The Distribution of Larval Sea Lampreys,
Petromyzon marinus, and their Nutritional Sources in the
Hudson River Basin
Thomas M. Evans and Karin E. Limburg
Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 22, Issue 1 (2015): 69–83
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Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 22, No. 1
T.M. Evans and K.E. Limburg
The Distribution of Larval Sea Lampreys,
Petromyzon marinus, and their Nutritional Sources in the
Hudson River Basin
Thomas M. Evans1,* and Karin E. Limburg1
Abstract - We studied the distribution and food sources of larval Petromyzon marinus (Sea
Lamprey) in the Hudson River basin, NY, and found ammocoetes of Sea Lampreys in four
tributaries of the Hudson River: 1) Cedar Pond Brook, 2) Catskill Creek, 3) Roeliff Jansen
Kill, and 4) Rondout Creek. The largest numbers of Sea Lampreys in the Hudson River
basin appears to come from Catskill Creek. Sea Lampreys could increase their range in
the Hudson River basin in the near future as barriers to migration are removed. Isotopic
analysis demonstrated that Sea Lamprey larvae depended on both terrestrial plant material
(i.e., allochthonous) and aquatic primary production (i.e., autochthonous), but that site
characteristics influenced the importance of each to nutrition. Larval lampreys from the
Kaaterskill Creek depended on allochthonous sources for about half of their nutrition, while
those at Cedar Pond Brook obtained only ~1% of their nutrition from these same sources.
Gut contents of larval Sea Lampreys were isotopically distinct from filter-feeding macroinvertebrates,
suggesting that they exploit food resources differently.
Sea Lampreys in the Hudson River Basin
Anadromous fishes spawn in freshwater but migrate to marine or very large
freshwater ecosystems for the majority of their growth and maturation, and are important
members of many coastal ecosystems. The Hudson River is a biologically
diverse ecosystem that currently contains 10 anadromous fish species (Levinton and
Waldman 2006) and has been the focus of extensive research (Jackson et al. 2005).
Research efforts have not been divided evenly across all species, however, and there
are gaps that remain in the current understanding of the migratory fish community
(Waldman 2006). Petromyzon marinus L. (Sea Lamprey) are the most poorly studied
member of the Hudson River anadromous fish community. Study of Sea Lampreys
has been neglected because they are not considered economically or socially important
in North America, they are often difficult to sample, and perceptions of this
species are dominated by negative attitudes toward invasive populations in the upper
Great Lakes.
Sea Lampreys belong to the most primitive vertebrate lineage (Class: Cyclostomata),
and employ an anadromous, obligatory semelparous life history
(Saunders et al. 2006). Unlike most other anadromous fishes, which spend a shorter
time in freshwater than in the marine waters, Sea Lampreys spend protracted periods
in freshwater (up to 17 years) before a relatively brief time (1–3 years) at sea
1State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse,
NY 13210. *Corresponding author -
Manuscript Editor: Jay Stauffer
Northeastern Naturalist
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2015 Vol. 22, No. 1
(Beamish 1980). An estimation of historical and current (within 100 years) abundance
and distribution is difficult due to a lack of information .
Stable isotope analysis of lower trophic levels in tributary food webs
Larval lampreys are filter-feeders. Although materials they ingest have been
documented, the source(s) of the material is still largely unknown (Moore and Mallatt
1980, Mundahl et al. 2005, Sutton and Bowen 1994). Isotopic analysis offers
an alternative approach to gut-content analysis to determine nutritional sources.
Consumers develop an isotopic signature based upon the isotopic signature of their
diet and the proportion of the foods they use for nutrition (Michener and Kaufman
2007, Peterson and Fry 1987). The nutritional sources supporting an organism can
be estimated by modeling the contribution of sources to consumer values (Moore
and Semmens 2008, Phillips and Gregg 2003). Simultaneous use of multiple natural
isotopes can help resolve the dietary and nutritional sources supporting a consumer
with greater accuracy than with a single isotope (Caraco et al. 2010, Peterson and
Fry 1987).
