Northeastern Naturalist
C. Gjerdrum, J. Loch, and D.A. Fifield
22001188 NORTHEASTERN NATURALIST 2V5(o4l). :2553,2 N–5o4. 44
The Recent Invasion of Cory’s Shearwaters into Atlantic
Carina Gjerdrum1,*, John Loch2, and David A. Fifield3
Abstract - Calonectris diomedea (Cory’s Shearwater) are observed in small numbers in
Atlantic Canada every year. However, in 2016 and 2017, unusually high numbers were
reported in both Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. We used data from
eBird and from standardized ship-based surveys to document the timing and magnitude of
the increase. Results show that densities have been increasing in waters off Nova Scotia
since 2007 and are now of similar magnitude to those observed on George’s Bank in the
late 1980s, which suggests that birds are targeting cooler, more productive waters on the
Scotian Shelf during migration. Continued monitoring using a variety of survey techniques
will help identify important marine areas for this trans-equatorial migrant, and identify
potential threats as birds move into areas not previously explo ited.
Calonectris diomedea (Scopoli) (Cory’s Shearwater) breed in colonies located
in the Mediterranean and Northeast Atlantic and are regular nonbreeding visitors
to North American waters (Brown 1986, Nisbet et al. 2013). The Atlantic population,
estimated at ~250,000 pairs (BirdLife International 2017), breeds primarily in
burrows and rock crevices on islands of Portugal (Azores and Madeira) and Spain
(Canary Islands) from late May (first eggs) through October (Granadeiro 1991)
and feeds primarily on small fish (Xavier et al. 2011). Tracking devices show that
individuals may forage up to 2000 km away from the colony during chick-rearing,
targeting highly productive offshore areas characterized by high concentrations
of chlorophyll-a and low sea-surface temperatures (SST), although much shorter
foraging trips are more common (Paiva et al. 2010). At the end of the breeding
season, which may last up to 5 months (Granadeiro 1991), the va st majority of the
population migrates tens of thousands of kilometers to wintering areas in the South
Atlantic, with a small proportion (4%) wintering in the North Atlantic (Dias et
al. 2012). Wintering areas are dominated by coastal upwelling (i.e., the Benguela
and Agulhas Currents off South Africa, the southern part of the Brazil Current, as
well as the Canary Current in the North Atlantic; Gonzalez-Solis et al. 2007). The
Cory’s Shearwater’s route and destination depend not only on their breeding location
(Catry et al 2011), but also their age and experience (Missagia et al. 2015).
1Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, 45 Alderney Drive,
Dartmouth, NS B2Y 2N6, Canada. 2Loch Consulting Services, Bedford, NS B4A4K4, Canada.
3Environment and Climate Change Canada, Wildlife Research Division, 6 Bruce Street,
Mt. Pearl, NL A1N 4T3, Canada. *Corresponding author -
Manuscript Editor: Gregory Robertson
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 4
C. Gjerdrum, J. Loch, and D.A. Fifield
Cory’s Shearwaters are observed in small numbers in Atlantic Canada every year
from May through October and are assumed to be either sub-adult birds or failed
breeders (Brown 1986). They are also common visitors to eastern US waters (Veit
1976); in the past, mean densities on Georges Bank exceeded 10 birds per km2
(Powers and Brown 1987), and numbers further south to Florida have reached into
the thousands (Nisbet et al. 2013). In 2016 and 2017, unusually high numbers of
Cory’s Shearwaters were reported by bird watchers in Nova Scotia (NS) and Newfoundland
and Labrador (NL), Canada, primarily in the nearshore (D.A. Fifield,
pers. observ.; Loch 2016). In this paper, we document the increase in abundance
of Cory’s Shearwaters in Atlantic Canada in 2016 and 2017 using eBird, a global
online database of bird checklists submitted by participants with skill levels varying
from beginner to professional (Sullivan et al 2009), and compare the eBird results
to data collected offshore of Atlantic Canada from standardized ship-based surveys
conducted by the Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) of Environment and Climate
Change Canada. As Cory’s Shearwaters have been shown to aggregate at thermal
fronts of the Gulf Stream during migration, where food availability is enhanced
(Haney and McGillivary 1985), and to target productive feeding areas with low
SST and high chlorophyll-a concentrations (Paiva et al 2010, 2013), we examined
whether local-scale environmental conditions or larger-scale phenomena, as measured
by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index, help explain the high numbers
observed in 2016 and 2017.
