Diet of the Eastern Mudminnow (Umbra pygmaea DeKay)
from Two Geographically Distinct Populations within the
North American Native Range
Frank M. Panek and Judith S. Weis
Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 20, Issue 1 (2013): 37–48
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Diet of the Eastern Mudminnow (Umbra pygmaea DeKay)
from Two Geographically Distinct Populations within the
North American Native Range
Frank M. Panek1,* and Judith S. Weis2
Abstract - Umbra pygmaea (Eastern Mudminnow) is a freshwater species common
in Atlantic slope coastal lowlands from southern New York to northern Florida and is
typical of slow-moving, mud-bottomed, and highly vegetated streams, swamps, and
small ponds. We examined its seasonal food habits at the Great Swamp National Wildlife
Refuge (NWR), NJ and at the Croatan National Forest, NC. A total of 147 Eastern
Mudminnow from 35–112 mm TL and 190 Eastern Mudminnow from 22–89 mm TL
were examined from these sites, respectively. At both locations, we found it to be a
bottom-feeding generalist that consumes cladocerans, ostracods, chironomid larvae,
coleopteran larvae, and other insects and crustaceans. Ostracods were most common
in the diet at the Great Swamp NWR and occurred in 62% ± 2.5% of the stomachs with
food. At Croatan National Forest, chironomid larvae were most common and occurred
in 66.7% ± 15.8% of the stomachs. There were no statistically significant differences
in diet composition between the sites during the winter, summer, and fall. However,
when compared on an annual basis, Jaccard’s Index (θJ = 0.636, P = 0.05) suggested
that the diet at the two study sites was significantly different. While we identified the
same major food groups at both locations, the utilization of these food groups varied
seasonally. Detritus was a major stomach content at both locations throughout the
year. We also documented cannibalism during the summer season at both locations.
The seasonal diet of the Eastern Mudminnow was similar to that of Umbra limi (Central
Mudminnow) and Umbra krameri (European Mudminnow). Our findings here are
the first quantitative examinations of seasonal differences in the diet of the Eastern
Mudminnow within its native North American range.
Umbra pygmaea DeKay (Eastern Mudminnow) is one of four species of Umbridae
in North America (Wilson and Veilleux 1982). It is a freshwater species
common in Atlantic slope coastal lowlands from southern New York to northern
Florida and is typical of slow-moving, mud-bottomed, and highly vegetated
streams, swamps, and small ponds (Lee et al. 1980). Aspects of the Eastern Mudminnow
life history have been described by Panek and Weis (2012) for a North
American population and by Verreycken et al. (2010) for populations in France,
Belgium, Germany, and The Netherlands, where it is introduced and highly invasive.
Aspects of the life history of the Eastern Mudminnow are similar to those
more extensively described for Umbra limi Kirtland (Central Mudminnow) by
1US Geological Survey, Leetown Science Center, 11649 Leetown Road, Kearneysville,
WV 25420. 2Rutgers - The State University, Department of Biological Sciences, 195
University Avenue, Newark, NJ 07102. *Corresponding author -
38 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 1
Peckham and Dineen (1957). However, little is known of the foods and feeding
of the Eastern Mudminnow, and most published observations are anecdotal. In
this study, we quantitatively examine the seasonal food habitats of the Eastern
Mudminnow at two locations within its native range and contrast these with those
reported for the Central Mudminnow.
Field Site Descriptions
Fish were sampled seasonally for one year from two locations within the native
range of the Eastern Mudminnow: at the Great Swamp National Wildlife
Refuge in north-central New Jersey within the Black Creek system of the Passaic
River Basin as described by Panek and Weis (2012), and at Black Swamp
Creek within the Croatan National Forest near New Bern and Morehead City,
NC (Fig. 1). The Croatan National Forest is a Mid-Atlantic coastal forest ecosystem
bordering the Neuse and White Oak rivers and the coastal waters of Bogue
Sound. The forest ecosystem is dominated by Pinus palustris Mill. (Long-leaf
Pine), evergreen-shrub bogs, and raised swamps or pocosins. Soils and associated
vegetation in the forest were described by Christensen et al. (1988). Throughout
the basin, soils contain a high percentage of organic material, and waters exhibit
a dark brown or tea color as a result of the leaching of tannic acids, which also
reduces the pH of waters in the area to 5.8 to 6.5. The freshwater fish fauna within
Croatan National Forest was described by Rohde et al. (1979), and the habitat at
Black Swamp Creek was described by Ross and Rohde (2003).
