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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 17, Number 3, 2010

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  

Reduction of High Nitrate Concentrations in a Central New York State Stream Impounded by Beaver
Richard Lawrence Klotz


Movement and Habitat Use by Transplanted Adult Brook Trout in an Appalachian Headwater Stream
Kyle J. Hartman and Marisa Nel Logan

Aspects of the Wintering Biology of Striped Bass at a Power Plant Discharge
Kimberly Williams and John Waldman

Freshwater Mussel (Unionidae: Bivalvia) Distributions and Densities in French Creek, Pennsylvania
Tamara A. Smith and Darran Crabtree

Bog Turtle Habitat on the Lake Ontario Coastal Plain of New York State
Peter A. Rosenbaum and Andrew P. Nelson

Soil Respiration and Ecosystem Carbon Stocks in New England Forests with Varying Soil Drainage
Aletta A. Davis, Jana E. Compton, and Mark H. Stolt


Cavity-nesting Wasps and Bees of Central New York State: The Montezuma Wetlands Complex
Kevin M. O’Neill and James F. O’Neill


Micro-environment and Plant Assemblage Structure on Virginia’s Barrier Island “Pimple” Dunes
Brett A. McMillan and Frank P. Day

Trends in Piping Plover Reproduction at Jones Beach State Park, NY, 1995–2007
Annie F. McIntyre, Julie A. Heath, and Joseph Jannsen

Survival and Winter Diet of Sylvilagus obscurus (Appalachian Cottontail) at Dolly Sods, West Virginia
Alana C. Hartman and Ronald E. Barry

Noteworthy Books 517






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