Field-site Description
We complied eBird data from the Canadian provinces of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland
and Labrador and their adjacent waters (Fig. 1). The study area for CWS
ship-based surveys includes the western North Atlantic, primarily within Canada’s
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ; 200 nm offshore). The area is dominated by shelf
waters where the warm Gulf Stream waters traveling northward meet with the
colder Labrador Current flowing south. The shelf break in this study is defined at
the 1000-m isobath, where there exists a steep gradient between the shallower shelf
habitat and the deep ocean floor (Fig. 1). The Scotian Shelf has an average depth
of 90 m and extends up to 230 km offshore, while the Grand Bank waters are up to
150 m deep and extend almost 480 km offshore (Hutchings et al. 2012). Generally
speaking, the shelf waters off NS and NL are highly productive year-round and support
extensive fisheries (Hutchings et al. 2012).
We downloaded eBird data ( on 30 March 2018 for Cory’s Shearwater
from both NS and NL. We compared abundance, which is described as the
average number of Cory’s Shearwaters reported on all checklists submitted to eBird,
throughout the annual cycle (January through December) from 2006 to 2017, the
same period the CWS conducted ship-based seabird surveys for the Eastern Canada
Seabirds at Sea monitoring program (ECSAS surveys; Gjerdrum et al. 2012).
Northeastern Naturalist
C. Gjerdrum, J. Loch, and D.A. Fifield
2018 Vol. 25, No. 4
We conducted ECSAS surveys (2006–2017) from ships-of-opportunity including
Canadian Coast Guard vessels, foreign oceanographic ships, industry-supply
vessels, and ferries (Gjerdrum et al. 2012). Observers surveyed from the bridge
of the ships, looking forward and scanning to a 90° angle from either the port or
starboard side. We restricted our observations of birds to a transect band 300 m
from the observer. We continuously recorded all birds on the water within the transect,
and recorded flying birds using a series of snapshots, the frequency of which
depended on the speed of the ship (Gjerdrum et al. 2012, Tasker et al. 1984). We
conducted as many consecutive observation periods as possible during the daylight
Figure 1. Survey area in the western North Atlantic showing the provinces of Nova Scotia
(NS) and Newfoundland and Labrador (NL), and Canada’s Exclusive Economic Zone
(EEZ) located 200 nm offshore. The shaded offshore area indicates NS waters used to
quantify Cory’s Shearwater density across years, and the 1000-m isobath depicts the approximate
location of the shelf break. Also shown are the locations for George’s Bank, the
Scotian Shelf, Laurentian Channel, Grand Bank, and Flemish Cap, as well as the Western
Scotian Shelf (WS), Eastern Scotian Shelf (ES), and Solas sites used to quantify sea-surface
temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a concentrations.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 4
C. Gjerdrum, J. Loch, and D.A. Fifield
hours. We binned observations into 10-min observation periods in 2006, and 5-min
periods from 2007 to 2017.
We also examined ship-based survey data collected by CWS under the Programme
intégré de recherches sur les oiseaux pélagiques (PIROP surveys; Brown
et al. 1975) to examine the abundance and distribution of Cory’s Shearwaters in
Atlantic Canada between 1965 and 1992. Unlike ECSAS survey methodology,
PIROP surveys continuously counted all birds observed both in flight and on the
water, and sightings were binned into 10-min observation periods. Prior to 1984
(78% of the PIROP survey effort), transect widths were unlimited, but starting in
1984, sightings were restricted to a transect width of 300 m (B rown et al. 1975).
Abundance (i.e., density) from ECSAS and PIROP surveys is reported in birds
per linear km to allow for comparisons between the datasets. For each year, we
computed density by dividing the total number of Cory’s Shearwater sightings by
the total number of kilometers surveyed within NS waters (Fig. 1) between May
and October (the months when Cory’s Shearwaters were found in these waters).
We compared the proportion of sightings off the Scotian Shelf (beyond the 1000-m
isobath) to the proportion on the shelf (less than 1000 m depth; Fig. 1) .
