Bat Activity and Community Composition in the Northern
Boreal Forest of South-central Labrador, Canada
Lynne E. Burns, Jordi L. Segers, and Hugh G. Broders
Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 22, Issue 1 (2015): 32–40
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Northeastern Naturalist
L.E. Burns, J.L. Segers, and H.G. Broders
22001155 NORTHEASTERN NATURALIST V2o2l.( 12)2:,3 N2–o4. 01
Bat Activity and Community Composition in the Northern
Boreal Forest of South-central Labrador, Canada
Lynne E. Burns1,2, Jordi L. Segers2, and Hugh G. Broders2,*
Abstract - Little is known about composition of bat communities and their acoustic activity
in the northern boreal forests. Acoustic and capture surveys were conducted in the Mecatina
River Ecoregion (MRE) in south central Labrador. We acoustically surveyed forest edges,
streams, and ponds and netted and trapped bats near streams and along forest edges. The
acoustic survey showed greater bat activity at streams and ponds. The capture survey confirmed
the presence of Myotis lucifugus (Little Brown Bat) and M. septentrionalis (Northern
Long-eared Bat) in the MRE, the latter showing signs of reproduction. Together these results
support the idea that riparian areas in the boreal forest are important landscape features
for bats in the genus Myotis.
Knowledge of the distribution and biology of bats in the boreal regions of North
America is quite limited and derived primarily from work in the northern boreal
forest of Alaska and Western Canada (Kalcounis et al. 1999, Olson and Barclay
2013, Parker et al. 1997, Randall et al. 2011). In the northeastern boreal forest
of mainland Canada, information on roost requirements and foraging ecology is
lacking, and predicted distributions have been extrapolated from sparse location
records (Mills et al. 2013, Naughton 2012, van Zyll de Jong 1985). Only limited
surveys for bat species diversity and abundance have been conducted on the boreal
regions of the Quebec–Labrador Peninsula (Broders et al. 2013). The only species
confirmed to occur there are Myotis lucifugus Le Conte (Little Brown Bat)
and M. septentrionalis Trouessart (Northern Long-eared Bat) (Broders et al. 2013,
Naughton 2012, van Zyll de Jong 1985). However, previous reports have been
based on opportunistic records or were focused on known bat maternity roosts rather
than characterizing bat habitat or quantifying the magnitude of activity within
the forests of Labrador.
The Little Brown Bat is an aerial-hawking bat with a wide distribution extending
through forest and prairie landscapes from central Alaska, south through most of
the United States, into Mexico, and east into central Labrador and Newfoundland.
The range of the Northern Long-eared Bat, a forest-dwelling gleaning bat, extends
from northeastern British Colombia to central and eastern United States, southern
Quebec, Nova Scotia, and the island of Newfoundland (Mills et al. 2013, Naughton
2012, van Zyll de Jong 1985). The documented range of Lasiurus cinereus Palisot
1Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, 6299 South Street, Halifax, NS, B3H 3J5
Canada. 2Department of Biology, Saint Mary’s University, 923 Robie Street, Halifax, NS,
B3H 3C3 Canada. *Corresponding author -
Manuscript Editor: Jacques Veilleux
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 22, No. 1
L.E. Burns, J.L. Segers, and H.G. Broders
de Beauvois (Hoary Bat) extends into the boreal forest of northern Ontario and Quebec
to approximately the Saguenay River (Naughton 2012, van Zyll de Jong 1985).
However, records are known from the islands of Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island,
Southampton Island in Nunavut, and Iceland, which suggests they could occur
in Labrador (Broders et al. 2003, Hayman 1959, Henderson et al. 2009, Hitchcock
1943, Maunder 1988).
At this time, studies are needed to provide baseline data on bat distribution and
resource use. Then, inferences on bat biology in the boreal ecosystem may be made,
and the baseline data can be used as a metric of ecosystem change. Climate change
is considered one of the most important threats to biodiversity, and one major effect
is shifts in the distribution of species (Parmesan et al. 1999, Thomas et al. 2006).