Figure 1. Locations of sampling sites at the Great Swamp NWR, NJ and the Croatan
National Forest, NC.
2013 F.M. Panek and J.S. Weis 39
Materials and Methods
Fish were collected with minnow traps, seines, and hand nets from several
streams and swamp drainage ditches feeding into Black Swamp Creek within
Croatan National Forest during 1977 and at Black Brook in the Great Swamp
National Wildlife Refuge in 1978–1979. Fish were euthanized with a lethal dose
of quinaldine sulfate, and the total length (mm) and the weight (g) were measured
for each fish. Stomachs were excised and then fixed in 10% formalin in the
field, and the contents later removed in the laboratory and stored in 70% ethanol
for processing. All samples were processed and food items identified within six
months of collection, and voucher specimens saved. Identifications of aquatic
biota were made under a dissecting microscope and according to Pennak (1978),
Thorp and Covich (1991), and Merritt and Cummins (1996). Food items were
sorted and counted, and the volume visually estimated as a percentage of the total
stomach contents (Westman 1941). Estimates of percent volume were made after
sorting the contents on a gridded Petri plate and visually estimating the relative
percentage of the total volume for each food group. Percent frequency of prey
occurrence (%f), percent number (%η), and the percent composition by volume
(%v) were determined by season.
Faunal similarities in diet composition between sampling locations and seasons
were compared using taxonomic presence and absence. These comparisons
were made at the family or higher level of taxonomic organization, which we
refer to herein as food groups. Family-level or higher organization helps minimize
the effects of differing subsample size (Gerritsen et al. 2000) and has been
found to be sufficient in broad-scale bioassessment programs (Hewlitt 2000). The
same level of taxonomic identify was maintained between sampling locations to
foster this simplified assessment. The faunal similarity in seasonal diets at each
sampling location and between sampling sites was described by Jaccard’s index
of similarity (Jaccard 1912):
θJ = C / (N1+ N2 - C),
where, θJ = faunal similarity, C = number of shared taxa, and N1 and N2 = number
of taxa in assemblages 1 and 2, respectively. This index is most frequently used
to compare species overlap between samples (Lydy et al. 2000) and treats each
taxon with equal weight. Tables of statistical significance at P = 0.05 of lower
and upper critical values (Real 1999) were used to assess significance in the observed
values of faunal similarity. For these faunal comparisons we assumed that
there were any possible distributions of taxa in assemblages N1 and N2 and that
Jaccard’s index was dependent upon the number of taxa present in either of the
two assemblages.
Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge
A total of 147 Eastern Mudminnow collected averaged 62.0 mm TL (range
= 35–112 mm), of which 96 had stomach contents (Table 1). The percent of
40 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 1
empty stomachs ranged from a low of 28.3% in the fall to a high of 40.7% during
the spring. The principal stomach contents included detritus, dipterans,
ostracods, coleopterans, and molluscs. The percent frequency of occurrence
(%f), percent number (%η), and percent volume (%v) varied considerably by
season (Table 1). Overall, the single dominant stomach content throughout the
year was detritus. Detritus was found in 74.4% of the fall samples and in as
few as 40% of the summer samples and ranged from 24.2% by volume in winter
to 38.3% in the summer. Ostracods were the other major food throughout
the year, occurring in 61.9% ± 2.5% of the stomachs with food and representing
30.7% ± 14.2% of the volume.
During the winter months, 47 stomachs with food contained principally detritus,
ostracods, and dipterans (Table 1). Dipterans were represented by
several genera of chironomid larvae including Chironomus, Orthocladius,
Pseudocladius, and Stictochironomus (Table 2). Collectively, dipterans occurred
in 57.4% of stomachs and represented 73.9% of the number of food
items and 31.2% of stomach volume (Table 1). Of these, Chironomus was
dominant and occurred in 48.1% of samples (Table 2). Ostracods were present
in 61.7% of stomachs and totaled 22.0% of stomach volume. They were numerous
in the diet (24.7%) and were second only to dipterans in number.
