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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 9, Number 1, 2010

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

Front cover  
Inside front cover  
Board of Editors/indicia page  
Prey Records for the Eastern Indigo Snake (Drymarchon couperi)
Dirk J. Stevenson, M. Rebecca Bolt, Daniel J. Smith, Kevin M. Enge,
Natalie L. Hyslop, Terry M. Norton, and Karen J. Dyer

An Overlooked Hotspot? Rapid Biodiversity Assessment Reveals a Region
of Exceptional Herpetofaunal Richness in the Southeastern United States

Sean P. Graham, David A. Steen, Kerry T. Nelson, Andrew M. Durso, and John C. Maerz

Salamander Use of Karst Sinkholes in Montgomery County, Virginia
Karen E. Francl, Clayton R. Faidley, and Christine J. Small

Challenges of Documenting Tursiops truncatus Montagu (Bottlenose Dolphin)
Bycatch in the Stop Net Fishery along Bogue Banks, North Carolina

Barbie L. Byrd and Aleta A. Hohn

Rotation of Incisors in the Bat Genera Myotis, Eptesicus, and Nycticeius
(Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)

Laurence M. Hardy and Tanya Arant
The Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Fauna of Black Belt Prairie Remnants
in Alabama and Mississippi

JoVonn G. Hill and Richard L. Brown
Spanish Moss, the Unfinished Chigger Story
John O. Whitaker, Jr. and Carol Ruckdeschel
River-based Surveys for Assessing Riparian Bird Populations: Cerulean
Warbler as a Test Case

Mark B. Robbins, Árpád S. Nyári, Monica Papeş, Brett W. Benz, and Brian R. Barber
Mussel Remains from Prehistoric Salt Works, Clarke County, Alabama
Stuart W. McGregor and Ashley A. Dumas
Life-history Aspects of Fundulus stellifer (Southern Studfish) (Actinopterygii:
Fundulidae) in Northern Georgia

Kerstin L. Edberg and Steven L. Powers
Vascular Plant Flora of Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park,
Cobb County, Georgia

Wendy B. Zomlefer, David E. Giannasi, and S. Lee Echols
First Record of Carpiodes velifer (Highfin Carpsucker) in the Apalachicola
River, Florida

Shawn P. Young, Timothy B. Grabowski, Patrick C. Ely, and J. Jeffery Isely

New Record for the Freshwater Snail Lithasia geniculata (Gastropoda: Pleuroceridae) in the Ohio River, IL, with Comments on Potential Threats to the Population
Jeremy S. Tiemann and Kevin S. Cummings

A New Clutch Size Record for the Mud Snake (Farancia abacura)
Chet Powell, Dirk J. Stevenson, Maegan Smith, and John B. Jensen
Aerial Attack Produces Reciprocal Fatal Trauma Between Great Horned Owl
and Red-shouldered Hawk

Shaun Boone, Richard W. Gerhold, and Kevin Keel
Mortality of Adult Colinus virginianus L. (Northern Bobwhite) from Prescribed Fire
James A. Martin, William E. Palmer, Dallas P. Grimes, and John P. Carroll
Noteworthy Books 184

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