Habitat Selection by the Rock Gunnel, Pholis gunnellus L.
Jacob T. Shorty1 and Damon P. Gannon1,2,*
Abstract - Pholis gunnellus (Rock Gunnel) is an amphibious fish found along North
Atlantic coastlines. Remaining above the waterline at low tide and breathing air, it is
ecologically unusual and is a food source for a variety of seabirds, mammals, and fish.
We investigated intertidal and subtidal habitat selection by the Rock Gunnel along the
US East Coast. To quantify characteristics of intertidal microhabitats and their usage by
the Rock Gunnel, we conducted intertidal quadrat surveys in midcoast Maine and New
Brunswick. Using datasets from trawl surveys conducted by state (Massachusetts and
Connecticut) and federal fishery management agencies, we investigated how subtidal
habitat characteristics influenced the occurrence of Rock Gunnel in trawl yields. Logistic
regression and classification and regression tree (CART) analysis showed that Rock
Gunnels preferred microhabitats in the lower intertidal zone, with sand/pebble/gravel
substrata and overlying cobbles, tidepools, and dense algal cover. The occurrence of
Rock Gunnel in trawl yields did not depend upon temperature, salinity, or latitude, but
decreased with depth and increased moving eastward. In the intertidal zone, the Rock
Gunnel appears to select habitat that minimizes the risks of predation and desiccation at
low tide, while allowing access to abundant intertidal prey resources at high tide. The
Rock Gunnel’s broad physiological tolerances suggest that its selection of habitat in the
subtidal zone is driven primarily by the availability of sheltering structure and biotic factors,
rather than by temperature or salinity.
The use of a habitat disproportionately to its availability is defined as habitat
selection, and can provide insight on the importance of various resources and
conditions to the study species (Johnson 1980). In selecting habitat, animals face
a tradeoff between a habitat’s benefits (e.g., food availability) and its risks (e.g.,
predation) (Werner et al. 1983a, b). One simple method proposed for quantifying
the fitness consequences of tradeoffs associated with habitat selection is calculating
the ratio of mortality (μ) to growth (g) (Werner and Gilliam 1984). Selecting
the most profitable habitats from among all those that are available should maximize
fitness and minimize μ/g.
The intertidal zone is a patchy environment of fine-scale heterogeneity. For
the animals that inhabit the intertidal zone, the value of adjacent microhabitats
can vary drastically. For example, habitats that are in close spatial proximity can
vary with regard to food availability, risk of predation, protection from desiccation,
degree of competition, thermal conditions, dissolved oxygen concentration,
and turbulence of the water.
1Department of Biology, Bowdoin College, 6500 College Station, Brunswick, ME 04011.
2Bowdoin Scientific Station, Bowdoin College, 6500 College Station, Brunswick, ME
04011. *Corresponding author - dgannon@bowdoin.edu.
156 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 1
Pholis gunnellus L. (Rock Gunnel) is a small, perciform fish, capable of
breathing air and remaining in the intertidal zone during low tide (Fig. 1). It is
found in two populations of relative isolation along the North Atlantic coastlines
of Europe and North America, with the western North Atlantic population ranging
from Greenland and Labrador to Delaware Bay (Hickerson and Cunningham
2006, Mecklenberg 2003). Most frequently encountered on rocky shorelines,
Rock Gunnel is also recorded in benthic trawl surveys further from the shore,
to depths of 183 m (Schroeder 1933). The Rock Gunnel is an important food
source for a variety of seabirds, piscivorous fishes, and mammals (Birks and
Dunstone 1985, Blackwell et al. 1995, Collette 2002, Cote et al. 2008, Hawksley
1957, Rail and Chapdelaine 1998, Winn 1950). Although the majority of these
animals likely feed upon the Rock Gunnel while it is underwater (Cairns 1992),
the extent of predation pressure it faces when exposed by the tide is unclear. The
Rock Gunnel mainly eats small crustaceans (primarily amphipods and isopods),
polychaetes, molluscs, and gastropods (Cheetham and Fives 1990, Qasim 1957,
Sawyer 1967, Stroud 1939). While almost nothing is known about the foraging
behavior of the Rock Gunnel, its benthic lifestyle and broad diet suggest that it is
a sit-and-wait predator.
