Leaf Litter and Arboreal Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
in a Mid-Atlantic Forest
Hunter R. Mann, Emily Rowe, Jennifer Selfridge, and Dana L. Price
Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 25, Issue 2 (2018): 341–354
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Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 2
H.R. Mann, E. Rowe, J. Selfridge, and D.L. Price
Leaf Litter and Arboreal Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
in a Mid-Atlantic Forest
Hunter R. Mann1, Emily Rowe1, Jennifer Selfridge2, and Dana L. Price1,*
Abstract - The majority of ant diversity studies have been conducted in the tropics, but
the number of studies conducted in temperate regions, like the US, is on the rise. Our research
measured the richness and diversity of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a coastal,
temperate forest of Maryland. We collected leaf litter along twenty-four 100-m transects
during May, July, and September of 2015 and measured litter depth and mass to determine
if there was a relationship with ant abundance (density). We used Berlese funnels to collect
14 ant species (4208 individuals; n = 144 samples). Neither leaf-litter depth nor mass had an
impact on ant abundance or species richness. We used aspirators and hand-collection methods
to examine arboreal-ant foraging preference on deciduous and coniferous trees. Total
species richness for both tree types was 21; we collected 19 species from deciduous trees
and 17 from coniferous trees. Four species detected on deciduous trees were not present on
conifers, and 2 species from conifers were not observed on deciduous trees. We observed
higher abundances on deciduous trees (P = 0.016) and detected a preference for larger trees.
We provide suggestions for conservation efforts for the coastal forests of Maryland, and
our study contributes to the growing species inventory of ants on Maryland’s eastern shore.
Environmental-indicator taxa are sensitive to disturbance, making them useful
in assessing habitat health. These taxa provide an estimate of species diversity,
often in terms of the number of different species in a given area that can be monitored
and used to gain an overview of changing ecosystem trends (Andersen 1997,
Longino et al. 2002, McGeoch 1998). Indicator taxa can also be used to locate areas
of high biodiversity (bioindicators) or estimate the impact from a specific one-time
disturbance event (Caro and O’Doherty 1999). High levels of diversity in a given
region act as a safeguard against the collapse of an ecosystem; thus, the loss of a
single species may be filled by another, with a similar niche, or by other organisms
with similar lifestyles (Ribas et al. 2003). Biodiversity surveys rely on indicator
taxa for conservation planning, developing management plans, studying the impact
of agricultural practices on habitat, and providing justification for the existence of
protected areas (Caro and O’Doherty 1999, Spector and Forsyth 1998, Underwood
and Fisher 2006).
Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are often cited as excellent biodiversity
and environmental indicator taxa due to their great abundance, species diversity,
and ability to occupy the vast majority of terrestrial habitats (Andersen 1997,
1 University of Salisbury, 1101 Camden Avenue, Salisbury, MD 21801.2 Maryland Department
of Natural Resources, 909 Wye Mills Road, Wye Mills, MD 21679. *Corresponding
author - dlprice@salisbury.edu.
Manuscript Editor: Daniel Pavuk
Northeastern Naturalist
H.R. Mann, E. Rowe, J. Selfridge, and D.L. Price
2018 Vol. 25, No. 2
Bestelmeyer and Wiens 2001, Martelli et al. 2004, Underwood and Fisher 2006).
Ant species often react quickly to changes in their environment, with decreased diversity
levels after an ecosystem is disturbed, and increasing diversity as the habitat
recovers (Longino et al. 2002, Martelli et al. 2004, McGlynn et al. 2009).
Despite their global ecological importance, the majority of ant studies have
taken place in the tropics (Ellison et al. 2007). In many regions of the US, basic
information such as species range is incomplete even for common taxa. Partial
state inventories have been conducted in California and Oregon (Ratchford et al.
2005, Sanders et al 2007a), Florida (King and Porter 2005), Oklahoma (Albrecht
and Gotelli 2001), New York (Ellison et al. 2007), and Tennessee (Sanders et al.
2007b). The only state to have completed what is considered a full inventory of all
ants within its borders is Ohio (Coovert 2005, Ellison et al. 2007).
In Maryland, ant studies and investigation of ant ecology have mostly focused
on species richness and seasonality in habitats west of the Chesapeake Bay (Lynch
1981; Lynch et al. 1980, 1988) or interactions between different ant species (Fellers
1987, 1989). Only 2 biodiversity studies have been conducted on Maryland’s
eastern shore. Frye and Frye (2012) hand-sampled ants from Pinus echinata Mill.
