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Evaluating The Mussel Fauna Of The Chagrin River, A State-listed “Scenic” Tributary Of Lake Erie
Robert A. Krebs, John D. Hook, Michael A. Hoggarth, and B. Michael Walton

Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 17, Issue 4 (2010): 565–574

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2010 NORTHEASTERN NATURALIST 17(4):565–574 Evaluating The Mussel Fauna Of The Chagrin River, A State-listed “Scenic” Tributary Of Lake Erie Robert A. Krebs1,*, John D. Hook1, Michael A. Hoggarth2, and B. Michael Walton1 Abstract - Levels of environmental protection vary among watersheds, and assessing how well conservation efforts protect threatened faunal groups is a critical need for management. Almost the entire 114 km of the Chagrin River is designated as scenic by the state of Ohio, which implies good water quality and community efforts to maintain and improve water resource integrity. We examined mussel diversity and abundance across 30 sites. The mussels present remained largely restricted to the upper reaches. One species, Lampsilis radiata luteola, dominated the assemblage of the upper Chagrin, which now includes only six additional species, none of which are very abundant: Lasmigona costata, Lasmigona compressa, Pyganodon grandis, Strophitus undulatus, Utterbackia imbecillis, and Anodontoides ferussacianus. One additional species, Lampsilis cardium, was the only species found living in the lower Chagrin. Applying the Shannon index of diversity indicated that the Chagrin River has a more depauperate fauna than neighboring watersheds, and therefore, the current passive conservation efforts may be insufficient to protect these small isolated populations of remaining species. Introduction Throughout the United States, streams resurveyed for freshwater mussels (Unionidae, Bivalvia) after only modest periods of time (10–30 years) indicate that both diversity and abundance continue to decline (McGregor and Garner 2004, Poole and Downing 2004, Vaughn 1997). Positive outcomes are more limited, but Miller and Lynott (2006) reported increasing abundance of numerous mussels in a portion of the Verdigris River (Kansas) that received significant conservation efforts to protect its fauna. In addition, the fauna of the Sipsey River in Alabama (McCullagh et al. 2002), Muddy Creek in Pennsylvania (Mohler et al. 2006), and the Sydenham River in Canada (Metcalfe-Smith et al. 2003) appear stable, while the mussel faunas of the Pearl River in Mississippi and Louisiana (Gunning and Suttkus 1985) and the Grand River in Canada (Metcalfe-Smith et al. 2000a) show increases across just 10–20 years following improvements to water quality. The important question nationally is what type of conservation practices can most likely reverse past depredations on the fauna, and if so, under what time frame? We examined potential benefits of Ohio’s Scenic Rivers Act to the Chagrin River, a stream flowing through an urban/residential region. This act requires that a citizens’ advisory council be instituted to coordinate 1Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH 44115-2406. 2Department of Life and Earth Sciences, Otterbein College, Westerville, OH 43081. *Corresponding author - 566 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 17, No. 4 local officials, landowners, and conservation organizations, but the council is simply advisory on local river protection and preservation concerns. The Chagrin River is 114 km long and drains 697 km2 of formerly agricultural lands in northeast Ohio that is presently dominated by low-density residential use (OH EPA 2006). Although Cleveland’s eastern suburbs continue to expand (Clapham 2003), 79 km of the Chagrin River (total length) were designated an Ohio State Scenic River in 1979, with an additional 35 km designated in 2002. Only the lowest 10 km were excluded, suggesting that natural diversity may be protected in spite of urban sprawl within the region (Walton et al. 2007). Methods Surveys were conducted in June and July of 2007 during a period of minimal rainfall (60–70 cfs at USGS surface water station 04209000, Willoughby, OH) allowing visual observation of most of the stream bottom while wading. However, within a few sites, tactile searches (referred to as noodling) occurred where visibility was limited by depth or turbidity. Sites were chosen based on road access and generally followed those first surveyed by Hoggarth (1990) to compare faunal change after almost 20 years (Fig. 1). Effort was made to search soft substrate at each site. A time limit using two person hours per site was employed, as timed searches are one common approach for identifying the presence of mussels across many sites Figure 1. Locations of sites surveyed along the Chagrin River main stem (sites 1–18), the Aurora Branch (sites 19–25), and the East Branch (26–30). All integer site numbers correspond with the original survey by Hoggarth (1990), with three non-integer site numbers added to indicate new locations. All survey sites fell within the designated Scenic Rivers sections of the river except sites 15–18 in the lower mainstem. 