Seasonal Habitat Use of Slimy Sculpin and Juvenile
Rainbow Trout in a Central New York Stream
James H. Johnson, Gregg E. Mackey, Justin A. DiRado, Phyllis L. Randall,and Ross Abbett
Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 25, Issue 4 (2018): 646–655
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Northeastern Naturalist
J.H. Johnson, G.E. Mackey, J.A. DiRado, P.L. Randall, and R. Abbett
22001188 NORTHEASTERN NATURALIST 2V5(o4l). :2654,6 N–6o5. 54
Seasonal Habitat Use of Slimy Sculpin and Juvenile
Rainbow Trout in a Central New York Stream
James H. Johnson1,*, Gregg E. Mackey1, Justin A. DiRado1, Phyllis L. Randall1,
and Ross Abbett1,2
Abstract - Non-native Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow Trout) have been shown to have
negative effects on native salmonid populations. However, interspecific associations
between Rainbow Trout and native non-salmonid species have received little attention.
Cottus spp. (sculpin) are a native benthic species group that comprise an important component
of many lentic and lotic ecosystems in North America. In this study, we examined
seasonal habitat associations between juvenile Rainbow Trout and C. cognatus (Slimy
Sculpin) in a stream in the Lake Ontario watershed in New York. There was evidence of
habitat partitioning among the age classes examined, with overyearling Rainbow Trout
and subyearling Slimy Sculpin occupying disparate habitat. The habitat use by subyearling
Rainbow Trout and overyearling Slimy Sculpin was similar, which may increase the
potential for competition between these age groups. Overyearling Rainbow Trout exhibited
the highest degree of habitat selection, whereas subyearling Slimy Sculpin exhibited
the least. Our observations are the first reported on the ecological associations of Rainbow
Trout and Slimy Sculpin and may provide important information in instances where
sculpin are being re-introduced.
Both ontogenetic (Davey et al. 2005, Schlosser 1982) and seasonal (Carter et al.
2004, Johnson and Dropkin 1996) variation in habitat use is well documented in
stream-fish populations. Seasonal variation is attributed to differences in the available
habitat in streams between seasons (Hedger et al. 2005, Johnson and Nack
2013) as well as increased fish size between seasons (Rimmer et al. 1983, 1984).
Seasonal variation in habitat use due to increased fish size is essentially a derivation
of ontogenetic variation. Ontogenetic habitat differences are thought to be due
to predator avoidance (Harvey 1991, Schlosser 1987) or physiological limitations
associated with small body size (Irvine 1987, Mittelbach and Osenberg 1993).
Predation avoidance is associated with smaller individuals occupying habitats with
insufficient cover to support larger individuals (Quinn 2005). Smaller body size
may inhibit a fish’s ability to maintain position where stream velocities are high
(Ottaway and Forest 1983).
Although there is a great deal of information available on the stream-habitat use
of salmonids, little information exists on the habitat use of non-salmonid species
1USGS Great Lakes Science Center, Tunison Laboratory of Aquatic Science, 3075 Gracie
Road, Cortland, NY 13045. 2Current address - Finger Lakes Institute, Hobart and William
Smith Colleges, 601 South Main Street, Geneva, NY 14456. *Corresponding author
Manuscript Editor: James McKenna
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 4
J.H. Johnson, G.E. Mackey, J.A. DiRado, P.L. Randall, and R. Abbett
including Cottus spp. (sculpin; Roni 2002). Within their native range, the stream
habitat use of Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) (Rainbow Trout) has received
considerable attention (Baltz et al. 1991, Johnson and Kucera 1985, Reeves et al.
2010). Although the habitat use of Rainbow Trout has also been described where the
species has been introduced (Baird and Krueger 2003, Studdert and Johnson 2015),
no information exists on interspecific habitat associations between introduced populations
of Rainbow Trout and native sculpin species. In many coldwater streams,
sculpin are a major component of the fish assemblage, often dominating in terms
of biomass and numbers (Adams and Schmetterling 2007). In many instances, the
coldwater streams that are inhabited by sculpin are also ecologically suited to salmonids
(Petrosky and Waters 1975). Stream dwelling sculpin are poor swimmers
(Adams and Schmetterling 2007) and have a narrow home range (Natsumeda 1988,
Petty and Grossman 2004); thus, these species may be especially at risk if they are
forced to share available stream habitat with introduced salmonids. Moreover, the
lack of habitat information on native sculpin in sympatry with non-native salmonids
is surprising, considering that, because of their ecological importance, efforts have
been initiated to restore sculpin in lotic ecosystems in streams in Europe (Knaepkens
et al. 2004) and in the upper-Midwest (Mundahl et al. 2012).
