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150 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 14, No. 1
Book Reviews of the Northeastern Naturalist, Issue 14/1, 2007
Disturbing the Solar System: Impacts,
Close Encounters, and Coming Attractions.
Alan E. Rubin. 2002. Princeton
University Press, Princeton, NJ. 361 pp.
$19.95, softcover. ISBN 0691074747.
This collection of 19 essays includes
eight revised articles Rubin wrote of the
Griffith Observer. Divided into four parts,
this book begins with an overview of the
solar system, moves on to describe the
earth and moon, including the origin of
the moon and ice ages on earth. Small
bodies such as asteroids and meteoroids
are examined, including the results of
their collisions, such as rings, craters and
other impacts. The section on life beond
earth presents a discussion of the search
for life on Mars , panspermia, and the
paucity of aliens, along with an essay on
the human response to first contact. Rubin
provides a fascinating and at times amusing
look at our cosmic neighborhood.
Written for a general audience, the book
includes a glossary, list of further reading
by chapter and an index. C.R.
Biogeography, Third Edition. Mark V.
Lomolino, Brett R. Riddle, and James H.
Brown. 2006. Sinauer Associates, Inc.,
Sunderland, MA. 845 pp. $92.95, hardcover.
ISBN 0878930620. The third edition
of this text is a comprehensive and
integrative account of the entire field of
biogeography. The text has been restructured
and updated with over 1000 new
publications. It is comprised of six units,
beginning with an introduction to the history
and science of biogeography, and continuing
with units on basic patterns of biogeography,
fundamental processes, evolutionary
history, ecological biogeography,
and finishing with conservation issues.
This is a thorough treatment of a large and
diverse area of study, and previous editions
are well established as excellent primary
texts for courses on this subject. Well
illustrated throughout, and with a glossary
and extensive bibliography. S.E.
Aldo Leopold: A Fierce Green Fire.
Marybeth Lorbiecki. 2005. Falcon,
Guilford, CT. 212 pp. $14.95, softcover.
ISBN 0762736631. This biography relates
the life of one of this country’s most
influential twentieth century conservationists.
It provides background and insight
into how the thoughts and philosophy
of Aldo Leopold developed throughout
his lifetime. By advocating for the
country’s first wilderness area, Leopold
gave purpose and value to “unimproved”
land. He also initiated the study of wildlife
management and ecology. He
authored the classics A Sand County Almanac
and Round River. Numerous photographs
give the reader a glimpse of this
outstanding man’s life. This very readable
book will be appreciated by everyone who
may have been influenced by Leopold,
whether they know it or not. C.R.
Principles of Conservation Biology,
Third Edition. Martha J. Groom, Gary K.
Meffe, C. Ronald Carroll, and other Contributors.
2006. Sinauer Associates, Inc.,
Sunderland, MA. 793 pp. $92.95, hardcover.
ISBN 0878935185. Conservation
biology has emerged as a major field of
scientific study and a framework for wildlife
and wildland management during the
past three decades. The third edition of
this widely used textbook has been extensively
revised to include new findings and
theories. It also includes more coverage
of marine conservation issues than the
past editions, and a more global perspective,
although the emphasis still is on conservation
issues in the US. This is a solid
textbook for an introductory college-level
course on this subject. It begins by providing
a grounding in fundamental concepts,
including an exploration of social
and economic factors that affect our attitudes
towards biodiversity. The rest of the
text then focuses on mechanisms for conserving
biodiversity. A large number of
contributors to this text ensure that a diversity
of viewpoints is represented. S.E.
2007 Book Reviews 151
Squirrels: The Animal Answer Guide.
Richard W. Thorington, Jr. and Katie
Ferrel. 2006. The Johns Hopkins University
Press, Baltimore, MD. 183 pp.
$24.95, softcover. ISBN 0801884039.
This is an accessible account of the large
and diverse squirrel family. Written in an
engaging and non-technical style, the authors
provide answers to successive questions
ranging from why so many squirrels
seem to get hit by cars, to how they survive
in the desert, to how fast they grow.
In answering these and other questions,
the authors take the reader on a worldwide
tour of the biology, ecology, and
behavior of squirrels. The book is well
illustrated with both color and black and
white photos, and includes a listing of all
of the known species, as well as a squirrel
bibliography. With some squirrel poems
thrown in for good measure, this book
will appeal to the general public and scientists
alike. S.E.