To determine whether Cory’s Shearwater density varied as a result of regional
variation in SST or chlorophyll-a concentration, we examined data from 3 North
Atlantic sites (Fig. 1) monitored by the Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP),
Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO). All 3 sites are located in Nova Scotia
waters: 2 on the Scotian Shelf (Western Scotian Shelf [WS] and Eastern Scotian
Shelf [ES]), and one off the shelf (Solas) (Fig. 1). We derived SST values from
information sensed by advanced very high-resolution radiometer (AVHRR) instruments
on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration satellites (NOAA) and
European Organisation of the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT).
We derived sea-surface chlorophyll-a concentrations from moderate resolution
imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data collected on NOAA satellites. Data
for both SST and chlorophyll-a concentration were provided by the Remote Sensing
Unit at DFO’s Bedford Institute of Oceanography. To better quantify the magnitude
of variation in chlorophyll-a concentrations, we used normalized anomalies (anomalies
divided by the climatological standard deviation using the reference period
To determine whether Cory’s Shearwater density varied as a result of larger-scale
oceanographic phenomena, we used the winter mean North Atlantic Oscillation
(NAO) Index (
oscillation-nao-index-station-based; downloaded on 19 March 2018). The
winter (December through March) NAO index is based on the difference in sea-surface
pressure anomalies between station locations in Portugal and Iceland. Positive
values tend to be associated with an increase in winter storms in the northern Atlantic
Ocean and stronger than average westerly winds (Hurrell et al. 2003), which
may affect spring migration strategies (i.e., Hüppop and Hüppop 2003) that could
potentially influence densities of Cory’s Shearwaters observed in NS.
Northeastern Naturalist
C. Gjerdrum, J. Loch, and D.A. Fifield
2018 Vol. 25, No. 4
We used multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) with package Earth
(Milborrow 2018) in R 3.4.3 (R Core Team 2017) to explore the relationship
between recent (ECSAS surveys 2006–2017) Cory’s Shearwater density and several
environmental variables. MARS is a nonlinear regression modeling method
(Friedman 1991, Friedman and Roosen 1995) that builds the model using a series
of piecewise regressions (in this case, generalized linear models with gamma error
structure and log-link function), all allowed their own slope. For this study,
local-scale environmental variables included mean SST and mean chlorophyll-a
concentration (normalized anomalies) from May to October across the 3 sites within
NS (WS, ES, and Solas; Fig. 1) weighted by site area. We also included in the
model the mean difference in SST between the off-shelf site (Solas) and on-shelf
site (ES), the winter mean NAO index, as well as year to identify any points in time
when abrupt changes in densities may have occurred.
We used the same modeling approach (MARS) for the extended time series
(PIROP plus ECSAS surveys) to determine whether recent increases in Cory’s
Shearwater density were unprecedented. The only environmental variable included
in this model was the winter NAO index because our time series of values for SST
and chlorophyll-a concentration did not cover the period of PIROP surveys.
Data from eBird between 2006 and 2017 showed that Cory’s Shearwaters were
reported more frequently in NS (a total of 13,164 Cory’s Shearwater sightings)
compared to NL waters (95 sightings; Table 1). In NS, they were absent from eBird
Table 1. Sightings of Cory’s Shearwaters observed in Nova Scotia (NS) and Newfoundland and Labrador
(NL) from eBird checklists submitted between 2006 and 2017. Abundance (abund.) is the average
number of Cory’s Shearwaters reported per checklist submitted in a given year .
Nova Scotia Newfoundland and Labrador
# checklists # checklists
reporting reporting
Total Cory’s Total # Total Cory’s Total #
Year individuals Shearwater checklists Abund. individuals Shearwater checklists Abund.
