Northeastern Naturalist
A. Robillard and B.Johnson
22001155 NORTHEASTERN NATURALIST 2V2(o1l). :2220,0 N–2o0. 81
Edge Effects on Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnakes Basking
in Managed Habitat
Alexander Robillard1,* and Brent Johnson1
Abstract - Extensive vegetation growth has decreased potential basking sites for an endangered
population of Sistrurus catenatus (Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake [EMR]), and
habitat management is needed to restore these sites. Practices that decrease canopy cover
can unintentionally impact snakes by increasing exposure, thereby raising predation rates.
Basking behavior of slow-moving EMRs often involves remaining cryptic or retreating to
avoid detection. We observed several aspects of EMR basking behavior—location, exposure,
and defensiveness—relative to distance from habitat edge within 100-m2 square plots
of cut shrubs to determine whether the habitat alterations modified EMRs use of the landscape
as it related to predator avoidance. EMRs basked throughout the entirety of plots and
did not vary their level of exposure or defensiveness based on their distance from the edge
of plots. Our results suggest that shrub-cutting in up to 10 m x 10 m areas does not alter
predator-avoidance behavior in EMRs.
Ecological traps, which are low-quality habitats occupied by animals in
preference to available high-quality habitats, can be incidentally generated by management
practices (Battin 2004, Gates and Gysel 1978). Ecological traps are often
associated with habitats modified by human activities such as mowing or indirectly
through human-mediated invasion by exotic species (Battin 2004). These abrupt
environmental changes can misinform individual animals whose habitat preference
may remain unchanged despite having the positive effects associated with
their adaptation replaced with negative ones (Gates and Gysel 1978, Misenhelter
and Rotenberry 2000). Although most of the literature on ecological traps thus far
pertains to birds (Battin 2004), some studies have documented habitat-management
practices that decrease shrub- and tree-canopy cover, thus creating unintentionally
negative impacts on snakes by increasing their exposure and thereby increasing
predation rates (Durbian 2006, Setser and Cavitt 2003).
Cryptic behavior is an important predator-avoidance technique for many snakes
and other reptiles that involves remaining stationary while blending into surroundings
(Martins 1996). However, in cooler climates, viviparous snakes must typically
bask extensively in order to thermoregulate effectively, and in doing so maintain
greater exposure to potential predators (Lourdais et al. 2004). Therefore, some edge
habitats may enable better predator avoidance for basking snakes by providing
them with vital retreat sites (Blouin-Demers and Weatherhead 2001, DeGregorio
2008, Greene 1988, Harvey and Weatherhead 2006). However, few studies have
1State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 1 Forestry
Drive, Syracuse, NY 13210. *Corresponding author -
Manuscript Editor: Ralph Grundel
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 22, No. 1
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examined the impact that efforts at habitat improvement can have on the behavior
of basking snakes (Burger 2001, Harvey and Weatherhead 2006, Hedgecock 1992,
Parent and Weatherhead 2000, Prior and Weatherhead 1994).
Sistrurus catenatus (Rafinesque) (Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake [EMR]) is
considered threatened or endangered in every state where it occurs with the exception
of Michigan, which is considered a stronghold for the species (Szymanski
1998). This species is typically found in early to mid-successional habitats (Bailey
et al. 2012, Foster et al. 2009, Johnson and Leopold 1998, Jones et al. 2012, Reinert
and Kodrich 1982) and may preferentially bask near retreat sites (DeGregorio 2008,
Harvey and Weatherhead 2006, Marshall et al. 2006) such as shrubs or slash piles
(DeGregorio 2008, Harvey and Weatherhead 2006). In viviparous snakes like the
EMR, effective thermoregulation by gravid females critically influences the fitness
and phenotype of developing offspring (Alberts et al. 1997, Blouin-Demers et al.
2000, Lourdais et al. 2004, Shine et al. 1997). At Cicero Swamp Wildlife Management
Area (CSWMA) in New York, the resident EMR population is threatened
by woody-plant growth that infringes on established basking areas (Johnson and
Breisch 1993, Johnson and Leopold 1998, Shoemaker and Gibbs 2010). EMRs at
CSWMA are known to bask in places with significantly higher temperatures than
nearby random locations, and also in locations that appear to offer greater potential
cryptic protection from predators (Shoemaker and Gibbs 2010). Basking EMRs rely
on cryptic behavior or flee to avoid potential predators (Greene 1988, Klauber 1982,
Parent and Weatherhead 2000). To provide a mix of active warming and cryptic
basking sites for EMRs at CSWMA (Shoemaker and Gibbs 2010), the New York
State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) conducted habitat
manipulations in 2011 that included cutting tall (>1 m) shrub vegetation within
thirty-two 100-m2 square plots. Workers cut shrubs to the ground and removed all
fallen vegetation from the plots, which maintained a clearly defined hummockhollow
Despite possible benefits, habitat-management practices that decrease shrub
cover can increase the rate of predation on snakes by increasing their exposure to
predators (Durbian 2006, Setser and Cavitt 2003). Although EMRs at CSWMA used
cut plots more than unmanipulated sites for basking (Johnson 2013), the influence
of distance to edge habitat on the behavior of basking snakes remained unknown.