American Curiosity: Cultures of Natural
History in the Colonial British Atlantic
World. Susan Scott Parrish. 2006.
University of North Carolina Press,
Chapel Hill NC, 344 pp. $22.50,
softcover, ISBN 0807856789. An academic
work dealing with the exchange of
scientific and natural-history information
between Britain and its North American
colonies from the late 16th through the 18th
centuries. Attempts to show how colonial
people uniquely constructed their understanding
of the North American natural
world. Draws heavily on correspondence
and uses many direct quotes from that
period of time. Not for the casual reader,
but fills an important niche for the academic.
The Audubon Society Guide to Attracting
Birds, 2nd Edition. Stephen W. Kress.
2006. Cornell University Press, Ithaca
NY 466 pp. $24.95, softcover. ISBN
0801488641. A very thorough guide to
landscaping, small-scale forestry management,
and plant-species choices for
attracting birds. Provides guidance for
several general landscape types (forest,
shrub land, grassland) and lists preferred
native plantings for gardening and planting
by geographic region. The plant lists
are useful, but almost too broad. Includes
many plans for species-specific nesting
boxes, inexpensive feeders, various freshwater
stations, and squirrel-proof feeders.
Especially practical advice on bird food
preferences. Appendices list new webbased
resources as well as traditional references
and plant sources. Packed with
information, virtually guaranteed to inspire
and motivate readers from novice to
naturalist. Recommended for all with an
interest in birds and improving wildlife
habitat around their homes. S.O’M.
This Grand Magnificent Place: The
Wilderness Heritage of the White
Mountains. Christopher Johnson. 2006.
University of New Hampshire Press,
Durham, NH. 313 pp. $25.95, hardcover.
ISBN 139781584654612. This book tells
the story of the changing relationship between
humans and the White Mountains
of New Hampshire, beginning with the
Abenaki people in the 1600s, who regarded
it as their homeland, and continuing
through the following centuries of exploration,
exploitation, and ultimately
protection as a National Forest and Wilderness.
The story of how the White
Mountains became a cause of the early
environmental movement is itself an important
chapter in the larger history of the
environmental movement in America.
Filled with intriguing historical detail and
vivid characters, this book is an informative
and fascinating read. S.E.
Letters From Eden: A Year at Home in
the Woods. Julie Zickefoose. 2006.
Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston,
MA. 224 pp. $26, hardcover. ISBN
139780618573080. With clear, humorous
prose, keen observations, and charming
paintings, the author takes us through a
year of seasons in the lives of the birds,
turtles, snakes, and other animals in the
Appalachian foothills of Ohio. This book
152 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 14, No. 1
is made to be enjoyed in a hammock on a
lazy summer day, or sitting by a cottage
window as the snow swirls outside. Her
well-crafted essays on the natural world
around her are profusely illustrated with
line drawings and water color paintings,
and both her writing and painting show
the accomplishment of many years of
practice. A delightful, enjoyable book,
and a great gift. S.E.
Handbook of Bird Biology: Second Edition.
Sandy Podulka, Ronald W.
Rohrbaugh, Jr., and Rick Bonney (Eds.).
2004. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca,
NY. (In association with the Princeton
University Press). $99.50, hardcover.
ISBN 093802762X. This massive tome
provides the framework for the highly acclaimed
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Home Study Course in Bird Biology.
Started in 1972, with the publication of
the first edition, this self-paced distancelearning
course evolved as the years
passed and new scientific findings
emerged. By 1998, it was evident that the
course and the text needed extensive revisions,
and the course was temporarily suspended
and completely overhauled. The
result is this second edition, which now
clearly stands as a definitive reference on
bird biology for professional ornithologists,
students, and bird lovers everywhere.
New chapters on identification,
vocal communication, and conservation
have been added, along with updates on
all of the major topics covered in the first
edition, including anatomy and physiology,
ecology, and behavior. Written by 12
leading ornithologists, and accompanied
by more than 1000 figures, including
many photographs, this text and the
home-study course it supports remains a
popular and authoritative reference and
teaching tool. S.E.