(Shortleaf Pine), P. taeda L. (Loblolly Pine) and several species of Quercus (oak)
in ridge woodlands and inland dune communities of Worcester County, MD. To further
expand their survey, Frye et al. (2014) used pitfall traps and leaf-litter samples
to examine ant species richness and diversity of inland sand-dune communities.
These studies were restricted to xeric habitats characterized by dry conditions with
low moisture levels (Frye et al. 2014).
We investigated species diversity and richness of ants in the E.A. Vaughn Wildlife
Management Area (WMA), located in Girdletree, MD. Our primary objectives
were to collect leaf-litter ants to determine if ant abundance (density) was correlated
with leaf-litter depth or mass. We also collected arboreal ants from deciduous
and coniferous trees to examine foraging preference for tree type. Our research
provides valuable baseline ant biodiversity data for monitoring the stability and
health of a coastal temperate forest of the mid-Atlantic region.
Field-site Description
We conducted this study in the E.A. Vaughn Wildlife Management Area (WMA),
located in lower Worcester County, MD (38º4'49''N, 75º23'38''W). This WMA
has been part of Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources public land system
since 1943 and it has since expanded in size with subsequent acquisitions (MDNR
2016a); E.A. Vaughn WMA is currently managed by the Wildlife and Heritage Service.
The E.A. Vaughn WMA consists of 1064 ha of mixed deciduous/coniferous
forest (MDNR 2016a) surrounded by agriculture on all sides, a feature typical of
forested areas in the mid-Atlantic region (Crist 2009). Our study site was composed
of both dry uplands and low-lying wetlands that are periodically flooded by the
Maryland Department of Natural Resources during the fall as part of a “green tree
reservoir” (MDNR 2016b).
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 2
H.R. Mann, E. Rowe, J. Selfridge, and D.L. Price
We sampled leaf litter and arboreal foraging ants from a 60,000-m2 area once a
week during May, July, and September of 2015 (12 weeks total). In order to reduce
the likelihood of sampling from the same colonies more than once, we sampled
twenty-four, 100-m transects, set 25 m apart. To prevent sampling from nearby
transects during the same week, we divided the study site into 2 sections (transects
1–12 and 13–24) and sampled 1 transect from each section each week. We followed
the methods of Frye et al. (2014) and conducted research between 1000 hrs and
1600 hrs, when ants are known to be most active. We collected samples for both
leaf-litter and tree-foraging ants on the same dates, at the same time of day, and
from the same transects at the site location, to eliminate these factors as potential
explanations for any differences detected.
We sorted, curated, and identified worker ants using a variety of resources,
including Coovert’s (2005) The Ants of Ohio (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), and
A Field Guide to the Ants of New England (Ellison et al. 2012). We excluded
queens and male ants from the analysis. We sent to Tim Foard (i2LResearch USA
Inc, Baltimore, MD) all specimens that we were unable to identify. Reference
specimens will be deposited in the Salisbury University Price Entomological
Collection (Salisbury, MD), and the Towson University Biodiversity Center
(Towson, MD).
Leaf-litter ants
Using a 0.25-m2 quadrat, we collected leaf litter every 20 m along each transect
(6 data points per transect for a total of 12 per week). At each data point, we used a
ruler to measure the depth of leaf litter in each corner and in the center, then calculated
the average of the 5 depths, similar to Kaspari (1996a, 1996b). We transported
all leaf-litter samples to the greenhouse for Berlese litter extraction.
In the greenhouse, we used Berlese funnels made of 18.9-L (5-gallon) buckets
with a 25-cm–diameter tractor funnel set inside each one. We placed a piece of
0.64 cm x 0.64 cm-mesh screen in each funnel to hold the leaf litter while allowing
ants to travel through, and attached a WhirlPak bag filled with 95% ethanol to the
bottom of the funnel to collect insects as they fell through the mesh. We set a 65-
watt bulb above the litter for up to 96 h until the leaf litter was dry. In the lab, we
weighed (g) the dry leaf litter taken from each Berlese sample after ant extraction.