Therefore, our objective was to determine whether the entirety of a 100-m2 plot
provided adequate basking potential for EMRs. By pairing habitat-use surveys
(Johnson 2013) with behavioral observations, we hoped to better understand the
influence of distance to plot edge (DTE) on EMR basking behavior and site selection.
Understanding how EMRs bask in cut habitats in relation to DTE could help
to determine ideal dimensions of future habitat manipulations, and help to avoid
ecological trapping.
Study Site
CSWMA, in Onondaga County, NY, is a large wetland complex managed by
NYSDEC and comprised of a mix of upland forest and peatland habitats (Johnson
and Leopold 1998). A fire in 1892 completely burned an ~1-m-deep layer of peat
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2015 Vol. 22, No. 1
moss in a 37-ha area of CSWMA now known as the burn area (LeBlanc and Leopold
1992), which serves as core range of resident EMRs (Johnson 1995, 2000).
To mitigate the extensive shrub growth in this historically open habitat, 32 experimental
100-m2 plots were cut in the burn area in 2011 (Johnson 2013). This area
is distinguished from adjacent habitats by having organic soils with a high occurrence
of Vaccinium corymbosum L. (Highbush Blueberry), Ilex mucronata (L.)
Powell, Savol. & Andrews (Mountain Holly), and Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.)
Elliot (Black Chokeberry) surrounded by trees such as Picea mariana (Mill.) Britton,
Sterns & Poggenb. (Black Spruce), Larix laracina (Du Roi) K. Koch (Eastern
Tamarack), Acer rubrum L. (Red Maple), and Betula pendula Roth (European
White Birch) (Johnson 1995, LeBlanc and Leopold 1992).
To record how EMRs basked within the 32 treatment plots, we surveyed each
plot once per week from early June to late August in 2011 and from late May
through August in 2012. We conducted surveys from the morning into early
afternoon. At least 2 observers searched each plot from the edge to the middle
and detected EMRs in vegetation by sight or by sound (rattling). Upon finding
an EMR, the observers measured its distance to habitat edge, made at least two
visual-exposure estimates, recorded the average of at least 2 dorsal infrared (IR)-
temperature readings using an Extech IR400 (Extech Instruments, Waltham, MA),
and noted the snake’s basking behavior, and then captured and handled them using
the methods of Johnson (2013) to determine sex and gravidity and to implant
passive integrated transponder tags (AVID Identification Systems, Inc., Norco,
CA) to identify individuals. We collected exposure estimates prior to capture by
observing the percentage of the snakes that could be seen through vegetation from
directly above at standing height. We classified behaviors as either cryptic (i.e., 0
= stationary, not rattling) or defensive (i.e., 1 = rattling and/or retreating), which
were adapted from previous observations by Klauber (1982) and Greene (1988)
and methods used by Hedgecock (1992). We intentionally limited our analysis
of EMR presence relative to DTE to snakes that were engaged by an observer
at less than 1-m distances in order to control for possible behavioral effects of
our approach distance and direction. The majority of our captures were females,
and we limited behavioral analysis to gravid females to account for the possible
behavioral bias associated with gravidity (Goode and Duvall 1989, Harvey and
Weatherhead 2006). Brodie and Russell (1998) observed Thamnophis sitalis L.
(Garter Snakes) at temperatures of 15–30 °C, and noted a positive correlation between
anti-predation behaviors (e.g., fleeing) and temperatures up to 30 °C. Thus,
for our behavioral observations, we included only snakes whose IR temperature
was above 15 °C because colder snakes cannot display response behaviors.