Larval lampreys and many aquatic invertebrates are filter feeders (Mallat 1982,
Voshell 2002), but it is unclear if they use food sources in the same proportions.
Many macroinvertebrates also filter feed. To date only a single study has analyzed
gut contents of larval lampreys and aquatic macroinvertebrates with stable isotopes
simultaneously (Bilby et al. 1996). Interestingly, Bilby et al. (1996) found that the
δ15N of larval lampreys was most similar to collector-gatherers, but the δ13C of larval
lampreys was more similar to shredders and grazers. Although stable isotopes
have only been applied in a limited number of studies of larval lampreys (Evans
2012, Hollett 1995, Limm and Power 2011, Shirakawa et al. 2009), isotopes have
been widely used to examine macroinvertebrates (Finlay 2001, Vander Zanden and
Rasmussen 1999).
Therefore, the purposes of this study were twofold: 1) to identify the current
presence of Sea Lampreys in tributaries of the Hudson River estuary below the Troy
Dam and 2) to determine the sources of organic matter (OM) supporting young-ofyear
(YOY) larval lampreys and selected macroinvertebrates utilizing stable isotope
analysis. We hypothesized that YOY Sea Lamprey nutrition was predominantly
composed of allochthonous materials (Sutton and Bowen 1994), and that larval
lampreys were isotopically similar to macroinvertebrate filterer s.
Field-site Description
We sampled 25 tributaries of the Hudson River estuary below the Troy Dam for
Sea Lampreys in June, July, and August of 2013 (Fig. 1). Sampled tributaries were
diverse in appearance and included rocky coldwater first-order streams, channelized
and highly eutrophic second-order streams, and warmwater third-order streams.
Selection of sites was based upon recommendations from New York State Department
of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), as well as published journals and
reports of Sea Lampreys. Sites varied widely in the predominant land use within
their watershed (Table 1), but sampling always occurred in areas with freshwater,
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T.M. Evans and K.E. Limburg
preferably above the head of tide. Sampling was conducted below the head of tide
if access was only found there.
We used a backpack electrofisher (Haltech, HT-2000) to detect larval lampreys.
A low shock (5 Hz, 150 V, 2:2 pulse pattern) incited larval lampreys to the surface,
where they were collected. Electrofishing was conducted for 15 minutes at sandy
Figure 1. Sampled study sites for Sea Lampreys in Hudson watershed below the Troy Dam.
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and fine substrate indicative of habitat used by larval lampreys at each site (Potter
1980). Fisherman and local residents were also interviewed to identify appropriate
collection sites.
Collections for stable isotopes analysis
To understand the role Sea Lampreys play in freshwater food webs, we used
stable isotope ratio analysis to examine young-of-year (YOY) larval lampreys, collector-
gatherer aquatic insects, and primary producers. YOY larval lampreys were
collected following the procedure described above. We assumed the smallest size
class (16–34 mm) at a site to be YOY (Beamish 1980). Larval lampreys were stored
for no more than 24 hours in plastic bottles filled with sand and water from where
they were collected in an ice bath (~0 °C) until they could be returned to laboratory
to be frozen at -20 °C. Sand was added to the bottles to allow larval lampreys to
rest. We collected Hydropsychids and Isonychiids (both collector-filterers)if they
were present at each site by kick-netting within riffles <50 m from where larval
lampreys were collected, and then hand-picking invertebrates using clean nitrile
gloves and forceps. Kick-netting continued until >5 individuals of each group were
collected; usually this collection required 1–3 minutes. We stored invertebrates in
self-sealing bags with stream water at 0–4 °C for 36–48 hours to allow them to
Table 1. Streams sampled for Sea Lampreys in the present study. Watershed area and percent land use
within that watershed are included.
