Use of Hair Tubes to Detect Small-Mammal Winter
Activity in a Northern Forest Habitat
Hollee Schwingel1,2 and Christopher Norment1,*
Abstract - We used hair tubes to examine the winter activity of small mammals in
relation to coarse woody debris and snow cover in a deciduous forest woodlot
in western New York State during the winters of 2006 and 2007. Hairs trapped on
sticky tapes in baited hair tubes were used to identify mammal species. During
the winter of 2006, a higher proportion of baits was removed from hair tubes sites
2 m away from logs, relative to hair tubes adjacent to logs, while significantly
more baits were removed from hair tubes adjacent to logs in 2007. A significantly
greater proportion of baits was removed from log and open sites combined
in 2006 than in 2007. However, in 2007, a higher proportion of hair tubes with
baits removed also had mammal hairs on their tapes. The higher proportion of
baits removed from hair tubes in 2006, and the increased proportion of baits removed
from sites near logs in 2007, was most likely due to reduced snow cover in
2006. Hair tubes offer several advantages relative to live traps in the study of
winter small-mammal activity. They are simple to use, do not require handling
animals, eliminate trap-related mortality, and can be used at any spatial scale, including
the landscape level. Finally, they employ low-cost materials, and can be
adapted to a range of conditions and target species.
Relatively little is known about small-mammal winter ecology, especially
where low air temperatures and deep snow make research difficult
and may decrease survival of captured animals (Formozov 1946, Halfpenny
and Ozanne 1989, Pruitt 1984). In addition, some small mammals either
enter torpor (Pierce and Vogt 1993) or decrease activity (Martin 1983)
during bouts of cold weather. Small mammals using the subnivean space,
the space between the bottom of the snowpack and the ground (Pruitt
1984), are hidden from researchers by the snow these animals travel under
(Schmid 1984).
In the Northeast, relatively few studies have analyzed the winter activity
of small mammals, particularly in areas with long-lasting snow
cover (but see Merritt 1986, Webster and Brooks 1981, Wolff and Durr
1986, Zeggers and Merritt 1988). Most studies of small-mammal winter
activity in the Northeast have used live traps (e.g., Merritt 1986, Webster
and Brooks 1981, Wolff and Durr 1986). However, in the winter, live
traps must provide an appropriate microclimate for trapped animals. They
1Department of Environmental Science and Biology, College at Brockport, SUNY,
Brockport, NY 14420. 2Current address - 35740 Highway 17 North, Coulee City, WA
99115. *Corresponding author - cnorment@brockport.edu.
532 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 17, No. 4
must be checked frequently to prevent mortality, and it may be difficult
and labor-intensive to keep captured small mammals alive during intense
cold (Buech 1974, Merritt 1986, Sanecki and Green 2005, Schmid 1984).
The labor-intensive aspects of live-trapping small mammals in areas with
persistent snow cover also make it difficult to conduct landscape-scale
studies, which require monitoring many traps (Sanecki and Green 2005).
Finally, live trapping small mammals can potentially expose handlers
to diseases such as hantavirus (ASM 1998). Thus, there is a need for an
easy to use, efficient, and safe method for obtaining data on winter-active
small mammals.
One potentially useful sampling method employs hair tubes, which
eliminate trap-related mortality, decrease labor, and reduce the danger of
spreading diseases, because mammals are not captured (Pocock and Jennings
2006, Sanecki and Green 2005). Although hair-tube design varies, all
use bait to attract target species, which leave hair samples on an adhesive
substance placed inside the tube (Mortelliti and Boitani 2008, Pocock and
Jennings 2006, Sanecki and Green 2005). Hair samples are identified to
species, and potentially to sex and individual. Although hair tubes have
been used to study small mammals in non-niveal areas (Baker et al. 2003,
Dickman and Doncaster 1987, Gurnell et al. 2004, Laidlaw and Wilson
1989, Mortelliti and Boitani 2008), only recently have they been employed
in areas with long-lasting snow cover (Sanecki and Green 2005, Sanecki et
al. 2006).
The main objective of our study was to evaluate the suitability of hair
tubes for studies of winter small-mammal activity in a region of the Northeast
that may have long-lasting, but variable, snow cover. We also compared
the effectiveness of hair tubes placed in two deciduous forest microhabitats,
and evaluated how width of the adhesive used in hair tubes affects their ability
to collect hair samples.
Study area
We conducted our study in a deciduous forest woodlot at the College
at Brockport, State University of New York, Monroe County, NY. The
forest overstory was composed primarily of Acer saccharum Marshall
(Sugar Maple) and Fagus grandifolia Ehrhart (American Beech), with a
woody understory of Lindera benzoin (L.) Blume (Spice-bush), Ostrya
virginiana (Miller) K. Koch (Hop-hornbeam), and sapling Sugar Maples.