The intertidal fishes of temperate Atlantic waters demonstrate a seasonal
variation in presence and abundance within the intertidal zone (Moring
1990). Rock Gunnels are rarely encountered in Maine’s intertidal zone during
November and are completely absent between December and early March
(Moring 1990, 1993; Sawyer 1967). Noting this absence, Sawyer (1967) hypothesized
that Rock Gunnels migrate to deeper waters of the Gulf of Maine
Figure 1. Rock Gunnel (Pholis gunnellus) (photograph © Evan Graff).
2013 J.T. Shorty and D.P. Gannon 157
to avoid cold air temperatures. Spawning occurs in late winter, with one or
both parents guarding a demersal egg mass (Gudger 1927, Qasim 1957). Upper
estuarine habitats serve as key spawning/nursery areas for Rock Gunnels
along Long Island Sound and the Gulf of Maine (Chenoweth 1973, Pearcy and
Richards 1962). Along the central Maine coast, larval abundance peaks from
February to April (Chenoweth 1973).
As an intertidal fish, the Rock Gunnel must deal with changes in environmental
conditions not experienced by fishes restricted to subtidal waters.
Classified as a “remainer” species, the Rock Gunnel is passively exposed
by the ebb tide and remains relatively inactive while emersed, in contrast to
other intertidal fish, which may actively emerge for shorter durations (Martin
1995). It has several physiological traits allowing it to survive out of water
for hours, including low permeability of the skin and gills (Evans et al. 1999)
and the ability to breathe air using “gaping behavior” facilitated by a heavily
vascularized esophagus (Laming 1983). Additionally, the Rock Gunnel retains
nitrogenous waste until reimmersion to prevent unnecessary water loss (Kormanik
and Evans 1988).
Typically associated with the rocky intertidal zone, the Rock Gunnel can
be found beneath rocky cobbles on the shoreline. While there are few data
available characterizing the Rock Gunnel’s intertidal habitat use, there is
some evidence of habitat preference. Underwater visual surveys of intertidal/
shallow subtidal areas at high tide in Nova Scotia (northeast of Halifax) found
Rock Gunnels within beds of Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis (Rockweed)
but not Zostera marina L. (Eelgrass) (Schmidt et al. 2011). In Scotland, density
of Rock Gunnel decreased with height in the intertidal, with the most fish
found closest to the low-tide line (Koop and Gibson 1991). At a study site
in Maine, Rock Gunnels were found using specific rock crevices across several
seasons, demonstrating fine-scale selection of specific microhabitat from
among other available choices, though little homing capability was evident
(Moring 1993). However, a study along the Massachusetts coast found that
the use of two tidepools by the Rock Gunnel was regular but highly variable
across multiple seasons (Collette 1985). There is also evidence for fine-scale
habitat selection in other Pholidae, using algal cover matching body coloration
(Burgess 1978, Winkler 1988).
We investigated the influence of various habitat features on fine-scale habitat
selection by the Rock Gunnel in the intertidal and subtidal zones. Using
logistic regression, we developed a predictive model to analyze the influence
of physical and biological habitat characteristics on Rock Gunnel habitat selection
from intertidal quadrat surveys. We identified critical threshold values
for intertidal environmental variables by constructing a classification and
regression tree. Additionally, using long-term datasets available from trawl
surveys conducted by federal and state fisheries management agencies, we examined
subtidal habitat selection by the Rock Gunnel using a second logistic
regression model.
158 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 1
Field-Site Description
Fieldwork was conducted at various intertidal locations in midcoast Maine,
from Harpswell north to Rockland along the coast, and on Kent Island, NB,
Canada, in the Bay of Fundy (Fig. 2). These locations varied in their intertidal
productivity and habitat composition, featuring rocky shores, sand beaches, and
mud flats. Additionally, they ranged in their exposure to wave energy from sheltered
coves to headlands exposed directly to open ocean. Plant/algal communities
were dominated by Rockweed and three Fucus species (F. distichus L., F. spiralis
L., and F. vesiculosus L.) along the rocky shores used in this study, while Eelgrass
was the most common in the mudflat areas.
