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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 6, Number 2, 2007

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

Front cover  
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Board of Editors/indicia page  
An Assessment of Leech Parasitism on Semi-aquatic Turtles in the Western Piedmont of North Carolina
J. Clint McCoy, Elisabeth L. Failey, Steven J. Price, and Michael E. Dorcas
Population Estimates of Hyla cinerea (Schneider) (Green Treefrog) in an Urban Environment
Lanminh Pham, Seth Boudreaux, Sam Karhbet, Becky Price,Azmy S. Ackleh, Jacoby Carter, and Nabendu Pal       
Hydrogeomorphology and Forest Composition of Sunrise Towhead Island in the Lower Mississippi River)
Sabine Greulich, Scott Franklin, Thad Wasklewicz, and Jack Grubaugh
Associations Between Two Bottomland Hardwood Forest Shrew Species and Hurricane-Generated Woody Debris
R. Brandon Cromer, Charles A. Gresham, Megan Goddard, J. Drew Landham, and Hugh G. Hanlin
Winter Relative Abundance and Habitat Associations of Swamp Rabbits in Eastern Arkansas
Allison Fowler and Robert E. Kissell, Jr.
Translocation of Swamp Rabbits in Southern Illinois
Angela M. Watland, Eric M. Schauber, and Alan Woolf
Castor canadensis (Beaver) Impoundment Associated with Geomorphology of Southeastern Streams
Andrew F. Jakes, Joel W. Snodgrass, and Joanna Burger
Nest Success of Grassland Birds in Florida Dry Prairie
Dustin W. Perkins and Peter D. Vickery
Abundance, Density, and Diversity of Neotropical Migrants at the Lula Lake Land Trust, GA
David A. Aborn
Catostomid Fishes of the Wateree River, South Carolina
David J. Coughlan, B. Kim Baker, D. Hugh Barwick, A. Brad Garner, and W. Robert Doby
Factors Influencing Paddlefish Spawning in the Tombigbee Watershed
Daniel M. O’Keefe, Johanna C. O’Keefe, and Donald C. Jackson
Sexual Dimorphism in Growth of Freshwater Drum
Andrew L. Rypel
Freshwater Fish Assemblages in Isolated South Florida Wetlands
Martin B. Main, David W. Ceilley, and Phil Stansly
Deposit Feeding During Tidal Emersion by the Suspension-feeding Polychaete, Mesochaetopterus taylori
Thomas O. Busby and Craig J. Plante
Clonal Diversity in Differently Aged Patches of the Dune Grass Uniola paniculata
Stephen P. Bush and Marcio E. Stelato
Summer Abundance Estimates of Caretta caretta (Loggerhead Turtles) in Core Sound, NC
Christopher R. Sasso, Joanne Braun-McNeill, Larisa Avens, and Sheryan P. Epperly
Use of Small-volume Nest Boxes by Apis mellifera L. (European Honey Bees) in Alabama
Suzanne Prange and David H. Nelson
Book Reviews 376

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