Front cover |
Inside front cover |
Board of Editors/indicia page |
Assessing Efficacy of Non-Lethal Harassment of
Double-Crested Cormorants to Improve Atlantic Salmon
Smolt Survival
James P. Hawkes, Rory Saunders, Adam D. Vashon, and Michael S. Cooperman |
1 |
Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) Habitat Use and
Dispersal Patterns in New York Adirondack Mountain
Headwater Streams
Justin Ecret and Timothy B. Mihuc |
19 |
Diet of the Eastern Mudminnow (Umbra pygmaea DeKay)
from Two Geographically Distinct Populations within the
North American Native Range
Frank M. Panek and Judith S. Weis |
37 |
Host Fishes and Conservation Status of Alasmidonta
marginata (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in Minnesota
Kylie H. Bloodsworth, Ben R. Bosman, Bernard E. Sietman,
and Mark C. Hove |
49 |
Fish and Blue Crab Assemblages in the Shore Zone of
Tidal Creeks in the Delaware Coastal Bays
Brian P. Boutin and Timothy E. Targett |
69 |
An Impoverished Benthic Community Shows Regional
Erica L. Smith, David Coté, and Murray H. Colbo |
91 |
Community Structure and Ecological and Behavioral
Traits of Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Massachusetts Open and Forested Habitats
Israel Del Toro, Kevin Towle, Drew N. Morrison, and Shannon L. Pelini |
103 |
Ectomycota Associated with Hibernating Bats in Eastern
Canadian Caves prior to the Emergence of White-nose
Karen J. Vanderwolf, Donald F. McAlpine, David Malloch, and Graham J. Forbes |
115 |
Nesting Success of Grassland Birds in Oak Barrens and
Dry Prairies in West Central Wisconsin
Susan M. Vos and Christine A. Ribic |
131 |
Common Loon Incubates Rocks as Surrogates for Eggs
Stephen DeStefano, Kiana K.G. Koenen, and Jillian W. Pereira |
143 |
Predation on Dovekies by Goosefish over Deep Water in the
Northwest Atlantic Ocean
Matthew C. Perry, Glenn H. Olsen, R. Anne Richards, and Peter C. Osenton |
148 |
Special section cover page |
Special section inside cover page |
Habitat Selection by the Rock Gunnel, Pholis gunnellus L.
Jacob T. Shorty and Damon P. Gannon |
155 |
The Value of Native and Invasive Fruit-Bearing Shrubs for
Migrating Songbirds
Susan B. Smith, Samantha A. DeSando, and Todd Pagano |
171 |
The Second Northernmost Cave-adapted Fish in the
World? Groundwork on the
Tytoona Cave Sculpin Population
Luis Espinasa, Alexandra Mendyk, Emily Schaffer, and Amy Cahill |
185 |
Distribution of Ticks and Prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi in the Upper Connecticut River Valley of Vermont
Abigail C. Serra, Paul S. Warden, Colin R. Fricker, and Alan R. Giese |
197 |
Noteworthy Books |
205 |