C. cognatus Richardson (Slimy Sculpin) are found in many coldwater lentic
and lotic ecosystems in North America, from Virginia to Alaska (Lee et al. 1980).
Together, with juvenile Rainbow Trout, Slimy Sculpin comprise the dominant fish
assemblage in Grout Brook, a tributary of Skaneateles Lake in the Lake Ontario
watershed in central New York. Rainbow Trout were first stocked into Skaneateles
Lake in 1911, and the current population is supported by annual stocking and natural
reproduction in streams such as Grout Brook (David Lemon, New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation, Cortland, NY, pers. comm.). Rainbow
Trout migrate each spring into the tributaries to spawn, and juvenile trout remain in
the streams for 2 y before descending to the lake (Johnson and Douglass 2009). The
objectives of this study were to examine the habitat use of sympatric Slimy Sculpin
and juvenile Rainbow Trout in Grout Brook and to determine if seasonal changes
in habitat use occurs.
Field-site Description
We examined the habitat use of juvenile Rainbow Trout (age 0, 1+) and Slimy
Sculpin (age 0, 1+) during summer and fall in 2015 in Grout Brook (42°43'43''N,
76°14'45''W), a tributary to Skaneateles Lake in central New York in the Lake
Ontario basin. Yearling Rainbow Trout comprised the vast majority of the 1+ trout
category examined whereas the 1+ category of Slimy Sculpin likely consisted
of age 1–3 fish (Becker 1983). The stream is 13.6 km long and drains an area of
2455 ha with excellent riparian-canopy cover that helps maintain summer water
temperatures below 20 °C. Substrate generally consists of a mixture of gravel and
cobble, with some boulders; the mean stream width is ~3.5 m and average depth is
~14 cm.
Northeastern Naturalist
J.H. Johnson, G.E. Mackey, J.A. DiRado, P.L. Randall, and R. Abbett
2018 Vol. 25, No. 4
We carried out habitat observations within a 250-m representative stream
section that we selected after walking ~70% of the stream. We employed the
spot-electrofishing method to capture fish and determine habitat use (Petty and
Grossman 2004). This method, used while working upstream in conjunction with
a deliberate effort to minimize disturbance, is effective in small, shallow streams
(less than 12 cm mean depth, which is insufficient for snorkeling [Heggenes et al. 1990]).
Sample sites were at least 3 m apart to further minimize fish disturbance. We placed
a numbered buoy at the site of each fish sample, and recorded the number, species,
and age-group of all fish collected. We recorded water depth, water velocity
(0.6% from the surface), percent cover, and substrate size at the site of each buoy.
We measured depth with a calibrated wading rod and recorded water velocity with
a Marsh–McBirney model 201d digital flow-meter (Hach, Elkhart, IN). We visually
estimated the amount of cover and substrate size. We quantified cover in 5%
increments as total available cover within 4 fish lengths of the location of the buoy.
Estimation of cover in this manner allowed us to consider more area for larger
fish (i.e., overyearling Rainbow Trout) that are more mobile and use cover over a
broader area compared to smaller fish (Johnson et al. 1992). We classified substrate
size using a modified Wentworth particle-size scale with values of 1 (detritus), 2
(mud), 3 (silt), 4 (sand), 5 (gravel), 6 (rubble), 7 (boulder), and 8 (bedrock) (Orth et
al. 1981). We quantified available habitat within the study reach from data collected
along 20 transects across the stream placed about 20 m apart. We recorded water
depth, water velocity, amount of cover, and substrate size at stations placed 0.25 m
apart along each transect.
Variables for fish-habitat use and available habitat were not normally distributed.
We assessed differences in intra- and inter-specific habitat use, between seasons,
and between fish and available habitat with a non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis oneway
analysis of variance in Statistix 8.0 software (Tidepool Scientific, Tallahassee,
FL). When differences were detected, we employed Dunn’s multiple-comparison
test to differentiate significant groups. We ran principal component analysis (PCA)
to examine the ordination of fish habitat and available habitat variables (Canoco for
Windows 4.5, Wageningin, the Netherlands). We set the alpha level at P < 0.05 to
detect significance.
Table 1. Number (n) of habitat observations and mean total length (mm) for both age classes (0+, 1+)
of Rainbow Trout and Slimy Sculpin during summer and fall in Grout Brook, NY. Size ranges (mm)
are shown in parentheses.
