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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 14, Number 2, 2007

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  

Habitat Characteristics Associated with the Distribution and Abundance of Histrionicus histrionicus (Harlequin Ducks) Wintering in Southern New England
Richard A. McKinney, Scott R. McWilliams, and Michael A. Charpentier
The Incidence and Effects of Ticks on Migrating Birds at a Stopover Site in Maine
Sara R. Morris, Miranda C. Ertel, and Mary P. Wright

Detection and Monitoring of Invasive Exotic Plants: A Comparison of Four Sampling Methods
Cynthia D. Huebner

Eight-year Record of Hemigrapsus sanguineus (Asian Shore Crab) Invasion in Western Long Island Sound Estuary
George P. Kraemer, Monica Sellberg, Alon Gordon, and Jeff Main

Correlation Between Unionid Mussel Density and EPA Habitat-assessment Parameters
Laura Nicklin and Michael T. Balas

Natural Communities in Catch Basins in Southern Rhode Island
Mari Butler, Howard S. Ginsberg, Roger A. LeBrun, Alan D. Gettman, and Fred Pollnak

Relationships Between Fish Assemblage Structure and Selected Environmental Factors in Maryland’s Coastal Bays
Joseph W. Love and Eric B. May

Fecundity, Age and Growth, and Diet of Fundulus diaphanus (Banded Killifish) in Presque Isle Bay, Lake Erie
Edward C. Phillips, Yvonne Ewert, and Patricia A. Speares

Ecology of Thamnophis sauritus (Eastern Ribbon Snake) at the Northern Limit of its Range
Sarah L.M. Bell, Tom B. Herman, and Richard J. Wassersug


Dietary Selection Among Different Size Classes of Larval Ambystoma jeffersonianum (Jefferson Salamanders)
Jeff H. Bardwell, Christopher M. Ritzi, and James A. Parkhurstl


Xanthoria parietina, a Coastal Lichen, Rediscovered in Ontario
Irwin M. Brodo, Chris Lewis, and Brian Craig

Emergence Season and Survival in the Nest of Hatchling Turtles in Southcentral New Hampshire
David M. Carroll and Gordon R. Ultsch

Book Reviews 311 






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