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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 12, Number 3, 2013

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
A Comparison of Fixed-Width Transects and Fixed-Radius Point Counts for Breeding-Bird Surveys in a Mixed Hardwood Forest
James F. Taulman
Mammalian Depredation of Artificial Alligator Snapping Turtle (Macrochelys temminckii) Nests in North Louisiana
Samuel R. Holcomb and John L. Carr
Annual Survival of Birds Captured in a Habitat Island Bordered by the Urban Matrix of Baton Rouge, LA
Jared D. Wolfe, Erik I. Johnson, Philip C. Stouffer, Falyn Owens, Emma Deleon, Eric Liffmann, Kristin Brzeski, Sherri Utley, Dan Mooney, Claire Coco, and Greg Grandy
Cliff Swallow Breeding Range Expansion along the Great Pee Dee River Corridor in the Carolinas
Douglas B. McNair
Hybridization of White, Yellow, and Striped Bass in the Toledo Bend Reservoir
Sabrina S. Taylor, Stefan Woltmann, Andrew Rodriguez, and William E. Kelso
Evaluating the Efficiency of Flushed Stomach-tube Lavage for Collecting Stomach Contents from Dogfish Sharks
Charles W. Bangley, Roger A. Rulifson, and Anthony S. Overton
Crayfishes of the Apalachicola Ravines, Northern Florida: A Search for the Fireback Crayfish, Cambarus pyronotus
Dale R. Jackson and Richard Franz
Distribution of the Ornate Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin macrospilota) in the Big Bend Region of Florida
Joseph A. Butler and George L. Heinrich
Effects of Hydrologic Connectivity on Pond Environmental Characteristics in a Coastal Marsh System
Sung-Ryong Kang and Sammy L. King
Novel Food Habits of Branchiate Mole Salamanders (Ambystoma talpoideum) from Southwestern Arkansas
Renn Tumlison and Brett Serviss
Are High Pilferage Rates Influenced by Experimental Design? The Effects of Food Provisioning on Foraging Behavior
Jennifer L. Penner, Kelly Zalocusky, Lucy Holifield, Jordan Abernathy, Brenley McGuff, Sarah Schicht, Whitney Weaver, and Matthew D. Moran
Macroinvertebrate Community Responses to Gravel Addition in a Southeastern Regulated River
Ryan A. McManamay, Donald J. Orth, and Charles A. Dolloff
Hydrogeochemical Characterization of Headwater Seepages Inhabited by the Endangered Bunched Arrowhead (Sagittaria fasciculata) in the Upper Piedmont of South Carolina
Weston Dripps, Gregory P. Lewis, Rachel Baxter, and C. Brannon Andersen
Sources of Variation in the Abundance and Detection of the Endangered Florida Grasshopper Sparrow
Michael F. Delany, Richard A. Kiltie, Stephen L. Glass, and Christina L. Hannon
Preliminary Evidence that Patch Burn-Grazing Creates Spatially Heterogeneous Habitat Structure in Old-field Grassland
Devan Allen McGranahan, Gina M. Raicovich, W. Nathan Wilson, and C. Kenneth Smith
Parasitic Beechdrops (Epifagus virginiana): A Possible Ant-Pollinated Plant
Anthony P. Abbate and Joshua W. Campbell
Unusual Courtship Behaviors by Male American Woodcock
James B. Berdeen and David G. Krementz
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