Intertidal habitat selection
To determine which intertidal habitat characteristics correlate with use by
the Rock Gunnel, we conducted quadrat surveys along transects within the
intertidal zone, parallel to the water’s edge. All quadrats were placed within
1 m of the water. Thus, time from low tide could be used as a proxy for vertical
position within the intertidal zone. Each transect consisted of twenty 1-m2
quadrats, with one quadrat surveyed roughly every 5 m over a total distance of
Figure 2. Study sites in Midcoast Maine and New Brunswick (inset) used in intertidal
surveys conducted between June and August 2011, to examinine habitat selection by
Pholis gunnellus (Rock Gunnel).
2013 J.T. Shorty and D.P. Gannon 159
approximately 100 m. Standing at the waterline, quadrats were tossed behind
the observer along the shoreline in the direction of the transect. Quadrats that
landed partially or entirely in the water were brought to the closest point on the
shore. We surveyed at all stages of the tidal cycle to sample the entire vertical
range of the intertidal zone. The tidal cycle was divided into thirds (high,
middle, and low water periods) and each period was sampled equally. We
noted the number of Rock Gunnels present within the quadrat and measured a
variety of other biological and physical parameters (Table 1). First, the time at
which the quadrat was sampled was recorded to determine the time from low
tide (used as a proxy for vertical position in the intertidal zone, as described
above). Wave energy was classified using a method similar to that of Ekebom
Table 1. Variables measured in intertidal quadrat surveys and examined using logistic regression
and classification and regression tree analysis to characterize intertidal habitat selection by Pholis
gunnellus (Rock Gunnel) in Maine and New Brunswick.
Type of variable Variable name Description
Physical Time from low tide Minutes from time of low tide; used to extrapolate
relative vertical height of quadrat in intertidal
(with the quadrat located within 1 m of the water’s
Physical Fetch Maximum of four estimated measurements of
fetch in the cardinal directions, as a proxy for
wave energy; ranges are categorized as 0, <200
m, 200–1500 m, 1501–5000 m, and >5000 m.
Physical Slope Slope of quadrat substrata perpendicular to the
waterline; estimated to nearest 10°.
Physical Substratum Dominant substratum in quadrat; categorized
as either mud, fine sand, sand/pebbles/gravel
(mixed), rocky cobbles, or solid rock.
Physical Rocky cobbles Presence or absence of any rocky cobbles (rocks
larger than roughly 5 x 5 x 5 cm overlying substratum).
Physical Standing water Presence or absence of any standing water in
Physical Tidepools Presence or absence of water bodies larger than 5
cm x 3 cm x 3 cm (large enough to immerse an
individual Rock Gunnel).
Physical/biological Algal/plant cover Percent cover of plants and algae in quadrat, estimated
to nearest 10%.
Physical/biological Dominant algae/plant Algae/plant with the greatest percent cover in
quadrat; identified to highest specificity possible
in the field.
Biological Amphipod/isopod density Total amphipods/isopods within quadrat; ranges
are categorized as 0, <10, 10–30, 31–50, or >50.
Biological Large crustaceans Total Green Crab, Atlantic Rock Crab, Asian
Shore Crab, and American Lobster in quadrat.
160 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 1
et al. (2003); the amount of fetch in each of the 4 cardinal directions from the
quadrat was classified using 5 broad ordinal categories of distance derived
from NOAA nautical charts (charts 13290, 13293, and 13302) (Table 1). We
used the maximum of the 4 fetch values recorded in our analyses. In each
quadrat, we categorized the dominant substratum and dominant plant or algae,
recorded the slope of the substratum, percent cover of algae and plants, and
the combined density of amphipods and isopods (Table 1). Additionally, we
noted the presence or absence of rocky cobbles, standing water, and tidepools,
and counted the number of individuals of several potential competitors of the
Rock Gunnel: Carcinas maenas L. (Green Crab), Cancer irroratus Say (Atlantic
Rock Crab), Hemigrapsus sanguineus De Haan (Asian Shore Crab), and
Homarus americanus Edwards (American Lobster), which were added together
in the large crustaceans variable.
Using the entire quadrat survey dataset, we performed binary logistic regression
analysis using SPSS 19 (IBM, Armond, NY) to create a statistical model for
predicting the occurrence of Rock Gunnel. Since the majority of Rock Gunnel occurrences
involved only one individual, we converted the number found in each
quadrat into a binary presence/absence response variable. Due to correlation with
a number of other predictor variables, we excluded the large crustaceans variable
from this and all subsequent analyses. In addition to single terms, two-way
interactions between the variables with statistically non-significant Spearman
rank correlation coefficients were also included in the initial model. First, we
examined each variable’s explanatory power using backwards stepwise selection.