2010 R.A. Krebs, J.D. Hook, M.A. Hoggarth, and B.M. Walton 567 (Metcalfe-Smith et al. 2000b, Payne et al. 1997, Strayer and Smith 2003). Hoggarth (1990), by contrast, searched each site until no new species were found, and abundance was recorded only up to the point of establishing the presence of a viable population. The actual distance/area covered was not measured, which admittedly limited comparison of site data across time (Smith et al. 2001). The total area covered across multiple surveys and the collection of shells provided a high probability of finding species at a reach level (Smith 2006), although differences in collection methods make a quantitative comparison over time problematic. In the East Branch Chagrin River, where no historical records of mussel populations exist, survey effort was reduced to one person hour per site. Relative abundance of mussel species permit traditional estimates of diversity using the Shannon index, which measures diversity based on both the number of species found and species evenness in abundance (Gotelli and Ellison 2004:372–373). As the probability of detecting live individuals is based on survey effort, rare species may be easily missed, even if present. Fortunately, dead valves generally provide an indication of presence of species for which no live individuals were retrieved (Krebs et al. 2010). Therefore, we examined the correlation between the numbers of live individuals and shells found across species by a nonparametric Spearman rank correlation coefficient (rho) to test whether more shells would be found for the species most often collected alive and to look at the likelihood for rare species in the shell data to be missed among the live-caught samples. Live specimens were identified in the field and returned to the substrate, while relic shells were collected and vouchered at the Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences at Cleveland State University. Taxonomy followed Turgeon et al. (1998). To further assess the Chagrin River fauna, we examined the Ohio State University Museum of Biological Diversity and the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology online databases, records at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, and species lists provided by the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. To examine potential effects of urbanization, we constructed a simple index of human impacts following Lyons et al. (2007). At each site, the same observer scored seven factors associated with human presence using an integer scale from 0 to 3, where zero indicated no apparent effects, and three denoted extreme modification of the river: (1) presence of buildings, (2) presence of roads, (3) depth and condition of the riparian zone, (4) condition of the stream bank, (5) presence of dams or spillways, (6) erosion, and (7) the quantity of trash in the river. These scores were compared to the number of mussel species present at each site to provide a simple picture of potential human impacts on the system. A Spearman’s rank correlation (rho) again was applied to measure statistical dependence between urbanization and number of species found across the 20 sites along the main stem of the river. 568 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 17, No. 4 Results In order of abundance, we found live individuals of eight species of unionid mussels: Lampsilis radiata luteola Lamarck (Fatmucket), Lasmigona costata (Rafinesque) (Flutedshell), Lasmigona compressa (I. Lea) (Creek Heelsplitter), Pyganodon grandis (Say) (Giant Floater), Strophitus undulatus (Say) (Creeper), Lampsilis cardium Rafinesque (Plain Pocketbook), Utterbackia imbecillis (Say) (Paper Pondshell) and Anodontoides ferussacianus (I. Lea) (Cylindrical Papershell), and the shells found followed a similar pattern of abundance (rSpearman = 0.83, P < 0.01 for the upper Chagrin River; Table 1). The Plain Pocketbook was the only species found downstream of the high falls that separated the upper (sites 1–9.5) and lower (sites 10–18) Chagrin River. A single shell of Potamilus alatus (Say) (Pink Heelsplitter) at site 18 suggested that this second species may occur in the lower Chagrin River. No live mussels were found in any tributaries, although a few shells collected in the Aurora Branch, mostly as subfossils except for three Giant Floater shells found in the headwaters, indicated that mussels may well have occurred there in the past. We found no