Numerous large downed logs were present. Common small mammals
included Blarina brevicauda Say (Northern Short-tailed Shrew), Tamias
striatus L. (Eastern Chipmunk), Sciurus carolinensis Gmelin (Eastern
Gray Squirrel), Glaucomys sabrinus Shaw (Northern Flying Squirrel),
and Peromyscus leucopus Rafinesque (White-footed Mouse) (C.J. Norment,
unpubl. data.)
2010 H. Schwingel and C. Norment 533
Field methods
Sampling occurred from 24 January 2006 to 6 March 2006 and 23 January
2007 to 6 March 2007. Hair-tube design followed Sanecki and Green
(2005). Because we wanted to sample all small mammals occurring at our
study site, from Northern Flying Squirrels to Northern Short-tailed Shrews,
hair tubes were constructed from relatively large (42 mm diameter) PVC
elbows, one end of which was blocked by a wooden plug that held the bait in
place (Fig. 1). Two holes were drilled into the top of the PVC elbow, 0.5 cm
from the edge, and a 20-cm-long piece of 0.05-cm-gauge wire was attached
to the elbow through the holes, to allow it to be deployed and retrieved. Bait
plugs were made by sawing 2-cm-long pieces of 4-cm-diameter wooden rods
and boring a 1.5-cm-diameter hole into one end; a plug was placed in the end
of the hair tube closest to the snow surface. Hair tubes were placed at the bottom
of snow tubes, which were 7.62-cm-diameter PVC plastic tubing, 77.5
cm in length. Each snow tube was mounted vertically on a 115-cm wooden
stake, and attached using plastic zip ties, leaving a 7.5-cm gap between the
bottom of the PVC tubing and the ground. Each hair tube was suspended
off the ground with 0.15-cm-gauge wire, 130 cm in length, hooked to the
0.05-cm-gauge wire. This allowed hair tubes to be withdrawn from snow
tubes without disturbing surrounding snow.
Figure 1. Assembled hair tube on left is in the position it would be in at the base of
a snow tube. The disassembled hair tube on right shows the PVC elbow and wooden
bait plug.
534 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 17, No. 4
Double-sided carpet tape was placed inside the open end of the hair tube.
The 2006 study used tape 1.6 cm wide and 9 cm long (Scotch 3M carpet
tape), which covered the bottom half of the hair tube. The 2007 study used
tape 3.18 cm wide and 13 cm long (Duck Brand light traffic carpet tape),
which covered three-quarters of the top and bottom of the tube. We chose
double-sided tape as the best material for hair capture because Sanecki and
Green (2005) found that it maintained stickiness throughout 7-d sampling
periods during a study of small-mammal distribution in relation to snow
cover, even when exposed to temperatures as low as -13 ºC. Bait was made
from peanut butter, honey, and oatmeal; one teaspoon-full was placed in the
hole in each bait plug.
In December 2005 and 2006, we placed 40 hair tubes in the woodlot,
before the first snowfall of the season. Two tubes were placed at each of 20
stations, in a four by five grid of about 100 m by 100 m. At each station, one
tube was placed next to a downed log ≥17 cm in diameter; the other tube
was placed 2 m away, in the open and near no other logs.
We conducted eight hair-tube trials, at approximately one-week intervals.
During each trial (four in 2006 and four in 2007), we placed a baited and
taped hair tube in each snow tube. After placing the hair tubes, we measured
thickness of the snow cover and any subnivean space in 10 randomly chosen
open areas. Hair tubes remained in the snow tubes for one week before being
removed. The tape from each hair tube was removed; we also recorded
whether the bait had been removed from the plug. Hair tubes were then
rebaited, retaped, and placed in snow tubes for another sampling period.
Hair identification
We identified small-mammal hairs to species, using the method of Martin
et al. (2001). When present, two to three hairs from each piece of carpet
tape were removed with forceps and placed on a glass microscope slide. A
plastic cover slip was placed over the hairs, and another glass microscope
slide placed over the cover slip. The glass microscope slides and plastic
cover slip were held over a Bunsen burner flame with crucible tongs. The
slides and slip remained over the flame for about 10 s, or until the edges of
the cover slip had melted. The slides and cover slip were cooled for 1 min;
the plastic cover slip then was removed from between the glass microscope
slides. The plastic cover slip was placed on a new microscope slide and the
cuticle impressions left by the hairs examined with a compound microscope.
Impressions were compared to reference slides of cuticle impressions of
guard hairs and underhairs of species in the study area. Length and diameter
of hairs, and a key to hairs of Michigan mammals (Mathiak 1938), aided in
identification of samples (see also Mayer 1952, Moore 1988, Teerink 1991).