Arboreal foraging ants
We employed aspirators and hand-collection methods to sample arboreal foraging
ants every 20 m (6 points per transect) along the same 24 transect lines
described above. For each data point, we measured the nearest coniferous and deciduous
tree ranging in diameter from 50 cm to 250 cm. We observed each tree from
the base of the trunk up to a height of 2 m for 15 min (Frye and Frye 2012). When
an ant foraging-line was observed, we sampled only 10 ants to avoid oversampling
a single species. If a tree of appropriate size or type (deciduous/conifer) was not
Northeastern Naturalist
H.R. Mann, E. Rowe, J. Selfridge, and D.L. Price
2018 Vol. 25, No. 2
present, we recorded it as an absence. Thus, we collected samples from 144 deciduous
trees and 123 coniferous trees. Deciduous trees included Quercus falcata
Michx. (Southern Red Oak), Quercus bicolor Willd. (Swamp White Oak), Fraxinus
americana L. (White Ash), and F. pennsylvanica Marsh. (Green Ash). Coniferous
trees were Loblolly Pine and Pinus virginiana Miller (Virginia Pine). We also observed
Ilex opaca Aiton (American Holly), but did not include it in this study.
Limitations of hand-sampling methods include the potential for small or cryptic
species to be overlooked (Underwood and Fisher 2006) and varying levels of experience
among individual collectors (Gotelli et al. 2011). To avoid these biases,
the same 4 people sampled each week, and we employed 15-min sample periods to
allow more time to detect small or cryptic species.
Data analysis
We calculated 3 non-parametric species-richness estimators—Chao2, ICE
(incidence based coverage estimator), and Jackknife for both leaf-litter and arboreal-
foraging ant data (Chao 1984, 1987; Chao et al. 2000; Chazdon et al. 1998;
Gotelli and Colwell 2010) in EstimateS 9.1 software (Colwell and Coddington
1994). We used species-accumulation curves to illustrate the rate at which new species
were sampled (Gotelli and Colwell 2010). We used generalized linear models
(GLM, SPSS 21.0.0) to test relationships between ant abundance and leaf-litter
mass and depth. We created scatterplots to visualize the relationships between leaflitter
mass (g) and ant abundances, and depth and ant abundances.
We used a non-parametric Mann–Whitney U test in SPSS 21.0.0 to determine
if ant abundances differed between deciduous trees versus coniferous trees. We
compared differences in ant abundance by tree type, tree circumference, and the
interaction of tree type and circumference with GLM (SPSS 21.0.0) log transformation.
This approach allowed us to determine whether ant abundances varied
between tree sizes and to test if there was an interaction between tree type and
tree size.
Leaf-litter ants
We collected 14 species, including 4208 individuals of leaf-litter ants in the
E.A. Vaughn WMA (Tables 1, 2). We collected Nylanderia faisonensis from all 24
transects; this species accounted for 57% of the all individuals collected. Estimates
of species richness, Chao2 (14), ICE (14.57) and Jackknife (14.96) suggest 1 additional
species might be found in the leaf litter (Table 2). The species-accumulation
curve supports these findings, with the majority of species collected in the first 8
samples (transects; Fig. 1). We detected no correlations between ant abundance and
leaf-litter depth (r2 = 0.00004, P = 0.94) or dry leaf-litter mass (r2 = 0.000009, P =
0.97). We also saw no correlation between species richness and leaf-litter depth
(r2 = 0.003, P = 0.50) or dry leaf-litter mass (r2 = 0.002, P = 0.61). Our GLM analysis
to examine ant density detected no effect of leaf-litter depth (F = 0.493, P =
0.484) or leaf-litter mass (F = 0.251, P = 0.618).
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 2
H.R. Mann, E. Rowe, J. Selfridge, and D.L. Price
Table 1. Leaf-litter ants collected via Berlese extraction from 144 data points at the E.A. Vaughn
WMA during May, July, and September of 2015.
Species name May July September Total abundance
Aphaenogaster fulva Roger 5 154 85 244
Aphaenogaster rudis Enzmann 83 13 16 112
Crematogaster cerasi (Fitch) 1 1 0 2
Formica subsericea Say 1 0 0 1
Lasius alienus (Foerster) 241 116 8 365
Lasius umbratus (Nylander) 2 203 1 206
Myrmecina americana Emery 28 55 75 158
Nylanderia faisonensis (Forel) 784 877 750 2411
Ponera pennsylvanica Buckley 185 136 101 422
Solenopsis carolinensis Forel 44 0 0 44
Solenopsis molesta (Say) 11 87 0 98
Stigmatomma pallipes (Haldeman) 3 13 5 21
Strumigenys dietrichi Smith, M.R. 1 65 12 78
Temnothorax curvispinosus (Mayr) 9 22 15 46
Total 1398 1742 1068 4208
Table 2. Species richness and abundance of leaf-litter ants collected from E.A. Vaughn WMA during
May, July, and September of 2015.
