Northeastern Naturalist
L. Nolfo-Clements and M. Clements
22001155 NORTHEASTERN NATURALIST 22(1):NENHC-14V–oNl.E 2N2H, NCo-2. 51
Small-Mammal Population Dynamics and Habitat Use on
Bumpkin Island in the Boston Harbor
Lauren Nolfo-Clements1,* and Mark Clements2
Abstract - We performed short-interval mark–recapture trapping on small mammals on
Bumpkin Island in Boston Harbor in 2008, 2009, and 2011 in an attempt to record patterns
of species distribution, population dynamics, and habitat use. The only species captured
during these intervals were native Peromyscus leucopus (White-footed Mouse) and Microtus
pennsylvanicus (Meadow Vole). Both mice and voles were trapped in 2008 and 2009,
while only mice were trapped in 2011. Animal densities varied by vegetation type and by
year. The variation in the densities between years may be attributed to a number of factors
including food availability and the sporadic presence of predators, a unique characteristic
of the some of the harbor islands.
Mammal populations on islands, both actual and virtual (habitat patches), have
been the focus of numerous studies for decades (Foster 1964, Lawlor 1986, Lomolino
et al. 2013). Rodent populations have been of particular interest due to the
ease of isolation for these small animals and their presence on many islands in marine,
freshwater, and terrestrial environments. Of rodent populations studied, Mus
musculus L. (House Mouse) and those in the genus Rattus have received the most
attention due to their status as introduced species and their cosmopolitan distribution
as a result of inadvertent human transport (Howald et al. 2007) .
Rodents of the genera Peromyscus and Microtus have been isolated on all types
of islands (Crowell 1983, Forsman et al. 2011, Munshi-South and Kharchenko
2010). In Massachusetts, the status of Peromyscus leucopus Rafinesque (White-
Footed Mouse) and Microtus breweri Baird (Beach Vole; endemic to Muskeget
Island off Cape Cod) have been examined and their island population dynamics
compared with those of mainland populations. For M. breweri, population cycling
appeared to be absent on Muskeget Island when compared to mainland populations
of Microtus pennsylvanicus Ord (Meadow Vole), though peak densities were
similar between the 2 species (Tamarin 1977). For White-footed Mice, population
dynamics were similar in both locations, but average densities were higher on the
mainland (Adler and Tamarin 1984).
With this information in mind, we initiated a small-mammal trapping project on
Bumpkin Island in Boston Harbor in 2008, as part of a larger effort assisting the National
Park Service (NPS) and the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and
Recreation (DCR) in the inventory and monitoring of mammal species of the Boston
1Suffolk University, Biology Department, Boston, MA 02108. 2Northern Essex Community
College, Natural Sciences Department, Haverhill, MA 01830. *Corresponding author -
Manuscript Editor: Thomas J. Maier
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 22, No. 1
L. Nolfo-Clements and M. Clements
Harbor Islands National Recreation Area (BOHA). Through our island trapping efforts,
we hoped to assess small-mammal species diversity, evaluate small-mammal
population distribution and dynamics, and note any habitat preferences.
Field-Site Description
Bumpkin Island is one of BOHA’s 34 islands and peninsulas east of Boston,
MA (Fig. 1). The climate is temperate with well-defined seasons. The average temperature
is ~10 °C annually, ~21 °C in the summer ,and about -1 °C in the winter
(National Weather Service 2014). Average annual precipitation is about 1300 mm;
there is no distinct wet or dry season, although precipitation averages are highest
during December and March (National Weather Service 2014).
Figure 1. Location of Bumpkin Island in the Boston Harbor. Note the close proximity to the
mainland at Hull, MA. (Credit: National Park Service)
Northeastern Naturalist
L. Nolfo-Clements and M. Clements
2015 Vol. 22, No. 1
Bumpkin Island (24.9 ha) includes shoreline and intertidal-zone areas
(42°16'51.18"N, 70°53'58.17"W). The island is a vegetated drumlin surrounded by
rocky shoreline. During especially low tides, the island is attached to the mainland
at Hull, MA, by a thin sand spit for limited periods of time (Fig. 1).