Although cuticle impressions and hair measurements may not always be
sufficient to distinguish between closely related species (Harris and Yalden
2004, Sanecki and Green 2005), no congeneric species were present in our
2010 H. Schwingel and C. Norment 535
study area, which simplified hair identification. Two people independently
examined each hair sample; only those samples for which agreement occurred
were considered to have been identified to species.
We used χ2 tests to compare frequency distributions of baits removed
from hair tubes adjacent to downed logs and those 2 m away from logs, and
the proportion of tapes with hair samples in tubes from which from the bait
had been removed during the two study seasons. Statistical significance was
accepted at P ≤ 0.05.
In 2006, mean snow depth during the study period was 3.2 cm; maximum
recorded depth was 12.7 cm. Seventeen out of 43 days were without
snow cover, and a subnivean space never developed. In 2007, average snow
depth was 14.7 cm; maximum recorded depth was 27.9 cm, with a minimum
depth of 7.6 cm. There were no days without snow cover; a thin
subnivean space of ca. 2 cm was maintained throughout the study period,
although snow-free spaces up to 15 cm thick were present beneath the shelter
of downed logs.
Hairs from four small-mammal species were collected from hair tubes
at the study site: Northern Short-tailed Shrew, Eastern Chipmunk, Northern
Flying Squirrel, and White-footed Mouse; the most frequently detected
species was the White-footed Mouse. More hair tubes yielded samples in
2006 than in 2007 (Table 1). Five hair samples were unidentified in 2006,
either because the independent examiners could not reach an agreement, or
because the material was inadequate for identification. No hair samples were
unidentified in 2007 (Table 1).
In 2006, the proportion of baits removed from hair tubes was significantly
greater in sites 2 m away from logs (0.925; n = 80) than in sites adjacent
to logs (0.81; n = 79) (χ2 = 4.57, df = 1, P = 0.03). However, in 2007, the
proportion of baits removed from sites adjacent to logs (0.162, n = 80) was
significantly greater than the proportion removed from sites 2 m away from
logs (0.012, n = 80) (χ2 = 14.46, P < 0.001). The proportion of baits removed
from log and open sites combined was significantly greater in 2006 (0.868,
n = 159) than in 2007 (0.088, n = 160) (χ2 = 194.7, df = 1, P < 0.001). In
2006, 0.87 of the hair tubes had their bait removed, while only 0.18 of those
Table 1. Number of hair samples identified from hair tubes, Brockport, NY, 2006–2007.
Species 2006 2007
Blarina brevicauda (Northern Short-tailed Shrew) 3 3
Tamias striatus (Eastern Chipmunk) 5 0
Glaucomys sabrinus (Northern Flying Squirrel) 0 4
Peromyscus leucopus (White-footed Mouse) 12 4
Unidentified 5 0
Total 25 11
536 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 17, No. 4
hair tubes (n = 138) had hair on the tape. In 2007, only 0.088 of the hair tubes
had their bait removed, but 0.79 of those tubes (n = 14) had hair on the tape;
this difference was significant (χ2 = 25.7, df = 1, P < 0.001).
The most frequently detected species in our study was the White-footed
Mouse, the most abundant small mammal during a 16-yr live trapping study
at the same site (C.J. Norment, unpubl. data). All species detected with hair
tubes remain surface-active during the winter (Northern Short-tailed Shrew
[Merritt 1986], Eastern Chipmunk [French 2000], Northern Flying Squirrel
[Whitaker and Hamilton 1998], and White-footed Mouse [Pierce and Vogt
1993]), although some individuals may enter torpor during the coldest part
of the winter (e.g., Pierce and Vogt 1993). The number of hair samples obtained
with hair tubes, and the number with baits removed, was greater in
2006 than in 2007; the only species more frequently detected in 2007 was
the Northern Flying Squirrel.
The disparity between the proportion of baits removed from hair tubes
in 2006 and 2007, and the relatively high proportion of baits removed from
hair tubes placed adjacent to logs in 2007, as compared to those 2 m away
from logs, can be attributed to different snowfall patterns during 2006 and
2007. From late January through early March of 2006, there was no snow
cover, or only a temporary, thin layer, present at our study area; most likely,
snow did not serve as a barrier to small-mammal movement. However, from
late January through early March of 2007, snow cover was continuous and
never decreased to less than 7.6 cm. Thus, small mammals could access hair tubes,
both those adjacent to logs and those in open areas, more easily in 2006. The
deeper, long-lasting snow cover in 2007 most likely restricted access to hair
tubes, especially those in open areas, hence the increased rate of bait removal
from hair tubes adjacent to logs, which supported a larger snow-free space.
