Front cover |
Inside front cover |
Board of Editors/indicia page |
Relationships of Modeled Nitrogen Loads with Marsh Fish
in the Narragansett Bay Estuary, Rhode Island
Cathleen Wigand, Heather Smith, Cassius Spears, Brandon Keith,
Richard McKinney, Marnita Chintala, and Kenneth Raposae |
1 |
Success and Predation of Bird Nests in Grasslands at Valley
Forge National Historical Park
Les Murray |
10 |
Survival and Movements of Post-fledging American Kestrels
Hatched from Nest Boxes
Annie E. Stupik, Tom Sayers, Min Huang, Tracy A.G. Rittenhouse, and Chadwick D. Rittenhouse |
20 |
Bat Activity and Community Composition in the Northern
Boreal Forest of South-central Labrador, Canada
Lynne E. Burns, Jordi L. Segers, and Hugh G. Broders |
32 |
Raccoon (Procyon lotor) Diurnal Den Use within an
Intensively Managed Forest in Central West Virginia
Sheldon F. Owen, Jacob L. Berl, John W. Edwards, W. Mark Ford, and Petra Bohall Wood |
41 |
American Eel Supply to an Estuary and Its Tributaries:
Spatial Variation in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Kenneth W. Able, Jennifer M. Smith, and Jamie F. Caridad |
53 |
The Distribution of Larval Sea Lampreys, Petromyzon marinus, and their Nutritional Sources in the
Hudson River Basin
Thomas M. Evans and Karin E. Limburg |
69 |
Light, Glass, and Bird–building Collisions in an Urban Park
Kaitlyn L. Parkins, Susan B. Elbin, and Elle Barnes |
84 |
Limited Impact of a Small Residential Wind Turbine on
Birds on an Off-Shore Island in Maine
Sara R. Morris and Brynne A. Stumpe |
95 |
Genetic Variability of Maryland and West Virginia Populations of the Federally Endangered Plant Harperella nodosa (Rose) (Apiaceae)
Whitney B. Smith, Christopher T. Frye, Ericka Veliz, Shandi Hiebler, Ryan C. Taylor, and Kimberly L. Hunter |
106 |
Observations of Greenhouse Gases and Nitrate
Concentrations in a Maine River and Fringing Wetland
Susan R. Bresney, Serena Moseman-Valtierra, and Noah P. Snyder |
120 |
Using Fecal DNA and Spatial Capture–Recapture to
Characterize a Recent Coyote Colonization
Christine A. Bozarth, Beth Gardner, Larry L. Rockwood, and Jesús E. Maldonado |
144 |
An Experimental Test of Epi- and Endozoochory of
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Spores by Small Mammals in
a Maryland Forest
John Zaharick, Harald Beck, and Vanessa Beauchamp |
163 |
Long-term Effects of an Invasive Shore Crab on Cape Cod,
Christopher P. Bloch, Kevin D. Curry, and John C. Jahoda |
178 |
Cicindela marginata Fabricius (Carabidae: Cicindelinae) in
the Northeastern United States: A Tiger Beetle In Decline?
Mark A.Ward and Jonathan D. Mays |
192 |
Edge Effects on Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnakes Basking
in Managed Habitat
Alexander Robillard and Brent Johnson |
200 |
Survey of Hepatozoon (Apicomplexa, Hepatozoidae) Blood
Parasites in Small Mammals and Snakes from the Huyck
Preserve, New York
D. James Harris |
209 |
Current Status and Distribution of Etheostoma exile (Iowa
Darter) and Erimyzon sucetta (Lake Chubsucker) in Ohio
Justin S. Baker, Brian J. Zimmerman, and Marymegan Daly |
213 |
Distribution of Native Mussel (Unionidae) Assemblages in
Coastal Areas of Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair, and Connecting
Channels, Twenty-five Years After a Dreissenid Invasion
David T. Zanatta, Jonathan M. Bossenbroek, Lyubov E. Burlakova, Todd D. Crail, Ferenc de Szalay, Traci A. Griffith, Douglas Kapusinski, Alexander Y. Karatayev, Robert A. Krebs, Elizabeth S. Meyer, Wendy L. Paterson, Trevor J. Prescott, Matthew T. Rowe, Don W. Schloesser, and Mary C. Walsh |
223 |
Putative pair-bonding in Agkistrodon contortrix (Copperhead)
Charles F. Smith and Gordon W Schuett |
N1 |
Potential for Monitoring Eastern Small-footed Bats on
Talus Slopes
Paul R. Moosman, Jr., Daniel P. Warner, R. Hardy Hendren, and Micah. J. Hosler |
Small-Mammal Population Dynamics and Habitat Use on
Bumpkin Island in the Boston Harbor
Lauren Nolfo-Clements and Mark Clements |
NENHC-14 |
Effects of Aquatic Herbicides and Housing Density on
Abundance of Pond-Breeding Frogs
Chris Picone |
NENHC-26 |
Long-Term Effects of Imidacloprid on Eastern Hemlock
Canopy Arthropod Biodiversity in New England
Wing Yi Kung, Kelli Hoover, Richard Cowles, and R. Talbot Trotter III |
NENHC-40 |
Water-Quality Assessment of Two Slow-Moving
Sandy-Bottom Sites on the Saw Mill River, New York
Barbara E. Warkentine and Joseph W. Rachlin |
NENHC-56 |