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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 25, Number 2, 2018

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
The Effects of Oriental Bittersweet on Native Trees in a New England Floodplain
Zackary J. Delisle and Timothy Parshall
Changes in Population Sizes of Hemigrapsus sanguineus (Asian Shore Crab) and Resident Crab Species in Southeastern New England (2010–2016)
Nancy J. O’Connor
Shifts in Assemblage of Foraging Bats at Mammoth Cave National Park following Arrival of White-nose Syndrome
Marissa M. Thalken, Michael J. Lacki, and Joseph S. Johnson
Occurrence of Two Non-indigenous Catostomid Fishes in the New River, Virginia
Corbin D. Hilling, Skylar L. Wolf, John R. Copeland, Donald J. Orth, and Eric M. Hallerman
Impacts of Recreational Flow Releases on Macroinvertebrate Drift at Different Distances Downstream from Abanakee Dam, New York
Randall L. Fuller, Jaime Dennison, Gretchen Swarr, Kelli Weichert, Carrie Griego, and Martin W. Doyle
Road and Habitat Interact to Influence Selection and Avoidance Behavior of Bats in Indiana
Roxanne D. Pourshoushtari, Benjamin P. Pauli, Patrick A. Zollner, and G. Scott Haultone
Avian Habitat Use in a Chronosequence of Bottomland Hardwood Forest-Restoration Sites
Paul T. Le, Lindley B. Ballen, Richard L. Essner, and Peter R. Minchin
Sensitivity of Eleven Milkweed (Asclepias) Species to Ozone
Abigail C. Myers, Dennis R Decoteau, Richard Marini, and Donald D. Davis
The Impacts of Native-Grassland Restoration on Raptors and their Prey on a Reclaimed Surface Mine in Kentucky
Kate G. Slankard, Danna L. Baxley, and Gary L. Sprandel
The Seasonal Pattern of Veery Calls and Song in Relation to Reproductive Contexts
Christopher M. Heckscher
Avian Community Response to Short-rotation Aspen Forest Management
Gina M. Jarvi, Jessie L. Knowlton, Colin C. Phifer, Amber M. Roth, Christopher R. Webster, and David J. Flaspohler
Use of Point-and-Shoot Photography to Compare Regional Differences in Canis latrans (Coyote) Skull Size
Catherine M.T. Vu, Devan W. Piniewski, Osrica A.P. McLean, and Declan J. McCabe
Blue Catfish Density and Biomass in a Tidal Tributary in Coastal Virginia
Aaron J. Bunch, Robert S. Greenlee, and Eric M. Brittle
Leaf Litter and Arboreal Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a Mid-Atlantic Forest
Hunter R. Mann, Emily Rowe, Jennifer Selfridge, and Dana L. Price
New Records of Clam Shrimp (Laevicaudata, Spinicaudata) from New York
Robert E. Schmidt, Erik Kiviat, Norm Trigoboff, and John Vanek
The Mating Behavior of Rhamphomyia pectinata (Empididae: Diptera) with Notes on Other Members of the Genus Found at the Same Locale in Northern Virginia
John Alcock
First Record of Creaserinus fodiens (Digger Crayfish) from Pennsylvania
Zachary J. Loughman, Peter Woods, and David A. Lieb






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