Predictors were retained in the model when they were at a P-value less than
0.10 based upon the likelihood ratio statistic. We then compared models based
on goodness of fit using the corrected Akaike information criteria (AICc), which
penalizes model complexity to prevent overfitting (Hurvich and Tsai 1989). The
set of predictor variables that resulted in the lowest AICc value was selected as
the final model.
We performed classification and regression tree (CART) analysis to identify
critical thresholds in the intertidal habitat characteristics that predict the occurrence
of Rock Gunnel. The suite of variables used was the same as those
examined by logistic regression. CART modeling has been used extensively to
understand resource selection (Bourg et al. 2005, De’ath and Fabricius 2000, Eby
and Crowder 2002, Friedlaender et al. 2006, Rejwan et al. 1999). CART analysis
is a recursive partitioning technique in which the values of a single response variable
are explained by one or more explanatory variables. In CART analysis, a tree
is created by splitting the data into 2 mutually exclusive subsets based upon the
values of a single explanatory variable, with the goal of maximizing homogeneity
within subsets while maximizing heterogeneity between them (De’ath and
Fabricius 2000). This process is repeated on resulting subsets with the aim of
separating the data into homogenous groups (De’ath and Fabricius 2000). A conditional
inference tree was constructed using the PARTY algorithm in R (Hothorn
et al. 2005, 2006).
2013 J.T. Shorty and D.P. Gannon 161
Subtidal habitat selection
We obtained Rock Gunnel catch data from trawl surveys to analyze subtidal
habitat characteristics associated with its presence. Surveys were conducted by
NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC), the Massachusetts Division
of Marine Fisheries, and the Connecticut Marine Fisheries Division. Data
from trawls included Rock Gunnel catch yields, bottom temperature, depth, salinity,
latitude/longitude, and date for each trawl station. The largest dataset was
provided by the NEFSC, consisting primarily of spring and fall trawl surveys of
equal temporal/spatial sampling effort on the US East Coast north of Cape Hatteras,
NC from 1965 to 2009. The Massachusetts Inshore Trawl Survey (MISTS)
covered state waters in Massachusetts from 1978 to 2009, and the Long Island
Sound Trawl Survey (LISTS) encompassed the waters of Long Island Sound
(state waters of both Connecticut and New York) from 1985 to 2010. Details on
the trawl surveys are provided in NEFSC 2012, CTDEP 2012, and MDMF 2012.
Similar to the analysis used in the microhabitat surveys, we performed logistic
regression to examine the relative importance of environmental and survey
characteristics in predicting Rock Gunnel catches using data from the NEFSC,
MISTS, and LISTS surveys. Predictor variables included: survey, season, depth,
bottom temperature, bottom salinity, latitude, and longitude. Again, backwards
stepwise selection was used based upon likelihood ratio and the final model was
selected based on minimized AICc.
Intertidal habitat selection
A total of 1548 quadrats were surveyed and used for analysis, from 90 transects.
The logistic regression model incorporated 4 single terms and 2 two-way
interactions, including time from low tide, slope, tidepools, substratum, the interaction
between rocky cobbles and algal/plant cover, and the interaction between
fetch and amphipod/isopod density (Table 2). The final model correctly predicted
97.4% of cases and was highly significant (model chi-square = 221.34, df = 24,
P < 0.001). A Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test indicated the model
was well calibrated (chi-square = 0.26, df = 8, P > 0.999). All predictors retained
in the model were statistically significant (P < 0.05) aside from the interaction of
fetch and amphipod/isopod density’s overall effect (P = 0.106) and each pairwise
combination of these categories (P > 0.191). While the overall effect for substratum
was significant (P < 0.001), none of the individual categories comprising this
variable was significant (P > 0.995).