Watershed Open
Stream area (km2) Developed (%) Forest (%) Agriculture (%) water (%)
Annsville Creek 53.2 13.0 83.0 2.0 2.0
Black Creek 89.5 7.3 80.4 10.8 1.5
Catskill Creek 128.0 15.2 75.3 8.7 0.9
Cedar Pond Brook 46.0 19.5 76.1 1.4 3.1
Claverack Creek 89.8 12.2 37.7 49.7 0.4
Coxsackie Creek 74.8 14.0 56.3 28.4 1.3
Croton River 134.0 21.8 65.3 5.2 7.8
Furnace Brook 151.0 33.7 49.7 2.5 14.0
Hannacroix Creek 171.0 6.5 77.7 12.1 3.7
Indian Brook 99.2 15.9 73.3 2.8 8.0
Indian Kill 106.0 13.7 61.6 9.9 14.8
Kaaterskill Creek 78.5 9.6 83.1 7.0 0.3
Kinderhook Creek 64.0 13.2 44.6 41.3 0.8
Moodna Creek 116.0 26.6 58.5 12.6 2.3
Minisceongo Creek 49.3 43.2 53.2 0.7 2.9
Muitzes Kill 81.6 11.1 40.4 46.5 2.0
Normans Kill 104.0 37.5 47.2 15.2 0.1
Poesten Kill 44.0 27.0 35.4 37.2 0.4
Quassaick Creek 132.0 28.5 62.9 6.3 2.3
Roeliff Jansen Kill 119.0 6.6 46.3 46.0 1.1
Rondout Creek 91.3 6.4 77.6 15.4 0.6
Saw Kill 68.0 10.9 58.4 30.0 0.7
Stockport Creek 64.0 13.2 44.6 41.3 0.8
Vlockie Kill 52.8 13.8 46.7 29.6 9.9
Vloman Kill 79.3 23.7 48.6 27.6 0.1
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void their guts. Potential primary food sources were also collected simultaneously.
We collected leaves of common terrestrial plants (e.g., Acer spp. [maples], Vitis
riparia Michx [Riverbank Grape], Quercus sp. [oaks] and Rosa multiflora Thunb.
[Multiflora Rose]) by hand picking within 100 m of the stream both upstream and
downstream. and gathered surface soil (0–4 cm) by scraping the surface under the
leaf litter. Aquatic plants and algae (e.g., Elodea sp., Potamogeton sp., and Myriophyllum
sp.) observed at the site were picked from surfaces and rinsed in stream
water before being placed in a self-sealing bag. We excavated undisturbed surface
sediments (0–4 cm) from the areas in which larval lampreys were collected.
In the laboratory, aquatic plants and algae were washed in deionized water to
remove detritus before being processed for stable isotope analysis. To acquire
a muscle sample for larval lampreys, we decapitated 3 individuals per site (n =
12) after the seventh gill opening, discarded the head, extruded the contents of
the visceral sack and the notochord from the body, and then used the remaining
materialfor stable isotope analysis. Macroinvertebrates were thawed and sorted by
family. All samples for stable isotope analysis were dried to constant mass at 60 °C,
homogenized by grinding in a clean porcelain mortar, and then stored in desiccation
chambers. Stable isotope values are calculated using the formula
δX = 1000(Rsample/Rstandard - 1),
where Rsample is the ratio of the heavy to light isotope in the sample and Rstandard is the
ratio in an agreed-upon standard. To eliminate leading zeroes and ease readability,
the raw sample value is multiplied by 1000. Values are reported as “per mil” (‰)
and designated by the notation δ with a superscript indicating which heavy isotope
has been measured. Subsamples of every sample type were packed in clean tin capsules
and analyzed for d13C and d15N at the University of California, Davis (using a
PDZ Europa ANCA-GSL [EA] attached to a PDZ Europa 20-20 isotope ratio mass
spectrometer [IRMS]). Standard deviations for replicate analyses of standards for
the instrument were ≤0.2‰ for δ 13C and ≤0.3‰ for δ15N.