All Things Reconsidered: My Birding
Adventures. Roger Tory Peterson, (Bill
Thompson III, Editor). 2006. Houghton
Mifflin Co., New York, NY 354 pp. $30,
cloth. ISBN 0618758623. A delightful
collection of Roger Tory Peterson’s writings
on birds and birding. Collected “All
Things Reconsidered” columns from Bird
Watcher’s Digest, a magazine for which
Peterson wrote for 12 years (from 1984 to
1996). Offers a unique perspective into
the mind and attitudes of one of
America’s greatest naturalists. Peterson
excelled as a story teller, chronicling a
wide variety of subjects including his
travels for birding, individuals doing specific
research, modern problems with pollution
and endangered species, and painting
birds as an artist. Editor treats
Peterson with the greatest respect. Arranged
chronologically, color photos and
illustrations throughout. Highly recommended
for birders, lovers of travel literature,
and the general reader. S.O’M.
The Grand Contraption: The World as
Myth, Number, and Chance. David Park.
2005. Princeton University Press,
Princeton, NJ. 331pp. $35, cloth. ISBN
0691121338. A most unusual book, looking
at 4000 years of Western Civilization’s
attempts to explain the universe
and the workings of the world, particularly
through numbers, measuring, and order.
Tours through creation myths of Judeo-
Christian tradition, ancient Greek philosophers
and mathematicians, astronomy, astrology,
Sir Isaac Newton, and countless
other historical figures and ideas. Truly a
history of science, especially physical science.
The author is a physicist. Limited to
the origins of classical western thought.
Unique and lively reading, challenging.
Especially recommended for those who
love numbers. S.O’M.
Stream Ecology: Structure and Function
of Running Waters. J. David Allan.
1995. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Norwell, MA, 388pp. $89.95, softcover.
ISBN 0412355302. A well-researched
comprehensive text on the ecology of
streams and flowing water. Updates classic
works by including important hydrological
and geomorphological factors, nutrient
spiraling, and more modern re2007
Book Reviews 153
search on species interactions. Includes
everything one would expect in an ecology
text, as well as a few pleasant surprises
specific to flowing water: stream
chemistry, the phenomenon of drift, organic
matter, and nutrient dynamics. Discusses
human impacts on stream systems.
A thorough book, intended for advanced
students. Useful as reference volume for
professionals. Includes black and white
figures and extensive references. S.O’M.
Architecture: Nature. Philip Jodidio.
2006. Prestel Publishing,, New York, NY.
190 pp. $65, cloth. ISBN 3791335278. A
fascinating look at architectural projects
that have ties to natural forms or inspirations.
Details case-by-case examples from
around the world. Includes everything
from geodesic domes and a tree house to
huge ultramodern structures of glass and
metal. Emphasis on design. High quality
color photos throughout complement the
text for each structure. Very interesting
and timely. Recommended for anyone interested
in design. S.O’M.
Earth Change and the Earth System: A
Planet Under Pressure. W. Steffan et al,
2004. Springer Science+Business Media,
New York, NY and Berlin, Germany. 336
pp. $139, cloth. ISBN 3540265945. Presents
the results of research by the International
Geosphere-Biosphere Programme
(IGBP) on Global systems and
change of those systems. Introduces Earth
system science, a body of research devoted
to a systems view of earth processes
such as ocean circulation, weather patterns,
vegetation and biosphere feedback
loops, and the interconnections of various
layers of systems. Looks at the mechanics
of intact systems, and the impacts of human
activities on those. Addresses the
problem of discerning human impact from
natural variability and presents research
on how global systems have responded to
human impacts. Devotes much space to
consequences of changing or tampering
with Earth systems. Looks to the future
where Earth system science leads to global
sustainability. A deeply complex issue,
does well in explaining layers and
relations. Ambitious and much needed.
Very technical, well researched. Over 200
useful figures and illustrations, includes
CD-ROM with all figures. Recommended
for advanced students and professionals
involved in systems modeling. S.O’M.
Ents, Elves, and Eriador: The Environmental
Vision of J.R.R. Tolkien. Matthew
Dickerson and Jonathan Evans. 2006.
University Press of Kentucky, Lexington,
KY, 316 pp. $35, cloth. ISBN
0813124182. A fascinating ecocritical
evaluation of the writings of J.R.R.
