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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 17, Number 4, 2010

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Documentation of the Rabies Virus in Free-ranging Fisher (Martes pennanti) in Pennsylvania
Jeffery L. Larkin, Jennifer Christine Wester, Walter O. Cottrell, and Melia T. DeVivo


Use of Hair Tubes to Detect Small-Mammal Winter Activity in a Northern Forest Habitat
Hollee Schwingel and Christopher Norment

Freshwater Mussel (Bivalvia: Unionidae) Distributions and Habitat Relationships in the Navigational Pools of the Allegheny River, Pennsylvania
Tamara A. Smith and Elizabeth S. Meyer

Evaluating The Mussel Fauna Of The Chagrin River, A State-listed “Scenic” Tributary Of Lake Erie
Robert A. Krebs, John D. Hook, Michael A. Hoggarth, and B. Michael Walton

Influences of Acid Mine Drainage and Thermal Enrichment on Stream Fish Reproduction and Larval Survival
Andrew W. Hafs, Christopher D. Horn, Patricia M. Mazik, and Kyle J. Hartman

Differential Effects of Urbanization and Non-natives on Imperiled Stream Species
Scott A. Stranko, Susan E. Gresens, Ronald J. Klauda, Jay V. Kilian, Patrick J. Ciccotto, Matthew J. Ashton, and Andrew J. Becker


Thermal Preferences and Distribution of Northern Michigan Crayfishes
Troy A. Keller and Brian A. Hazlett


Salamander Diversity at C.F. Phelps Wildlife Management Area, Fauquier and Culpeper Counties, Virginia
Jay D. McGhee and Michael D. Killian

A Loose Colony of Rusty Blackbirds Nesting in Northern Maine
Luke L. Powell, Thomas P. Hodgman, William E. Glanz, James D. Osenton, and David M. Ellis

Possible Impact of Multiflora Rose on Breeding-Bird Diversity in Riparian Forest Fragments of Central Delaware
Roger J. Massé and Kevina Vulinec

Croton monanthogynus and Crotonopsis elliptica (Euphorbiaceae) in Ozark Rock Outcrop Communities: Abundance, Soil Depth, and Substrate Tolerance
Stewart Ware
Predation of Spotted Turtle (Clemmys guttata) Hatchling by Green Frog (Rana clamitans)
James D. DeGraaf and Daniel G. Nein
First Records of Oriental Weatherfish (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) in Maryland
Matthew Ashton and Patrick Ciccotto
Establishment of the Eastern Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) in Nova Scotia, Canada
Howard M. Huynh, Geoffrey R. Williams, Donald F. McAlpine, and Richard W. Thorington, Jr.
Noteworthy Books 678






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