2006 0 0 1680 0.000 0 0 241 0.000
2007 0 0 1923 0.000 0 0 258 0.000
2008 0 0 1424 0.000 0 0 417 0.000
2009 3 1 1415 0.002 0 0 585 0.000
2010 12 3 1897 0.006 0 0 1101 0.000
2011 20 2 3235 0.006 0 0 1649 0.000
2012 31 10 4945 0.006 0 0 1626 0.000
2013 24 7 6044 0.004 0 0 2627 0.000
2014 178 15 11,288 0.016 1 1 6500 0.000
2015 841 46 15,546 0.054 9 1 7458 0.001
2016 5185 127 18,866 0.275 65 6 9382 0.007
2017 6870 189 24,686 0.278 20 11 10,953 0.002
Total 13,164 400 92,949 95 19 42,797
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 4
C. Gjerdrum, J. Loch, and D.A. Fifield
records in 2006 through 2008, uncommon from 2009 through 2013, and relatively
frequent from 2014 to 2017, particularly in the latter 2 years (Table 1). Individuals
have been documented in eBird as early as the second week of June and as late as the
first week of December (Fig. 2A). Prior to 2016, peak abundance occurred in August
(2010 and 2012) and September (2011, 2013–2015). In contrast, abundance in both
2016 and 2017 peaked in October (83.6% of the sightings), and the total number of
reported sightings was 6–8 times greater in these years compared to 2015 (Table 1,
Fig. 2A). Checklists submitted for NL during the same time period (2006–2017)
indicated that Cory’s Shearwaters have only been reported in that region since 2014,
but compared to NS have remained relatively uncommon (Table 1). According to the
Figure 2. Cory’s Shearwater abundance from (A) eBird checklist submissions for Nova
Scotia, Canada, over 48 weeks (January through December) in 2006–2015 (solid line) compared
to 2016 (dotted line) and 2017 (dashed line), and (B) monthly at-sea survey densities
from PIROP 1965–1992 (dashed-dot line), ECSAS 2006-2015 (solid line), ECSAS 2016
(dotted line), and ECSAS 2017 (dashed line) in waters of f Nova Scotia.
Northeastern Naturalist
C. Gjerdrum, J. Loch, and D.A. Fifield
2018 Vol. 25, No. 4
NL records, Cory’s Shearwater abundance spiked in NL in 2016, with 65 submitted
records compared to just 9 in 2015 and 20 in 2017 (Table 1).
ECSAS ship-based surveys (2006–2017) documented a total of 2724 Cory’s
Shearwaters from May through October (Fig. 2B), primarily (68.5% of sightings)
within NS waters (Fig. 3A, B). Prior to 2016 in NS, between 1 and 136 individuals
were counted every year, peaking in August (2010, 2013, 2014), September (2007)
or October (2006, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2015). Between 2006 and 2015, the
Figure 3. At-sea survey data showing density of Cory’s Shearwaters (birds km-1) from May
through October from (A) ECSAS surveys between 2006 and 2015, (B) ECSAS surveys in
2016 and 2017, and (C) PIROP surveys between 1965 and 1992. The light gray shaded area
indicates waters off Nova Scotia, Canada, used to quantify Cory’s Shearwater abundance
across years, and the 1000-m isobath depicts the approximate location of the shelf break.
We also show (D) the sea-surface temperature (SST) anomaly in October 2016 (reference
period October 2006–2015) with reference to the Western Scotian Shelf (WS), Eastern
Scotian Shelf (ES), and Solas sites to highlight the relative difference in SST between the
off-shelf and on-shelf areas.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 4
C. Gjerdrum, J. Loch, and D.A. Fifield
highest density in a given year varied from 0.003 birds km-1 in August 2010 (1 sighting
over 388 km) to 0.15 birds km-1 in September 2011 (63 sightings over 431
km), and just over half (58.1%) of the sightings occurred off the shelf, beyond the
1000-m isobath (Fig. 3A). In contrast, ECSAS surveys in 2016 documented a total
of 994 individuals in NS waters, and 343 in 2017; the highest density was recorded
in October 2016 (0.97 birds km-1; 360 sightings over 368 km), a density that was
more than 6 times greater than the highest density recorded in any of the previous
10 years. The vast majority of sightings in 2016 and 2017 (81.8%) were recorded
on the Scotian Shelf (Fig. 3B), despite an almost identical distribution of effort between
the on-shelf and off-shelf habitats between the 2 time periods (2006–2015:
69.6% of km surveyed on-shelf; 2016–2017: 71.7% of km surveyed on-shelf). Of
the 69 Cory’s Shearwaters observed on ECSAS surveys within NL waters (within
the EEZ), all but one individual were sighted near the shelf break, in the Laurentian
Channel (Fig. 3A, B).
