J. Lovallo, Justin D. Brown, and W. David Walter |
49 |
Late Ice-off Negatively Influences Breeding in Common Loons (Gavia immer)
Kristin Bianchini, Robert Alvo, Douglas C. Tozer, and Mark L. Mallory |
65 |
Records of Fleas (Siphonaptera) and Other Ectoparasites from Maine
Ralph P. Eckerlin and Alfred L. Gardner |
77 |
Birth-site Selection by White-tailed Deer in an Area with Low Risk of Predation
Justin R. Dion, Angela M. Holland, Jacob M. Haus, Joseph E. Rogerson, and Jacob L. Bowman |
94 |
Home Range of a Breeding Male Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) Tracked via Satellite Telemetry in Kentucky
Kate G. Slankard, Michael D. Patton, and Bryan D. Watts |
106 |
A Maternity Roost of Silver-haired Bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans) in New Brunswick: First Evidence of Parturition in Atlantic Canada
Donald F. McAlpine, Jenna L. Bullied, and Pamela D. Seymour |
N1 |
Erratum |
N6 |