evidence of unionids in the East Branch Chagrin River. A lower urbanization score was correlated with more mussel species (rSpearman = 0.70, P < 0.01; Fig. 2). Live mussels were found at 11 of the 13 sites that received a score of seven or less (an average of 1 for each of the seven factors), while almost no live mussels were found at sites with scores above seven. Discussion At least eight species of mussels live in the Chagrin River as of 2007. Hoggarth (1990) found only six species alive, although he reported one fresh-dead Paper Pondshell in the Aurora Branch and none in the upper mainstem as reported here. He too found shells of Plain Pocketbook, including one above the falls, and one Alasmidonta marginata Say (Elktoe) as a subfossil below the falls. Despite these few differences in the species record, Table 1. Collection of live mussels and dead shells in the Chagrin River. Live = live mussels Shells = dead shells. Lower Chagrin Upper Chagrin Aurora Species Common names Live Shells Live Shells Live Shells Anodontoides ferussacianus Cylindrical Papershell 0 0 2 5 0 0 Lampsilis cardium Plain Pocketbook 6 95 0 0 0 0 Lampsilis radiata luteola Fatmucket 0 2 179 111 0 0 Lasmigona compressa Creek Heelsplitter 0 5 12 11 0 2 Lasmigona costata Flutedshell 0 0 18 24 0 0 Potamilus alatus Pink Heelsplitter 0 1 0 0 0 0 Pyganodon grandis Giant Floater 0 1 9 9 0 9 Strophitus undulatus Creeper 0 1 8 19 0 0 Utterbackia imbecillis Paper Pondshell 0 0 3 0 0 0 Total specimens 6 105 231 179 0 11 2010 R.A. Krebs, J.D. Hook, M.A. Hoggarth, and B.M. Walton 569 richness did not change markedly across these time periods (Fig. 3). Some exceptions included site 2 in the headwaters, which has become an almost Figure 2. A scatter plot comparing species diversity and urbanization scores at 20 sites along the main stem of the Chagrin River (sites 2–18 inclusive in Fig. 1). Figure 3. The diversity of freshwater mussels found living at each site surveyed within the upper reaches of the Chagrin River main stem. A total of seven different species occurred in this region, although the most found at one site was six. Only one species (L. cardium) was found living in the lower main stem. 570 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 17, No. 4 impassible swamp, and two sites now improved as natural areas: site 4 is a protected bird sanctuary in the Geauga County Park system; site 9/9.5 became a flowing stream after a low-head dam broke apart. The presence of live Plain Pocketbook with many fresh shells in the lower main stem also has followed the collapse of a low-head dam at site 17.5, which may have improved flow conditions and permitted host fish to carry glochidia upstream to the North Chagrin Reservation, a stretch of the river possessing thick riparian zones on both banks. However, both in 1989 and currently, only one species can be described as abundant: the Fatmucket. In contrast, the Elktoe was the most numerous of five species A.E. Ortmann deposited at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in 1920 from a single collection site above the falls: Elktoe, Cylindrical Papershell, Flutedshell, Creek Heelsplitter, and one Pyganodon cataracta (Say) (Eastern Floater). This last species has not been subsequently seen there or anywhere in the Lake Erie watershed (Watters et al. 2009). Comparing similar timed searches among the region’s rivers, each covering 22–42 sites per river, depending on watershed size, diversity in the mussel fauna of the Chagrin River based on the Shannon index (0.99) was less than that of several nearby rivers: Grand River (2.06), Rocky River (1.93), Black River (1.73), and Cuyahoga River (1.36) (data from Huehner et al. 2005, Krebs and Rundo 2005, Lyons et al. 2007, and Tevesz et al. 2002, respectively). Although diversity is higher in these neighboring watersheds, loss of mussel species has also occurred in many of them. The largest declines in species numbers were reported for the nearby Cuyahoga River at 40% (Tevesz et al. 2002), Rocky River at 33% (Krebs and Rundo 2005), and Black River at 43% (Lyons et al. 2007), based largely on records that date back to 1900, and even two archaeological sites from 650–400 years ago (Tevesz et al. 2002). Species loss also has been prevalent across Ontario’s Lake Erie tributaries (Metcalfe-Smith et al. 1998), although more recent surveys suggest that active conservation efforts, as put forth in Canada’s Grand and Sydenham Rivers, can stabilize a diverse unionid fauna (Metcalfe-Smith et al. 2000a, 2003). The most promising observation of improvement in the Chagrin River was the presence of numerous Plain Pocketbook specimens. No live mussels were found below the falls by Hoggarth (1990), although Ortmann deposited one specimen in the Carnegie Museum from 1920 along with a single Fatmucket. Sietman