Summer Fall
n Length n Length
Rainbow Trout 0+ 72 63.5 (44–80) 54 69.6 (55–90)
Rainbow Trout 1+ 33 104.2 (101–112) 27 110.3 (90–124)
Slimy Sculpin 0+ 61 32.9 (29–36) 52 41.6 (33–49)
Slimy Sculpin 1+ 43 68.4 (51–85) 38 71.3 (59–90)
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 4
J.H. Johnson, G.E. Mackey, J.A. DiRado, P.L. Randall, and R. Abbett
We made a total of 380 fish-habitat observations, including 126 on subyearling
Rainbow Trout, 113 on subyearling Slimy Sculpin, 81 on overyearling Slimy
Sculpin, and 60 on overyearling Rainbow Trout (Table 1). We determined available
habitat from 240 individual observations.
During summer, subyearling Slimy Sculpin occupied significantly shallower areas
with smaller substrate and less cover than the other fish groups (Table 2). Water
velocities where we found subyearling Slimy Sculpin were significantly slower than
those used by overyearling Slimy Sculpin but were not different than those where we
detected either age class of Rainbow Trout. Water depths, velocities, and substrate
size used by subyearling and overyearling Rainbow Trout and overyearling Slimy
Sculpin were similar during summer. The habitat variable that varied the most among
fish groups during summer was cover. Overyearling Rainbow Trout used the most
cover, which was significantly more than that used by subyearling Rainbow Trout
and subyearling Slimy Sculpin. With the exception of subyearling Slimy Sculpin, fish
groups used significantly deeper and faster areas with larger-size substrate than was
generally available in the stream reach. All 4 fish groups occupied areas with significantly
more cover compared to available cover (Table 2).
During fall, subyearling Slimy Sculpin utilized significantly shallower areas than
the other fish groups (Table 2). In fall, there were no differences among the 4 fish
Table 2. Statistical analysis of mean (± SE) seasonal habitat use (depth (cm), velocity (cm/s), substrate
index, percent cover) for Slimy Sculpin, juvenile Rainbow Trout, and available habitat (AH) in Grout
Brook, NY, during (A) summer and (B) fall. Values followed by a different letter down a column differ
significantly (P < 0.05).
Age Depth Velocity Substrate Percent cover
Slimy Sculpin 0+ 12.7 ± 0.4B 0.2 ± 0BC 4.8 ± 0.1B 14.5 ± 1C
1+ 16.5 ± 0.6A 0.3 ± 0A 5.5 ± 0.1A 22.9 ± 1.3AB
Rainbow Trout 0+ 17.5 ± 0.4A 0.2 ± 0AB 5.5 ± 0.1A 23.1 ± 0.9B
1+ 19.4 ± 1.1A 0.3 ± 0AB 5.8 ± 0.1A 30.2 ± 2.1A
Available AH 11.3 ± 0.7B 0.1 ± 0C 4.6 ± 0.1B 8.3 ± 0.8D
P less than 0.01 less than 0.01 less than 0.01 less than 0.01
df (F) 4 (43.13) 4 (7.55) 4 (28.04) 4 (58.15)
Slimy Sculpin 0+ 14.1 ± 0.8B 0.3 ± 0A 5.1 ± 0.1BC 17.8 ± 1.5C
1+ 19.0 ± 1.0A 0.3 ± 0A 5.4 ± 0.1B 22.4 ± 1.8BC
Rainbow Trout 0+ 18.4 ± 0.9A 0.3 ± 0A 5.4 ± 0.1B 25.5 ± 1.5AB
1+ 22.4 ± 1.9A 0.3 ± 0A 6.0 ± 0.2A 34.6 ± 2.9A
Available AH 15.1 ± 1.0B 0.2 ± 0A 4.8 ± 0.1C 8.9 ± 0.9D
P less than 0.01 0.04 less than 0.01 less than 0.01
df (F) 4 (10.78) 4 (2.54) 4 (19.19) 4 (43.07)
Northeastern Naturalist
J.H. Johnson, G.E. Mackey, J.A. DiRado, P.L. Randall, and R. Abbett
2018 Vol. 25, No. 4
groups in the velocities used. Overyearling Rainbow Trout occupied habitats with
significantly larger substrate and more cover than the other groups. There was no
difference in the substrate size used by subyearling and overyearling Slimy Sculpin
and subyearling Rainbow Trout. The percent cover used by subyearling Slimy Sculpin
was not different from overyearling Slimy Sculpin but was significantly less
than used by subyearling Rainbow Trout. With the exception of subyearling Slimy
Sculpin, the other fish groups occupied significantly deeper areas with larger-sized
substrate when compared to the available habitat in the stream reach. There was
no difference between the velocities used by fish in the fall compared to available
velocities. Similar to summer, all 4 fish groups used significantly more cover than
was available, on average, within the stream reach (Table 2).