Statistic Leaf-litter ants
Species richness 14
Total abundance 4208
Estimated species richness
Chao 2 14
ICE 14.57
Jackknife 14.96
Figure 1. Species-
curve of
leaf-litter ants
collected from
24 transects (6
traps per transect)
at the E.A.
Vaughn WMA
during May,
July, and September
of 2015.
Northeastern Naturalist
H.R. Mann, E. Rowe, J. Selfridge, and D.L. Price
2018 Vol. 25, No. 2
Arboreal foraging ants
We sampled 21 species of arboreal ants, comprising 679 individuals (Tables 3, 4).
We sampled 19 species (446 individuals) from deciduous trees and 17 species (233
individuals) from coniferous trees (Table 3 ,4). Four species collected from deciduous
trees were not detected on conifers, and 2 from conifers were not found on
deciduous trees. Results of a paired t-test showed that overall ant abundance was
higher on deciduous than coniferous trees (P = 0.016). The 2 most common species,
Aphaenogaster fulva and A. rudis both preferred foraging on deciduous trees
to conifers, P = 0.005 and P = 0.005, respectively. We were unable to calculate a
statistical preference for other species due to a lack of data. When we ran GLM,
Table 4. Species richness and abundance of arboreal ants sampled from deciduous and coniferous
trees during May, July, and September of 2015 from E.A. Vaughn WMA.
Statistic Deciduous Coniferous
Species richness 19 17
Abundance 446 233
Estimated species richness
Chao2 27.63 37.13
ICE 25.37 24.01
Jackknife 24.75 23.71
Table 3. Ants sampled from 144 deciduous and 123 coniferous trees in the E.A. Vaughn WMA, during
May, July, and September of 2015.
Deciduous Coniferous
Species name May July Sept. Total May July Sept. Total
Aphaenogaster fulva Roger 34 66 16 116 7 34 0 41
Aphaenogaster rudis Enzmann 12 28 63 103 5 7 16 28
Camponotus castaneus (Latreille) 1 5 2 8 0 3 0 3
Camponotus chromaiodes Bolton 5 4 1 10 6 2 0 8
Camponotus nearcticus Emery 8 13 2 23 3 0 2 5
Camponotus pennsylvanicus (De Geer) 2 10 2 14 5 1 4 10
Camponotus subbarbatus Emery 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Crematogaster ashmeadi Mayr 1 10 0 11 12 2 10 24
Crematogaster cerasi (Fitch) 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 4
Crematogaster pilosa Emery 16 0 0 16 0 0 2 2
Formica neogagates Viereck 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2
Formica subsericea Say 22 10 0 32 0 0 0 0
Lasius alienus (Foerster) 32 20 2 54 1 35 13 49
Lasius umbratus (Nylander) 0 2 0 2 6 17 10 33
Myrmecina americana Emery 3 3 2 8 1 0 0 1
Nylanderia faisonensis (Forel) 5 12 15 32 1 17 2 20
Stigmatomma pallipes (Haldeman) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
Temnothorax curvispinosus (Mayr) 3 0 1 4 1 0 0 1
Temnothorax longispinosus (Roger) 7 0 1 8 0 0 0 0
Temnothorax morpho spp. 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0
Temnothorax schaumii (Roger) 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Total 151 187 108 446 50 122 60 233
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 2
H.R. Mann, E. Rowe, J. Selfridge, and D.L. Price
the interaction between tree size and tree type was removed from the model. Ant
abundance was higher on deciduous trees over coniferous (F = 8.48, P = .004;
Fig. 2). Tree size also had an effect on foraging behavior; ant abundance was higher
on large deciduous trees over small trees (F = 5.025, P = .026; Fig. 3). We detected
no difference for coniferous trees.
Estimates of ant species richness are 27.63 and 37.13 (Chao2), 25.37 and 24.01
(ICE), and 24.75 and 23.71 (Jackknife) for deciduous and coniferous trees, respectively;
all estimates suggest several arboreal foraging species have yet to be
sampled in E.A. Vaughn WMA (Table 4). Species-accumulation curves corroborate
these findings for both deciduous and coniferous trees; neither curve has neared an
asymptote (Fig. 4).