Stable isotope mixing models
The δ13C values are sensitive to the amount of lipid in a sample, which is more
negative (i.e., more depleted in 13C) than muscle tissue (Post et al. 2007). Isotopic
values were not corrected for lipid content in any sample because δ13C values were
not correlated with the C:N, a proxy for lipid content (Kiljunen et al. 2006, Post et
al. 2007), in any group (i.e., primary producers, sediments, macroinvertebrates, or
larval lampreys; Table 2).
Table 2. C:N, δ13C, the number of samples (n), and the significance of the correlation between C:N and
δ13C across all sites in the present study. Values (in per mil, ‰) are reported as mean (±SD).
Group C:N δ13C (‰) n R2 P-value
Primary producers 17.6 (6.5) -27.0 (7.6) 23 0.12 0.11
Soils and sediments 13.5 (3.8) -28.2 (0.7) 8 0.38 0.10
Macroinvertebrates 5.8 (0.6) -27.8 (2.9) 25 0.03 0.31
Larval lampreys 5.7 (1.4) -25.2 (2.9) 12 0.01 0.81
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We used the Bayesian stable isotope mixing model MixSIR (Moore and Semmens
2008) to estimate the contributions of potential food sources to YOY larval
lamprey nutrition. Bayesian statistics predict the likely occurrences that led to the
observation after an event has already occurred. MixSIR applies this statistical
analysis to stable isotope mixing models, allowing for the incorporation of the
uncertainties around source isotopic values and fractionation estimates to better
predict food-source dependence and confidence of the importance of a given dietary
item to the organism (Moore and Semmens 2008).
We modeled each site separately because of apparent differences in isotopic
values of primary producers and consumers. Potential food sources for lampreys
and invertebrates at each site were divided into two groups: autochthonous and allochthonous.
We considered autochthonous sources to be all types of aquatic plants
collected at a site, including algae and macrophytes, and allochthonous sources to
be all terrestrial plants collected at a site. Terrestrial surface soils and aquatic surface
sediments were isotopically intermediate between terrestrial and aquatic
plants. Therefore, these sources were likely amalgamations of terrestrial and aquatic
plants, which were already accounted for in the model and were not included
explicitly in the final model. The final models included all the measured terrestrial
plants at a site as the allochthonous source, and all of the measured aquatic plants,
including algae, as the autochthonous source.
Isotopic values of larval lampreys, invertebrates, and potential nutritional
sources were all derived only from measurements of samples collected in the present
study. On the basis of prior work (Sutton and Bowen 1994), we assumed larval
lampreys to be one trophic level above primary producers and applied published
fractionation values of 0.4 ± 1.3‰ for δ13C and 3.4 ± 1.0‰ for δ15N (Post 2002).
We also considered invertebrates to be one trophic level above primary producers
and used the same fractionation values for them as for larval lampreys; we called
this model the “standard” model. We also tested a “low fractionation value” model
because work by Vanderklift and Ponsard (2003) has suggested that detritivores
fractionate 15N at lower values than carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores. The low
fractionation value model used the following fractionation values: 0.4 ± 1.3‰
for δ13C and 0.5 ± 1.1‰ for δ15N. All models were run with 1,000,000 iterations
(i.e., MixSIR attempted to find a solution to the model for each iteration). Results
conformed to the recommended guidelines for determining if the model output
had estimated true posterior distributions (Moore and Semmens 2008). Results are
reported as the posterior median percent contribution of autochthonous and allochthonous
sources to a consumer.
Larval Sea Lampreys were found in four tributaries to the Hudson River: 1) Roeliff
Jansen Kill, 2) Catskill Creek, 3) Rondout Creek, and 4) Cedar Pond Brook. We
did not find Sea Lampreys in all tributaries with records of thi s species (Table 3).
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Table 3. Streams where Sea Lampreys have been reported in the Hudson River and the 2013 capture confirmation or explanation of discordance. Reason
for disagreement = reason for disagreement with historic data if Sea Lampreys were not collected.