Occurrence of Rock Gunnel decreased significantly with increasing height
in the intertidal zone (P < 0.001). The odds of a Rock Gunnel being present in
a quadrat decreased by 4% per min before or after low tide, as demonstrated by
the odds ratio (eB = 0.96). Increasing slope resulted in a slight, significant increase
(6% per 10°) in the probability of encounter (eB = 1.03, P = 0.048). The
presence of tidepools in a quadrat also significantly increased the odds of Rock
162 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 1
Gunnel occurrence (P = 0.008); quadrats with tidepools were 3.2 times more
likely to contain Rock Gunnels (eB = 3.16). While the B values of individual
substratum categories have high standard error (817.39), the sand/pebbles/
gravel (mixed) category had the greatest increase in odds ratio (eB = 135.86)
compared to the overall effect. Finally, when rocky cobbles were present, the
odds of Rock Gunnel presence increased by 3% with every 10% increase in total
algal cover (eB = 1.03).
The final conditional inference tree produced by the CART analysis contained
6 recursive splits resulting in 7 final nodes (Fig. 3). The habitat characteristics
contributing the most to the model included time from low tide and substratum
(P < 0.001 for each), and produced the final node (Node 4) with the highest Rock
Gunnel occurrence rate, in which 47.1% of quadrats examined within 36 minutes
of low tide on mixed substratum contained Rock Gunnels. Other variables
that improved the model’s predictability when used as splitting criteria included
amphipod/isopod density (P < 0.001), rocky cobbles (P = 0.011), and slope (P =
0.020). Splitting criteria used in the tree separated 1060 cases (68.4%) into a
single final node (Node 13) with no occurrences of Rock Gunnel. The node prior
to this split contained 1102 cases (71.2%) and contained only one quadrat containing
Rock Gunnels; only one quadrat surveyed more than 84 minutes from low
tide contained Rock Gunnels.
Subtidal habitat selection
A total of 13,438 trawl stations were included in the analysis, 62 (0.5%)
of which reported Rock Gunnel. The final model correctly predicted 98.9%
Table 2. Binary logistic regression analysis for variables predicting the presence of Pholis gunnellus
(Rock Gunnel) in quadrats from intertidal surveys conducted June through August 2011 in
Maine and New Brunswick (model chi-square = 221.342, df = 24, P < 0.001, n = 1548). B values
and odds ratios (eB) for substratum categories reference substratum’s overall effect. Interactions
between fetch and amphipod/isopod density’s categories are not shown and were not statistically
significant factors (P > 0.05). SE = standard error, df = degrees of freedom.
Predictor variable B SE of B df P eB
Time from low tide -0.04 0.01 1 less than 0.001 0.96
Slope 0.03 0.02 1 0.048 1.03
Tidepools (present) 1.15 0.44 1 0.008 3.16
Substratum (overall) 4 less than 0.001
Mud -13.62 3269.57 1 0.997 0.00
Fine sand 3.94 817.39 1 0.996 51.52
Sand/pebbles/gravel (mixed) 4.91 817.39 1 0.995 135.86
Rocky cobbles 1.08 817.39 1 0.999 2.94
Solid rock 3.69 817.39 1 0.999 40.09
Rocky cobbles (present) * algal/plant cover 0.03 0.01 1 less than 0.001 1.03
Fetch * amphipod/isopod density 16 0.106
Constant -6.58 817.39 1 0.994 0.00
2013 J.T. Shorty and D.P. Gannon 163
Figure 3. Classification and regression tree (CART) output of Pholis gunnellus (Rock Gunnel) occurrence in quadrats from intertidal surveys,
in relation to habitat characteristics. Final nodes show the proportions of quadrats containing Rock Gunnels. Min_from_low = minutes from
low tide, substrate = dominant substratum, cobble = presence/absence of rocky cobbles, amph_iso = amphipod/isopod density, and slope =
quadrat slope. Categories for substratum (a = mud, b = fine sand, c = sand/pebbles/gravel, d = rocky cobbles, and e = solid rock) and amphipod/
isopod density (a = 0 individuals, b = 1–10 individuals, c = 11–30 individuals, d = 31–50 individuals, and e = >50 individuals) are
lettered. See Methods for complete list of habitat characterist ics included in analysis. n = 1548.
164 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 1
of cases and was highly significant (model chi-square = 835.03, df = 11, P <
0.001). Of the initial set of terms, only salinity and latitude at the trawl station
were removed during the model selection process (Table 3). All retained
terms were highly significant (P < 0.001) except for bottom temperature (P =
0.052). The odds of encountering Rock Gunnel at a given trawl station decreased
with depth (B = -0.03) and increased moving eastward (decreasingly
negative longitude, B = 0.42).