Tolkien. Focused primarily but not exclusively
on The Lord of the Rings trilogy and
The Hobbit. Tolkien’s other works are discussed.
Looks in depth at the obvious environmental
themes of agrarianism with the
hobbits, aesthetics and horticulture with
the elves, and wildness with the ents.
Overarching themes of stewardship are
connected to the wizard Gandalf throughout.
Discusses the means of conveying environmentalism
in myth and story. Valuable
for both Tolkien fans and those interested
in ecocriticism and environmental
literature. Especially useful given the
popularity of the subject matter. Relatively
readable, not overly academic. Includes
notes and recommended reading. S.O’M.
Nature: An Economic History. Geerat J.
Vermeij. 2004. Princeton University
Press, Princeton, NJ, 445 pp. $19.95,
softcover. ISBN 069112793X. Explores
where evolution and natural history, human
history, and economics converge.
Theorizes that similar “economic” forces
shape both natural and human history. Ultimate
thesis is that human systems that do
not follow the patterns of natural economies
are doomed to be less successful
than those that do, just like in nature. We
see the similarity of economic and ecological
terms: consumption, competition,
resource management, technology, systems
geography, disturbance. An ambitious
and thoughtful book examining the
154 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 14, No. 1
parallels and patterns. Seeking a synergy
is an admirable and ultimately pragmatic
task. Dense, small print. Extensive notes
and references. No graphics or figures. An
interesting challenging read. S.O’M..
Population Ecology: First Principles.
John H. Vandermeer and Deborah E.
Goldberg. 2003. Princeton University
Press, Princeton, NJ. 280 pp. $45,
softcover. ISBN 0691114412. Designed as
a population ecology textbook for advanced
undergraduate or graduate students,
presenting established basics of the
field. Relies heavily on quantitative analysis.
Linear algebra and calculus are required
to fully appreciate material (a review
appendix is included). Most chapters
can stand alone. Up to date and well laid
out. Concludes with a useful chapter entitled
“What this book was about” (in case
you missed it the first time). Technical, but
appropriately so. Includes many figures,
references, and a short glossary. Extremely
useful reference for students. S.O’M.
Native and Naturalized Trees of New
England and Adjacent Canada: A Field
Guide. Richard M. DeGraaf and Paul E.
Sendak. 2006. University Press of New
England, Lebanon NH. 227 pp. $16.95,
softcover. ISBN 1584655453. Small concise
field guide for trees in the Northeast.
Woody shrubs common in understory are
sadly not included. The book’s strength is
in the amount of information it includes.
Flowering time and detailed descriptions
of flowers and fruits, habitat, and notes of
interest accompany more typical field
guide entries. Includes French common
names. Descriptions of widely naturalized
species are helpful. A weakness is the emphasis
on verbal description for identification.
Pictures limited to a small line
drawing of leaves and fruits accompanying
each species description. Easy-to-use
key based on leaf shape. Small enough to
take into the field. A very good second
guide. S.O’M.
A Field Guide to Mammals of North
America, 4th Edition. Fiona A. Reid.
2006. Houghton Mifflin Co., New York,
NY. 579 pp, $20, softcover, ISBN
0395935962. A Peterson field guide, in
classic Peterson style. Covers continental
US and Canada including coastal waters
and pelagic species. Hawaii not included.
Features color plates with illustrations
and skull plates with photographs. The
bulk of the book is taken up by species
accounts with occasional color photos.
Species accounts are detailed, focused on
identification, and arranged taxonomically.
Author notes mammal phylogeny is
uncertain and changing, thus her taxonomy
may be different than other field
guides. Up-to-date conservation status included.
Changes from the 3rd edition are
not outlined but include: updated taxonomy
and species organization, color
photos of selected species, new color
plates, colored range maps, and deletion
of some dental references. Short glossary,
references listed. Recommended. S.O’M.
Florilegium Imperial. H. Walter Lack.