Other components of the winter diet included amphipods, copepods, coleopterans,
odonates, and unidentified aquatic snails and pelecypods. Plant
material in the form of unidentified filamentous algae and Lemna (duckweed)
Table 1. Percent frequency of occurrence (%f), percent compositi on by number (%η), and percent
composition by volume (%ν) of major food groups in the diet of the Eastern Mudminnow (Umbra
pygmaea) from the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, NJ.
Winter (n = 68) Spring (n = 32) Summer (n = 30) Fall (n = 17)
(Jan–March) (April–June) (July–Sept) (Oct–Dec)
Dietary group %f %η %ν %f %η %ν %f %η %ν %f %η %ν
Detritus 51.1 - 24.2 53.0 - 33.4 40.0 - 38.3 74.4 - 36.9
Amphipoda 10.6 0.1 4.2 3.1 0.1 3.1 3.3 0.1 3.0 6.9 1.4 2.6
Cladocera - - - 6.2 4.8 1.1 - - - 4.7 1.8 0.1
Copepoda 14.9 0.9 1.0 6.3 34.2 3.8 - - - 6.9 21.2 1.6
Ostracoda 61.7 24.7 22.0 65.6 50.4 28.2 60.0 97.4 50.6 60.5 53.8 19.5
Diptera 57.4 73.9 31.2 21.9 5.5 9.0 - - - 18.6 10.1 4.5
Coleoptera 19.2 0.1 10.6 15.6 0.8 6.4 3.3 0.1 3.0 27.9 5.3 17.9
Odonata 4.3 0.1 2.3 6.3 0.4 5.3 - - - 9.3 1.6 3.5
Trichoptera - - - 9.4 3.2 3.4 - - - - - -
Nematoda - - - - - - 3.2 1.5 0.2 - - -
Oligochaetea - - - 3.1 0.4 2.5 3.3 0.1 1.7 - - -
Pelecypoda 6.4 0.1 0.9 3.1 0.1 1.3 - - - 11.6 2.4 6.3
Gastropoda 4.3 0.1 2.2 6.2 0.1 2.5 - - - 9.3 2.4 6.3
U. pygmaea - - - - - - 3.2 0.8 3.2 - - -
Duckweed 4.3 na 1.2 - - - - - - 9.3 na 1.0
Filamentous algae 2.1 na 0.2 - - - - - - 9.3 na 0.6
% empty stomachs 30.9 40.7 37.5 28.3
2013 F.M. Panek and J.S. Weis 41
was also present in winter samples but was generally insignificant in volume
(Table 1). For winter, we identified 10 taxonomic categories in the diet in addition
to detritus.
Taxonomic richness in the diet was greatest in the spring, with 11 identified
taxonomic food groups in addition to detritus (Table 1). Ostracods were the most
prevalent items in spring, and occurred in 65.6% of stomachs examined and represented
50.4% of the number of food items and 28.2% of the volume (Table 1).
Dipterans represented by the chironomids Bezzia, Chironomus, and Tanytarus
(Table 2) were the second most common food group, found in 21.9% of stomachs
and representing 9.0% of the volume (Table 1). However, they were no longer
numerically dominant, representing only 5.5% of the organisms consumed. Other
food groups included amphipods, cladocerans, copepods, and a variety of insects
including some coleopterans, odonates, and trichopterans. Of these groups, the
coleopterans and the trichopterans occurred most often but were few in number
(Table 1).
In summer, the number of food groups in the diet was reduced and was clearly
dominated by ostracods. These totaled 97.4% by number and 50.6% by volume
and occurred in 60% of stomachs (Table 1). In total, we identified only six taxonomic
food groups plus detritus, the fewest in any season at either study location.
Dipterans, which were most common in the winter diet, were absent, as were
many of the other insect groups. Coleopterans persisted, albeit as a minor dietary
component, representing only 3.0% of food volume. Summer was the only period
in which fish was a component of the diet, consisting of juvenile U. pygmaea,
suggesting cannibalism. In summer, 37.5% of the stomachs were empty.
