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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 11, Number 4, 2012

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Nephila clavipes (Araneae: Nephilidae): A Model Species for Monitoring Climate Change in the Southeastern United States
Kristin A. Bakkegard and Lawrence J. Davenport

The Purple Pitcher Plant as a Spider Oviposition Site
Marc A. Milne
Effects of Garlic Mustard Invasion on Arthropod Diets as Revealed through Stable-Isotope Analyses
Pieter A.P. deHart and Sarah E. Strand
The Distribution and Habitat of Centruroides hentzi (Banks) (Scorpiones, Buthidae) in Georgia
Dirk J. Stevenson, Greg Greer, and Matt J. Elliott
The Vascular Flora and Phytogeographical Analysis of the Tennessee River Gorge, Hamilton and Marion Counties, Tennessee
Emily Blyveis and Joey Shaw
Herbaceous Plants and Grasses in a Mountain Longleaf Pine Forest Undergoing Restoration: A Survey and Comparative Study
Martin L. Cipollini, Joshua Culberson, Cade Strippelhoff, Thomas Baldvins, and Kalia Miller
Effects of Prescribed Fire on the Buried Seed Bank in Mixed-Hardwood Forests of the Southern Appalachian Mountains
Tara L. Keyser, Tracy Roof, Jacquelyne L. Adams, Dean Simon, and Gordon Warburton
Utilization of Woody Debris by Peromyscus leucopus in a Fragmented Urban Forest
Calley G. Jones and Erin S. Lindquist
The Effects of Extreme Drought on Native Forage Nutritional Quality and White-tailed Deer Diet Selection
Marcus A. Lashley and Craig A. Harper
Application of GIS Techniques for Developing a Fish Index of Biotic Integrity for an Ecoregion with Low Species Richness
Ernie F. Hain, Stacy A.C. Nelson, Bryn H. Tracy, and Halil I. Cakir
Host Identification and Glochidia Morphology of Freshwater Mussels from the Altamaha River Basin
Jennifer A. Johnson, Jason M. Wisniewski, Andrea K. Fritts, and Robert B. Bringolf
Plant Source Influence on Spartina alterniflora Survival and Growth in Restored South Carolina Salt Marshes
Jennifer Beck and Danny J. Gustafson
Suitability of Translocation Sites for Florida Burrowing Owls: Prey Availability and Diet
Ronald J. Sarno, Per A. Nixon, Brian K. Mealey, Ronald E. Concoby, Robert J. Mrykalo, and Melissa M. Grigione
First Observations of Nesting by the Argentine Black and White Tegu, Tupinambis merianae, in South Florida
Tony Pernas, Dennis J. Giardina, Alan McKinley, Aaron Parns, and Frank J. Mazzotti
Social Grooming in the Brown-headed Nuthatch may have Expanded Functions
James A. Cox
First Records of Least Terns Nesting on Non-Gravel Roofs
T. Natasha Warraich, Ricardo Zambrano, and Elizabeth A. Wright
Observations of Notropis photogenis (Silver Shiner) and Etheostoma zonale (Banded Darter) in the Flint River, Alabama
Bruce Stallsmith and Brian Thompson
Noteworthy Books 783

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