Researchers elsewhere have found that coarse woody debris is important in
structuring the subnivean space and providing connectivity between subnivean
and supranivean environments (Sanecki et al. 2006, Sherburne and
Bissonette 1994). Even though a thin subnivean space of ca. 2 cm formed in
2007, this space was probably too small for most winter-active small mammals
to use (Sanecki et al. 2006).
An alternative explanation for the greater number of baits removed
from hair tubes in 2006 could be that small-mammal populations were
higher during this sampling period. We have no data to test this explanation
directly. However, trap success (number of mice captured/ number
of traps set) for White-footed Mouse at the study site were similar in
May 2006 (0.120) and May 2007 (0.134), suggesting that, at least for the
species most frequently detected by hair tubes, population size did not
differ substantially between winters (C. Norment, unpubl. data). Also,
2010 H. Schwingel and C. Norment 537
differences in small-mammal population size between years would not
have affected within-year differences in bait removal from sites adjacent
to and distant from logs.
Greater tape effectiveness during 2007 (0.79) was likely due to tape
width and length, and tape placement. The wider and longer tape used during
the 2007 winter season, which covered a greater proportion of the tube,
probably was more effective at removing hairs from small mammals that
entered the hair tubes than tape used in 2006. However, hair tubes in our
study were less effective than in the study by Sanecki and Green (2005),
who used the same hair tube design to examine small-mammal distribution
in relation to snow cover in the Snowy Mountains, Australia. The reason for
the lower effectiveness in our study is unclear, as Sanecki and Green (2005)
placed double-sided tape only in the “upper inside surface” of the opening.
One possible reason is that the common mammal species studied by Sanecki
and Green (2005) were larger (average mass range = 35 g to 125 g) than
the two common species in our study, which range from about 23 g (Whitefooted
Mouse) to 15 g (Northern Short-tailed Shrew) (C. Norment, unpubl.
data). Consequently, small mammals in the study by Sanecki and Green
(2005) may have contacted the tape more frequently. Although their hairtube
design was different, Pocock and Jennings (2006) speculated that large
hair tubes may undersample Sorex minutus L. (Pygmy Shrew), which weigh
between 2–5 g (McDevitt and Andrews 1997).
Even though hair tubes offer advantages over traditional trapping
methods for studying small-mammal winter ecology, they also possess
several limitations. First, as in our study, some small mammals may
remove baits from tubes without depositing hair samples. Selection of
a tube size appropriate to the target species (Lindenmayer et al. 1999,
Pocock and Jennings 2006, Sanecki and Green 2005) and using pieces
of double-sided tape large enough to cover most of the inside diameter of
the hair tube should increase the proportion of hair samples obtained from
hair tubes visited by small mammals.
Second, hair tubes may not provide accurate abundance indices, because
they cannot distinguish the number of individuals of the same species visiting
tubes (Lindenmayer et al. 1994; Sanecki and Green 2005). However,
a comparative study based on live trapping and hair-tube sampling found
a significant correlation between number of captures and hair-tube index
for two of three shrew species in Britain (Pocock and Jennings 2006), and
hair tubes have been used to determine abundance indices for Sciurus vulgaris
L. (European Red Squirrel; Mortelliti and Boitani 2008). Also, DNA
samples from hair tubes can be used to identify individual animals (Foran
et al. 1997). Finally, although impressions of hair cuticles, and hair length
and width, are commonly used to identify small-mammal hairs, they may not
be sufficient for distinguishing between closely related species (Harris and
Yalden 2004, Sanecki and Green 2005).
538 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 17, No. 4
In summary, despite several drawbacks, hair tubes offer important advantages
for the study of small-mammal ecology, especially during periods with
low temperatures and long-lasting snow cover. They are simple to use, do
not require handling the animals, eliminate trap-related mortality, and can be
used at any spatial scale, including the landscape level. Use of appropriately
sized hair tubes may also offer an inexpensive way of determining when
smaller-sized hibernators emerge during the spring. Finally, they employ
low-cost materials, and can be adapted to a range of conditions and target
species (Sanecki and Green 2005).
We thank Levi Atwater, Jesse Batz, Norman Gervais, Adam Lotyczewski, Alex
Nies, Casey Pealo, Sarah Stio, and Allison Vegh for help with this project. Materials
were provided by the Department of Environmental Science and Biology, College
at Brockport, State University of New York. Dr. Ken Green and two anonymous
reviewers offered helpful comments on drafts of this paper. Jim Dusen, College at
Brockport, supplied the photograph of the hair tubes. The model for our hair tubes
was provided by the late Dr. Glenn Sanecki, to whom we dedicate this paper.
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