The principal food groups in the fall were ostracods, coleopterans, and
molluscs (Table 1). Ostracods were once again clearly the most common, occurring
in 60.5% of the stomachs and totaling 19.5% of food volume. Second
Table 2. Percent frequency of occurrence of chironomid larvae in the diet of Umbra pygmaea at
the Great Swamp NWR, NJ and the Croatan National Forest, NC.
Great Swamp NWR, NJ Croatan National Forest, NC
Genus Winter Spring Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall
Ablabesmyia - - - - - 22.0 12.9 -
Bezzia - 6.3 - 2.3 17.6 1.8 3.2 -
Chironomus 48.1 3.1 - 11.6 5.9 16.6 9.7 7.1
Corynoneura - - - - - 1.8 - -
Labrundinia - - - - - - 3.2 -
Micropsectra - - - - - - 6.4 -
Orthocladius 2.1 - - - 8.8 1.8 - 14.3
Parachironomus - - - - 2.9 - 6.4 7.1
Pentaneura - - - - - - 3.2 -
Polypedilum - - - - - 3.7 - 7.1
Procladius - - - - - 1.8 - -
Psectrocladius 2.1 - - - 14.7 5.6 - 21.4
Stictochironomus 2.1 - - - - - 3.2 7.1
Tanytarsus - 9.4 - - - - - -
42 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 1
was coleopteran larvae, which while present in the diet throughout the year,
were most common in the fall (Table 1). Those few dipterans present occurred
in 18.6% of stomachs and represented 4.5% of volume. Chironomus was the
most prevalent dipteran, occurring in 11.6% of the stomachs (Table 2). Aquatic
snails and fingernail clams (Pelecypoda) were also important in terms of
volume (12.6%), with each occurring in 2.4% of the samples. Plant material
in the form of duckweed and unidentified filamentous algae was also present,
but was limited.
Croatan National Forest
Collections at Croatan yielded 190 Eastern Mudminnow averaging 50.2 mm
TL (range = 22–89 mm), of which 133 had stomach contents. Empty stomachs
ranged from a low of 10.5% in winter to a high of 38.0% during summer and averaged
25.6% ± 13.7% for the year (Table 3). The principal foods were dipterans,
coleopterans, amphipods, and cladocerans. Detritus was also a major component
and seasonally ranged from 25.8–47.2% of stomach volume and occurred in
71.4–88.2% of stomachs.
Table 3. Percent frequency of occurrence (%f), percent composition by number (%η), and percent
composition by volume (%ν) of major food groups in the diet of the Eastern Mudminnow (Umbra
pygmaea) from the Croatan National Forest, NC.
Winter (n = 38) Spring (n = 85) Summer (n = 50) Fall (n = 17)
(Jan–March) (April–June) (July–Sept) (Oct–Dec)
Dietary group %f %η %ν %f %η %ν %f %η %ν %f %η %ν
Detritus 88.2 - 25.8 87.0 - 47.2 87.0 - 35.0 71.4 - 37.8
Amphipoda 14.7 0.9 10.4 9.3 2.1 4.2 9.7 3.0 5.7 21.4 4.7 16.8
Cladocera 23.5 79.6 9.3 22.0 26.4 4.2 9.6 20.7 0.5 7.1 0.9 0.4
Copepoda 14.1 0.7 1.8 9.2 4.6 2.2 6.5 6.1 1.1 14.3 14.2 2.4
Ostracoda 5.7 0.5 0.6 5.6 3.4 0.3 19.4 9.7 4.0 14.3 4.7 2.5
Diptera 52.9 15.3 23.5 55.6 44.1 13.2 87.1 37.1 9.1 71.4 62.0 10.0
Coleoptera 17.6 0.8 15.7 33.3 5.9 17.8 22.5 6.7 15.8 28.6 5.7 20.0
Odonata - - - 1.8 0.4 0.9 9.7 3.0 6.2 - - -
Trichoptera - - - 7.4 3.8 2.9 - - - 7.1 0.9 5.7
Lepidoptera - - - 3.2 0.8 0.6 - - - - - -
Ephemeroptera - - - - - - 9.7 3.0 6.2 - - -
Collembola 2.9 0.1 0.1 - - - 3.2 0.7 1.0 - - -
Heteroptera 11.7 1.0 7.1 7.4 3.4 4.8 6.4 1.5 2.3 - - -
Hydrachnidae 5.9 0.2 1.0 1.8 0.4 0.1 - - - 21.4 4.7 1.2
Formicidae - - - 3.7 0.8 0.3 6.4 2.3 1.3 - - -
Nematoda - - - - - - 3.2 1.5 0.2 - - -
Oligochaetea 8.8 0.8 3.8 5.6 1.7 0.4 3.2 0.8 0.1 - - -
Pelecypoda - - - - - - 3.2 0.8 1.8 - - -
Gastropoda - - - - - - 6.4 1.5 5.9 - - -
U. pygmaea - - - - - - 3.2 0.8 3.2 - - -
