Northeastern Naturalist Volume 14, Number 2, 2007
Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.
Front Cover |
Inside Front cover |
Board of Editors/indicia page |
Habitat Characteristics Associated with the Distribution and Abundance of Histrionicus histrionicus (Harlequin Ducks) Wintering in Southern New England
Richard A. McKinney, Scott R. McWilliams, and Michael A. Charpentier
159 |
The Incidence and Effects of Ticks on Migrating Birds at a Stopover Site in Maine
Sara R. Morris, Miranda C. Ertel, and Mary P. Wright
171 |
Detection and Monitoring of Invasive Exotic Plants: A Comparison of Four Sampling Methods
Cynthia D. Huebner
183 |
Eight-year Record of Hemigrapsus sanguineus (Asian Shore Crab) Invasion in Western Long Island Sound Estuary
George P. Kraemer, Monica Sellberg, Alon Gordon, and Jeff Main
207 |
Correlation Between Unionid Mussel Density and EPA Habitat-assessment Parameters
Laura Nicklin and Michael T. Balas
225 |
Natural Communities in Catch Basins in Southern Rhode Island
Mari Butler, Howard S. Ginsberg, Roger A. LeBrun, Alan D. Gettman, and Fred Pollnak
235 |
Relationships Between Fish Assemblage Structure and Selected Environmental Factors in Maryland’s Coastal Bays
Joseph W. Love and Eric B. May
251 |
Fecundity, Age and Growth, and Diet of Fundulus diaphanus (Banded Killifish) in Presque Isle Bay, Lake Erie
Edward C. Phillips, Yvonne Ewert, and Patricia A. Speares
269 |
Ecology of Thamnophis sauritus (Eastern Ribbon Snake) at the Northern Limit of its Range
Sarah L.M. Bell, Tom B. Herman, and Richard J. Wassersug
279 |
Dietary Selection Among Different Size Classes of Larval Ambystoma jeffersonianum (Jefferson Salamanders)
Jeff H. Bardwell, Christopher M. Ritzi, and James A. Parkhurstl
293 |
Xanthoria parietina, a Coastal Lichen, Rediscovered in Ontario
Irwin M. Brodo, Chris Lewis, and Brian Craig
300 |
Emergence Season and Survival in the Nest of Hatchling Turtles in Southcentral New Hampshire
David M. Carroll and Gordon R. Ultsch
307 |
Book Reviews |
311 |