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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 22, Number 4, 2015

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Evaluation of a Formula that Categorizes Female Gray Wolf Breeding Status by Nipple Size
Shannon M. Barber-Meyer and L. David Mech
Population Status of the Seaside Sparrow in Rhode Island: A 25-Year Assessment
Walter J. Berry, Steven E. Reinert, Meghan E. Gallagher, Suzanne M. Lussier, and Eric Walsh
Associations of Epiphytic Macroinvertebrates within Four Assemblages of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in a Recovering Urban Lake
Lucas J. Kirby and Neil H. Ringler
American Woodcock and Golden-winged Warbler Abundance and Associated Vegetation in Managed Habitats
Marja H. Bakermans, Cassandra L. Ziegler, and Jeffery L. Larkin
Reintroduction of Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) into the St. Regis River, NY: Post- Release Assessment of Habitat Use and Growth
Dawn E. Dittman, Marc A. Chalupnicki, James H. Johnson and James Snyder
Seasonal Variation in Habitat Use of Juvenile Steelhead in a Tributary of Lake Ontario
Emily W. Studdert and James H. Johnson
Status and Distribution of Wintering Waterfowl in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, 2005–2014
Richard A. McKinney, Kenneth B. Raposa, and Carol L. Trocki
Demographic Responses of Myomorph Rodents to Mast Production in a Beech- and Birch-dominated Northern Hardwood Forest
Christopher A. Conrod and Leonard Reitsma
History of Fish Presence and Absence Following Lake Acidification and Recovery in Lake Minnewaska, Shawangunk Ridge, NY
David M. Charifson, Paul C. Huth, John E. Thompson, Robert K. Angyal, Michael J. Flaherty, and David C. Richardson
The Indirect Impact of Long-Term Overbrowsing on Insects in the Allegheny National Forest Region of Pennsylvania
Michael J. Chips, Ellen H. Yerger, Arpad Hervanek, Tim Nuttle, Alejandro A. Royo, Jonathan N. Pruitt, Terrence P. McGlynn, Cynthia L. Riggall, and Walter P. Carson
Snow Tracking and Trapping Harvest as Reliable Sources for Inferring Abundance: A 9-year Comparison
Toshinori Kawaguchi, André Desrochers, and Héloïse Bastien
Measuring Regal Fritillary Butterfly (Speyeria idalia) Habitat Requirements in South-Central Pennsylvania: Implications for the Conservation of an Imperiled Butterfly
Mark T. Swartz, Betty Ferster, Kevina Vulinec, and Gregory Paulson
Home-Range Dynamics of Female Ursus americanus (Pallas) (American Black Bear) in a Recovering Population in Western Maryland
Michael D. Jones, Andrew N. Tri, John W. Edwards, and Harry Spiker
American Chestnut Caching by Red Squirrels
Bernd Heinrich
A Note on the Mating Behavior of Empis gulosa Coquillett (Diptera: Empididae)
John Alcock
A Flock of Myotis Bats at Sea
Richard H. Thompson, Aaron R. Thompson, and R. Mark Brigham
Report of First Specimens of Pekania pennanti (Fisher) from Virginia
Nancy D. Moncrief and Michael L. Fies
An Isolated Occurrence of Pyractomena ecostata (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) in the Mid-Atlantic with New Records from New Jersey and Delaware
Christopher M. Heckscher and James E. Lloyd
Noteworthy Books B1






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