Unidentified 0.1 0.9 0.3 1.5 - - - 2.2 3.3
% empty stomachs 10.5 36.5 38.0 17.6
2013 F.M. Panek and J.S. Weis 43
Food during winter was dominated by amphipods, cladocerans, dipterans, coleopterans,
and larval heteropterans (Table 3). Collectively, they represented 66.0%
of the volume of food. Amphipods were found in 14.7% of stomachs and represented
10.4% of volume. Cladocerans were found in 23.5% of stomachs and
represented the majority by number (79.6%) of organisms from stomachs with
food. Dipterans were dominated by the chironomids Bezzia and Psectrocladius (Table
2). Collectively, the dipterans were present in 52.9% of stomachs and totaled
23.5% of stomach volume. Larval coleopterans represented 15.7% of the volume
and were found in 17.6% of stomachs (Table 3). In total, 10 taxonomic categories of
food items in addition to detritus were observed in the winter. Detritus was a major
component, occurring in 88.2% of the stomachs with food and representing 25.8%
of the stomach volume (Table 3).
Detritus continued to be a major component of the diet during spring, occurring
in 87.0% of the stomachs and comprising 47.2% of the volume. Other major
items by volume included coleopteran and dipteran larvae. These two food groups
collectively represented 31.0% of the stomach contents by volume (Table 3). Cladocerans
occurred in 22% of the stomachs and totaled 4.2% of the volume. Several
genera of dipterans were identified (Table 2), of which Ablabesmyia was dominant,
occurring in 22.0% of stomachs and representing 5.0% of volume. In total, 13 taxonomic
categories of food items were identified in the spring diet.
During summer, 17 taxa of foods were identified from 31 stomachs. Chironomid
larvae were the most frequently consumed, occurring in 87.1% of stomachs
with food, but their significance in terms of food volume (9.1%) was less than
in previous seasons (Table 3). Eight genera were present (Table 2), with Ablabesmyia
the most common and found in 12.9% of the stomachs. Coleopteran
larvae were the second most frequent food, present in 22.5% of stomachs and
representing 15.8% of volume. Mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) occurred in
9.7% of stomachs and totaled 6.2% of the volume. Snails (Gastropoda) and fingernail
clams (Pelecypoda) were both observed only in summer, and collectively
occurred in 9.6% of stomachs and represented 7.7% of food by volume. As with
our finding at Great Swamp, we also documented summer feeding on juvenile
U. pygmaea (Table 3). Detritus was found in 87.0% of the stomachs with food
and represented 35.0% of the food volume (Table 3).
The principal food groups of the Eastern Mudminnow in the fall were aquatic
coleopterans, amphipods, and dipterans, with these three groups comprising
46.8% of the food volume (Table 3). Larval coleopterans occurred in 28.6% of
stomachs and, while numerically few (5.7%), they represented 20.0% of food
volume. The dipterans, primarily represented by the chironomids Psectrocladius
and Orthocladius (Table 2), were found in 71.4% of stomachs but only represented
10.0% of volume (Table 3). Consumption of amphipods was greater in
the fall than during any of the previous seasons. Amphipods comprised 16.8%
of food volume and were found in 21.4% of stomachs. Overall, we documented
eight taxa of food groups in addition to the presence of detritus in the fall diet
(Table 3). Detritus was found in 71.4% of the stomachs with food and totaled
37.8% of the volume (Table 3).