Lampreys observed
Stream reported 2013 Source Reason for disagreement
Black Creek Y N Schmidt and Limburg 1989 Single larvae captured during large sampling effort, animals may be rare
Catskill Creek Y Y Numerous NA
Cedar Pond Brook Y Y PIPLON 2010 NA
Hannacroix Creek Y N Greeley and Bishop 1933 Historic record (1933), possible that lampreys currently spawn upstream of
sampling site
Kaaterskill Creek Y Y Schmidt and Cooper 1996, NA
Bryan et al. 2005
Poesten Kill Y N HRA 2007a Single record of an adult, possible migrant looking for spawning site
Quassaick Creek Y N HRA 2005 Single record of a dead adult, possible migrant looking for spawning site
Roeliff Jansen Kill Y Y Brussard et al. 1981, NA
Waldman 2006
Rondout Creek Y Y Greeley and Greene 1937, NA
HRA 2007b
Stockport Creek Y N HRA 2005, Maybe currently extirpated, interview with a local resident suggest this to
Interviewee 2013 be the case; no current observations
Saw Kill Y N Smith 1985 American Brook Lamprey record, Sea Lampreys may occasionally spawn in
mouth of stream
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Figure 2. Stable isotope ratios of δ13C vs. δ15N for macroinvertebrates, young of year of
larval Sea Lamprey, and their potential food sources at (A) Cedar Pond Brook, (B) Kaaterskill
Creek, (C) Roeliff Jansen Kill, and (D) Rondout Creek. Points noted with an * had
low amounts of C or N and may have less-precise estimates than other samples. Error bars
around samples are smaller than the point symbols on the figure.
Stable isotope analysis
Isotopic values of YOY lamprey larvae were different from that of macroinvertebrates
at every site, even though the macroinvertebrate groups measured were
filterers (i.e., Hydropsychidae, and Isonychiidae; Fig. 2). Contributions of autochthonous
and allochthonous sources to YOY larval lampreys varied by site in both
models (Figs. 3, 4). In the standard fraction model, larval lampreys depended on
autochthonous sources almost completely (median contribution = 98.7% at Cedar
Pond Brook), to less than half of their nutritional needs (median = 40.3% at Kaaterskill
Creek; Fig. 3). In the low fractionation model, the median contribution of
autochthonous sources to larval lampreys increased by 13.4–24.8%, except at Cedar
Pond Brook which only increased by 0.6%, while allochthonous dependence
decreased accordingly (Fig. 4).
Sea lamprey distribution in the Hudson River
Hannacroix Creek was a tributary historically used by Sea Lampreys (Greeley
and Bishop 1933) and is currently surrounded by forest and agricultural lands
(Table 1). Only reaches influenced by tidal inputs were sampled, which were not
ideal for lampreys. Sea Lampreys may be able to exploit upper reaches, and further
efforts should be made to determine if they still use Hannacroix Creek.
Stockport Creek is formed at the confluence of its 2 main tributaries, the Kinderhook
and Claverack Creek. Water temperatures in the Kinderhook and Claverack
Creek near their confluences in July were close to the lethal limit for Sea Lampreys
(30 °C in stream, the lethal limit is 31°C; Jobling 1981). Therefore, lower reaches
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 22, No. 1
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Figure 3. Median percent contributions of autochthonous sources to macroinvertebrates and
Sea Lamprey larvae at different streams calculated by the Bayesian model MixSIR (Moore
and Semmens 2008). Lower and upper error bars correspond to the 5% and 95% posterior
proportional contributions, respectively.
Figure 4. Median percent
contributions of
autochthonous source
contributions to diet
of larval Sea Lampreys
with a standard
fractionation model
(Δδ15N = 3.4‰, white
bars) compared to a
low fractionation model
(Δδ15N = 0.5‰, grey
bars) calculated by the
Bayesian model Mix-
SIR (Moore and Semmens
2008). Lower
and upper error bars
correspond to the 5%
and 95% posterior
proportional contributions,
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were unlikely to support larval lampreys, and adults would need to migrate further
upstream to reproduce.