2006. Prestel Publishing, New York, NY.
303 pp. $164, clothcover. IBSN
3791334921. Enchanting, opulent, erudite,
botanical illustrations for Emperor
Francis I of Austria—captivates the
reader from the first page. Thoroughly researched
and beautifully written by the
Director of the Botanical Garden and Museum
at Berlin Dahlem, the Florilegium
Imperiale gives a selective overview of
the large-format watercolours of Mathias
Schmutzer, who painted them over a period
of thirty years in Vienna. Receiving
his mandate from the Emperor Francis I,
he documented the botanical treasures of
the greenhouses and gardens at Schloss
Schönbrunn, and to a larger extent, those
of the court and palace gardens of Vienna.
At a time when the upheaval of the French
Revolution and the Napoleonic wars
shook the European political scene, the
Emperor found relief in plants and the
world of gardens. Not only was he a de2007
Book Reviews 155
voted hobby gardener, he also initiated
and financed 5 botanical expeditions.
They returned with a wealth of botanical
and “jewels,” which became the basis for
the Emperor’s gardens and the over 1300
watercolours painted by Schmutzer. The
Florilegium Imperiale is a source of fascination
to art conoisseurs, botanists, and
cultural historians. In great detail and in
colourful descriptions, the cultural-historical
panorama of the time comes to life.
Visitors to Vienna today may still follow
on the trail of the Flower Emperor and
envision a botanical heyday which may
yet inspire. I.L.
The Ecology of Shallow Lakes. Marten
Scheffer. 2004. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Norwell, MA. 357 pp. $54,
softcover. ISBN 1402023065. A thorough
treatment of shallow lake ecology, focused
on the issue of water clarity and its
affect on aquatic systems. Defines shallow
lake as what is commonly known as a
pond, an aquatic system that does not
stratify in the summer, with top-to-bottom
mixing of the water column. Dominant
factors are sediment and aquatic vegetation.
Uses a model of diametrically opposed
states: shallow lakes are either clear
and healthy or turbid and relatively unhealthy,
with no real middle ground.
Thoroughly researched, potentially a bit
dated (newest studies referenced are mid-
1990s). An admirable synthesis of a huge
body of research. Useful reference for any
one studying freshwater ecology. Technical
and scientific, not for the general natural
history audience. S.O’M.
In Search of Deep Time: Beyond the
Fossil Record to a New History of Life.
Henry Gee. 2001. Cornell University
Press, Ithaca, NY. 267 pp. $19.95,
softcover. ISBN 0801487137. Explores
the “tension” between “Deep Time” (or
the geological time scale) and the human
time frame, and at the same time tells
some of the story of the history of life and
biology. Shows how the history of life
takes place in Deep Time, and cannot be
accurately conveyed on a human time
scale. Author critiques the narrative or
story-telling approach to the paleontological
history of life as too subjective, instead
offering the science of cladistics as a
away to discern patterns in the fossil
record free of our need to fit fossils to
narratives. Presents cladistics, or phylogenetic
systematics as away to uncover the
web of relatedness of all life. Uses specific
studies to demonstrate this. Very interesting,
especially for those interested in
paleontology, biology, and the general
history and philosophy of science. Includes
notes. Very readable, recommended.
The Making of the Fittest: DNA and the
Ultimate Forensic Record of Evolution.
Sean B. Carroll. 2006. W.W. Norton, New
York, NY. 301 pp. $25.95, cloth. ISBN
0393061639. An introduction to
genomics or comparative DNA analysis
and its implications for evolution. Describes
how by examining genomes, the
genetic changes from which new species
arose can be identified beyond a doubt.
Disused or “fossil” genes are also discussed,
strengthening the case. Emphasizes
decoding rather than sequencing as
the important part of genomics. Skillfully
weaves complex biological concepts with
personal stories and examples from
around the world. By author’s own account,
this book is meant for natural history
enthusiasts, teachers and students of
biology, and anyone who may be confused
about the current “intelligent design”
debate. Some material may be challenging
for the casual reader. Once
started, is difficult to put down. S.O’M.
Species Invasion: Insights into Ecology,
Evolution, and Biogeography. Dov F.
Sax, John J. Stachowicz, and Steven D.
Gaines (Eds.). 2005. Sinauer Associates,
Inc., Sunderland, MA. 495 pp. $51.95,
softcover. ISBN 0878938117. An explosion
in the colonization of new habitats
and locales by non-native plant and animal
species has occurred in the past cen156
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 14, No. 1
tury, primarily due to human efforts and
recent economic globalization trends.