et al. (2001) identified Plain Pocketbook as one of six that has colonized the upper Illinois River after they were extirpated, suggesting that when conditions improve, recovery of this species can occur within an ecological time frame. One reason the lower main stem may be so depauperate for mussels was provided by Ortmann (1924), who described it as “polluted by paper mill at Chagrin Falls.” The mainstem now has reached 100% attainment of aquatic life usage standards, except for some parts of the headwaters (OH EPA 2006) compared to 81% in the 2010 R.A. Krebs, J.D. Hook, M.A. Hoggarth, and B.M. Walton 571 previous assessment (Ohio EPA 1997). Mussel communities recovered in Ontario’s Grand River after sewage and industrial pollutants were reduced (Metcalfe-Smith et al. 2000a). Due to Lake Erie’s influence, the Chagrin River resembles a linear pond at its mouth, and additional species not found in the flowing stream may be present. A live Toxolasma parvum (Barnes) (Lilliput) was found in 2000 along with fresh shells of the Giant Floater and the Paper Pondshell (records in the OSUMBD, Weathered valves were also collected for four other species: Cylindrical Papershell, Leptodea fragilis (Rafinesque) (Fragile Papershell), Ligumia nasuta (Say) (Eastern Pondmussel), and Pink Heelsplitter, the species for which we found one shell upstream. Because the exotic Dreissena polymorpha Pallas (Zebra Mussel) and D. bugensis Andrusov (Quagga Mussel) have largely extirpated lake populations of unionids (Nichols and Amberg 1999, Schloesser et al. 2005, Strayer 1999), the presence of old shells in this stretch of the river does not provide evidence of extant populations. Above Chagrin Falls, the only new species was Paper Pondshell, which may have been an unintentional introduction, as it often occurs behind impoundments (Butkas and Ostrofsky 2006) and is more resistant to contaminants (Milam et al. 2005). For that reason, this species may be one of the few unionids that is expanding its range due to habitat alteration (Krebs et al. 2010, Parmalee and Polhemus 2004), with colonization possible from glochidia attached to stocked fish (Watters 1997). There are no known causes for the lack of mussels found in the tributaries. Loos (1960) searched the Aurora Branch Chagrin River and the lower mainstem for all mollusks, but found only a single living Lampsilis individual high in the watershed. The Aurora Branch lags behind the mainstem in water quality, as only 58% of sites sampled by the Ohio EPA in 2003 reached full attainment. That score was still an improvement over the 40% of sites that met all biological standards in 1995 (OH EPA 2006). Like the upper mainstem, colonization is unlikely for the Aurora Branch, as it also possesses several 2-m-high waterfalls near the confluence with the main stem. In contrast, the East Branch Chagrin River may lack mussels due to its greater watershed slope. While usable substrate was observed at several localities, higher stream slopes can increase problems with siltation and may destabilize stream sediments (Arbuckle and Downing 2002, Hardison and Layzer 2001). Overall, long-term concerns still remain for the Chagrin River, with several mussel beds existing at sites with intermediate scores for urbanization. Their success, however, may link to improved water quality and the wide riparian zones above Chagrin Falls and within the region’s Metroparks along the mainstem. Poole and Downing (2004) suggest that wide riparian zones may be the most important local factor for sustaining diverse mussel assemblages. 572 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 17, No. 4 Acknowledgments J.D. Hook was supported by a Research Experiences for Undergraduates award (DBI 0243878) from NSF to B.M. Walton. We thank Mark Lyons for assistance collecting mussels, Terry Robeson for permission to work in the Cleveland Metroparks, Paul Pira for permission to work in the Geauga County Parks, Tom Watters for access to the Ohio State University Museum of Biological Diversity database, Joe Keiper for access to the collections of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, and Tim Pierce for sending records from the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Unionid shells were collected under wild animal permit #141 for 2007 from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Literature Cited Arbuckle, K.E., and J.A. Downing. 2002. Freshwater mussel abundance and species richness: GIS relationships with watershed land use and geology. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59:310–316. Butkas, K.J., and M.L. Ostrofsky. 2006. The status of unionid and dreissenid mussels in northwestern Pennsylvania inland lakes. Nautilus 120:106–111. Clapham, W.B., Jr. 2003. 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