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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 29, Number 3, 2022

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Front cover  
Inside front cover  
Board of Editors/indicia page  
Improving Confidence in Remotely Delineated Bald Eagle Roosts to Trigger State Agency Habitat Protection
Elizabeth K. Mojica, Kathleen E. Clark, Larissa Smith, and Cristina Frank
The Continued Spread of a Wild Population of American Chestnuts
Jason Mazurowski, Bernd Heinrich, Lena Heinrich, Carolyn Loeb, and Robert Rives
Midge Larvae Metriocnemus knabi Can Emigrate to New Pitchers Within Sarracenia purpurea After Pitcher Drainage
Lindsey A. Pett, Sophie Linde, and Nicholas J. Gotelli
Comparing the Effectiveness of Fitch and Sherman Traps in a Grassland Ecosystem
Sean Beckmann
Patterns of Avian Diversity for a Maritime Ecosystem at Orient Beach State Park on Long Island, New York
Brook Lauro and Ian MacGregor-Fors
Community Structure of Terrestrial Vertebrates in a Restored Meadow Habitat in Pennsylvania: Assessing the Potential Prey Base for Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnakes
Zander E. Perelman, William I. Lutterschmidt, and Howard K. Reinert
Aquatic Hermaphrodite Snails Exposed to Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Experience Increased Mortality, Reduced Reproduction, and Endocrine Disruption
Terri Provost and Thomas M. McCarthy
Another Example of Nest Sharing by American Robins and Gray Catbirds
Robert S. Mulvihill and Debbie Murray
Winter Observations of Cavity-Nesting Birds Mobbing Southern Flying Squirrels
Donald P. Althoff
Noteworthy Books B1






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