44 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 1
Faunal similarities in diet
Similarities in the diet composition of the Eastern Mudminnow at Great
Swamp and at Croatan were compared seasonally between sites (Table 4) and
seasonally within sites (Table 5). Jaccard’s index (θJ) ranged from a low of 0.375
in winter to a high of 0.625 in spring for the between-site seasonal comparisons
(Table 4). There were no statistically significant differences in diet composition
between sites during the winter, summer, and fall. However, this was not the
case during the spring, when the two diets were most dissimilar (θJ = 0.625, P =
0.05). When compared across all seasons, the diet of the Eastern Mudminnow
was statistically different (θJ = 0.636, P = 0.05) between the two sampling locations.
This result was due to the larger number of different food groups consumed
during the spring.
When examined seasonally, the diet of the Eastern Mudminnow at Great
Swamp was significantly different in WI-SP, WI-FA, and SP-FA comparisons
(Table 5). WI-SU, SP-SU, and FA-SU comparisons were not significantly different.
During summer, the diet consisted largely of ostracods and detritus. These
two foods comprised 88.9% of food volume (Table 1). Other taxa were few and
mostly insignificant, resulting in considerable diet overlap in food items with the
other seasons.
At Croatan, the diet was more variable and seasonally exhibited a greater
number of taxa (Table 3). Comparisons of seasonal differences in Jaccard’s index
Table 5. Jaccard’s index of similarity in the diet of Umbra pygmaea between seasons at the Great
Swamp NWR (GSNWR), NJ and at the Croatan National Forest (CNF), NC (WI = winter, SP =
spring, SU = summer, FA = fall, ni = number of major taxa in assemblage I, nj = number of major
taxa in assemblage J, Ci ● j = number of taxa in common between assemblage I and J and θ = Jaccard’s
index of similarity) (*significantly different at P = 0.05).
GSNWR nwi = 11 nwi = 11 nwi = 11 nwi = 12 nsp = 12 nsu = 7
nsp = 12 nsu = 7 nfa = 12 nsu = 7 nfa = 12 nfa = 12
Cwi●sp = 10 Cwi●sp = 4 Cwi●fa = 11 Cwi●su = 4 Csp●fa= 10 Csu●fa = 4
θ = 0.769* θ = 0.286 θ = 0.917* θ = 0.267 θ = 0.714* θ = 0.267
CNF nwi = 11 nwi = 11 nwi = 11 nwi = 14 nwi = 14 nwi = 17
nsp = 14 nsu = 17 nfa = 9 nsu = 17 nfa = 9 nfa = 9
Cwi●sp = 10 Cwi●su = 10 Cwi●fa = 8 Csp●su = 11 Csp●fa= 9 Csu●fa = 7
θ = 0.667* θ = 0.556* θ = 0.667* θ = 0.550* θ = 0.643* θ = 0.368
Table 4. Jaccard’s index of similarity in seasonal diet of Umbra pygmaea at the Great Swamp NWR
(GSNWR), NJ and at the Croatan National Forest (CNF), NC, where C = number of taxa in common
between assemblages and θJ = Jaccard’s Index (*significantly different at P = 0.05).
Number of taxa observed in diet
Location Winter Spring Summer Fall All seasons
GSNWR 11 12 7 12 16
CNF 11 14 17 9 20
C 6 10 7 7 14
θJ 0.375 0.625* 0.412 0.500 0.636*
2013 F.M. Panek and J.S. Weis 45
(θJ) ranged from a low of 0.368 for the SU-FA comparison to 0.667 for the WI-SU
and WI-FA comparisons. WI-SP, WI-SU, WI-FA, SP-SU, and SP-FA comparisons
were significantly different, suggesting a high diversity of food items. In
contrast to the diet at Great Swamp, the diet for the species at Croatan was most
diverse in the summer (Table 3).
Seasonal food habits of Eastern Mudminnow at both the Great Swamp NWR
and Croatan National Forest indicate that the species is a bottom-feeding generalist
highly dependent upon ostracods, chironomid larvae, coleopteran larvae,
and other insects and crustaceans. This dietary description is generally what has
been reported for the species from small numbers of specimens from various
geographic locations (Jenkins and Burkhead 1994, Smith 1985). Declerck et al.