PIROP at-sea surveys conducted between 1965 and 1992 documented 6222
Cory’s Shearwaters, primarily outside Canadian waters (92.7% of sightings), on
George’s Bank and in the Gulf of Maine (Fig. 3C). In NS waters, where 419 (6.7%)
of the sightings occurred, Cory’s Shearwaters were observed from June through
October. The maximum number of individuals observed in NS in any 1 year was 93
in 1988; of these 90 were observed in August (0.19 birds km-1). Most (80.2%) of
the Cory’s Shearwaters observed in NS were on the shelf, although PIROP surveys
were rarely conducted beyond the shelf break (only 8.0% of km surveyed were beyond
the shelf break). A total of 46 Cory’s Shearwaters were recorded in NL waters
during PIROP surveys (22 of which were reported in August 1980), amounting to
9.9% of all the Cory’s Shearwater sightings in Canadian waters during that time
period. These sightings were all on the Grand Bank, NL.
The only predictor variable selected by the model as an important determinant
of Cory’s Shearwater density (2006–2017) was the difference in SST between the
off-shelf (Solas) and on-shelf (ES) sites (R2 = 0.71; Fig. 3D). The model identified
an inflection point at 7.3 °C; in other words, there was no detectable relationship
between the difference in SST (between the off-shelf and on-shelf sites) and Cory’s
Shearwater density below 7.3 °C, but the model indicated a positive relationship
above that temperature value (Fig. 4A).
The model selected year (and not winter NAO index) as an important determinant
of Cory’s Shearwater density when PIROP and ECSAS density estimates were
combined (R2 = 0.40). Inflection points included the years 1988 and 2007, indicating
that Cory’s Shearwater density has been increasing in NS waters since 2007,
reaching a similar magnitude to that observed in 1988 (Fig. 4B) .
Our results using both eBird records and ship-based CWS survey data show that
Cory’s Shearwater abundance in Atlantic Canada has increased over time. While
we recognize that the use of the eBird database to document trends can be problematic,
for example, due to variation in the distribution of effort, or experience
Northeastern Naturalist
C. Gjerdrum, J. Loch, and D.A. Fifield
2018 Vol. 25, No. 4
of the individuals submitting the checklists, the ECSAS surveys corroborated both
the intensity of the 2016/2017 Cory Shearwater irruption documented by eBird, as
well as its timing. In NS, in particular, where the bulk of the sightings occurred,
average monthly density recorded during ship-based surveys in 2016 was at least
6 times higher than the highest density recorded in any previous year surveyed. A
much higher proportion of those birds were observed on the shelf, as opposed to the
Figure 4. Multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) results showing (A) the effect of
the difference in SST between the off-shelf and on-shelf sites on annual density of Cory’s
Shearwater (birds km-1) from May through October 2006–2017, and (B) the effect of year
on annual density of Cory’s Shearwater (birds km-1) from May through October combining
PIROP (1965–1992) and ECSAS (2006–2017) survey data.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 4
C. Gjerdrum, J. Loch, and D.A. Fifield
deeper off-shelf waters, suggesting that Cory’s Shearwaters moved closer to shore
in 2016 and 2017 compared to previous years, where they were more likely to be
spotted by bird watchers and citizen scientists using eBird checklists to document
their sightings.
Cory’s Shearwaters observed in Atlantic Canada are assumed to be sub-adults
(Brown 1986, Nisbet et al. 2013), but it is possible that some of those observed in
May were pre-laying females. Females tracked from Berlenga Island (Portugal)
were shown to travel as far west as the Grand Bank and NL Shelf during the prelaying
period (April–May) to meet the nutritional requirements to form an egg
(Paiva et al. 2013). Cory’s Shearwaters have also been tracked from the Azores during
chick-rearing, and long trips to replenish reserves depleted during chick feeding
have extended as far as the Flemish Cap (Magalhães et al. 2008). In 2016, ocean
productivity around the Azores was low, which may have forced birds to explore
more productive areas further offshore (V.H. Paiva, IMAR/CMA, Coimbra, Portugal,
pers. comm.), although there is no direct evidence that breeding birds from the
Azores have traveled as far west as the Scotian Shelf, where most of our sightings
were reported. Sightings in Atlantic Canada after the breeding season (October–November)
may also include breeders; inexperienced birds (i.e., young breeders) off
the Portuguese coast have been shown to visit sites in the western North Atlantic
before migrating to the Brazilian Current for winter, and are assumed to be exploring
new routes and stopover sites as they learn to optimize their foraging strategies
(Haug et al. 2015, Missagia et al. 2015).