Figure 2. Mean
abundance of ants
sampled from deciduous
and coniferous
Figure 3. Mean
abundance of ants
sampled from small,
medium, and large
deciduous and coniferous
Northeastern Naturalist
H.R. Mann, E. Rowe, J. Selfridge, and D.L. Price
2018 Vol. 25, No. 2
Of the 24 species we collected in our study, 4 species collected from leaf litter
were not collected on trees—Ponera pennsylvanica, Strumigenys dietrichi,
Solenopsis carolinensis, and S. molesta. Species collected only from trees include
5 species of the genus Camponotus, all of which are reported to live in forested
habitats, nesting in either decaying wood, rotting logs, stumps, or in living trees
(Coovert 2005, Ellison et al. 2012). We collected Crematogaster ashmeadi only
from trees, and it is reported in other studies to be one of the most abundant arboreal
ants sampled from pine forests (Frye and Frye 2012, Tschinkel and Hess 1999). We
also observed Crematogaster pilosa, Formica neogagates, Temnothorax longispinosus,
and T. schaumii only on trees. All 4 species reportedly forage on trees or on
logs under bark (Coovert 2005).
Leaf-litter ants
We collected 14 species of leaf-litter ants (4208 individuals) from a 60,000-m2
area during May, July, and September of 2015, in the E.A. Vaughn WMA. Species
richness and biodiversity at our survey site within E.A. Vaughn WMA are similar
to those reported for other temperate leaf-litter ant studies conducted in the mid-
Atlantic (Ellison et al. 2007, Lynch 1981, Lynch et al. 1988). In Edgewater, MD,
on the Coastal Plain west of the Chesapeake Bay, Lynch (1981) reported a maximum
of 14 species collected from litter samples in 3 different habitats. Lynch et al.
(1988) collected 4124 ant specimens representing 22 species in a mature deciduous
forests of the Maryland coastal plains, and Ellison et al. (2007) reported 21 species
in Black Rock Forest (Cornwall, NY) when using sieved litter samples.
Altered or fragmented habitats with low diversity tend to be dominated by a
small number of extremely abundant generalist species (Resende et al. 2013). In
Figure 4. Species-
for arboreal
foraging ants
sampled from
24 transects
of paired deciduous
squares; 144
trees total) and
c o n i f e r o u s
trees (black
circles; 123 total)
at the E.A.
Vaughn WMA
during May,
July, and September
of 2015.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 2
H.R. Mann, E. Rowe, J. Selfridge, and D.L. Price
the E.A. Vaughn WMA, the most notable of these species was N. faisonensis, supporting
the findings of Lynch et al. (1988), who reported N. faisonensis (reported as
Paratrechina faisonensis) to be the most abundant species, making up 61.2% of the
total individuals collected. This species is distributed throughout the eastern US,
from New Jersey to Florida, west to Ohio and throughout the southeast (Coovert
2005, Trager 1984). It has also been reported as one of the most common ant species
in the Mid-Atlantic (Coovert 2005, Kjar 2009), especially within deciduous forests
or mixed deciduous–pine forests (Trager 1984).
Similar to the findings of Lynch et al. (1988), Ponera pennsylvanica was the
second most abundant species found in our study site. This species was present in
small numbers at over half of our collection points (78 out of 144), and we collected
it from 23 of 24 transects. This species is widely distributed across much
of the eastern and central US (MacKay and Anderson 1991) and reportedly forms
small colonies under rocks, within rotting wood, and is rarely seen on the surface
(Coovert 2005). Additional species sampled in high abundance (>100 specimens)
include, Aphaenogaster fulva, and A. rudis, Lasius alienus, and L. umbratus, where
the latter was only abundant at 1 collection point (196 individuals of the 206 collected).
Kjar (2009) reports A. fulva as one of the most common ant species in the
region along with N. faisonensis.
Leaf-litter mass and depth
The role of leaf-litter mass in predicting ant abundance has been the focus of
numerous studies, with some authors reporting a correlation between ant abundance
and increased amounts of leaf litter. Research in a Costa Rican forest suggests that
leaf-litter mass plays a key role in determining ant abundance and species richness
(Lopes and Vasconcelos 2008, McGlynn et al. 2009). These authors reported increases
in ant abundance with increasing litter mass. Studies of this type, however,
are not unanimous in their findings. Lynch et al. (1988) found a significant negative
correlation with ant abundance and leaf-litter mass indicating that ant abundance
increased as leaf-litter mass decreased. Wilkie et al. (2010) found no association
between ant species richness and leaf-litter mass, while Kaspari (1996a) found only
a very weak, positive connection (in the form of nest-site abundance). Our findings
suggest that neither leaf-litter depth nor mass had an effect on species richness or
abundance (density) of leaf-litter ants. This finding was not unexpected, considering
that the composition of trees in terms of density, size, and type varied only
slightly throughout the study site, with little variation in leaf-litter mass and depth
throughout (134.7–377.1 g and 1.1–5.0 cm, respectively).
