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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 22, Number 3, 2015

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Babesia spp. in Ursus americanus (Black Bear) in New Jersey
Melissa Shaw, Nikolai Kolba, and Jane E. Huffman
Laboulbeniales (Ascomycota) of the Boston Harbor Islands I: Species Parasitizing Coccinellidae and Staphylinidae, with Comments on Typification
Danny Haelewaters, Serena Y. Zhao, André De Kesel, Rebecca E. Handlin, Isabel R. Royer, Brian D. Farrell, and Donald H. Pfister
Loss of Eelgrass in Casco Bay, Maine, Linked to Green Crab Disturbance
Hilary A. Neckles
Responses of Birds to Humans at a Coastal Barrier Beach: Napatree Point, Rhode Island
Thomas W. Mayo, Peter W.C. Paton, and Peter V. August
Predation of Introduced Mosquito Larvae by the Midge Metriocnemus knabi in the Phytotelma of the Pitcher Plant Sarracenia purpurea and Colonization Following Dry Conditions
Gary Joseph Torrisi, W. Wyatt Hoback, John E. Foster, Elvis A. Heinrichs, and Leon G. Higley
Tree Swallows’ Feather-Lining Their Nest: An Anti-Parasitizing Strategy?
Bernd Heinrich
Habitat Associations of the Eastern Hognose Snake at the Northern Edge of its Geographic Distribution: Should a Remnant Population Guide Restoration?
Celine Goulet, John A. Litvaitis, and Michael N. Marchand
Female-Paced Mating Does Not Affect Pair-Bond Expression by Microtus ochrogaster (Prairie Vole) Males
Kelly McCracken, Robert Lewis, and J. Thomas Curtis
Ant Assemblages of New York State Inland Pine Barrens
Grace W. Barber
Nest-Site Characteristics of Glyptemys muhlenbergii (Bog Turtle) in New Jersey and Pennsylvania
Robert T. Zappalorti, Jeffrey E. Lovich, Ray F. Farrell, and Michael E. Torocco
Identification of Shark Teeth (Elasmobranchii: Lamnidae) from a Historic Fishing Station on Smuttynose Island, Maine, Using Computed Tomography Imaging
Joshua K. Moyer, Nathan D. Hamilton, Robin Hadlock Seeley, Mark L. Riccio, and William E. Bemis
Spatial Genetic and Body-Size Trends in Atlantic Canada Canis latrans (Coyote) Populations
Jason W.B. Power, Nathalie LeBlanc, Søren Bondrup-Nielsen, Mike J. Boudreau, Mike S. O’Brien, and Donald T. Stewart
Seasonal Variation in Understory Light Near a Gap Edge and its Association with Conifer Seedling Survival in a Southern New England Forest
Hector R. Nuñez and Roland C. de Gouvenain
Quantifying New York’s Diamondback Terrapin Habitat
James P. Browne, Alexandra Kanonik, John P. Vanek, Crystal A. Crown, and Russell L. Burke
Root Fragments as Dispersal Propagules in the Aquatic Angiosperm Podostemum ceratophyllum Michx. (Hornleaf Riverweed, Podostemaceae)
C. Thomas Philbrick, Paula K.B. Philbrick, and Brandon M. Lestere
Small-Mammal Consumption of Hypogeous Fungi in the Central Adirondacks of New York
Robert T. Meyer, Alexander Weir, and Thomas R. Horton
Rapid Flower-Opening in Iris pseudacorus
Bernd Heinrich
Identification and Location of Testes in the Invasive Channa argus Cantor (Northern Snakehead)
Joshua J. Newhard






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