About 51% of the plant species on this island are non-native (Elliman 2005).
As with most of the islands in Boston Harbor, Bumpkin Island has a long history
of human use. The islands were used by native North Americans as fishing areas
and for durable resources, and then later by early European settlers for similar uses
and some farming, although the Europeans clearcut many of the forested islands to
assist in the building and heating of Boston (Richburg and Patterson 2005). As a
result of this intensive use and historical clearcutting, Bumpkin and a few other islands
are currently dominated by shrubby and brushy vegetation and not the stands
of trees that were present before European colonization.
Currently, Bumpkin Island is not inhabited year-round. Primitive camping is
permitted on the island during the open season (3rd week of June–Labor Day). There
are both grassy and paved trails that bisect the island. The grassy trails, camping
areas, and scenic overlooks are maintained by periodic mowing. There is one intact
permanent structure on the island where a caretaker seasonally resides, in addition
to a series of ruins.
We selected our trapping areas so that they did not contain campgrounds or paved
trails (Fig. 2). The plant species composition and vegetative structure appeared
relatively uniform across the entirety of Bumpkin Island away from the shoreline.
While the island did contain a few small stands of trees, most of the vegetation was
shrubs, vines, and herbaceous vegetation. Common plant species included Rhus
typhina L. (Staghorn Sumac), Celestrus orbiculatus Thunb. (Asian Bitterweet),
Rubus idaeus L. (Common Red Raspberry), Rubus fruticosus L. (Blackberry), Rosa
rugosa Thunb. (Japanese Rose), Morella pensylvanica (Mirb.) Kartesz (Northern
Bayberry), Rhamnus sp. (buckthorn), Acer platanoides L. (Norway Maple), Solidago
spp. (goldenrods), and Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze (Poison Ivy).
Field methods
All trapping occurred in late June and July. We set traps in a grid pattern that
covered roughly the same area across years (Fig. 2). In 2009, we set additional trapping
grids on the northwestern side of the island. Since the island receives many
Figure 2. Map of Bumpkin Island showing trapping-grid locations. A: 2008, B: 2009, and
C: 2011 Hiking trails are shown with dotted lines.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 22, No. 1
L. Nolfo-Clements and M. Clements
human and wildlife visitors year-round, we were not able to establish permanent
trapping grids due to the high probability of disturbance. We set traps about 7 m
apart with a single model LFATDG Sherman live trap (9 in [L] x 3 in [W] x 3.5 in
[H]) at each station. We set a single 10 x 10 trap grid in 2008, one 10 x 5 and two 5
x 5 grids in 2009, and one 10 x 9 grid in 2011. We flagged and noted the GPS location
of each trap. We baited traps with a mixture of peanut butter and oats rolled
into quarter-sized balls and stuck to the back wall of the traps.
We checked traps once a day, in the morning around 9 am. Checking the traps
twice a day was considered, but a similar small-mammal trapping survey on Cape
Cod revealed that checking traps twice a day did not reduce trapping mortality nor
did it result in a significant increase in captures (Cook et al. 2006). Additionally,
trapping survivorship was >98% for all 3 years of this study, with the 5 mortalities
that did occur primarily due to prior injury and/or aggressive trap disturbance by
Canis latrans Say (Coyote).
Upon capture, we transferred small mammals, individually, into an unsealed
large plastic Ziploc bag to allow for species identification, sexing, maturity evaluation
(adult or juvenile), and weighing with a spring scale. If animals weighed less than 12
grams, they were not implanted with a passive integrated transponder (PIT) tag
for the mark–recapture portion of the study. We used 8.5 mm x 2.12 mm PIT tags
(Biomark model TXP1485B), implanted with a 12-gauge needle at the “scruff” of
the neck right in front of the shoulders.
PIT tags have been used on a vast array of vertebrate species, both aquatic and
terrestrial (Gibbons and Andrews 2004). Studies have shown that animals do not
exhibit behavioral changes as result of such implantation and there is no outward
marking of the animal that could impact predation rates, fitness, or social interactions
(Gibbons and Andrews 2004, Harper and Batzli 1996, Schooley et al. 1993).
