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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 17, Number 1, 2018

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Herpetofaunal Inventory of Wormsloe State Historic Site, Savannah, Georgia
Nancy K. O’Hare and Marguerite Madden
Restoration of the Endangered Ruth’s Golden Aster (Pityopsis ruthii)
Phillip A. Wadl, Arnold M. Saxton, Geoff Call, and Adam J. Dattilo
A Comparison of Spider (Arachnida: Araneae) Diversity from Adjacent Mesic and Xeric Habitats Within the Pocosin Nature Preserve, Pike County, Alabama
Chelsea M. Smith, Alvin R. Diamond, and Charles H. Ray
Spawning Community and Egg Deposition for Three Southeastern Nest-associate Minnows
Mollie F. Cashner and Henry L. Bart Jr.
Litter-dwelling Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and Ground Spiders (Araneae: Gnaphosidae) of the Ozark Highlands, USA
Fredericka B. Hamilton, Robert N. Wiedenmann, Michael J. Skvarla, Raghu Sathyamurthy, Danielle M. Fisher, Jon Ray Fisher, and Ashley P.G. Dowling
Effects of Introduced Small Wood in a Degraded Stream on Fish Community and Functional Diversity
Ken A. Sterling and Melvin L. Warren Jr.
The Influence of Temperature on Black-Capped Vireo Nest-site Selection
Ronnisha S. Holden, Michael L. Morrison, and Heather A. Mathewson
Predictors of Bachman’s Sparrow Occupancy at its Northern Range Limit
Alexander C. Fish, Christopher E. Moorman, Christopher S. DePerno, Jessica M. Schillaci, and George R. Hess
The Effect of Mast Availability on Crotalus adamanteus (Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake) Ambush-site Selection
Berlynna M. Heres, Shane M. Welch, and Jayme L. Waldron
Peregrine Falcon Breeding Performance in North Carolina during the 13-Year Post-delisting Period of 2003–2015
Christine A. Kelly, Susan E. Cameron, and Allen C. Boynton
Comparison of Relative Abundance and Microhabitat of Desmognathus organi (Northern Pygmy Salamander) and Desmognathus wrighti (Southern Pygmy Salamander) in North Carolina
C. Reed Rossell Jr., Ivy C. Haas, Lori A. Williams, and Steven C. Patch
Diet and Nematode Infection Differ Between Coastal and Inland Populations of Green Treefrogs (Hyla cinerea)
Molly A. Albecker, William B. Brantley Jr., and Michael W. McCoy
Chemical Detection of Intraguild Predators (Gyrinophilus, Pseudotriton) by Streamside Plethodontid Salamanders (Eurycea)
Glenn A. Marvin and Paul V. Cupp Jr.
Temporal and Locational Variations of a Phytophthora spp. Community in an Urban Forested Water Drainage and Stream-runoff System
Devin S. Bily, Susan V. Diehl, Madeline Cook, Lisa E. Wallace, Laura L. Sims, Clarence Watson, and Richard E. Baird
New Record of Northern Long-eared Bats in Coastal South Carolina
Timothy M. White, James E.Walea, and Jason Robinson
Range Extensions of Three Crayfishes (Faxonius yanahlindus, F. placidus, and F. erichsonianus) into Mississippi
Susan B. Adams and Robert L. Jones
First Record of Selenops submaculosus Bryant (Araneae, Selenopidae; a flattie spider) from Louisiana
Sarah C. Crews, Aimée K. Thomas, Shannon Hester

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