Results from our analyses suggest that Cory’s Shearwater density in NS waters
has been increasing since 2007, but the high densities observed in 2016 and 2017
do not appear to be unprecedented. Cory’s Shearwater densities were similarly high
in 1988, and the highest density on record was in August of that year. However, all
of the birds observed in 1988 in NS were seen on George’s Bank, on the far western
edge of NS waters, and not on the Scotian Shelf, where the bulk of the recent
sightings were concentrated. We have not observed a similar increase in abundance
for other shearwater species, such as the Ardenna gravis (O’Reilly) (Great Shearwater)
or A. griseus (Gmelin) (Sooty Shearwater), which are common in NS waters
between April and November, nor have we seen an influx of the much less common
Puffinus lherminieri Lesson (Audubon’s Shearwater) (CWS, Dartmouth, NS,
Canada, unpubl. data), which, like the Cory’s Shearwater also breeds in the northeast
Atlantic. Although population-trend information for the Cory’s Shearwater is
incomplete, there is no evidence that they are increasing (BirdLife International
2017). As such, we hypothesize that the recent increase in abundance reported in
this study is the result of a redistribution of birds onto the Scotian Shelf.
PIROP surveys suggest that the Gulf of Maine and George’s Bank were historically
important habitat for Cory’s Shearwaters, much more so than the Scotian
Shelf (Fig. 3C). The recent increase in density within NS waters may therefore
be a result of a redistribution from the Gulf of Maine, where SST has increased
faster than in any other ocean on the planet (Pershing et al. 2015). However, Cory’s
Shearwater abundance has also been unusually high in recent years in waters off the
Northeastern Naturalist
C. Gjerdrum, J. Loch, and D.A. Fifield
2018 Vol. 25, No. 4
northeastern US, partly related to an increase in Ammodytes (sand lance) abundance
and is also statistically linked to climate, as indexed by the NAO (unpubl. data;
R. Veit, R.R. Veit, City University of New York, Staten Island, NY, pers. comm.).
Our results show that more Cory’s Shearwaters migrate through NS waters in years
when SST off the shelf is high relative to SST on the shelf, and suggest that the
birds may be targeting more productive feeding areas in the nearshore. Such flexibility
has been shown by Cory’s Shearwaters on both their breeding and wintering
grounds, demonstrating their capacity to adapt to local changes in their environment
(Dias et al. 2011, Paiva et al. 2013), and supporting their candidacy as an
indicator species of underlying ecological processes at this sc ale.
Recent developments in tracking technologies, such as reductions in instrument
size and weight, prolonged battery life, and improved attachment methods,
have dramatically increased our understanding of the spatial ecology of Cory’s
Shearwater throughout the annual cycle (e.g., Catry et al. 2011, Dias et al. 2011,
Gonzàlez-Solís et al. 2007, Missagia et al. 2015). Ship-based surveys however, remain
important for identifying important marine areas, especially for non-breeders
and populations not targeted by tracking studies. The ship-based survey results
presented in our study reveal the use of the Scotian Shelf for Cory’s Shearwater
migration, which is an area where instruments have not yet tracked breeding birds.
These results also validate citizen scientist reports such as those submitted by users
of eBird who are often the first to report unusual sightings and document significant
changes in distribution and abundance. Continued monitoring using a variety
of survey techniques will be essential not only to identify important marine areas
for this and other trans-equatorial migrants, but also to identify vulnerability to human
activities (e.g., Lieske et al. 2014), such as those posed by fishing, oil and gas
production, shipping, and wind farms, especially as birds move into areas not previously
exploited. The redistribution of Cory’s Shearwaters into Canadian waters,
if it persists, suggests Canada’s responsibility for the conservation of this species
will increase.
We thank all of the observers who conducted the surveys at sea as well as science staff,
and ships’ officers and personnel for support at sea, especially the Canadian Coast Guard
and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. In particular, we thank Carla Caverhill (DFO)
for helping obtain and interpret the remote-sensing data and images. We acknowledge the
financial support (2006–2009) of the Environmental Studies Research Funds (ESRF, http:// Input from 2 anonymous reviewers greatly improved the manusc ript.
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