We recorded the plant species present at each trapping location and noted proximity
to mowed grass and paved trails. We identified plants to species whenever
Statistical analyses
We estimated rodent population densities using spatially explicit capture-recapture
(SECR) models (Borchers and Efford 2008, Efford 2004). Unlike other models
(e.g., Jolley-Seber; see Leberton et al. 1992) that estimate survival, abundance, and/
or densities using mark–recapture data, SECR models use spatial information of
mark–recapture data. This spatial information allows estimates of the distribution
and density of animals in space. SECR analyses assume that animals have fixed,
approximately circular, home ranges. Under this assumption, the probability of
capturing an animal (i.e., the encounter rate) declines as the distance between the
trap and the center of the home range increases.
A variety of detection functions may be used to describe the relationship between
encounter rate and distance from an animal’s home-range center. We selected
the half-normal detection function for all analyses because it is the most common
function used and the default in SECR 2.8.1 (Efford 2014). The half-normal
Northeastern Naturalist
L. Nolfo-Clements and M. Clements
2015 Vol. 22, No. 1
detection function is a probability distribution with two parameters that determine
its shape: 1) g0 is the encounter rate assuming that the trap and home-range center
of an animal coincide in space; and 2) σ is a scale parameter that determines how
the encounter rate declines with distance from the home-range center.
The scale parameter (σ) can be interpreted as an estimate of the home range (radius
only) of animals. The encounter rate (g0) can be interpreted as the probability
of capture, but it is different from the detection probabilities reported by non-spatial
methods, since they use only the frequency of detection to estimate probabilities;
thus, an animal is either captured or not captured when it is near a trap. SECR
probabilities are described by continuous functions that depend upon spatial information;
thus, the further an animal is from a trap, the less likely it is to be captured.
The probabilities of capture reported herein will be much lower than those reported
for non-spatial methods, because g0 is not the total probability of capture.
SECR models and their parameters were estimated by maximizing the full likelihood.
Initial tests confirmed that model estimates were not measurably affected by
variation in habitat-mask density (pixel size) or buffer width, so default SECR pixel
sizes were used, and buffer widths were set to extend 30 m beyond trapping areas.
Null SECR models assume homogenous animal density across trapping areas,
and uniformity of home-range radius (σ) and probability of detection (g0) over
individuals, traps, time, and habitat. Alternative SECR models that relaxed these
assumptions were compared to null models using the Akaike information criterion
with small-sample-size adjustment (AICc) to select preferred models (Burnham
and Anderson 2002). We explored the effect of vegetation cover on populationdensity
estimates (i.e., a measure of habitat preferences) by assigning trap sites to
a vegetation category using fuzzy clustering of a distance matrix of vegetation presence–
absence data (Kaufman and Rousseauw 1990). The vegetation category of
each pixel in the SECR habitat mask was then assigned to the vegetation category
of nearest trap site (Efford 2014, Efford and Fewster 2013).
Population dynamics and density
Across all 3 years, we only captured White-footed Mice and Meadow Voles on
Bumpkin Island. We detected a total of 453 small mammals over the course of the
study. We used a total of 159 individual mice in the analyses (77 with 167 detections
in 2008, 67 with 152 detections in 2009, and 15 with 39 detections in 2011)
and a total of 68 individual voles in the analyses (27 with 35 detections in 2008, 41
with 60 detections in 2009, and 0 in 2011). A total of 83 mouse and 20 vole detections
were dropped prior to SECR analysis due to small animal size, incomplete
data, or our failure to successfully scan PIT tags.
Models that included a learned trap response fit capture–recapture data best for
both mice and voles. In all years, the probability of capture (g0) increased after
previous capture. In 2008, the estimated probability of capture (g0) for mice was
0.03 (SE = 0.01) and recapture probability (RP) was 0.09 (SE = 0.01). Estimates
in 2009 were similar (g0 = 0.014, SE = 0.003; RP = 0.01, SE = 0.01) and in 2011,
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 22, No. 1
L. Nolfo-Clements and M. Clements
the mice capture probability was similar to estimates in 2008 and 2009 (g0 = 0.01,
SE = 0.01), but their recapture probability was lower (RP = 0.06, SE = 0.02). For
voles, models that pooled estimates of g0 over years were preferred based on AICc.
