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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 25, Number 4, 2018

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Observations of Wood Turtle Activity, Diet, Movements, and Morphometrics in the Central Appalachians
Kathryn R.P. McCoard, Noah S. McCoard, and James T. Anderson
The Recent Invasion of Cory’s Shearwaters into Atlantic Canada
Carina Gjerdrum, John Loch, and David A. Fifield
Finfish Diversity and Distribution in a Boreal, Macrotidal Bay
Jeffrey D. Vieser, Gayle Barbin Zydlewski, and James D. McCleave
Characterizing Wood Turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) Populations at the Northwestern Periphery of the Species’ Range in Canada
Jennifer Cross, Robert Cross, Derek Chartrand, and Dean G. Thompson
Louisiana Waterthrush Density and Productivity in Hemlock-dominated Headwater Streams: The Influence of Stream Morphology
Katie B. Barnes, Nicholas Ernst, Michael Allen, Terry Master, and Rabecca Lausch
Age and Growth of a Native, Lightly Exploited Population of Coregonus clupeaformis (Lake Whitefish) in a Small Natural Lake in Maine
Daniel M. Weaver, Silas K. Ratten, Stephen M. Coghlan Jr., Graham D. Sherwood, and Joseph D. Zydlewski
Annual Residency Patterns and Diet of Phoca vitulina concolor (Western Atlantic Harbor Seal) in a Southern New Jersey Estuary
Jacalyn Toth, Steven Evert, Elizabeth Zimmermann, Mark Sullivan, Linda Dotts, Kenneth W. Able, Roland Hagan, and Carol Slocum
The Effects of a Tornado Disturbance and a Salvaged Timber Extraction on the Seed-rain and Recruitment Community of an Eastern Temperate Deciduous Forest
Alexander C. Curtze, Tomás A. Carlo, and John W. Wenzel
Seasonal Habitat Use of Slimy Sculpin and Juvenile Rainbow Trout in a Central New York Stream
James H. Johnson, Gregg E. Mackey, Justin A. DiRado, Phyllis L. Randall,and Ross Abbett
Persistence of Transported Lichen at a Hummingbird Nest Site
Gary R. Graves and Manuela Dal Forno
A First Report of Shell Disease Impacting Cancer borealis (Jonah Crab) in the Bay of Fundy
David B. Carlon, Patrick Warner, Clay Starr, David J Anderson, Zakir Bulmer, Hugh Cipparone, Jesse Dunn, Caroline Godfrey, Claire Goffinet, Miranda Miller, and Charlotte Nash






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