The greatest impact of climate change may occur at the most northern extent of a
species’ range (Virkkala et al. 2008). Bioenergetic models for hibernating mammals
have led some researchers to predict that climate change may shift the current range
distribution of some bats, including Little Brown Bat and Northern Long-eared Bat,
further north (Humphries et al. 2004, Naughton 2012).
Another cause of environmental change is anthropogenic fragmentation of natural
areas. Animals using such areas respond differently depending on their habitat
requirements and ability to adapt (Loehle and Li 1996, Marvier et al. 2004, Ricklefs
2001, Webala et al. 2011). Bats are no exception to this general principle, and those
with more specialized life histories (i.e., forest specialization) are more vulnerable
to forest fragmentation (Lane et al. 2006, Russ and Montgomery 2002). In North
America, the Little Brown Bat and Northern Long-eared Bat occur in sympatry
but occupy different niches (Broders and Forbes 2004, Owen et al. 2002, Ratcliffe
and Dawson 2002) and therefore may be impacted differently by fragmentation of
landscapes (Segers and Broders 2014, Webala et al. 2011). The Little Brown Bat is
more of a generalist, using a wide variety of landscape elements relative to the more
forest-dependent Northern Long-eared Bat (Henderson and Broders 2008, Jung et
al. 2004, Sasse and Pekins 1996). Increasing extraction of resources (e.g., mining)
and the construction of large hydro-electric power projects in Labrador (Newfoundland
Department of Natural Resources 2012) have the potential to alter large
tracts of forest, which may impact bats. In addition to these threats, bats in eastern
Canada are in serious decline due to the psychrophilic fungus Pseudogymnoascus
destructans (formerly known as Geomyces destructans) (Blehert & Gargas) Minnis
& D.L. Lindner, which causes white-nose syndrome and major mortality amongst
hibernating bats (Blehert et al. 2009, Minnis and Lindner 2013).
The aim of this study was to investigate the composition of the bat community
and their acoustic activity in the northern boreal forest of south-central Labrador.
Specifically, our objectives were to quantify the magnitude and distribution of bat
activity in the boreal forest of the Labrador Peninsula by (1) quantifying differences
in foraging activity between habitat types through analyses of feeding buzzes and
(2) capturing bats to identify community composition and make inferences about
their reproductive biology.
Northeastern Naturalist
L.E. Burns, J.L. Segers, and H.G. Broders
2015 Vol. 22, No. 1
The study was conducted from 20 June to 02 July 2013, in the Mecatina River
Ecoregion (MRE) of the Minipi Ecodistrict (52°17'51.99"N, 60°59'16.03"W) of
southern Labrador (Notzl et al. 2013). This area is characterized by cool summers
and cold, snowy winters. The dominant vegetation there is a closed-canopy forest
of Picea mariana (Mill.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. (Black Spruce), Picea glauca
(Moench) Voss (White Spruce), and Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. (Balsam Fir). Wildfires
are common in the region and, as a result, many areas are in some stage of
transition from lichen-covered ground to closed-canopy forest resulting in sprucedominated
forest over much of the landscape (Roberts et al. 2006, Wiken 1986).
We captured bats using mist nets and a harp trap set during the first 3 h after sunset.
There were 8 capture locations (Fig. 1), which included forest edges, streams,
trails, and natural canopy gaps in the forest interior. Distance between capture sites
averaged 2227 m (range = 313–4410 m). Nets and traps were checked every 10
minutes. We identified to species all captured bats and recorded their sex, weight,
forearm length, and wing-index scores (Reichard and Kunz 2009). For females, we
determined reproductive condition (pregnant, lactating, non-reproductive) by palpating
the abdomen or by noting signs of lactation (the expression of milk; Racey
and Swift 1985). All capture and handling equipment had either only been used in
Labrador or was new to minimize the risk of exposing captured bats to white-nose
Figure 1. Study site within the Mecatina River Ecoregion (MRE), south-central Labrador,
to assess bat species composition and activity. In-map ratios (M. septentrionalis : M. lucifugus)
represent the number of bats captured in 2013 for the three sites where at least one bat
was captured. (Service layer credits: © 2013 ESRI, DeLorme, NAVTEQ).