Arboreal foraging ants
Ants are one of the most common arthropod groups utilizing tree trunk surfaces
(Hanula and Franzreb 1998); thus, these habitats are important for the examination
of ant ecology and foraging behavior. The most abundant arboreal species sampled
include Aphaenogaster fulva, A. rudis, and Lasius alienus. Both A. fulva, and
A. rudis have wide ranges that encompasses most of the eastern continental US,
and are frequently observed in forest and forest-edge habitats. Lasius alienus is
Northeastern Naturalist
H.R. Mann, E. Rowe, J. Selfridge, and D.L. Price
2018 Vol. 25, No. 2
extremely common throughout most of North America and Europe (Coovert 2005).
Aphaenogaster fulva is noted as being more common in old-growth forests (Kjar
2009), so its relative abundance in the fractured E.A. Vaughn WMA with nearby
agriculture and roads is surprising. Conversely, the presence of generalist species
such as L. alienus, which is more likely to be found near human habitation, is less
surprising (Kjar 2009).
We found a significant preference by the arboreal ants of the E.A. Vaughn WMA
for foraging on deciduous trees rather than coniferous trees. Reasons for a preference
are likely multifaceted and cover a number of factors relating to various
evolutionary history traits. Interactions with other insect species that use bark as a
conduit from the forest floor to the canopy (Majer et al. 2003), differences in bark
structure (Majer et al. 2003; Menzel et al. 2004; Nicolai 1993, 1995), and tree size/
diameter (Tschinkel and Hess 1999; Verble and Stephen 2009a, b) have all been
reported to have an effect on arboreal-ant–foraging behaviors.
Our estimates of species richness on both deciduous and coniferous trees are
high. Although we recognize that more ant species are likely present at this site, the
low number of ants sampled from conifers suggests the Chao2 prediction of 37.13
species is unlikely.
Tree size
We considered tree size to be a potential variable in the foraging behavior of
arboreal ants. In our study, ants foraging on deciduous trees preferred larger trees
to medium or small ones; we found a significant difference between foraging on
large and small trees (P = 0.039). Several authors have suggested the increased
structuring of the bark seen on older, larger trees contributes to a greater abundance
of arthropods (Nicolai 1993, Ulyshen 2011). Tschinkel and Hess (1999)
found no difference in species richness within different tree-size classes, but
observed a change in species composition favoring arboreal species as tree size
increased. The authors also noted an increase in the proportion of trees supporting
ants among larger size categories.
Our findings regarding ants’ preferences for tree size and type for foraging in a
fractured temperate forest reinforces the idea that ants generally forage more often
on deciduous trees than conifers. Thus, if many ant species prefer deciduous trees,
the increased planting and spread of coniferous trees may have implications for ant
species richness in the region. Research on ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
suggested that mixed forests with both deciduous and coniferous species were
important for the well being of some species, and monocultures of conifers had a
negative impact on diversity (Koivula et al. 1999). Studies in Europe found that replacing
conifer monocultures with a polyculture of different tree species increased
diversity for species that were not already rare (Felton et al. 2010a, b). Thus, maintenance
of mixed forests, or at the very least, prevention of conifer monocultures is
likely important for sustaining healthy ant populations. Due to the habitat variation
at this site, and the overall mission of conservation of sensitive species (Maryland
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 2
H.R. Mann, E. Rowe, J. Selfridge, and D.L. Price
Department of Natural Resources 2012), we recommend further assessment of ant
ecology in this region. This research will provide valuable information regarding
long-term management practices of the coastal forests of Maryland.
We thank a number of people who were critical to the completion of this project, including
Mallory Hagadorn, for help with the collection of ants; Roman Jesien and John LaPolla,
for their initial help with project design; and John also for his comments regarding this
manuscript. We are grateful to John Moulis for providing us with permits for ant collection
in the E.A. Vaughn WMA, Tim Foard for his help with ant identifications, and Eric Leibgold
for his suggestions and comments regarding the final report. This research would not have
been possible without support and funding provided by Salisbury University, including a
Guerrieri undergraduate summer fellowship for Emily Rowe, graduate research and presentation
awards, and a Henson undergraduate research grant.
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