Dead juvenile Sea Lampreys were observed at the hydropower facility in Kinderhook,
NY (Anonymous, pers. comm, Columbiaville, NY). He also reported not
having seen any for “a couple of years”. Surveys for Sea Lampreys above the dams
in Valatie, NY, were carried out, but no larvae were found. Habitat upstream looked
to be of high quality, and if Sea Lampreys could access the habitat they would
undoubtedly use it. The long, protracted larval period may allow rare adult penetrations
into upper reaches to produce successful migrants for long periods. Highly
visible migrating adults would be attracted to the scent of these larval lampreys
(Fine et al. 2004) and congregate below successful spawning areas, wasting their
reproductive output.
Neither adults nor larvae of Sea Lamprey were observed in Black Creek in the
summer of 2013, though the site was visited during the spawning period in June and
then searched for larvae in July. Sea Lampreys may still be present at this stream,
although they must be rare. Large stretches of appropriate habitat were available
for both adults and larvae throughout the stream. In addition, a large Alosa pseudoharengus
Wilson (Alewife) spawning run is still present in Black Creek (Schmidt
and Limburg 1989), and Anguilla rostrata LeSueur (American Eel) are also common
(Bowser et al. 2013). It is unclear why Sea Lampreys are not more common
(if they are present), or why they are not exploiting this habitat (if they are absent);
Sea Lampreys may do well in Black Creek if restoration efforts were carried out.
A single adult lamprey has been reported from Poesten Kill, Quassaick Creek, and
Saw Kill (Table 3), but no larvae or adults were observed during the present study.
Poesten Kill and Quassaick Creek are both highly urbanized streams (Table 1); the
adult Sea Lampreys observed recently at each (HRA 2005, 2007a) were likely searching
for appropriate spawning sites. In the Saw Kill, the habitat available for larval
lampreys below the first impassable barrier (a natural falls) is extremely limited and
would not be a successful rearing area for Sea Lamprey larvae.
It is possible that low-density populations of Sea Lamprey larvae were not detected
at sites from which they have been recorded because of their cryptic nature
and the difficulty in detecting them. However, long stretches (>100 m) of stream
where ideal habitat for larvae was located immediately downstream of potential
adult spawning grounds were searched at every site. At sites where Sea Lampreys
were found, larvae were always found within 15 minutes of searching, usually
within 10 minutes, and often at the first sand bar .
Stable isotope analysis
Larval lampreys and measured macroinvertebrates were isotopically well explained
by the collected food sources at all sites except for two larval lampreys at
Cedar Pond Brook (Fig. 2). At Cedar Pond Brook, lampreys were primarily supported
by autochthonous sources (Fig. 3), because aquatic primary producers had
isotopic values high enough to explain the high isotopic values of lampreys (in respect
to both δ13C and δ15N). Although the model explained larval lamprey isotopic
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values with autochthonous sources, lampreys at this site may actually be receiving
N and C contributions from anthropogenic waste sources, such as sewage or leaky
septic systems; however, these sources were not sampled. Anthropogenic waste
is more positive with respect to both δ13C and δ15N than natural sources (Cravotta
1997, McClelland et al. 1997), and larval values (range of δ13C = -27 to -23 and
δ15N = 6 to 9) would be easily explained by this source (range of δ13C = -25 to -20
and δ15N = -2 to 13; Cravotta 1997). The stream is immediately downstream of a
county park, residential housing, and an urban center. Based on MixSIR modeling,
predicted contributions of sources to measured filter feeders at Cedar Pond Brook
suggested nearly entire reliance (median contribution > 95%) on autochthonous
sources (Fig. 3).