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 22, No. 1
L.E. Burns, J.L. Segers, and H.G. Broders
syndrome. We released all bats at the site of capture following processing. Methods
for the capture and handling of bats were approved by the Saint Mary’s Animal Care
Committee and under permit from the Wildlife Division, Department of Environment
of Newfoundland and Labrador.
We conducted acoustic surveys for bat activity using 4 automated bat detectors
(model Song Meter SM2Bat+, Wildlife Acoustics, Maynard, MA) at 16 sites within
the MRE (Fig. 1). Detectors were deployed at 8 forest edges, along 5 streams, and
at the edge of 3 ponds and were left to passively sample for bats over 2–3 nights.
We oriented microphones towards a water feature or perpendicular to forest edges
and placed them at least 1 m off the ground and slightly less than parallel to the
ground to shield them from rain. All recorded bat call sequences were converted
to zero-crossing file formats using KaleidoscopeTM software (Wildlife Acoustics)
and were imported into AnalookW software (Titley Scientific, version 3.8) for
identification and analysis. We identified calls based on the minimum, maximum,
and characteristic frequencies and the slope of calls (O’Farrell et al. 1999). Calls
from bats in the genus Myotis were not identified to species since they have highly
overlapping call structure that makes reliable species identification difficult (Broders
et al. 2004). We defined a bat call sequence as containing at least two discrete
echolocation pulses, and a detector night as the passive recording of bat calls from
20:00 to 07:00. We also quantified the number of call sequences containing feeding
buzzes (Griffin et al. 1960) as a relative measure of feeding activity in each habitat.
We tested for differences in the number of bat call sequences recorded among site
types (streams, ponds, forest edges) using a Kruskal-Wallis test in R (R Development
Core Team 2013) because the data were not normally distributed.
Results and Discussion
Over 11 nights of sampling, 7 bats were captured at 3 of 8 capture locations in
143.5 mist-net hours (6 m of net set for 1 hour = 1 mist-net hour) and 22.4 harptrap
hours. Captures included 1 male and 1 female Little Brown Bat and 2 male
and 3 female Northern Long-eared Bats. Both Little Brown Bats were captured
at the same site on 2 separate nights and the Northern Long-eared Bats were captured
at 3 sites on separate nights. The 3 female Northern Long-eared Bats were
captured at the same site within 5 minutes of each other and approximately 90
minutes after sunset. The spatio-temporal clustering of these captured females
may represent individuals commuting from an unidentified maternity roost. One
of these females was obviously pregnant, and the others were either not pregnant
or in such an early stage of pregnancy that we were unable to confirm. Together,
these captures represent the first record of females and the first record of reproduction
for Northern Long-eared Bat in Labrador (Broders et al. 2013).
In comparison to our study in Labrador, Broders et al. (2003) caught 46 bats
during 52.2 mist-net hours and 75.8 harp-trap hours in southwest Nova Scotia. In
New Brunswick in the Greater Fundy Ecosystem, Broders et al. (2006) caught 277
bats during 106 mist-net hours and 363 harp-trap hours over 3 years of sampling.
Factors to explain the low capture success in this current study may include low
Northeastern Naturalist
L.E. Burns, J.L. Segers, and H.G. Broders
2015 Vol. 22, No. 1
nightly temperatures approaching 0 °C in south-central Labrador through our trapping
period in June, the open-forest characteristics of the boreal forest with fewer
forest edges and corridors to capture bats along, or lower numbers in the area and
fewer bats in the area. At all sites where bats were captured, stands of mature
spruce-dominated forest with dead and dying trees were present. We speculate that
these mature trees and those in higher-decay classes could be used as roost sites
for bats in the area. The Northern Long-eared Bat is a forest-associated bat which
typically roosts in cavities of tall, large-diameter trees in forests that have an open
canopy and high density of snags (Barclay and Kurta 2007, Kalcounis-Rüppell
et al. 2005). Although Northern Long-eared Bats often roost in deciduous trees
(Broders and Forbes 2004, Henderson and Broders 2008, Sasse and Pekins 1996),
they also roost in conifers (Garroway and Broders 2008, Jung et al. 2004, Park and
Broders 2012), which were the dominant tree type present within the MRE. Little
Brown Bats tend to be more flexible in their roosting habits and use both buildings
and trees (coniferous and deciduous; Fenton and Barclay 1980, Olson and Barclay
2013). Selection of roost sites by bats reflects local availability of trees and their
associated microclimates (Boyles 2007, Broders and Forbes 2004). Thus, bats in
Labrador, likely use locally abundant mature stands of coniferous trees, or small
patches of deciduous stands that comprise the northern boreal forest.