These “invasions” can have disastrous
consequences for the native species and
ecology, but can also provide tremendous
benefits to human society. They also
present a unique opportunity to gain insights
into the workings of the natural
world. This book focuses on how questions
of ecology, evolution and biogeography
can be explored by studying species
invasions. Consisting of contributions
from a diversity of biologists, the chapters
use recent scientific findings to propose
new theories, constructs, theoretical
frameworks, and directions for future research
into how species invasions can provide
us with new understandings of these
three areas. The result is an insightful,
provocative, and timely text that will be of
interest to biologists, ecologists, and evolutionary
theorists S.E.
Phylogeny and Evolution of Angiosperms.
Douglas E. Soltis, Pamela A.
Soltis, Peter K. Endress, and Mark W.
Chase. 2005. Sinauer Associates, Inc.
Publishers, Sunderland, MA. 370 pp.
$62.95, softcover. ISBN 0878938176.
The use of genetic molecular analyses to
determine phylogenetic relationships has
resulted in a major modification of our
knowledge of angiosperm relationships.
This has diminished the usefulness of past
classification schemes. This text uses the
Angiosperm Phylogeny Group’s reclassification
of angiosperms to provide a comprehensive
summary of current concepts
of angiosperm phylogeny. This framework
is used to provide examples of character
evolution, and to highlight areas of
inadequate understanding, where further
research effort is required. This text is
sure to be an important and useful resource
for specialists in angiosperm evolution
and phylogeny. Many detailed line
drawings of plant parts are used to illustrate
evolutionary relationships, along
with phylogenetic trees for all major
groups. Well referenced to the scientific
literature. S.E.
Taxonomy and Plant Conservation:
The Cornerstone of the Conservation
and the Sustainable Use of Plants.
Etelka Leadlay and Stephen Jury (Eds.).
2006. Cambridge University Press, New
York, NY. 343 pp. $60, softcover. ISBN
0521607205. This collection of papers by
30 contributing authors begins with two
introductory chapters outlining the history
and future of plant diversity science and
the role of taxonomy in implementing the
Convention on Biological Diversity. How
taxonomy is practiced is the theme for the
next section with chapters addressing the
principles of taxonomy, what is required
of a taxonomy, and the rules governing
nomenclature. The role of taxonomy in
establishing priorities is addressed in 4
chapters: measuring diversity, need for
taxonomy in European conservation management
plans, the Medusa Network—
conservation in the Mediterranean, and
plant compounds and micromolecules.
The final part explores conservation strategies
employing taxonomy. Subjects addressed
in the ten chapters include contributions
of botanic gardens, molecular systematics,
the role of the taxonomist, wild
seed banks, and the usefulness of taxonomy
to legislation. Each chapter includes
references and a comprehensive index
completes the volume. C.R.
Ginseng Dreams: The Secret World of
America’s Most Valuable Plant. Kristin
Johannsen. 2006. The University Press of
Kentucky, Lexington, KY. 215 pp.
$24.95, hardcover. ISBN 0813123844.
Johannsen brings us along on her investigation
into the history of this mystical
plant, how it is used, cultivated, gathered,
bought and sold at present, and into what
the future might hold for the plant and
those associated with it. We meet interesting
folks who make extra money by
“sangin” or gathering roots and others
whose job it is to make sure the sangers
and the people who deal in ginseng are
following the rules. We visit a ginseng
farm and others attempting to cultivate the
2007 Book Reviews 157
plant as well as biologists studying the
plant. Most interesting is a researcher
studying the effects of ginseng on cancer.
An entertaining and captivating book
about a plant that is claimed to cure just
about whatever ails you! C.R.
Migrating Raptors of the World: Their
Ecology and Conservation. Keith L.
Bildstein. 2006. Comstock Publishing Associates,
Cornell University Press, Ithaca,
NY. 320 pp. $35, hardcover. ISBN
9780801441790. Until recently, little was
known about the lengthy seasonal migrations
undertaken by many of the worlds’
raptors. This volume is the first to synthesize
all that is known about raptor migrations,
in an accessible account of raptor
physiology, history, ecology, geography,
and conservation. Worldwide in scope,
the text gives information on over two
hundred species, with personal accounts
by the author of his sightings at twelve of
he world’s most important raptorviewing
spots. Sixteen color plates depict raptors
and some of the problems they face, and
there are photographs, maps, and charts
throughout, but the focus of this text is on
providing the most up-to-date and relevant
information on raptor migration.