We used a chi-square test to compare EMR occurrence to DTE with a null
hypothesis of uniform distribution throughout a plot. We observed EMRs across
a 10 m x 10 m grid within each plot. In total, we made 87 observations of EMRs
across the grids examined, leading to an expectation of 0.87 observations per m2
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 22, No. 1
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of grid area across the study. To test whether observations were uniformly distributed
across the grids, we divided the grids into 1-m-wide nested squares. The first
square was a 1-m-wide band around the inside of the perimeter of the 10 m x 10 m
grid, the second was 1-m-wide following the inside perimeter of the first band, and
we continued in 1-m-wide bands producing 5 bands (i.e. 0–1 m, 1.1–2 m, 2.1–3 m,
3.1–4 m, 4.1–5 m) with areas of 36, 28, 20, 12 and 4 m2 per band. We calculated
expected number of observations per band by taking the product of the band’s area
and 0.87 observations per m2 for a uniform distribution of observations. We determined
deviation from expectation with a chi-square test comparing actual number
of observations per band area in a grid to expected numbers (Ries and Debinski
2001). We compared exposure of snakes to DTE using a simple linear regression
model. To account for the possible influence of temperature on the DTE of basking
snakes, we decided to include this variable in the model based on its significance
(α = 0.05). We compared the behavior score of gravid female EMRs to DTE using
logistic regression models and similarly chose a best model based on significance
of included variables such as exposure and temperature. We performed all analyses
on each season separately because there were obvious differences in vegetative
cover within the 100-m2 basking plots between years due to growth of vegetation
throughout the first field season. Conditions of each capture were variable in terms
of microhabitat, and the number of unique individuals captured was low, so we
treated the capture of individuals on different days as independent units (Andrews
1971). We constructed all models in R 2.15.1 (R Core Team 2012) and used Minitab
(Minitab, Inc.; to graphically represent the results.
Results and discussion
We made 87 observations on 42 individual snakes, resulting in a mean of 2.07
observations per snake (SD = 1.09, skewness = 0.80). We captured 16 of the 42
individuals only once. We found that EMR basking-site selection and behavior did
not vary with DTE within the plots, suggesting that habitat manipulations occurring
at a 100-m2 scale were not likely to restrict snakes in their use of the landscape.
Tests of our observations of EMR DTE in the 100-m2 plots indicated an even distribution
in both 2011 (df = 4, n = 57; χ2 = 1.517, P = 0.824) and 2012 (df = 4,
n = 39; χ2 = 0.921, P = 0.921) (Table 1). Snake exposure did not vary with DTE or
temperature when modeled together in 2011 (n = 49, P = 0.715 ) and 2012 (n = 36,
P = 0.218). However, we found that when gravid females basked in more exposed
areas, their response behavior was more cryptic (i.e., they remained stationary and
did not rattle), even when we included DTE in our model (2011: n = 60, P < 0.001
and 2012: n = 35, P = 0.025) (Fig. 1).
Our results suggest that EMRs do not alter their selection of basking sites based
on habitat within a 5-m distance from the edge of the cleared plots. DeGregorio
(2008) found that EMRs in clear-cuts use areas up to 24.92 ± 1.73 m away from
the forest edge, with 85% of snakes located within 2 m of slash piles left on sites.
Harvey and Weatherhead (2006) determined that, when available basking sites up
to 30 m away from the edge of forests were available, EMRs most often used areas
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2015 Vol. 22, No. 1
Table 1. Distance to edge (DTE) distribution of Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnakes observed in 100-
m2 cleared plots, compared to expected spatial distribution of snakes if equally likely to be found
anywhere in the plots.
Band DTE (m) Observed Expected χ2
0.0–1.0 12 14.04 0.296
1.1–2.0 13 10.92 0.396
2.1–3.0 8 7.80 0.005
3.1–4.0 4 4.68 0.099
4.1–5.0 2 1.56 0.124
n = 39, df = 4, χ2 = 0.921, P = 0.921
0.0–1.0 18 20.52 0.309
1.1–2.0 17 15.96 0.068
2.1–3.0 13 11.40 0.225
3.1–4.0 8 6.84 0.197
4.1–5.0 1 2.28 0.719
n = 57, df = 4, χ2 = 1.517, P = 0.824
Figure 1. Binary logistic
regression models of the
behavior score (0 = cryptic,
1 = escape/rattle) indicating
that exposed gravid
female Eastern Massasauga
Rattlesnakes exhibited
more cryptic behavior than
those under partial or full
cover in both 2011 and
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15–20 m away. Although these previous studies indicate EMRs perceived edge as
between 15–25 m, both were conducted in areas of uncut or clear-cut forests (De-
Gregorio 2008, Harvey and Weatherhead 2006), whereas our study was located in
a mosaic of plots cut within a shrub-dominated area. Because they were connected
by trails, our plots could have focused predatory search efforts, potentially making
the plots more prone to becoming ecological traps than a clear-cut area.
Basking-site selection by EMRs may be an anti-predation tactic or a response
to movements of prey species (DeGregorio 2008, Theodoratus and Chiszar 2000).