Pooled Estimates of g0 = 0.03 (SE = 0.01) and RP = 0.07 (SE = 0.02) for voles.
There was evidence for individual heterogeneity in estimates of home-range radius
(σ) among mice in 2008 because a finite-mixture model with 2 classes for σ was
preferred based on AICc. The mixture model estimated that 27.6% of individuals
had home ranges estimated at 13.36 m (SE = 1.02 m) while the rest (72.3%) had
smaller home ranges estimated 6.20 m (SE = 0.89 m). There was no evidence for
individual heterogeneity in σ for mice or voles during the remaining trapping sessions.
Home-range radius of mice in 2009 and 2011 was estimated as 10.85 m (SE =
0.79 m) and 23.46 m (SE = 3.13 m), respectively. The pooled, across-year estimate
of σ for voles was 6.05 m (SE = 0.68 m; Table 1).
There was support for inhomogeneous densities across trapping areas for mice.
Models that estimated a trend in density along a north–south axis were favored
based on AICc in 2008 and 2011. Densities increased from north to south in 2008
(76.95–234.30 animals/ha) and increased from south to north in 2011 (1.11–39.14
animals/ha) (Table 2).
Table 1. Home-range (σ) estimates for rodents captured on Bumpkin Island in 2008, 2009, and
2011. SE provided in parentheses. In 2008, Peromyscus leucopus (White-footed Mouse) populations
showed heterogeneity in their home-range radius estimates. These two estimates are represented by
σ1 and σ2. Home-range radius estimates were homogeneous in all other instances.
Species σ1 (m) σ2 (m)
Peromyscus leucopus
2008 13.36 (1.01) 6.20 (0.89)
2009 10.85 (0.79) NA
2011 23.46 (3.13) NA
Microtus pennsylvanicus
2008, 2009 (combined) 6.05 (0.68) NA
Table 2. Density estimates (animals/ha) for rodents captured on Bumpkin Island in 2008, 2009, and
2011. SE in parentheses. Microtus pennsylvanicus (Meadow Vole) populations had homogenous
(hom.) densities across all habitat types while Peromyscus leucopus (White-footed Mouse) densities
varied on both a north–south gradient and by habitat type.
Prunus, Pinus, Rhus and
Species Hom. North–south Rosa spp. Solidago spp. and Morella spp. Rubus spp.
Peromyscus leucopus
2008 NA 76.95–234.30 162.17 (51.99) 147.11 (34.35) 133.45 (29.97) 121.06 (36.32)
2009 NA NA 0.00 137.29 (33.93) NA 48.57 (31.40)
2011 NA 39.14–1.11 6.00 (4.91) 1.63 (9.39) NA 22.11 (5.58)
Microtus pennsylvanicus
2008 77.90 (21.89) NA NA NA NA NA
2009 84.50 (20.12) NA NA NA NA NA
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L. Nolfo-Clements and M. Clements
2015 Vol. 22, No. 1
Habitat use
Density estimates that used categorical vegetation cover variables (see methods)
were also favored based on AICc, although these estimates varied widely between
years (Table 2). In 2008, areas with roses had densities of 162.17 animals/ha (SE =
51.99 animals/ha), areas with goldenrods and maples had densities of 147.11 animals/
ha (SE = 34.35 animals/ha), areas with Prunus spp., pines, and bayberries had
densities of 133.45 animals/ha (SE 29.97 animals/ha), and areas that were primarily
sumacs and Rubus spp. (the most common species at all areas over all years) with
few bayberry plants and maples, had densities of 121.06 animals/ha (SE = 36.32
In 2009, areas with goldenrods had densities of 137.29 animals/ha (SE = 33.93
animals/ha), areas with only sumacs and Rubus spp. had densities of 48.57 animals/
ha (SE = 31.40 animals/ha), and areas with roses had density estimates of 0.