This is an essential volume for the library
of raptor biologists, and of great interests
to ornithologists and bird watchers everywhere.
A Field Guide to the Tiger Beetles of the
United States and Canada: Identification,
Natural History, and Distribution
of the Cicindelidae. David L. Pearson, C.
Barry Knisley, and Charles J. Kazilek.
2006. Oxford University Press, New
York, NY. 227 pp. $19.95, softcover.
ISBN 0195181565. This comprehensive
guide covers every tiger beetle in North
America and will be valued by anyone
with an interest in this group, from amateur
to professional. Introductory chapters
cover how to recognize a tiger beetle,
their phylogeny, and taxonomy. For the
beginner ,there is a chapter on observing
and studying the beetles. The guide includes
simple keys written with a minimum
of technical language, as well as
beautifully reproduced color plates of
specimens of each species and subspecies.
Species accounts include a range map and
a detailed description that discusses similar
species, subspecies and variants. Distribution
and habits, behavior, seasonality,
and larval biology are also described.
There are also chapters on behavior and
ecology, biogeography, and conservation
of tiger beetles. A brief bibliography,
checklist, and index conclude this handy
guide that will give all readers confidence
to take up study of these intriguing creatures.
Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Northeastern
North America: A Revised and
Enlarged Edition of Norman C.
Fassett’s A Manual of Aquatic Plants.
Two Volumes. Garrett E. Crow and C.
Barre Hellquist. 2000. The University of
Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI. 480 pp./
400 pp. $90, hardcover; $45, softcover.
ISBN 029916330X/-280X. Volume one
includes pteridophytes, gymnosperms,
and the dicotyledon portion of the angiosperms.
Volume two includes the
monocotyledon portion of the angiosperms.
In addition to updating the nomenclature,
the authors have also increased
the range by including Newfoundland
and extending westward to southeastern
Manitoba and southward to Missouri,
as well as providing more complete
coverage of Virginia. They have also
added species found in bogs, salt marshes,
and tidal areas. Absent are aquatic bryophytes.
The keys cover 1139 species of
109 families and use vegetative material
whenever possible. 90 percent of the taxa
are illustrated occupying more than 600
pages combined. The enlarged diagrams
are helpful, but not necessarily more detailed.
Species entries include naming authority,
common name, habitat, and range.
A discussion of invasive species is included
in Volume 2. Both volumes in158
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 14, No. 1
clude a list of abbreviations, a glossary of
plant terms, a glossary of habitat terms, a
list of references, and a combined common/
scientific name index. C.R.
Flora of North America north of
Mexico. Volumes 19, 20 and 21. Flora of
North America Editorial Committee
(Eds.). 2006. Oxford University Press,
New York, NY. 597/666/616pp. $95,
hardcover. ISBN 019505639/-647/-655.
These three volumes cover Magnoliophyta:
Asteridae parts 6,7, and 8;
Asteraceae parts 1,2, and 3. Volume 19
covers the genera Mutisieae, Cynareae,
Arctotideae, Veronieae, Cichorieae,
Calenduleae, Gnaphalieae, Inuleae,
Plucheeae, and Anthemideae. Volume 20
covers Asteraea and Senecioneae. Volume
21 covers Heliantheae and
Eupatorieae. Combined, the three volumes
treat 2413 species. Volume 19 provides
a key to the tribes, including those
covered in the other two volumes, as well
as a key to artificial groups leading to
genera. An introduction to each tribe is
provided, and a key to the genera covered
in that volume are found in each. Species
accounts include naming authority with
references, synonyms, common name,
vegetative and floral characters, range
map, habitat information, and discussion
of subspecies and hybrids. Line drawings
are occasionally provided. An extensive
literature cited section and index are limited
to the material in each volume. A
separate index to the Asteraceae genera is
found in each volume as well. C.R.
Book Reviewers: S.E. = Stephen Eddy,
C.R. = Cathy Rees, S.O’M. = Sarah
O'Malley, I.L. = Ingrid Lotze.