Similarly, research has shown that predator avoidance may be a secondary driver
of preference for edges of fragmented habitat for other serpent species such as
Pantherophis obsoletus (Say) (Black Rat Snake; Blouin-Demers and Weatherhead
2001, Carfagno and Weatherhead 2006). Basking EMRs that behave less cryptically
(i.e., rattling or fleeing) upon being disturbed are likely at higher risk for predation,
although basking snakes may flee successfully more often when basking near the
cover of a habitat edge (Greene 1988, Prior and Weatherhead 1994). Consequently,
we might expect EMRs to expose themselves less and use the cover offered from
regrowth more the farther into a basking plot and farther from the refuge of the
edge habitat they are located. Our results indicate that exposure of basking EMRs
is not influenced by their DTE. Uniformity in EMR exposure relative to DTE might
be influenced by the surrounding vegetative growth. In 2011, manipulated plots
were generally devoid of shrub cover throughout, potentially limiting the EMRs to
homogeneous exposures with limited retreat sites thereby restricting their ability
to seek refuge and lower their exposure. However, in 2012 plots contained more
vegetative growth, but exposure of EMRs was still not influenced by their DTE,
suggesting that the regrowth of vegetation was fairly uniform within the plots. It is
possible that exposure of snakes was more closely linked to the microtopography
of plots and corresponding availability of retreat sites within them. We recommend
that future studies should focus on the effects of retreat-site availability on EMR
exposure. The resulting data might prove valuable in optimizing future management
Because EMRs that behave less cryptically might be at higher risk for predation
(Greene 1988, Prior and Weatherhead 1994), we expected snakes basking in the
middle of plots, farther from the safety of the edge, to behave more defensively than
snakes closer to the edge. Our comparison of behavior relative to DTE showed that
the likelihood of observing EMRs fleeing, rattling or remaining cryptic was similar
at any DTE. Rattlesnakes, which are generally slow and bulky serpents, rely mostly
on defensive behaviors, such as rattling and, more commonly, remaining cryptic, to
avoid predation (Greene 1988, Hedgecock 1992, Klauber 1982, Weatherhead and
Madsen 2009). Striking is considered a last-resort defensive behavior for rattlesnakes
because it is energetically and physiologically expensive; it is more likely
an offensive endeavor (Glaudas et al. 2005). Remaining cryptic is the primary EMR
predator-avoidance strategy, and so these snakes generally do not respond defensively
to short-term disturbances such as human presence (Harvey and Weatherhead
2006, Hedgecock 1992, Parent and Weatherhead 2000).
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Our study examined the habitat utilization by EMRs and the effect on their
behavior through management actions such as shrub-cutting. We found that basking
behavior of gravid EMRs becomes more cryptic with increased exposure. This
cryptic strategy might be an adaptation for gravid females, which are known to expose
themselves more than other EMRs (Harvey and Weatherhead 2006), because
such exposure aids in the development of their unborn offspring (Alberts et al.
1997, Blouin-Demers et al. 2000, Lourdais et al. 2004, Shine et al. 1997). Gravidity
might limit an EMR’s potential to escape while fleeing (Parent and Weatherhead
1994), thereby explaining why gravid individuals tend to remain cryptic rather than
move defensively when disturbed. The relationship between defensive behavior
and exposure of basking EMRs may differ for non-gravid adults relative to gravid
females, and should be considered in future studies. Cryptic behavioral differences
between gravid and non-gravid periods and between sexes should also be identified
to isolate the origins of this behavior.
Based on our results, EMR basking-site selection and behavior do not vary
within a cleared plot size of 100-m2, suggesting that the snakes’ use of the habitat
might not be influenced by habitat manipulations at this scale. We recommend
further study of EMR decision-making and specific predation counts to determine
the full effects that plot-clearing and DTE has on predation rates. Further study is
also needed to determine EMR basking behavior in cleared plots greater than 100-
m2. Further examination of cryptic basking behaviors might highlight necessary
adjustments to habitat management that could enhance techniques used to conserve
EMRs and other threatened snakes.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation hosted our study and
provided logistical support. Funding was provided by the Society of Wetland Scientists,
Western New York Herpetological Society, Edna Bailey Sussman Foundation, and the
NYSDEC through a grant obtained from the US Fish and Wildlife Service Great Lakes
Restoration Initiative. C. Radell provided field assistance in 2011. L. Brown provided both
field and office assistance in 2012. Conceptual support was given by D. Leopold, J. Cohen,
J. Gibbs, J. Folta, S. Stehman, and J. Arrigoni. Technical support was given by T. Bell, M.
Putnam, and P. Jensen of the NYSDEC.
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