In 2011, areas with only sumacs and Rubus spp. had densities of 22.11 animals/
ha (SE = 5.58 animals/ha), areas with Rubus spp. and roses had densities of 6.00
animals/ha (SE = 4.91 animals/ha), and areas with sumacs, goldenrods, and few
Rubus spp. had densities of 1.63 animals/ ha (SE = 9.39 animals/ha).
Vole sample sizes were too small to allow for accurate estimates of variable
densities across trapping areas. Vole densities were 77.90 animals/ha (SE = 21.89
animals/ha) in 2008 and 84.50 animals/ha (SE = 20.12 animals/ha) in 2009.
Both mice and voles exhibited learned trap response behavior, i.e., once an
animal was captured, the probability of capturing that animal again increased. For
animals captured in baited traps, this is a well-known and extensively studied behavior
(Pollock et al. 1990); thus, this result was not unexpected. This behavior was
accounted for in our model and hence did not impact our results.
Population dynamics and density
When compared to other similar trapping studies on the islands and mainland
of eastern Massachusetts, our population densities were high (Table 2). Adler
and Tamarin (1984) found densities of 4 mice per 0.8 ha in both island and mainland
populations in June–July. In a previous study by Tamarin (1977), voles on
an island off the coast of eastern Massachusetts showed consistent densities of
35–40 animals per ha in June–July, while mainland vole populations exhibited
cycling and hence occurred in highly variable densities that ranged from 6–80
individuals per ha in June–July, depending upon the year. However, mice population
densities outside of Massachusetts can vary widely depending upon the size
of the habitat patch and the quality of the habitat. Densities of over 250 individuals
per hectare have been recorded in small woodland patches (less than 0.5 ha), although
densities of 75–100/ha were more common in these small patches (Nupp and
Swihart 1996). Our population-density estimates are well within these published
ranges considering the abundance of dense ground cover and high-quality food
plants in our study area, as discussed below.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 22, No. 1
L. Nolfo-Clements and M. Clements
Vole densities outside of Massachusetts also vary widely. Since these voles
are subject to population cycling in some habitats, their densities may range from
undetectable to upwards of 150 animals per hectare (Christian 1971, Getz et al.
2001). Vole populations may be cycling on Bumpkin Island, although our study
duration was not long enough to confirm this hypothesis. The well-known population
cycling patterns of voles has been studied extensively, and evidence strongly
suggests that predation is the driver behind these cycles (Andreassen et al. 2013).
However, due to the short time interval over which our trapping occurred (3 seasons),
other explanations, such as weather and variations in food availability, are
also viable.
A number of factors contribute to whether or not oceanic islands are home to
predators including their size, distance from the mainland, and availability of prey
(Gravel et al. 2011). However, most islands are either permanent homes for predators
or lack predators completely. The islands of BOHA are unique in that they are
home to ephemeral predators that use the island for variable periods on an annual
or seasonal basis (L. Nolfo-Clements, unpubl. data). These predators are not limited
by prey availability, as are most predators on islands (L. Nolfo-Clements, unpubl.
data). On the islands of BOHA, if prey becomes scarce, predators may simply vacate
the island for another island or the mainland by swimming or walking across
the frozen Harbor or a temporary land bridge. In 2008, the presence of Coyotes was
confirmed by direct animal sightings, scat, and prints (L. Nolfo-Clements, unpubl.
data). In 2011, Mustela vison Schreber (American Mink) were also sighted on the
island on numerous occasions by both island rangers and visitors (L. Nolfo-Clements,
unpubl. data). No predators were reported in 2009. Both American Mink and
Coyotes are known predators of voles (Fey et al. 2010, Gese et al. 1996).
Habitat use
Extensive research has focused on the habitat use of both White-footed Mice and
Meadow Voles, especially at the microhabitat scale (Jorgensen 2004). White-footed
Mice, proficient climbers, prefer areas with vertical structure and may nest in standing
hollow trees or even bird houses (Kaufman et al. 1983; L. Nolfo-Clements, pers.
observ.). Meadow Voles prefer grasslands, but are also found at lower densities
in woodlands (Reich 1981). There is also some evidence to suggest that Meadow
Voles are adapted to living in disturbed patches and may prefer habitat edges (Bowers
et al. 1996).