This is the first investigation using quantitative modeling techniques to study
habitat selection by the Rock Gunnel. Rock Gunnels used intertidal habitat nonrandomly.
Vertical height within the intertidal played a primary role in predicting
the habitat choices of the Rock Gunnel, as demonstrated by the significant influence
of the time from low tide variable in both the logistic regression and CART
analyses. These models also indicated that the Rock Gunnel selected for sand/
pebble/gravel and fine sand substrata with overlying cobbles, dense algal cover,
tidepools, and non-flat quadrat slopes. Densities of potential prey (amphipods
and isopods) were not influential (the split in the CART model based upon this
variable is dictated by the occurrence of only one individual).
Rock Gunnels in this study demonstrated a clear preference for habitat in
the lower intertidal zone, which is congruent with the findings of Koop and
Gibson (1991). Individual fish were found above the waterline no more than
two hours from low tide. Another Pholid, Apodichthys flavidus Girard (Penpoint
Gunnel) has survived far longer periods of emersion, up to 20 hours
(Horn and Riegle 1981). During emersion, the Rock Gunnel faces a lack of
mobility, likely inhibiting its ability to forage and to evade terrestrial predators.
Additionally, emersion probably causes physiological stress from rapid
changes in temperature and desiccation. Mud habitat, which was not used
by Rock Gunnels, may be avoided due to low dissolved oxygen content. Despite
the Rock Gunnel’s physiological capability to endure conditions out
of water (Evans et al. 1999, Kormanik and Evans 1988, Laming 1983), our
Table 3. Summary of binary logistic regression analysis for variables predicting the presence of
Pholis gunnellus (Rock Gunnel) in trawl catches from the datasets of 3 trawl surveys: the Northeast
Fisheries Science Center’s Spring/Fall Bottom Trawl Survey (NEFSC), the Massachusetts Inshore
Trawl Survey (MISTS), and the Long Island Sound Trawl Survey (LISTS) (model chi-square =
835.032, df = 11, P < 0.001, n = 35,356). SE = standard error, df = degrees of freedom.
Predictor variable B SE of B df P eB
Bottom temperature 0.03 0.02 1 0.052 1.03
Longitude 0.42 0.04 1 <0.001 1.53
Depth -0.03 0.01 1 <0.001 0.97
Season 4 <0.001
Survey 3 <0.001
Constant 22.32 704.56 1 0.975 4.93*109
2013 J.T. Shorty and D.P. Gannon 165
results suggest that they minimize exposure to these conditions. Beneath the
protection of cobbles and algae, Rock Gunnels can exploit trapped moisture
and may be sheltered from foraging terrestrial predators, such as Neovison
vison (Schreber) (American Mink). The interaction of the rocky cobbles and
algal/plant cover variables retained in the regression model provides a better
metric for total protective cover than either variable alone. Based on the
CART model, cobbles are valued over organic cover and consequently may
provide greater predator protection. The Rock Gunnel also appears to make a
trade-off for the fluctuating water temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen
content of isolated pools. As tidepools and protective cover are not mutually
exclusive, it is likely that the ideal habitat for tidally stranded Rock Gunnels
includes both. However, protective cover appears to dictate intertidal habitat
selection to a large extent; rocky cobbles appear as a significant split in the
CART analysis for gunnels encountered between 36 and 84 minutes from low
tide, and all gunnel-containing quadrats with tidepools also contained rocky
cobbles, ≥50% plant/algal cover, or both. The individual impacts of environmental
conditions and predation pressure on the value of protective cover
for the Rock Gunnel are unclear. Previous studies have found that the degree
of isolation from the sea (i.e., vertical position within the intertidal zone),
tidepool morphology (surface area and volume), physiochemical properties
of the water (temperature and salinity), and ecological interactions (competition
and predation) affect the distributions of intertidal fishes (Gibson 1972,
Halpin 2000, Mahon and Mahon 1994, Nakamura 1976, Thomson and Lehner
1976, Zander et al. 1999). These factors appear to act synergistically (Bennett
and Griffiths 1984, Macieira and Joyeux 2011). The interpretation that Rock
Gunnels remain in the intertidal zone during low tide to facilitate access to
abundant prey in this habitat during submersion is also consistent with previous
studies on other intertidal species (e.g., Faria and Almada 2006, Rangley
and Kramer 1995).