(2002) examined the diet mass composition of the Eastern Mudminnow at the
“De Maten” nature reserve in Gent, Belgium, where the species was introduced.
They found that the diet mainly consisted of chironomid larvae, ephemeropterans,
asellid isopods, odonates, and coleopteran larvae, which is generally consistent
with our findings.
Overall, the diet appears similar to that described for other Umbridae. The
Central Mudminnow feeds primarily on aquatic insects, amphipods, and molluscs
(Peckham 1955, Westman 1941) and it has been described as a dietary
generalist feeder (Paszkowski 1985). A detailed quantitative food analysis of
the Central Mudminnow was completed by Peckham and Dineen (1957) on a
population in Judy Creek, IN. There, the Central Mudminnow fed on ostracods,
copepods, chironomid larvae and pupae, and other aquatic insects. The diet of
the Eastern Mudminnow is also similar to that of Umbra krameri Walbaum (European
Mudminnow), which feeds mainly on small crustaceans and chironomid
larvae as juveniles and mostly on benthic items such as amphipods, isopods, and
snails as adults (Wanzenbock 1995).
The wide variety of prey items of the Eastern Mudminnow indicates diet flexibility
in varying environments. This characteristic was most pronounced at Black
Swamp Creek in Croatan, where Jaccard’s index indicated statistically significant
differences in diet among five of the six seasonal comparisons (Table 5). Seasonal
dissimilarities were not as evident at Great Swamp, where diets were statistically
different in only three of the six seasonal comparisons (Table 5). When compared
across all seasons, the diet of the Eastern Mudminnow was statistically different
(θJ = 0.636, P = 0.05) between the two sampling locations (Table 4), suggesting
local adaptability to habitat and food item availability.
There are some highly successful fishes, especially catostomids and cyprinids,
which utilize benthic microplant material and detritus as primary foods (Ahlgren
1990). The role of amorphous detritus has been shown to be an important dietary
component in juvenile Catostomus commersonii Lacépède (White Sucker)
(Ahlgren 1990), Dorosoma cepedianum (Le Sueur) (Gizzard Shad) (Mundahl
and Wissing 1988) and Fundulus heteroclitus (L.) (Mummichog) (Prinslow et al.
1974). Likewise, Johnson and Dropkin (1995) found stomachs from Pimephales
46 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 1
notatus (Rafinesque) (Bluntnose Minnow) in the Juniata River, PA to contain
mostly detritus (75.5%). In our investigation, detritus was a major stomach
content at both study locations throughout the year. For Great Swamp, detritus
averaged 33.3% ± 6.3% by volume across all seasons and was found to be most
prevalent during the summer when the Eastern Mudminnow fed largely on ostracods.
Likewise, at Croatan, detritus represented 36.4% ± 8.8% by volume across
all seasons. It is unlikely that this consistent and significant consumption of detritus
was incidental to feeding on benthic organisms. However, detritus is less
digestible and provides less protein than benthic invertebrates and is assimilated
less efficiently (Bowen 1983). Detritus as a valuable food by the Eastern Mudminnow
is a hypothesis that warrants additional investigation.
We documented cannibalism at both sampling locations during the summer,
when it occurred in approximately 3% of the fish collected at both locations.
No other species of fish was prey. Cannibalism is well documented in 36 teleost
families (Smith and Reay 1991) and has been observed in the closely related
Esocidae (pikes and pickerels), where it may serve as a population-regulating
mechanism (Persson et al. 2006). Our note of cannibalism in the feeding ecology
of the Eastern Mudminnow warrants further study.
Sincere appreciation is expressed to the late James D. Anderson for his support
and guidance during the early stages of this work and to Claire E. Ryan-Panek for her
support with the fieldwork. The cooperation of the New Jersey Division of Fish and
Wildlife, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the staffs at the Great Swamp NWR
and Croatan National Forest is greatly appreciated. We also would like to thank Steve
W. Ross and Fred C. Rohde for collections in Croatan National Forest. Several scientists
and the editor made valuable comments and suggestions during manuscript
review. This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid of Research from Sigma
Xi - The Scientific Research Society. Disclaimer: Use of trade, product, or firm names
does not imply endorsement by the US Government.
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