Seasonal comparisons
The discharge of Grout Brook was higher in the fall than during summer, which
led to water depths and water velocities being significantly different between
seasons (Table 3). Consequently, we do not discuss observed seasonal differences
in fish-habitat use for these variables because they likely reflect the variation in
available habitat. However, there was no seasonal variation in available substrate
size and available cover. Both subyearling and overyearling Rainbow Trout used
significantly more cover in fall. Overyearling Rainbow Trout, which used significantly
larger substrate in the fall, were the only group to exhibit seasonal variation
in substrate size usage (Table 3).
Principal component analysis (PCA) axis 1 explained 96% of variation and axis
2 explained 4% (Fig. 1). The PCA showed that Rainbow Trout preferred deeper
water than Slimy Sculpin during both seasons and that overyearling Rainbow
Trout occupied the deepest areas. Habitat use by overyearling Slimy Sculpin and
subyearling Rainbow Trout was similar between seasons, although available habitat
differed greatly. Fish-habitat centroids differed strongly from available habitat
centroids in both seasons, with subyearling Slimy Sculpin diverging the most in fall
and the least in summer. This finding may suggest that habitat selection was greater
during periods when water was deep and discharge relatively high. Overyearling
Rainbow Trout centroids diverged strongly from available habitat centroids in both
seasons, suggesting strong habitat selection. Similarly, overyearling Slimy Sculpin
Table 3. Statistical analysis of mean seasonal-habitat values between seasons (summer vs. fall) for
Slimy Sculpin and Rainbow Trout and available habitat (AH). Statistical outputs—P, df, (t-statistic)—
followed by an asterisk (*) signify a significant seasonal difference (P < 0.05).
Summer vs fall [P, df, (t-statistic)]
Age Depth Velocity Substrate Percent cover
Slimy Sculpin 0+ 0.5, 93 (-0.6) less than 0.01, 93 (-2.9)* 0.8, 93 (0.2) 0.5, 93 (0.62)
1+ less than 0.01, 67 (-2.91) * less than 0.01, 67 (-2.68) * 0.6, 67 (-0.53) 0.4, 67 (-0.84)
Rainbow Trout 0+ less than 0.01, 133 (-4.74) * 0.2, 133 (-1.24) 0.6, 133 (-0.51) 0.02, 133 (-2.29) *
1+ less than 0.01, 48 (-3.07) * 0.2, 48 (-1.18) less than 0.01, 48 (-3.26) * 0.04, 48 (-2.08) *
Available AH less than 0.01, 113 (-4.77) * less than 0.01, 113 (-3.46) * 0.1, 113 (-1.62) 0.6, 113 (-0.59)
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J.H. Johnson, G.E. Mackey, J.A. DiRado, P.L. Randall, and R. Abbett
habitat centroids diverged the least from available habitat centroids, indicating the
lowest degree of habitat selection among this fish group (Fig. 1 ).
Assessing intraspecific and interspecific differences in the effect of habitat
variables on fish in small streams such as Grout Brook can be difficult because of
the lack of habitat complexity, which may prevent segregation into specific habitat
types (Rosenfeld 2003). There was sufficient habitat complexity in Grout Brook
to allow us to detect both intraspecific and interspecific differences in habitat.
Subyearling Slimy Sculpin occupied significantly shallower areas and, although
the relationship was not always statistically significant, they were associated with
smaller substrate and less cover than the other fish groups. Among the 4 groups
examined, we detected yearling Slimy Sculpin and overyearling Rainbow Trout
in the most similar habitat characterized by moderate velocities and water depths,
with large substrate and a substantial amount of cover. Overyearling Rainbow Trout
Figure 1. Ordinal representation of habitat data using principal component analysis. RT0+
= subyearling Rainbow Trout, RT1+ = overyearling Rainbow Trout, SS0+ = subyearling
Slimy Sculpin, SS1+ = overyearling Slimy Sculpin, AH = available habitat, S = summer,
and F = fall.
