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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 18, Number 2, 2019

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Diet of Nestling Red-headed Woodpeckers in South Carolina
Mark Vukovich and John C. Kilgo
Do Bee Wings Adapt for Flight in Urban Environments?
DeAnna E. Beasley, Jacquelyn L. Fitzgerald, Alison Fowler, Kirsten Keleher, Margarita M. López-Uribe, and Robert R. Dunn
Habitat Preferences of Nesting Southeastern American Kestrels in Florida: The Importance of Ground Cover
Karl E. Miller, Ryan Butryn, Erin Leone, and Jason A. Martin
Amphibians of the Central and Southwestern Piedmont Province of South Carolina
Steven E. Fields
Environmental Gradients and Overlapping Ranges of Dominant Coastal Wetland Plants in Weeks Bay, AL
Adam J. Constantin, Whitney P. Broussard III, and Julia A. Cherry
Comparative Habitat Use of Wintering American Kestrels and Loggerhead Shrikes Along South Texas Roadways
Carter G. Crouch, Aidan J. Flores, Anastasia Krainyk, Leonard A. Brennan, David B. Wester, Eric D. Grahmann, Robert H. Benson, Fidel Hernández, and Jeffrey F. Kelly
Overwintering Anuran Niche Preferences in a Series of Interconnected Ponds in Northwestern Florida
Caleb M. Bomske and Nate Bickford
Temperature Affects Hatching Success of Cocoons in the Invasive Asian Earthworm Amynthas agrestis from the Southern Appalachians
James H. Blackmon IV, Melanie K. Taylor, Roberto Carrera-Martínez, Bruce A. Snyder, and Mac A. Callaham Jr.
A Growing Conspiracy: Recolonization of Common Ravens (Corvus corax) in Central and Southern Appalachia, USA
Zachary J. Hackworth, John J. Cox, Joshua M. Felch, and Mitch D. Weegman
Movement and Fate of Translocated and In Situ Southeastern Pocket Gophers
J.T. Pynne, Jonathan M. Owens, Steven B. Castleberry, Nikole L. Castleberry, and Robert Brinkman
Host Usage and Evidence of Chestnut Lamprey Distribution in Selected Arkansas Streams
Jeremiah M. Salinger and Ronald L. Johnson
Diversity of Haemosporidian Parasites in Mississippi Songbirds
Haley N. Bodden and Diana C. Outlaw
Sciurus niger niger (Southern Fox Squirrel) Density and the Diurnal Patterns, Occupancy, and Detection of Sympatric Southern Fox Squirrels and S. carolinensis (Eastern Gray Squirrel) on Spring Island, South Carolina
Katelyn Amspacher, Beau Bauer, Jayme Waldron, Ernie Wiggers, and Shane Welch
Neonate Cottonmouth Spatial Ecology and Habitat Selection: From Parturition to Hibernation
Zackary J. Delisle, Dean Ransom, and Johanna Delgado-Acevedo
Freshwater Mussels (Bivalvia: Margaritiferidae and Unionidae) of the Buffalo River Drainage, Tennessee
Matthew P. Reed, Gerald R. Dinkins, and Steven A. Ahlstedt
First Record of Consumption of a Spilogale putorius (Eastern Spotted Skunk) by an Alligator mississippiensis (American Alligator)
Stephen N. Harris, Jordan B. Holmes, and David S. Jachowski
Noteworthy Books B1

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