Of the plant species recorded at our trapping locations, Rubus spp. and roses
probably provided the most food and cover. While bayberries, sumacs, Prunus
spp., maples, and pines may act as food sources for rodents, these plants do not
provide dense, nearly continuous ground cover as do Rubus spp. and roses. The
high density of mice found in goldenrods in 2009 was surprising, although these
plants may occur in very high densities in certain areas of the island and hence
potentially provide adequate cover, they are not a food source for this species.
Additionally, habitat dominated by goldenrods was indicated as preferred mice
habitat in at least one old-field study, although the mice in that study inhabited
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2015 Vol. 22, No. 1
burrows in the habitat dominated by goldenrods (Pearson 1959). Previous studies
have shown that mice prefer areas with large amounts of woody debris, a feature
not present on Bumpkin Island (Kellner and Swihart 2014). Studies on Whitefooted
Mice in non-forested habitat indicate that they prefer areas with dense,
high shrub cover and occur at lower densities in grasslands (Adler et al. 1984,
Clark et al. 1987, Kaufman et al. 1985).
In most habitats, the primary food sources for White-Footed Mice include small
seeds, insects, and their larvae, mast (acorns and nuts), fruit, and some vegetation
(Whitaker 1966, Wolff et al. 1985). In contrast, Meadow Vole diets primarily consist
of green vegetation during the growing season, and seeds and nuts during the
winter months (Lindroth and Batzli 1984, Zimmerman 1965).
Krebs et al. (2010) reported that vole and mice populations in the Yukon appeared
to be influenced by fluctuations in berry crops that were primarily linked to
weather conditions. Much of the understory in our trapping area consisted of Rubus
plicatus Weihe & Nees (Bramble Blackberry), which is grown as a fruit crop. Additionally,
Rosa rugosa Thunb. (Rugosa Rose) produces a large rosehip that could act
as a potential food source for these species. Both of these berries occurred in high
densities and persist in the environment well into the autumn and early winter in
our study area. The seeds of these fruits could also provide winter and early spring
forage for these rodents.
The habitat on Bumpkin Island represents a “middle ground” between the habitat
needs of White-Footed Mice and Meadow Voles. The dense shrubby overstory
throughout our study area, coupled with low creeping brambles and grassy trails,
provides the cover and food sources required by both of these species. While there
are few masting trees on Bumpkin Island, fruit, small seeds, and insects are available
in great abundance. Additionally, Meadow Voles are frequently spotted by
visitors and rangers crossing grassy trails, and at the edges of campsites and fields.
Our results indicate that rodents on Bumpkin Island occurred at higher densities
than expected for populations located in Massachusetts. However, our results are
comparable to those recorded in small habitat patches and/or in high-quality habitat
in other locales. These high densities arere most likely attributable to the vegetation
on Bumpkin Island that provide dense ground cover and abundant food sources for
both White-Footed Mice and Meadow Voles.
While the sporadic presence of predators may impact small-mammal populations,
our data are not extensive enough to clarify this relationship. In the future, we
hope to uncover whether or not Meadow Vole populations are cycling on Bumpkin
Island and whether the presence of predators impacts those cycles. We also hope
to uncover how genetically isolated small mammals on Bumpkin Island are from
populations on other islands and the mainland to clarify if the island is truly an
isolated habitat patch considering its sporadic connection to the mainland and the
large number of boats that move between these islands and the mainland.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 22, No. 1
L. Nolfo-Clements and M. Clements
We would like to thank the National Park Service and the Massachusetts Department
of Conservation and Recreation for their support. Thanks to C. Hogan and C. Surdyka who
assisted with trapping and J. Demers for data entry and organization. This research was
supported in part by funds from Suffolk University’s faculty summer stipend award. Transportation
costs were covered by the NPS. This study protocol was reviewed and approved
by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Loyola University in New Orleans.
A special thanks to M. Albert who has supported and facilitated all of our research endeavors
on the Boston Harbor Islands, as well as to 2 anonymous reviewers and T.J. Maier, the
Manuscript Editor.
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