Northeastern Naturalist
J.H. Johnson, G.E. Mackey, J.A. DiRado, P.L. Randall, and R. Abbett
2018 Vol. 25, No. 4
were generally associated with the deepest habitats that had the largest substrate
and most cover.
Similar to our findings, most studies have found that subyearling Slimy Sculpin
occupy shallower areas that have smaller substrate and less cover than overyearling
sculpin (Johnson et al. 1992, Mundahl et al. 2012, van Snik Gray and Stauffer
1999). However, Daniels (1987) found little variation in the habitat use by subyearling
and overyearling Cottus aspercimus Rutter (Rough Sculpin) in a California
stream. In studies done in 2 Pennsylvania streams, Johnson et al. (1992) found that
overyearling Slimy Sculpin occupied areas with significantly greater velocities,
depths, substrate size, and cover than subyearling sculpin, and van Snik Gray and
Stauffer (1999) reported an affinity for vegetative cover by this species. Similarly,
Mundahl et al. (2012) found that overyearling Slimy Sculpin were associated with
deeper areas and larger substrate than subyearlings but there was no difference in
the velocities occupied by the 2 age groups. Our observations on the ontogenetic
variation in the habitat use of Slimy Sculpin in Grout Brook are consistent with
previous observations.
The habitat use of juvenile Rainbow Trout has been extensively studied within
the native range of the species but is less understood where they have been introduced.
Within their native range, subyearling Rainbow Trout generally occupy
areas that have lower velocities, less depth, smaller substrate, and less cover than
overyearling trout (Baltz et al. 1991, Bradford and Higgins 2001, Everest and
Chapman 1972, Johnson and Kucera 1985). These observations are consistent with
the results of studies conducted on juvenile Rainbow Trout habitat use done outside
of their native range (Hearn and Kynard 1986, Studdert and Johnson 2015). Collectively,
based on studies carried out both within the native range and outside of
the native range of Rainbow Trout, there is clear evidence in ontogenetic variation
in habitat use. Several studies that have examined the habitat use of Rainbow Trout
outside of its native range have focused on impacts on native salmonid species
including Salmo salar L. (Atlantic Salmon) and Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill)
(Brook Trout) (Cunjak and Green 1983, Hearn and Kynard 1986, Lohr and West
1992, Magoulick and Wilzbach 1997). Moreover, several additional studies have
focused on other aspects of the effects of Rainbow Trout on native salmonids (Larson
and Moore 1985; Magoulick and Wilzbach 1998a, b). The general consensus
of these studies is that introduced Rainbow Trout have a negative impact on native
salmonids. Although our intent was not to evaluate the impacts of Rainbow Trout
on Slimy Sculpin in Grout Brook, our findings are useful in terms of assessing how
these species are partitioning available habitat in the stream. Furthermore, although
there were substantial differences in habitat use by subyearling Slimy Sculpin and
overyearling Rainbow Trout, the habitat used by subyearling Rainbow Trout
and overyearling Slimy Sculpin was similar. The similarity in habitat between the
latter 2 groups may suggest an increased likelihood of competitive interactions.
PCA was useful in showing that higher stream discharge in the fall tended
to increase habitat selection. Moreover, it showed that of the 4 fish groups examined,
overyearling Rainbow Trout exhibited the greatest degree of habitat
selection when considering both summer and fall. This finding is not surprising
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 4
J.H. Johnson, G.E. Mackey, J.A. DiRado, P.L. Randall, and R. Abbett
because overyearling trout were the largest individuals (i.e., 36 mm longer than
overyearling Slimy Sculpin) and available habitat in small streams such as Grout
Brook is usually most limiting for the largest individuals (Rosenfeld 2003). Conversely,
the smallest fish group examined, subyearling Slimy Sculpin, exhibited
the least amount of habitat selection.
This study fills an important void in describing seasonal habitat partitioning between
an introduced sport fish and a native non-game species. Understanding these
ecological associations is essential because species such as sculpin often play an
important role in maintaining stream resilience to ecological disruption (McCann
2000). Our findings suggest that the most potential for competitive interactions
between Rainbow Trout and Slimy Sculpin in Grout Brook is between underyearling
trout and overyearling sculpin. Further study examining trophic associations
between Rainbow Trout and Slimy Sculpin would provide additional important
information to better assess species interactions.
Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not
imply endorsement by the US Government. We thank Greg Kronisch for assistance in the
field and Marc Chalupnicki for assistance with data analysis.
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