From the perspective of the μ/g relationship first proposed by Werner and
Gilliam (1984), the Rock Gunnel appears to make a tradeoff between food
resources and vulnerability, the costs of which are faced during the low-tide
emersion period. During this time, the Rock Gunnel remains inactive and
makes habitat choices that minimize the risk of mortality while also curtailing
physiological stressors that could impede growth and reproduction. For
remaining in the intertidal to be selectively favorable despite the prioritizing
of risk abatement at low tide, there must be unobserved benefits for the
Rock Gunnel. Emersion may result in a net decrease of predation risk if the
Rock Gunnel faces greater predation pressure from fish and diving seabird
predators while in the subtidal (Cairns 1992, Collette 2002), though more work
is needed to understand the impacts of predators both above and below the waterline.
Also, given the lack of evidence for habitat selection based upon food
availability during low tide, it is probable that the intertidal zone provides highly
profitable food resources during the high-tide period. Primary food sources
166 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 1
of the Rock Gunnel are characteristic of intertidal areas. Across the northern
Gulf of Maine, amphipods of the genus Gammarus are dominant species in the
rocky intertidal zone (Larsen 2012). In a study of the shallow subtidal in Midcoast
Maine, polychaetes, amphipods, and Idotea isopods, together the majority
of the Rock Gunnel’s diet in the region (Sawyer 1967), were among the most
abundant macroinvertebrates (Ojeda and Dearborn 1989). This study found
Idotea only at the shallowest depths surveyed, suggesting that Rock Gunnels
may feed in the upper intertidal zone. By remaining within the intertidal zone
at low tide, the Rock Gunnel could quickly access foraging areas in the upper
intertidal zone when the water level permits. This hypothesis is supported by
evidence from the CART analysis, where Rock Gunnels showed some preference
for steep-sloped quadrats with rocky cobbles; occupying such areas would
facilitate faster movement to shallower waters.
In the subtidal zone, the Rock Gunnel showed preference for shallower waters,
as demonstrated by the logistic regression. Notably, this model indicated
that neither temperature nor salinity dictated the distribution of Rock Gunnels in
trawled areas. These factors are probably insufficiently variable to influence the
Rock Gunnel’s subtidal habitat choices, especially considering the variation in
temperature and salinity it endures in the intertidal. Longitude and depth were
significant predictors in the model, as were season and trawl survey program
(NOAA/NEFSC fall and winter surveys, Connecticut LISTS survey, and Massachusetts
DMF MISTS survey). In addition to nearshore areas, elevated areas of
the sea floor such as Georges Bank and Nantucket Shoals also had higher densities
of Rock Gunnel than did the deeper waters within the Gulf of Maine. Like
the intertidal zone, these regions have high productivity associated with nutrient
availability. Gammarids are present in these areas, most abundant in waters less
than 50 m deep (Avery et al. 1996). The production of amphipods on Georges
Bank is as high as in the intertidal zone (Collie 1985). Also in high abundance are
polychaetes, mollusks, and small crustaceans (Collie et al. 1997). Together, these
taxa provide a rich prey community for the Rock Gunnel similar to that available
in the intertidal zone.
In the intertidal zone at low tide, the Rock Gunnel appears to place a high
value on refuge. However, it may remain in the intertidal during low tide to facilitate
access of abundant prey in the upper intertidal zone at high tide. The Rock
Gunnel’s habitat selection in the subtidal zone is not correlated to temperature or
salinity, but likely driven by biotic factors and the availability of shelter. Further
behavioral observation is needed, both to better characterize the Rock Gunnel’s
fine-scale, subtidal habitat use to determine if it moves into the upper intertidal to
forage at high tide and to understand the differences in predation pressure faced
by Rock Gunnels in both intertidal and subtidal habitats.
Amy Johnson was vital in developing methods for field data collection and provided
helpful feedback for the manuscript along with John Lichter. Katie Guttenplan, Alex Fahey,
Sara Davenport, and Adam Mortimer assisted with the fieldwork. Trawl survey data
2013 J.T. Shorty and D.P. Gannon 167
were provided by NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center, the Massachusetts Division
of Marine Fisheries, and the Connecticut Marine Fisheries Division. This project
was funded by a Bowdoin Scientific Station Summer Fellowship and the Henry L. and
Grace Doherty Coastal Studies Research Fellowship.
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