The macroinvertebrates measured at Kaaterskill Creek were isotopically similar
to larval lampreys. Predicted source contributions to different groups at Kaaterskill
Creek were similar to one another, but the uncertainty was large for all estimates
(Fig. 3). A single aquatic algae sample had a δ13C signature similar to terrestrial
plants, which resulted in a large standard deviation for autochthonous sources in
the model. The model suggests that animals at Kaaterskill Creek appear to be more
dependent on allochthonous sources than larval lampreys at all other sites. The water
at the site was moderately turbid, and the bottom of the stream was not readily
visible at all depths. The turbidity appeared to be the result of suspended particulate
matter, which may have been the result of runoff from local fields transporting soil
material. If this is the case, the system may be more dependent on allochthonous
carbon because particulates shade algal growth and can provide a source of nutrition
(Bartels et al. 2012, Rounick et al. 1982).
At the Roeliff Jansen Kill, larval lampreys were dependent approximately
equally on autochthonous and allochthonous sources (Fig. 3). Source contributions
to larval lampreys at this site were not similar to Isonychiidae. Larval lamprey filtering/
collecting is generally assumed to be similar to other invertebrates, but may
not be similar to other groups (Mallatt 1982). Lampreys are unlike all other filter
feeders and have no good proxy among any extant group (Mallatt 1982). Part of the
success of lampreys as a group may be their ability to exploit a habitat and feeding
style that no other group has adapted to fill.
At Rondout Creek, autochthonous sources were more important than
allochthonous sources for all groups (Fig. 3). Lampreys were more similar to
Hyrdropsychiidae (a sedentary collector-filterer), than the more-mobile collectorfilterer
Isonychiidae. Rondout Creek is wide (>10 m) and slow moving above a
barrier to Sea Lamprey migration, immediately upstream of the sample site, which
likely promotes algal growth in that section. Large larvae of Simulidae, which are
also filter feeders, were also very common at the site, often completely covering
rocks in areas of high current. Lampreys throughout Rondout Creek may not be as
dependent on autochthonous sources.
When a low-fractionation model was used to determine dependence of larval
Sea Lamprey on autochthonous sources, the importance of those sources
increased (Fig. 4). Larval Sea Lampreys may fractionate 15N at lower rates than
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2015 Vol. 22, No. 1
other groups because they rely on a low-quality and nutritionally sparse diet (Sutton
and Bowen 1994). Controlled laboratory feeding experiments of larval Sea
Lampreys will be able to test this assumption (J. Jolley, US Fish and Wildlife
Service, Vancouver, WA, pers. comm.). If the low fractionation values of 15N are
supported by laboratory studies on larval lampreys, this finding would suggest
that lampreys are heavily reliant (>50% of nutritional support at all sites; Fig. 4)
on the intermittent production of autochthonous sources (likely algae) as other
workers have found (Yap and Bowen 2003). Therefore, although algae may constitute
a minor portion of the gut content (Mundahl et al. 2005, Sutton and Bowen
1994), it may be more important to larval lamprey growth and development than
the more abundant detrital fraction.
Larval Sea Lampreys appear capable of exploiting a variety of sources to meet
nutritional requirements. In addition, larval lampreys may be sensitive to some
types of human pollution, which could be detected with isotopic analysis. Further
work is needed to determine if they could be useful as bio-monitoring tools. Their
limited distribution and the difficulty of sampling for larval lampreys may prevent
wide-scale use, but they could offer unique information about the environment at
sites in which they occur. Larval lampreys were also isotopically unique from the
surrounding macroinvertebrate community and appeared to rely on a different proportion
of autochthonous and allochthonous sources.
We thank the Tibor T. Polgar Fellowship Program of the Hudson River Foundation
and the Edna S. Bailey Sussman Foundation for funding and support of this project. We
also thank K. Hattala, R. Adams, and other members of the NYSDEC for advice and
guidance on selecting locations and choosing streams to survey. J. Waldman, R. Schmidt,
D. Yozzo, and E. Kiviat provided helpful advice during the project. D. Strayer and two
anonymous reviewers provided comments on an earlier draft. C. Eger provided critical
logistical support in the field.
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Beamish, F.W.H. 1980. Biology of North American anadromous Sea Lamprey, Petromyzon
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