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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 17, Number 1, 2010

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Moose Foraging in the Temperate Forests of Southern New England
Edward K. Faison, Glenn Motzkin, David R. Foster, and John E. McDonald


Effect of Direct and Indirect Cues of Predation Risk on the Foraging Behavior of the White-footed Mouse (Peromyscus leucopus)
Benjamin G. Fanson

Judging a Brook by its Cover: The Relation Between Ecological Condition of a Stream and Urban Land Cover in New England
James F. Coles, Thomas F. Cuffney, Gerard McMahon, and Cornell J. Rosiu

Plant Communities of the Burden Hill Forest, Salem County, New Jersey
Stevens Heckscher, James F. Thorne, Mike Bertram, and Michael Ward

Palynology of Three Bog Cores Shows Complex European Impact on the Forests of Central Maine
Robert E. Nelson, C. Kittinger Clark, Elizabeth F. Littlefield, and Newton W. Krumdieck
Impacts of Climate Change on Narragansett Bay
Leslie M. Smith, Sandra Whitehouse, and Candace A. Oviatt

The First Record of Palaemon macrodactylus (Oriental Shrimp) from the Eastern Coast of North America
Barbara E. Warkentine and Joseph W. Rachlin


Disturbance Type Affects the Distribution of Mobile Invertebrates in a High Salt Marsh Community
Margarita Brandt, Keryn Bromberg Gedan, and Erica A. Garcia

Prey and Nesting Behavior of Some North American Spider Wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae)
Frank E. Kurczewski

Nest-site Fidelity in Grassland Birds on Mowed Versus Unmowed Areas on a Reclaimed Surface Mine
Danny J. Ingold, James L. Dooley, and Nicole Cavender

Habitat Associations of Grasshopper Sparrows in Southern Québec
Benoît Jobin and Gilles Falardeau

Barn and Long-Eared Owl Diets: A Comparative Study from Central Pennsylvannia and a Key for Identifi cation of Prey Items
Suzanne M. Khalafalla and Carlos A. Iudica

Parasite Transmission Stages in Feces of Common Eiders Flushed from their Nests
Jenelle D. King and Dave Shutler
Occurrence of Pond-breeding Amphibians at Alpine Ponds in the White Mountains, New Hampshire
Michael T. Jones and Scott D. Smyers
Multiple Annual Litters in Glaucomys sabrinus (Northern Flying Squirrel)
Jesse E.H. Patterson and Stephen J. Patterson
Noteworthy Books 170






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