We recorded 1023 identifiable bat call sequences at 15 of 16 bat detector locations
over 44 detector nights, 16.5–31% of which were feeding buzzes (Table 1).
The mean number of call sequences per detector night was 24 (range = 0–194), and
all sequences were attributed to Myotis species, which suggests the bat community
in summer is composed of Myotis species (Little Brown Bat and Northern Longeared
Bat). The high proportion of sites with bat call sequences recorded (94%)
suggests that Myotis occur throughout the MRE, although they may be patchily
associated with specific landscape features. The number of call sequences recorded
differed significantly across the 3 habitat types, with greater acoustic activity
recorded at sites associated with water (stream or pond edges) relative to forest
edges (H = 10.82, df = 2, P < 0.01; Table 1). The site where no acoustic activity
was recorded was along a forest edge within 100 m of water. In comparison, Segers
and Broders (2014) also recorded on average more Myotis call sequences per night
at water-associated sites in Nova Scotia (pond edges: 112, streams: 115, forest
edges: 90) although between-habitat differences were not statistically tested. Call
sequences recorded on forest edges in Labrador may primarily represent commuting
calls as bats move from day-roosts to foraging locations, since fewer feeding
Table 1. Number of Myotis call sequences and percentage of call sequences containing feeding buzzes
recorded by site type and sampling effort in the MRE in Labrador, 20 June to 2 July 2013.
Number of Number of call sequences % of sequences
Site type Number of sites detector nights per night: mean (range) with feeding buzzes
Pond edge 3 8 54 (1–180) 31.0
Stream edge 5 14 39 (0–194) 29.3
Forest edge 8 22 4 (0–24) 16.5
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 22, No. 1
L.E. Burns, J.L. Segers, and H.G. Broders
buzzes were recorded at forest edges (16.5%) compared to pond edges (31%) and
stream edges (29.3%) (Table 1). Some bats, including Northern Long-eared Bats,
may opportunistically forage along forest edges or in the interior of forests, although
forest edges associated with water (i.e., stream or pond edges) tend to show
higher bat activity (Grindal et al. 1999, Henderson and Broders 2008, Krusic and
Neefus 1996). Riparian areas are important for many species of bats because they
typically have greater concentrations of prey, provide drinking areas, and can act
as unobstructed commuting corridors (Downs and Racey 2006, Racey and Swift
1985). The recording of feeding buzzes at several sites in the MRE demonstrates
foraging activity by bats, including along forest edges.
Understanding bat species composition and patterns of activity in the boreal
forest of Labrador may be important for management for these species.
The results from both the acoustic and capture survey in this study indicate the
importance of riparian areas (e.g., streams and ponds) for bats in south central
Labrador. In addition, this study shows the presence of at least 2 species of bat
(Northern Long-eared Bat and Little Brown Bat) in the MRE. Additional surveys
could provide a higher resolution of habitat-specific bat activity and species
composition and may show variation between seasons and years. Bats have many
life-history traits such as small size, high mobility, and long life spans with low
reproductive potential that facilitate stable populations over time (Fenton 1997,
Findley 1993). However, these same traits may make them sensitive to environmental
changes whereby they may be used as bioindicators of ecosystem change
(Jones et al. 2009). With increasing anthropogenic activities in the forests of Labrador,
the monitoring of bats may provide important information to gauge changes
in their ecology and distribution in the region.
Funding for this work was provided by the Institute for Environmental Monitoring and
Research (IEMR). We gratefully thank the staff of the IEMR including M. Baker, N. Canning,
and D. Jennings for logistical and administrative support, and T. Chubbs for liaising
with the DND. I. Stone and D. Sampson provided excellent logistical support in the field.
We also thank the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Environment and Conservation
(Wildlife Division) for continuing support of our work in Labrador including the use of
sampling equipment for this study.
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