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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 28, Number 4, 2021

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

Front cover  
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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Population Genetics and Spatial Ecology of Bobcats (Lynx rufus) in a Landscape with a High Density of Humans in New England
Amy E. Mayer, Thomas J. McGreevy Jr., Mary E. Sullivan, Charles Brown, Thomas P. Husband, and Brian D. Gerber
Diel Movement by White Suckers (Catostomus commersonii) in Connected Northern Lakes
Benjamin Marcy-Quay and Clifford E. Kraft
Photographic Monitoring of Blooming of Critical Salt Marsh Nectar Sources by Citizen Scientists
Bridget A. Rusk, Liette Cormier, Serge Jolicoeur, and Gail L. Chmura
Phenological Differences in Wood Frog and Spotted Salamander Egg-mass Onset and Peak Accumulation
James S. Andrews and Erin Talmage
Annotated Checklist of Terrestrial Mammals of the Virginia Barrier Islands and the Adjacent Delmarva Peninsula Mainland
Nancy D. Moncrief, John H. Porter, and Raymond D. Dueser
An eDNA-based Assessment of the Impact of a 207,000-liter Gasoline Spill on Local Populations of Eastern Hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis), an Imperiled Giant Salamander
Zander E. Perelman, Mizuki K. Takahashi, Emma L. Hundermark, and Carol Parenzan
Moths of Block Island (Rhode Island, USA) I: Zygaenoidea
Aaron S. Hunt
Parasitic Egg Ejection by Vireo gilvus (Warbling Vireo) in New England
Brandi L. Van Roo
Which Bird Species Groups Use Highway Roadside Verges and Why?
Luc Bélanger, Benoît Jobin, Gaston Lacroix, and Yves Bédard
Lepidoptera Host Records Accurately Predict Tree Use by Foraging Birds
Garrison Piel, Douglas W. Tallamy, and Desiree L. Narango
Merlin Pair Nesting in New York Feeds Primarily on Swallows
Sam Ayers, Ann Herzig, and Mark Witmer
Salad with Clams: Prey Choice of an Intentionally Carnivorous Turtle
Kayleigh R. Erazmus, Luca Luiselli, and Russell L. Burke
Ants of the Forest and Dune Habitats of an Atlantic Coastal Barrier Island
Denise Manole, Jennifer Selfridge, Abigail Wilson, Lien Miller, and Dana L. Price
Bryophyte Diversity of On-campus Old-growth and Secondary-growth Forests in Montgomery County, Virginia
Allen W. Milby and Jordan S. Metzgar
Species Distributions on Successional and Flooding Gradients in Connecticut River Floodplain Forests
Christian O. Marks, Brian C. Yellen, and Keith H. Nislow






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